

Camping Today Staff

Please send articles through the ‘Camping Today’ Submission Portal Page:

National Officers

Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at www.fcrv.org. Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 137 Crandon Blvd, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. National Office Phone #: 716-668-6242, [email protected]. Camping Today is supported through FCRV memberships.  OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.

‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms

[ ‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month.]

[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.

Click on the hyperlink below for the type of ‘Camping Today’ submission you’d liked to send.

ArticlesEvent RecapBirthday ShoutoutMilestoneFarewell –  Dear RVEvent Submit

From The President

As President of Family Campers and RV’ers, I am excited to welcome you to Frankfort, NY for the celebration of our 75th anniversary. The Herkimer County Fairgrounds is already a friend of FCRV. New York has held its spring and fall campouts here for at least 15 years.

I believe Hank Nathan, our founder, is smiling at this fine organization celebrating 75 years. He would be proud of the organization, and its leadership that continues to hold FCRV together. We have come a long way since Hank started the organization, with strangers he met on a camping trip, all those years ago.

The Mohawk Valley has so many interesting places to visit. The Baseball Hall of Fame, the Saranac Brewery Tour, the Erie Canal Cruise, and the boat ride on Glimmerglass Lake. If you enjoy walking, and shopping, check out Main Street in Cooperstown. The Adirondack Scenic Railway is the way to go if you’re interested in taking a train ride through the incredible Mohawk Valley. This area offers so much to do, and to see, I hope that you will find some time to take some of it in. Look into the history that helped mold our Country. Know the footsteps of the founding Fathers. Hear the echo of the words they spoke those many years ago.

So, as we spend this week celebrating, seeing old friends and making new ones, and enjoying all that the Campvention team has put together for us, let’s remember our past and look forward to our future.

Let’s Celebrate 75 wonderful years together!

See you at the next Campfire!
Gerry Pfirsch
FCRV International President

Message From: The Trustees

Dear Members of FCRV

The Trustees are grateful for your FCRV membership and passion regarding the organization’s future.

Thanks to many of you for sharing the information you received regarding a recent Trustee decision.  Please allow us to share the facts.

On March 12, 2024, during a regularly-scheduled, monthly meeting, the Trustees made a business decision to add a moment of silence so all members of all faiths can participate in the Campvention and Retiree Rally opening and closing ceremonies. The subject initially arose from 2023 Campvention attendee and 40+-year members’ input, as well as a subsequent review of the organization’s charter documents. 

National Campers and Hikers Association, DBA Family Campers & RVers, is not a religious- based organization. The founding constitution and bylaws lay out the purpose of the organization as promoting outdoor recreation, personal physical fitness, and education, with focus on wildlife and conservation. They identify FCRV as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code, and as such, FCRV must comply with the description of the activities provided in those founding sources. Nowhere in these documents, which are available online at www.FCRV.org, is religion addressed or organizationally-sanctioned.

The Trustees’ decision followed a heartfelt and thorough discussion and was not taken lightly. It neither removes nor prohibits members’ right or ability to pray. ALL are welcome in FCRV and free to attend religious worship services of their choice at national, regional, state/provincial, or chapter gatherings. The decision simply welcomes everyone equally, in accordance with the organization’s Anti-Discrimination Policy.

The Trustees thank you for your FCRV membership.  It is our hope that you aid not only in the sharing of accurate information, but also the support of FCRV’s stated mission.

The FCRV Board of Trustees

Welcome New Members

Trevor Gick Amanda Gick CO Referred by: Internet Search
Dave Tousseau Ginger Tousseau FL Referred by: Internet Search
Joy Hemming Jan Hemming OR Referred by: Lynne Hansen
Dennison, Kyle CO Referred by: Internet Search
Dearborn, Charles Dearborn, Elana CO Referred by: Internet search
Callahan, Timothy Callahan, Rachel MI Referred by: Past Member Rejoining
Mason, Robert Mason, Roseann CT Referred by: Carolyn & Kevin downey
Elmore, Joyce Elmore, Richard CO Referred by: Steve Scholbrock
Larkins, Devra CT Referred by: Mary Denier

Poem – By Alexis Simpson

By Alexis Simpson, – Teen member from Connecticut


In the realm of thought where concepts intertwine,

Resides the realm of abstract, vast and grand.

Where ideas dance and form, a magic sign,

Creating worlds that only minds understand.

No boundaries exist in this ethereal plane,

Where logic and reason take a backseat.

Imagination reigns, untamed and untamed,

Unleashing visions both wild and discreet.

Colors blend and morph, defying the norm,

Shapes shift and twist, with no fixed design.

Emotions rise and fall, like a raging storm,

As abstract art unfolds, both subtle and fine.

Oh, abstract, you challenge our minds to see,

The beauty in the chaos, the possibility.

