Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
- From The President
- Changes at the National Office
- FCRV Hank Nathan Scholarship – Eligibility 2024
- FCRV National Election
- Welcome New Members
Upcoming National Events
Event Schedule & Recaps
Camping Information & Tips
Wildlife & Conservation
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editorial Proofreader: Shari Weber
- Proofreader: Beth Muschinski
- Proofreader: Patricia Wittmeyer
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
Please send articles through the ‘Camping Today’ Submission Portal Page:
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Linda English
- VP of Programs: Dora Lewis
- VP of Planning & Development: Amy DeCamp
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Sandi Wingert
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 137 Crandon Blvd, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. National Office Phone #: 716-668-6242, [email protected]. Camping Today is supported through FCRV memberships. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms
[ ‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month.]
[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.
Click on the hyperlink below for the type of ‘Camping Today’ submission you’d liked to send.
Articles – Event Recap – Birthday Shoutout – Milestone – Farewell – Dear RV – Event Submit

From The President
Well, here we are, the holidays behind us and the New Year ahead of us. This is the time that we start to get back to the work of camping. We have schedules to make for the New Year. Many of you have your plans already submitted to your State, Provincial, or Regional Directors. Some of you are planning RV shows. If you are, now is the time to request fliers. Don’t wait until the last minute to request them. Do it in advance to ensure that you receive them in time. As you can see, we are in the detail time of our camping year.
We have an election on the horizon, and now is the time to make sure that you have your correct email address on file at the office. The voting will be electronic again this year, and you must have the correct email on file to receive your ballot. If you must vote by mail, now is the time to request a ballot. The ballot must be returned no later than the end of business on the 15th of April. You will receive a ballot by email, and you will have a link to allow you to vote based on your membership number. This will allow only one vote per membership number. Your votes will be counted, and results will be tabulated. Please watch Camping Today for the Bios and the Platforms of the Candidates. To the members who have stepped up and are running ,I would like to thank you for your dedication to FCRV and its future.
Planning is moving forward for Campvention 2024. Deb and her team continue to plan and work toward Campvention in June. This is a change from the normal time of Campvention, but we are still looking forward to a great Campvention. I hope that you are a part of this Campvention as this is our 75th Anniversary. I know that there are some special things planned. So now is the time to make your plans and get your registration in for this year. We hope to see you there.
See you at the next Campfire!
Gerry Pfirsch
FCRV International President