This was accepted by Connecticut Poetry Bards review 2024.

The “Camping Today” team thanks Lexi for allowing us to publish her poem. Any and all members are encouraged to submit original poetry or prose. Please use the submittal portal https://fcrv.org/camping-today-submission-forms-articles/, Our members enjoy seeing the talents of other members.

Dennis James

Dennis James

Past National Chaplain Dennis James passed away Monday, May 20, 2024 after a long illness.  He and Cindy (past Indiana State Director) had just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in April.…….We extend our sympathy to Cindy and their family.  We’ll keep them in our prayers.  Dennis was National Chaplain from 2013 to 2019.  Dennis and Cindy were Indiana State Directors from 2009 to 2013.  Then Cindy was Indiana State Director from 2013 to 2020.  They’ve been an important part of the Great Lakes Team over the years.  Dennis served in the United States Navy during the Vietnam War on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt.  We’ve been friends with Dennis & Cindy for a long time.  It was good to see them at Campvention last year in Richmond where Cindy helped in the Campvention office.  Dennis will be missed.  The link to his obituary is: https://www.zwickjahn.com/obituary/dennis-james.

Per Dennis’ request, Memorials are to the Adams County Council on Aging, 1109 Dayton St.  Rm.1, Decatur, IN 46733 or PAWS of Adams County, IN, P.O. Box 482, Decatur, IN 46733.

Campvention 2024 – Frankfort, New York

Join in on the discussion at the 2024 Campvention Facebook group.
Click the link above or scan the code below.

Know Before You Go!
By Deb Swanson, Campvention Chair

Do NOT follow GPS directions to exit 31 on I-90. This will take you through downtown Utica. Take exit 30 (Herkimer-Mohawk) and let GPS recalculate you to NY5S bringing you right behind the fairgrounds.



Ice will be available during the day when the office is open. The cost is $3.25/bag and is subject to change.


No open fires are allowed on the fairgrounds. Propane fire pits are allowed in open areas.



Pump out service is scheduled for Sun, Tues, Thurs. You must sign up for service at Central Registration. There is a dump station available. For consideration of the people parked by the dump station, please use a sewer hose seal (available on Amazon for $8.62) on your portable waste tank. The cost for service on Sunday is $50 cash. The cost on Tuesday and Thursday is $40 cash. YOU MUST BE AT YOUR RIG AT TIME OF PUMPING.



Do not forget to bring your recyclable shopping bags. Paper shopping bags are available in our stores for $.05 each.

New York has a $.05 deposit on cans and bottles (including water). Cans/bottles without NY printed on them will not be accepted for deposit return. It is illegal to return cans/bottles (even with NY printed on them) if they were not bought in NY and subject to a $100 penalty per item.



When you arrive at the fairgrounds, pull up the roadway a short distance and a parking team member will lead you to the gate registration area. There you will receive your registration packet. A parking team member will escort you to your site. After you are parked, and set up, go ahead to the central registration area during the times listed.



Central Registration will be in Building C. The registration hours will be:

Saturday 9 am-12 pm and 1 pm-4 pm

Sunday 9:30 am – 11:30 am and 2 -4:30 pm

Stations are set up to receive/provide information about the assorted opportunities to take part while at Campvention. Please return the information cards that you received at gate registration, with your site location and emergency contact information including phone numbers. LIST ONE ON SITE CONTACT AND ONE-OFF SITE CONTACT. Central registration is also where you will pay for activities that require a fee. This is also where you will pay for early days, and the added 50-amp fee, so be sure to bring cash, or your checkbook.




Who does not like to win a prize? Door prizes, and raffle prizes, have long been a tradition at Campvention. One year we auctioned off a large basket donated by a chapter in Canada. This cannot be possible without donations from the people who attend. They can be anything that is new. They can be homemade, or store bought. The more that we have donated, the more door prizes can be given. Use your imagination! Be creative. Even items from the dollar store can make a nice basket. Please be sure to include your name and email address so that the person receiving the prize can properly thank you.



This is the only time of year that Wildlife raises funds for it’s wildlife/conversation grants. Please donate a newly purchased, or handmade item, to be raffled off.

Wildlife is again sponsoring a wildlife photo contest. Submit an 8×10 photo for entry. There are prizes for first, second and third place. There will be a youth class, 17 years and younger, and an adult class. Photos can be dropped off at Central Registration. There is also a bird house contest. They must be handmade and there is also a first, second, and third place ribbon. These houses will be auctioned off if you wish to donate yours. Drop off at Central Registration.



The teens are holding this raffle again this year. The idea is to “buy” TP insurance when you buy raffle tickets. THIS WILL NOT KEEP YOUR TRAILER FROM BEING TP’d, however, if you are TP’d, the teens will come and clean it up. And just like last year, they will have some fabulous prizes.



Dig out those Hawaiian shirts and blouses from the back of the closet and get ready to celebrate Hawaiian Day. The Big Fez will help us celebrate in style.



Your fur babies are waiting to show off how beautiful they are in our Annual Pet Parade. You MUST attend the Pet Parade meeting on Monday to register and receive the details of the parade.



Anything goes in the FCRV parade. Floats, bikes, scooters, golf carts, feet, anything that moves. Make them fancy using our theme for this year, FCRV past, present and future. You will be judged! There are multiple categories to be judged so look your best!



WE CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. Bring extra water hoses if you want a continuous water hook up. Also, bring a multiple water splitter. We definitely could use a 4- or 5-way splitter if you have one. If your rig has a 50-amp cord bring a 50-to-30-amp dog bone. Everyone needs to bring extra electric (extension) cords no matter what amp plug you have.



This is the place where you can sell your “stuff.” Crafts, baked goods, etc. Pre-registration is needed. See Camping Today for the registration form.



Decorate your site, rig, or both for the site decorating contest. Using this year’s theme of FCRV past, present, and future, go crazy, or not. There are prizes.



Whether you have talent, or not, join in the talent show. We will not have buzzing X’s! Cannot sing? Tell jokes, or a story. Cannot dance? Do a comedy skit with your friends. Just have fun. https://fcrv.org/fcrvs-got-talent/ to register.



We can have propane delivered directly to your site, on Monday, if we meet the minimum of 10 rigs. The delivered cost is $4.50/gal cash. YOU MUST BE THERE AT TIME OF DELIVERY. Sign up at Central Registration.



The fairgrounds are charging us an added $5/day for 50-amp electric service. We will be passing this added cost on to the people getting 50-amp service. This includes anyone arriving for any early days. Please be prepared to pay at Central Registration.



Robert Snodgrass has made arrangement to play golf at the Pine Hill Golf Club on Tuesday. The Club is located about 10 miles from the fairgrounds. The cost is $39 for 18 holes with a cart. The anticipated start time is 8 a.m. The golf course is about 10 miles (15 minutes) from the fairgrounds. As in the past there will be a 4-person best ball scramble. If there is enough participation, there may be a $4 discount. There will be a sign-up sheet in central registration, and a meeting Monday night after entertainment.

Central Registration

When CENTRAL REGISTRATION opens please come to the registration area where you will visit each station to receive or provide your information for the various opportunities to participate in while at camp. Bring the information where you’re parked and emergency contact information w/phone numbers. Also, you can sign up for the activities and meals at this time. We will assist you with any questions or needs.


First Timers

We are so pleased that you are making the 2024 Campvention your 1st! The whole Campvention committee is committed to making your first time your best time! So don’t be afraid to ask anyone on the committee for anything that will help you enjoy your stay! The Glossary of Terms contains some commonly used words or phrases. Please utilize this Glossary as needed.

First Timers Meetings
Monday 9:00 am & Friday 1:00 pm
Be sure to attend these meetings to help you navigate Campvention!


Honey Wagon & Propane

Honey Wagon Service: RV dump service will be provided by Jon’s Johns Portable Toilets on Sunday ($50), Tuesday ($40) and Thursday ($40). Sign up will be at central registration and a minimum of 10 RVs each day must sign up or the service is cancelled for that day. Members are required to be present at their RV at the time of service. https://jonsjohnsportables.com/


Propane Service: Propane service will be provided by Harbor Point Energy Products on Monday. Sign up will be at Central Registration. Cost will be $4.50 per gallon in cash. Members are required to be present at their RV at the time of service.


Hospitalities, consisting of a snack and drink and/or a small gift, are scheduled each day. These are FOR EVERYONE held usually after the evening entertainment from Sunday through Friday.

  • Sunday June 23: Region #5 “Campvention 2024 Host”
  • Monday June 24: Region #7 “Canadian Welcome”
  • Tuesday June 25: (A.M.): Trustees “Good Morning FCRV!”
  • Tuesday June 25: (P.M.): Ohio Stars “A Little Gift for You”
  • Wednesday June 26: FFCC “Hawaiian Day”
  • Thursday June 27: Michigan State “Michigan Munchies”
  • Friday June 28: Sponsored by Campvention 2024 “More Smores Please!”

Campvention Parade

If you plan on being in the Parade at 10AM on Friday, you need to attend and register at the Meeting at 4PM on Monday in Building C. All participants or a representative MUST attend to register and receive a number to attach to the float/vehicle from the Parade Committee.

The parade theme is “Camping – Past, Present, and Future”. We encourage all state, province, teen, youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals to participate with floats/vehicles or walking. Historically, the parades went through the town we were camping in, but in recent times we have stayed on the campground.