Changes at the National Office
As of November 7, 2023 Family Campers ceased renting office space. Our employees are now working from each of their home offices. The main phone number remains (716) 668-6242, which will be answered by Carl. A second number (716) 327-5748 will be answered by Pat. The office email continues as [email protected]. Our new address is: 137 Crandon Blvd, Cheektowaga, NY 14225.
The International Office has been reorganized to better utilize the talents and strengths of our paid employees. Pat’s new title is Membership Ambassador. Her communications abilities will be tapped as she reaches out to new members. She will also be nudging state/provincial and regional directors to make contacts with their new members in addition to her communications. These contacts are vital to the retention of memberships. Pat will also be putting her thinking cap on to propose new programs and revitalize old programs for membership recruitment and retention. The Ambassador Program will also be updated and revitalized under her direction. Pat will be working Tuesday – Thursday. All directors and field staff are strongly encouraged to call Pat to discuss membership concerns in their areas and suggest ideas to remedy problem areas. Together we will return to the personal contacts and friendships that have made FCRV “The Friendliest People in the World”.
Carl’s new title is Administrator. As such he will be handling data entry, managing our website and social media platforms, recommending and implementing marketing and promotional strategies. Carl will be supporting the commercial, promotion, and marketing team to provide promised benefits and services. Carl is working diligently and will continue to work toward getting Family Campers into the digital environment successfully. Carl will be working Monday – Friday..
Both Pat and Carl will continue to support the Trustees in all aspects of operations for Family Campers. They are available for questions and to help where needed. Pat and Carl will be part of the team for Campvention 2024, which will be held at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds in Frankfort, NY. Look for them there. – They’ll be glad to talk with you!
These changes in duties and responsibilities go along with our continued growth into the electronic age, while maintaining the personal touch in the Family Campers style.
FCRV Hank Nathan Scholarship – Eligibility 2024
FCRV Hank Nathan Scholarship – Eligibility: 2024
Who Can Apply: Any FCRV member, or their dependent* children planning to enroll, or currently enrolled, in an undergraduate, graduate, or trade school, may apply for an FCRV scholarship. An applicant must be a member for at least 18 full calendar months before application, and in good standing.
*Dependent children of members applying under their parent/guardian’s membership must be a dependent thereof for the year of the scholarship award, and be eligible as an income tax deduction.
How to Apply: Applications for 2023 will be available on Scholarship America’s website @ Applications will only be accepted online at the above address. The application MUST include the FCRV member holder’s name, membership number, postal mailing address, and, most importantly, an email address at which the applicant can be contacted. Pay special attention to the entire website and follow the directions closely as you will only have one opportunity to complete the application. Scholarship America will not contact you to make any corrections. Do not assume that it is the same as last year as it may have been changed.
Applications must include the following:
- A current, complete transcript of grades. Grade reports are not accepted. Transcripts must display student name, school name, grades, and credit hours for each course, and term in which course was taken.
- Two online recommendation forms, one from an FCRV member, (can be a trustee, regional director, state director, district director, or any member who is not related). AND, one from a school official, or your immediate supervisor if you are working. Your application will not be complete unless all required materials are submitted electronically, and you will not be considered for a scholarship.
Stipend: Annual Scholarships are awarded carrying a stipend ranging from $250 to $2,000.The Schuh award of $2500 is given to students who study the fields of wildlife or conservation. Part-time, and trade school, students will receive one-half of the granted amount. Scholarships are for one year. Recipients may reapply for a scholarship each year they meet the eligibility requirements.
Selection of Scholarship Recipients: Applicants are scored, and ranked, by Scholarship America who then recommends the ranking to the FCRV Scholarship Board. The Board then confirms the ranking and the award. The
Board of Directors present the awards at, or after, the Annual General Meeting held at that years Campvention,
Eligibility Requirements
- Parents, or guardians, must be a member of FCRV for 18 full calendar months or longer.
- Applicants must be enrolled, or accepted, into an undergraduate, graduate, or trade school course of study in an accredited two-to-four year college, university, or trade school. Part-time students must carry a minimum of six credits and full-time a minimum of twelve credits.
- Applicants currently enrolled in college are given equal consideration with incoming freshmen students.
Scholarship Considerations:
- High school graduates will have their class ranking scored by Scholarship America.
- College students should have at least a 2.3 grade point average on a 4.0 point scale.
- Consideration is taken for maturity, leadership, related activities, and goal of the candidate as related to the objectives of FCRV.
- Special consideration is given to applicants majoring in fields related to conservation, ecology, or outdoor activities, although all other fields are considered.
- This is a competitive Scholarship therefore the lowest ranked applicant may not receive an award.
NEW FOR 2024:
Applicants receiving an award must submit a full photo of themselves, along with an education bio. These will be posted in Camping Today so that the members who donate to the scholarship fund can see who is getting the FCRV Scholarships. These items must be received after notification by Scholarship America and prior to the award being given to your school. A thank you in Camping Today would be nice.
FCRV National Election
FCRV National Election
There are three positions up for election in March. President, Vice President Programs, and Recording/Corresponding Officer are the positions elected in 2024. The candidates’ bios and platforms will be included in the February issue of “Camping Today”. Ballots will be distributed after March 15, 2024, to the email on file for your membership. This is a great time to assure your email is correct with the national office. All memberships of FCRV are entitled to one vote. Deadline to vote is April 15, 2024. If an absentee or mailed ballot is needed it must be requested by January 15, 2024. A request for an absentee or mailed ballot can be made by phone or email to the national office. Phone 716.668.6242 Email [email protected].
Welcome New Members
Family Campers & RVers would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members:
Garcia, Carlos | OR | Found FCRV on the web | |
Wheeler, Terry | Wheeler, Theresa | MO | Referred by: Paul & Beth Standiford |
Davis, Michael | Davis, Patricia | CO | Referred by: Lee Dorn |
Hilkert, Lee | Hilkert, Kristeen | FL | Referred by: Vicki Scheibel |
Davis, Zachary | Davis, Tammy | IN | Referred by: Nancy Craig |
Christensen, Ronald | Christensen, Ronda | UT | Referred by: Bill & Barbara Poulsen |
Passafume, Curtis | Passafume, Jody | OH | Heard about FCRV in Coach-net newsletter |
Bennett, Brian | Bennett, Kristy | CO | No reference |
Thomas, Tom | Thomas, Dobson | NY | Referred by: Butch & Cass Lorow |
Retiree Rally 2024 – Mineola, Texas

Join in on the discussion at the 2024 Retiree Rally Facebook group.
Click the link above or scan the code below.