Previewing of all floats will be done Friday 9AM-10AM before the start of the Parade.


Sunday – 5:00 pm
Camden Continentals – Fife & Drum Corps

In the mid 1800s the Taberg (NY) Fife & Drum Corps was created under the direction of Alanson White. Mainly playing at political rallies and patriotic celebrations, in 1945 the band moved to Camden and renamed the Camden Continentals. The corps now has an active schedule of approximately 15 events per year at parades and musters. The Camden Continentals mission is to entertain the people of Central New York while promoting patriotism and a general sense of esprit de corps within our community.

The Camden Continentals will step off in formation and parade around the Campvention grounds at 5 pm. They will conclude near the stage, where they will perform a few numbers before providing accompaniment for the national anthems.

Monday – 7:00 pm
Grit & Grace

Since 2011 Grit N Grace has been entertaining audiences regionally in NY as well as neighboring states with their unique blend of high energy country, rock, and dance music for a show that is enjoyable for all ages.

Tuesday – 7:00 pm

FCRV’s Got Talent

Comedy, Dance, Singing and Music. Sit back and show your support for your fellow FCRV members as the share their special talents with you.

Wednesday – 7:00 pm
Big Fez and the Surfmatics

Big Fez & the Surfmatics are a four-man group performing classic surf and beach music from the early 1960’s and beyond. While all four members are journeymen musicians who have individually developed their craft through rock, country, bluegrass, and celtic music, it is the music of their youth, the “music of the surf”, that has brought them together to form this outstanding combo.

Friday – 7:00 pm
Leslie Tallmadge – Campfire sing-along

With a decade of experience as a Girl Scout leader and camp counselor, Leslie has collected hundreds of camp songs. She has performed many times to appreciative audiences at Camp Amahami, and during COVID kept the Camp spirit alive through Facebook Live campfire sing-alongs.

TP Raffle

The Teens are holding this raffle again this year. The idea is to “buy” TP insurance that also serves as raffle tickets. THIS WILL NOT KEEP YOUR TRAILER FROM BEING TP’d! However, if you are TP’d, the Teens will come and clean it up. And just like last year, they will have some fabulous prizes!

Food Trucks

Paco’s Empanadas House is coming Sunday to Tuesday and then Thursday to Friday for lunch and dinner.

Donut DinerSunday thru Friday. She will be there for breakfast and evening. She also has specialty drinks (non-alcoholic)

Dream Dippers – A favorite from last year returns! Will be on grounds the full week.

Mud Road Sugar House – Taste the Sweetness of Nature!! Monday – Wednesday. Offerings: maple syrup, maple candy, maple cream, maple popcorn, maple cotton candy……and pancake flour.

Campvention Parade Plans Made?
By: Lynn Tinter, Parade Chair

Have you been making plans for the parade? Time is running short! Campvention 2024 begins in 8 days!!

Campvention 2024’s parade will be Friday June 28th, at 10am.

Registration will be at 4PM on Monday June 24th in Building C. All participants or a representative MUST attend to register and receive a number for their entry from the Parade Committee.

The parade theme is “Camping – Past, Present, and Future”. Be creative – figure out how to depict the past, present, and/or future of camping. This is the 75th anniversary of FCRV, and we are hoping for a large showing at our national Campvention parade. The parade will consist of walking and riding units. All state, province, teen, youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals are encouraged to participate. Historically, the parades went through the town we were camping in, but in recent times we have stayed on the campgrounds.

Let’s do this!! Let’s Parade at Campvention 2024!

Family Fun Day
By Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Meal Chair

Countdown! 9 days to Family Fun Day!!

Our FCRV Trustees will be hosting Family Fun Day on Monday June 24th beginning at 11 AM. Family Fun Day is a gathering of all members to mingle with old friends and meet new friends. The Trustees will be setting up games for all ages! Plan on participating in the fun!

In addition to the games, it is also an opportunity for the teens to raise funds by selling hotdogs and hamburgers. The teen organization will be selling Family Fun Day tickets at Central registration for their hotdog/hamburger meal being served on Monday from noon to 1 PM. We are trying to keep our costs at $5.00/meal that includes a hotdog or hamburger with chips and water. So, please remember to purchase your tickets at Central registration. We will also have some extra meals to purchase if you didn’t get a ticket. The teens will appreciate your support!

See you soon at Campvention 2024!

Campvention 2024 Golf Outing! Bring Your Clubs!!

By Robert Snodgrass, Campvention Golf Chair

Pine Hills Golf Club 247 Jones Rd, Frankfort, NY 13340

Tuesday June 25th

$39 for 18 holes with a cart.

Tee time: anticipated time 8:00 and 9:00 AM.

The golf course is about 10 miles (15 minutes) from the fairgrounds. Like the past, we will do a 4-person best ball scramble.