Let’s Giddy Up and Go
By George & Karen Reynolds, Rally Coordinators
We are through the holidays and ready for a new adventure. Getting excited for the Retiree Rally. Let us celebrate this new year together in Mineola. The Retiree Rally has always been a gathering together with the membership and sharing the past year of remembrance. It is time to update each other and rejoice together. As always, we (our membership) have experienced changes. We would hate for you to miss this opportunity to see old friends and meet new ones. For Karen and me, the get-together is one of the best activities. Our team has developed new adventures for this rally to entertain you.
Our Chairs are extremely excited to provide the attendees with the best experience possible, and Mineola is such a wonderful location to rally! We hope to meet and greet each attendee. Please make your plans as early as possible. Everything is convenient and YOUR CORRAL is waiting with FULL HOOK-UPS close to the facility, easy parking OF YOUR HORSEPOWER!
Take advantage of our early days (14-17 of March) and tour the area locations or experience fellowship together!
Calling all Cowboys and Cowgirls
By Bill & Diane Buggeln, Chairs
A breakfast for the guys and a salad bar for the gals. A Cowboy doesn’t wear a hard hat; his working hat is a Cowboy hat. Western gals wore all sorts of hats. Bring your favorite.
Crafts in Mineola
By Dora Lewis, Crafts Chair
The 1st craft at this year’s Retiree Rally will be a diamond art project. Kits will be provided, along with supplies. Cost will be $6.00. Sign up will be at registration. No experience required.
The 2nd craft will be covering hangers with yarn. This craft involves covering metal hangers with yarn. Yarn & hangers will be provided. This is easy, and no experience is needed.
The 3rd craft will be rock painting. Betty Andrews will have different designs to guide you through. This is the second time for this project. It was requested as a repeat craft. No experience necessary, and all supplies needed will be provided.
So, get your giddy up on and come and join us in the fun in Mineola, Texas in March!
Retiree Rally WARNING!!!!!!
By Bill & Dianne Buggeln
Watch out for the Sheriff & his Deputies! Court will be held, jail and bonds at the judge’s choice. More to come next month.
Special note – Is the Judge a ‘Hanging Judge?’ ‘Hanging judge’ is a colloquial phrase for a judge who has gained notoriety for handing down punishment by sentencing convicted persons to death by hanging, or otherwise imposing unusually harsh sentences. Intrigued? Join us in Mineola, Texas to discover what the Buggelns have planned!!
Variety Show
By Kip Cushing, Variety Show Chair
There will be a sign-up sheet for the Variety Show. If you can sing, dance, tell a Tall Tale, or if you have a skit you’d like to perform, come prepared with everything you will need. If you would like to e-mail me, that would be great and get your name on the list. [email protected].
Yee-Haw! Retiree Rally Flea Market
By Richard & Frances Jackson, Flea Market Chairs
Yee-Haw! It’s time to plan for the Retiree Rally Flea Market. Booth space will be provided, including table and chairs. Bring items you want to sell. There is no fee for the booth, and you keep all of the proceeds. So giddy-up, and get items together to bring to the flea market!
Games In Mineola
By Shari & Craig Weber, Games Chairs
Giddy up! Gallop into Mineola and “horse around” playing games at the rally. There will be several table games at the rally in addition to outdoor games. We try to make sure all games can be enjoyed in a reasonable amount of time. Continue watching ‘Camping Today’ for more information.
Those table games you have come to enjoy will be played. This month we are featuring Card Bingo. This game is played with regular decks of cards. A group of 4 players share one deck of cards. The deck is dealt to each player until all cards are dealt. The caller has his own regular deck. The caller will draw a card from his deck and call it. All players who have that card remove it from their set of cards. When all cards are removed, the player calls Bingo!
The outdoor games also draw eager players. Ladder Golf will be featured this month. It is played with goals with three rungs like a ladder. The player throws 3 golf ball bolas (2 golf balls joined with a nylon rope leaving the balls 13” apart) which are thrown from 15’ (or 5 paces) from the goal. Players throw alternately with opponents. Scoring is achieved by wrapping the bola around one of the rungs on the goal. Points are scored 3 points for the top rung, 2 points for the middle rung, and 1 point for the bottom rung. At the rally the game is modified to allow play in a timely manner by having each player throw 10 times and accumulate their score.
Corn Hole was featured in the December issue of ‘Camping Today’.
If you have questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Introducing Blue Mudbone
By Reba Ray, Entertainment Chair
The Friday Evening Entertainment for the 2024 Retiree Rally in Mineola is Blue Mudbone which was formed in 2019 and is made up of all Mineola High School graduates. The band performs locally (churches, various music venues, and special events) and is currently the House Band for the Beckham Hotel in Mineola. The band is made up of Jay Horton (guitar/banjo/vocals), Joe Williams (guitar, mandolin, vocals), Roy Dean (bass guitar, vocals), & Ken Smith (harmonica, vocals). The band recently added Carter Mize (Drums and vocals). Carter is also a MHS graduate and is employed as a journalist by Christian Health Service Corps. The band’s music is made up of 60’s and 70’s acoustic rock, blues, bluegrass and country. Horton is a retired Methodist minister and has played professionally for several years including several years with his band in Houston, Sundog Weaver. Williams, a retired bank holding company CEO/owner, has been performing for over 50 years including many years with his family gospel group. The Williams Family Trio, and later with the Canaan-Heirs Gospel Quartet. Williams has played in church bands for many years. Dean and Smith, both are retired railroad employees. Dean is relatively new to music performance and Smith has performed locally in churches and civic centers. The bank emphasized fun and audience participation.
Round Up Your Doggies Pet Parade
By Donna Powell, Your Roundup Wrangler
Our pet parade will have the following categories: Theme – Round Up Your Little Doggies; best talent; look alike owner/pet; best behaved; best of show! So, get your thinking caps on. Let’s have some fun and great showmanship!
I will have treats, certificates and prizes for the winners! Also, anyone willing to help with the parade; more hands are definitely welcomed! Round up your pets. Let’s have a great pet parade! Mineola is a great place to camp and visit; meet your friends and make new ones!