If we get enough participation, we may get a $4/person discount.

I will put up a sign-up sheet in Central Registration and have a meeting Monday night after entertainment.

Site Decorating at Campvention 2024
By Shari Weber, Site Decorating Chair

Plans Made? Supplies Gathered?

Have you made your plans & gathered your materials to participate in the Campvention 2024 Site Decorating Contest?

The theme for decorating is “Camping – Past, Present, and Future”. A little different from previous years, prizes will be awarded for first $40, second $30, and third $20 place. The folks from Crazy Acres are eagerly looking forward to seeing your creativity.

Remember to support our sponsor Crazy Acres Campground. They can be reached by phone at 607.278.5293 or email at [email protected]. Find details about the campground on the web at www.crazyacrescampground.com

See you at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds soon!!

Updated Food Vendor Info
By Ron Cohee, Campvention Commercial Chair


Paco’s Empanadas House is coming Sunday to Tuesday and then Thursday to Friday for lunch and dinner.

Donut DinerSunday thru Friday. She will be there for breakfast and evening. She also has specialty drinks (non-alcoholic)

Dream Dippers – A favorite from last year returns! Will be on grounds the full week.

Mud Road Sugar House – Taste the Sweetness of Nature!! Monday – Wednesday. Offerings: maple syrup, maple candy, maple cream, maple popcorn, maple cotton candy……and pancake flour. Visit their website: www.mudroadsugarhouse.com

Countdown to Campvention 2024 Youth Activities
By Barb McHale, Youth Chair

Campvention 2024 begins in 9  Days!! Our Youth Team is anxious to provide a wonderful week for our FCRV Youth!!

The Theme: ‘Remembering Our Past…Celebrating Our Future’

Youth activities daily Monday through Thursday for the hours of 9-11 am and 1-3 pm. Fun awaits! Remember to dress in clothes that can be played in! We will be using paints frequently. Sneakers should be worn for Tuesday afternoon’s races/activities. For our Wednesday afternoon water activities, consider wearing bathing suits under t-shirts/athletic shorts and bring a towel.

Expect to participate in numerous fun activities ranging from crafts to obstacle courses, each embracing our Campvention theme. Plan to learn about the NY State Bird while you assemble a Bluebird house to take home. We will construct wooden stilts and land skis to play and compete with. We will be playing some small group games that many enjoyed years ago as well as creating art work with various methods and mediums. Ornaments to remember our time at Campvention will finish out our activities. All supplies will be provided for activities.

Children under 5 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Youth 5-8 must be signed in and out by a parent/guardian (or accompanied by). Parents of youth ages 9-12 can choose whether or not to allow their child to sign themselves in and out- a permission statement indicating choice must be signed.

Teen Center
“The Diamond Mine”

Teens will have a variety of activities at Campvention, mixed with downtime to allow them to sell TP Raffle tickets and just plain relax. Field trips to Wolf Mountain, a Challenge Course, and to a roller rink, will be blended with onsite activities, all for the

benefit of our teens.

On ground activities will include working at the Hot Dog sale during the Family Fun Day

activities, volleyball, softball and time set aside to work on their entry into the FCRV Parade on Thursday. A big highlight of the week is the annual TP Raffle, slated for


It all begins with a Teen/Parent/Guardian meeting on Sunday night where plans will be

reviewed, Permission Slips signed, and questions answered. All State/Provincial Teen

Directors are asked to attend as well, and those wishing to volunteer as chaperones or

drivers would also be welcome at this meeting.

Pet Parade


It has been brought to my attention that your fur babies want to be the center of attention at Campvention. Well don’t you know that it is a tradition that they are highlighted in their own parade! This year the contest will take place on Hawaiian day. You must attend the pet parade meeting on Monday to be registered and official. So, bring the appropriate attire and join us center stage for the best show of the week.

Adult Games

Part of the energy and activity at Campvention comes from the adult sports/games we play the first three mornings at Campvention. This year we will play ladder golf, washer toss and cornhole. They will be M/T/W 9am. Check the schedule for details, and the rules for each are on the FCRV website. In addition to these three, we will play bocce, most likely on Thursday. We will also have a course set up for disc golf.

For the three games, you can play as an individual, a team of two, or both groups. If you’d like to play doubles, but don’t have a partner, show up anyway, people will be paired up on gameday.

Please sign up at Central Registration. If in doubt, sign up, we can adjust on gameday. And, if at the last minute your schedule allows you to play, you can still show up and it will happen.

To make these games move along smoothly, we need supplies. If you have ladder golf sets, washer toss boards or CORNHOLE boards and bags, PLEASE BRING THEM! FCRV does not own any cornhole sets.