FCRV International King & Queen Info
By LaNelle & Leon Ishmael, King & Queen Coordinators
The deadline to get your application in for the Retiree king and queen has passed. We would like to thank the two couples who have stepped up to keep this tradition going. We hope many of you will attend the rally in Mineola and show your support. If you didn’t get your application in this year, we hope you will consider it next year. Tune in next month to see who your candidates are.
Join the Singers – Retiree Choir Info
By Kip Cushing, Choir Director
The Choir will be singing on Thursday and Palm Sunday. There will be a sign-up sheet at registration.
Book Exchange
By Kip Cushing, Book Exchange Chair
If you have some books you would like to contribute/exchange at the book exchange, please feel free to bring them along.
Campvention 2024 – Frankfort, New York

Join in on the discussion at the 2024 Campvention Facebook group.
Click the link above or scan the code below.

CV Volunteer Help Request
By Chris Wheaton, Gate Registration Chair
Gate check-in help is needed at Campvention 2024 for Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. If you want to help out, list it on your registration form. Look for “We would like to volunteer for”: ________________________ or email [email protected].
There are many opportunities to volunteer at Campvention 2024. Indicate where you can help on the registration form. Plan to sign-up upon arrival at Campvention or during the week. Your help will be greatly appreciated and will enhance your Campvention experience.
C.A.M.P. @ Campvention 2024
By Mark Brayman, C.A.M.P. Chair
Greetings everyone and happy New Year.
The Campvention C.A.M.P. Committee (Campers Actively Moving Program) has traveled to N.Y., and surveyed the rally site and surrounding area in search of interesting opportunities to spice up this summer’s program. Our hope is that you will participate in everything or at least something we are offering. This can range from simple on grounds strolling to local area exploring on foot, on a bicycle or in a canoe or kayak. (Rental info forthcoming). Let’s get moving this June, together with FCRV.
Plan for at least the following activities:
Paddling on the nearby historic Erie Canal: Plans are underway to include a lock lift (or lower) in this adventure. We will launch at the nearby Frankfort Marina and paddle out to the main canal. At that point we will follow it through at least one lock and pull out at a distance that allows all to participate.
Bicycling on the Erie canal trail: This 350+ mile trail runs east west and borders the town of Frankfurt to the north. Our plan is a 20-mile round-trip trek to a scenic waterfall just off the path. This canal trail is nearly flat so your focus can be on the surrounding beauty and not overworking your muscles.
It should be noted that this trail is also used by hikers, runners and walkers so if at any time during the rally and you have the urge, head over. You won’t be disappointed.
Disc Golf: An on-site disc golf scramble is being planned in the schedule. This activity is intended to introduce attendees to this fun outdoor sport. If you’ve ever tossed a frisbee or considered it this activity is for you. No experience necessary! Equipment provided, however, if you own a set of disks or a portable target/basket please bring them along to Campvention. The scramble play will be similar to regular golf. Participants will play as teams with each member tossing one disc at the same target. The team will then toss from the spot of the best toss and so on till a team member lands inside the target. This way everyone can enjoy the game regardless of ability. This also makes for a great ice breaker since we usually play with teams of ten. By the end of the round (9 baskets) you will have discovered some new friends and have had lots of fun.
Note: If there appears to be enough interest there is an opportunity to travel to a nearby public course where we can really test our skills.
Daily Fairground morning walking: The schedule will include a morning walk which all are welcome to participate in. A meeting location will be listed in the program. To change things up a bit and if you want more opportunities to stay fit, a perpetual walking/running route through the fairgrounds is planned. This honor system activity allows attendees to follow a designated route at their leisure. A sign-up ledger location will be designated where you can indicate your progress. This activity will extend from the second early arrival day to noon on Friday.
FCRV International Band