Adult Activity Center

If you have ever attended a Family Campers & RVers national rally, which we like to call “Campvention”, you’ll know that there is a lot on the schedule. But we also know that not all these activities appeal to all members, so for those times when you’d just like to play cards, do a puzzle or meet friends for a conversation, we have the Adult Activity Center. There we have puzzles, books, games and cards…or you could bring your own. We also have several activities scheduled for the center, such as Euchre , Hand and Foot, Bingo as well as other things to do. So be sure to look for these interesting diversions in the schedule, and enjoy the relaxed setting of the Adult Activity Center. The Center is located at the southern end of Building C.


Thursday June 27, 2024 9:00am to 12:00pm in Bldg A.

Come out and support your fellow FCRV members. Lots of handmade items from baby booties to blankets to stuffed animals. We have very talented members, come see what they can do!



Feeling Crafty?

Join Mary Thompson to construct all or just one of the following crafty projects. Pre-registration and $10 fee is required for each craft. All materials are included in the fee. Please bring along your own glue gun and wire cutters.

Tuesday June 25, 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Magnetic Message Board

Wednesday June 26, 10:00 – 11:00 am

“Seed Packet” Wreath

Thursday June 27, 10:00 – 11:00 am

Floral Wreath

D.A.S.A.T. Seminars

Internet and Cell Phone Safety in Today’s’ Environment – Come with an open mind to learn how to use your cell phone safely. This will be a review of things to do and things not to do when using a cell phone. Many important points will be discussed. Learn how your children/teens may be using the cell phone and passing along personal information without your/our knowledge. Learn how to protect yourself and your family. Important tips of understanding will be presented.

Citizens Guide to Emergency PreparednessHow prepared will you be when an emergency occurs? To be covered in this seminar are various ways on how to prepare for the different types of emergencies, and what to do. A weather event can happen instantly, do you know how to take care of loved ones in a moment’s notice? Preparation is the key to your survival. Knowing what to do, how to do it, and when to stay in place or evacuate will be discussed.

Cooking for GroupsMany times when a group of people gather, food may be served. Everyone loves to eat. This seminar originally written by Marilyn Rausch will cover the basics of food preparation. Some of the things to do and other things not to do as it pertains to the basic preparation, serving and consumption of food during the various seasons, winter, summer, spring and fall. Basic food safety guidelines will be presented.

DAT-Our Disaster Awareness Team One of National Campers and Hikers, Family Campers and RVers foundational program areas is Disaster Awareness Training. Come to this workshop/seminar and learn about the various topic areas that fall under the purview of Disaster Awareness. Each area of awareness will be touched on, briefly. You will learn a lot, and this also gives you the opportunity to pick up some hints on topic areas to present at your chapter or state campouts. (Handout will be available.)

C.A.M.P. – What is it, and what does it do at Campvention?

Campers Actively Moving Program: the name Family Campers & RVers gives to its hiking, biking, canoeing, dancing, climbing, and all other forms of deliberate movement designed to help us get, and stay, in reasonable physical condition. CAMP events take place at national, regional and state or provincial campouts, and are also scheduled at chapter campouts. FCRV members get credit for participating in these activities via “coupons” which can be used to purchase FCRV gear. This year plans include kayaking or canoeing on the nearby Erie Canal, and the team is hard at work to obtain rentals for members who don’t have their own equipment with them. Additionally, there are plans afoot for Disc Golf, as well as hikes scheduled each morning. If these details are not finalized prior to the printing of this book, members are strongly encouraged to visit the bulletin boards posted at Campvention each day for an update of the schedule for C.A.M.P. activities.


Seminars are scheduled daily. They will cover both conservation and local history/interest and alternate topics by time. All presenters have volunteered to join us, and several will have their products (honey, maple, books) available immediately following their session.

Sunny Hunny FarmsTracy Robbins-Garrison
Sunny Hunny Farms, owned by Violet Robbins and Tracy Robbins-Garrison, in Amsterdam is a licensed nursery with an apiary for beehives. The mother and daughter have just opened a seasonal store at their 18-acre farm to expand access to its fresh cut flowers, potted plants, fruits, vegetables, honey and bee products.

Origins of the Erie CanalCraig Brack
“The Mind-sets and Motivations Which Created the Erie Canal” will explore several major events in the early history of our country which led to the construction and success of the canal. In particular, there were at least three such events which occurred from 1776 to 1815 which led directly to the ultra-expensive construction of the canal starting in 1817. This will help you better understand and appreciate your trip along the nation’s first highway.

The Oneida Indian NationJessica Farmer www.oneidaindiannation.com
The Oneidas are an indigenous nation of American Indian people whose sacred and sovereign homelands are located in Central New York. The Nation was a key ally of the United States during the Revolutionary War, and it has been a cultural and economic anchor for the region.


Mud Road Sugar HouseVern Duesler III www.mudroadsugarhouse.com
Over five generations, Mud Road Sugar House has grown from to a 4000 tap operation encompassing several hundred acres of sugarbush. Like most operations it is family owned and operated by Vern Duesler III (Margaret), sons D.J. (Erica), and Chad (Lindsay) and the grandchildren. Hear from the source how sap is made into syrup and taste the goodness that nature provides.

Invasive SpeciesAddison Kubrick www.capitalregionprism.org
Invasive species are any non-native species (plant, animal, microbe, etc.) that have the ability to cause harm to the environment, economy, and/or human health. The Capital Region Partnership for Invasive Species Management works in collaboration with partner groups to promote prevention, education, and outreach strategies, create early detection and response networks, and execute best management practices for invasive species control.

Revolution in the ValleyFt. Stanwix National Monument staff www.nps.gov/fost
For centuries, the Oneida Carrying Place, a six mile portage connecting the Mohawk River and Wood Creek, served as a vital link for those traveling by water from the ocean to the Great Lakes. When Europeans arrived, nations fought for control of the carry and the rich resources of North America. Learn how this strategic location became the lynchpin that allowed our nation to survive.


Haunted Mohawk ValleyDennis Weaver www.facebook.com/GhostSeekersOfCentralNY
The Mohawk River winds through central New York, and along its meandering path residents and visitors have encountered the supernatural. In Utica, ghosts grace the stage of the Stanley Theater; Spirits of Revolutionary War soldiers still march on the Oriskany Battlefield and linger in Schoharie’s Old Stone Fort; and some former residents of Beardslee Castle in St. Johnsville, Boonville’s Hulbert House and the Seashell Inn of Sylvan Beach have resisted vacating.

Rawlings Adirondack Bat CompanyTBD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ6LRohZY8I
One of a few manufacturers of major league baseball bats, Rawlings Adirondack has supplied amateurs, all-stars, and Hall of Famers with the tool of their trade for over a century. Discover how bats are made, why the lumber comes from such a small region, and how they have reacted to the demise of ash due to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer. 

Schedule & Program Book

Get an early jump on this year’s Campvention Program Book and Schedule here: This year’s program book will only be available via eBook. Feel free to print your own if that is more your style.  www.fcrv.org/campventionschedule

All attendees will receive a double sided two page flyer with maps and a schedule at registration.

QR codes will be posted all around the grounds for easy access on your phone to both the Program Book and Schedule/Changes. Schedule changes will also be announced at nightly announcements, as well as posted at the Campvention Office(Building L). For the first time, schedule changes will also be available electronically via the FCRV website and emailed to attendees.

“Many Hands Make Light Work”

“Many Hands Make Light Work”
By Pat Wittmeyer

Well, alright.  It wasn’t “light work” by any means, but there were definitely many hands.  On Memorial Day weekend eight families arrived at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds for the annual New York State Campout and were prepared to work. The Herkimer County Fairgrounds are maintained by an all-volunteer staff, so NYSA members stepped up to assist in painting buildings, crosswalks, the miniature Gem Mining sluice, and a variety of other tasks to help get the grounds ready to receive FCRV members and friends for our Diamond Jubilee Campvention. Work began with Wayne and Lois Zuhosky, assisted by Frank and Deanna Russell, cleaning, scrubbing, and power washing over 150 8’ picnic tables not over the course of hours, but rather for 2 full days. Made of plastic resin, these tables have been bumped, scratched, stained, and spilled upon over time, resulting in a full collection of stains and marks.  But these two couples washed, scrubbed, soaked and rinsed these tables to a pristine condition, assuring that they returned to their original white color in time for our members to use them for meals, crafts, cards and games and a variety of other purposes during the Campvention.  They really knocked it out of the park!  Many thanks to them for their hard work.

A team of painters, consisting of Carol Burns, Pat Wittmeyer, Kathy Collier, Chrisine Wheaton and Barb McHale went to work on the miniature Gem Mine, a working replica on the fairgrounds of sluice mining. They sanded away the old lifted paint, reset nails and supports, and matched the color of the miniature water tower that supplies the water to the sluice.  Just how many shades of brown are there in the paint store anyway?? The supply shed behind the sluice was also given a fresh coat of paint, including trim.  The always accumulating mold on the rollaway awning on the building was also cleaned.

The other collection of painters, which included Ian Burns, Joe Wittmeyer, Mike Burns and Sean McHale, went to work on a new storage shed which was unpainted and turned it a lovely shade of red.  Carl Fromholzer, the assistant Campvention Chairman, worked on updating bathroom fixtures, and generally wrangled the various volunteers into working teams.  He and his wife, Sue, also ran into town for supplies when needed and answered the many questions that arose as work progressed. By the time the weekend wrapped up, there were some backaches, some aching knees, some aching heads, but very little sunburn – and yes, this would be the weekend that saw temperatures climb to 20 degrees above normal!

These are among the most active families in the New York State Association of FCRV.  Each and every one of them is either chairing a function or working on a committee for the upcoming rally. They  want to showcase what we can do as active members of our international camping club. We look forward to welcoming you to our home state and to help us “Remember our Past – Celebrate our Future”.

Personalized garments; drinkware; clings; decals; kitchen & bath items. You can choose from our large graphic collection or use your photos or designs.

For FCRV branded items: https://stores.inksoft.com/fc_rv/shop/home

For other items: https://stores.inksoft.com/marshall_creations16/shop/home

Call or text: 410-533-0038
[email protected]

Dear RV

Do you have questions about your RV, accessories, best practices, etc? Submit them to Dear RV and our staff will attempt to answer them. The answers are based on years of camping experience, but we don’t guarantee that the answers will apply to your specific unit or situation. If someone submits a question and you can add to our answer OR have a better answer, please submit below with information about the original question. Your submission will be reviewed for possible publication in a future Dear RV Q&A. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer. Remember, all submissions are anonymous.

Us here at Dear RV!

Dear RV,

What was the most challenging thing you had to solve during your first RV trip – and how did you solve it?

Well, for me, that was a weekend trip to a lake in Montana, Mystic Lake, a beautiful lake that is about an 8-hour hike up a mountain. The challenge was the weather.  It decided to rain, and we were challenged trying to keep things dry. I was able to keep things dry as camp was on a bit of a high spot, but the tent was small, and, thankfully, I had an extra poncho in my backpack that aided in keeping that tent dry. We also built shelters that resembled easy-ups out of ponchos so that we could stay outside and not be in the tent all day. So, never underestimate a poncho.

Now, my first or second trip with a 5th wheel is another story! Upon hooking up, the jacks worked fine; however, when we went to unhook the gear, one of the landing jacks broke. We were unable to unhook, unable to level up; so the only thing left was to use blocks under the wheels adjusting until we were level. It was a great camping trip and a wonderful weekend. Upon getting home, the RV went into the shop, receiving new jacks.

Thanks for writing Dear RV.

Dear RV,

In today’s fast-paced world, how do you find time to camp?

Belonging to an FCRV chapter with planned campouts throughout the season allows for getting out regularly. Let the lawn wait, and work can wait until Monday. An unplanned trip is fun for an extra weekend getaway. It is easy to find reasons to stay home rather than go camping. There is something really refreshing about sitting by a campfire even by yourself to reflect on the day. Go ahead, take that weekend and go camping! Let the fast pace of work whizzzzz by and enjoy that campfire. Add to the fun by inviting friends to join you.



(607) 278-5293
263 Beaver Spring Road Davenport, NY 13750
Get Directions – Email the CampgroundReserve Online

Click on a year to see those months past issues of “Camping Today”.

20212020 2019



Letter From Retiring Camping Today Editor

by DeWayne Johnston

July 15, 2022.

In 1989, then President Lyndon Mayer urged  me to take over the editor portion of Camping Today since Editor Dave Higbie needed to spend more time on his successful travel business. I had been doing volunteer publicity for NCHA. As editor I was hired as a contractor for service. Dave and Martha Higbie would stay on as publisher and continue to do the layout and printing and supervise mailing. Copies were printed and mailed at that time. Since then, NCHA/FCRV has had several publishers who took care of layout, printing and mailing for a fee.

I was fortunate to have several mentors who knew the organization inside out. Among them were the Higbies and Noreen Smith,  I was also glad to get to know founder Hank Nathan, National Director Don Plummer,  Office Manager Fran Opella, Layout Person Cathy Williams and many others including the presidents I served under. My wife June was always a great help, too.

My last few years were made a little easier by Vickie Roop who volunteered to take over layout when Camping Today alternated  between print and mail and online issues.  Of course, today, it’s all done on line with Carl Fromholzer and Paul Standiford doing the layout and Pat Wittmeyer taking care of the mailed subscriptions . 

My overall goal was to develop sources for interesting and useful articles and to encourage the membership to share what they are doing in the way of camping activities and other community service projects. Covering Campventions, Retiree Rallies, and other special events was also important. Making FCRV look good wasn’t hard since so many chapters, states, and provinces were doing lots of public service such as Conservation Projects, fundraising for charities, and things like bringing Christmas to orphanages and nursing homes. Also, the Connecticut ’Make A Wish’ support and the Winter Texans Veterans Home gift drive were significant. Rallies have always taken up donations for the local food banks and nursing homes, etc. including Ronald McDonald House.

Although I am retiring as editor, I’ll still be around taking a few pictures and may contribute a story or two.  We’ll continue to camp and enjoy the many great friends we have in FCRV.