By Craig Weber, Band Director
For more than forty years the FCRV International Band has performed at Campvention. Made up of volunteers the band members have given some of their Campvention time to practice and play at Campvention. Until the band size became so small, the band marched in the parade along with providing some evening entertainment. It has become more challenging each year to find music for such a small group. There are many loyal band members who consider this a high point of their Campvention experience. Unfortunately, several of the loyal band members will not be coming to New York this year. This will seriously impact the band’s ability to play in New York. If we do not get more volunteers, 2023 will go down as the last performance of the FCRV International Band. This is an urgent call to anyone who does not want to see this program die. This is the time to step up. If you want the band to continue and you play an instrument and are coming to New York in 2024, please e-mail Craig Weber at [email protected]. Let me know what instrument you play and your shirt size. I try to make the music available at the beginning of May to allow you some extra practice time. I hope the band can continue, but I realize times change. Thank you for allowing me to direct the FCRV International Band for the past 20 years.
Thanks For Your Hospitality
By Lynn Acre, Hospitalities Chair
These are familiar words heard during Campvention.
FCRV members love to greet old friends and meet new ones over a drink & snack.
Consider hosting a hospitality at Campvention 2024.
Registration forms are available in Camping Today magazine.
Campvention Parade
By Lynn Tinter, Parade Chair
Campvention 2024’s parade theme is “Camping – Past, Present, and Future”. Be creative – figure out how to depict the past, present, and/or future of camping. This is the 75th anniversary of FCRV and we are hoping for a large showing at our national Campvention parade. We are planning on a walking and riding parade so start planning your entry. We encourage all state, province, teen, youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals to participate. Historically, the parades went through the town we were camping in, but in recent times we have stayed on the campgrounds. More information will follow in upcoming issues of Camping Today.

Hey Teens! Welcome to “The Diamond Mine”
By Pat Wittmeyer
With walls of glittering jewels, The Diamond Mine will be a location for Teens at the annual FCRV National Campvention to drop in, get acquainted and get involved in activities aimed at our teen members. It will also be the departure and return location for our field trips.
Works in progress include a trip to an animal sanctuary where FCRV teenagers can learn about, see and help animals in a wild setting who are recovering from injuries or other harmful interactions with humans. Other field trips will include enjoyable activities off the grounds at nearby fun centers. Activities on the grounds of the Campvention will include preparing a Teen entry in the FCRV Parade, games, TP Raffle ticket sales, working the Teen location at Family Fun Day, sports, and the ever-popular Teen/Adult Softball game.
For the parents and adults who work with teens in their own states, there will be a need for drivers to activity locations, adults on hand during off-site activities, and some helping hands during activities on the Campvention grounds. There will also be a need for helping hands in the days immediately prior to Campvention to help decorate and set up the Teen Center. As we get closer to the rally there will be more specific requests set up, and a schedule of activities so adults and parents can volunteer to assist. Thanks in advance everyone!

Campvention 2024 Site Decorating Contest
By Shari Weber, Site Decorating Chair
Crazy Acres Campground at Beaver Spring Lake is sponsoring the Campvention 2024 site decorating contest. This year the theme for decorating is “Camping – Past, Present, and Future”. How are your designs coming along? Are you giving us a glimpse into the future? What will camping look like in 20 years? Maybe you are taking us to our past when rigs were much smaller and Campvention were huge. Did you come up with a contemporary design? I am looking forward to all the creativity you will all bring and put on display.
Displays can be created by groups, chapters, families, or individuals. Prizes will be first, second, and third place. Use materials that depict your display the best. Have fun and be creative!
Remember to support our sponsor Crazy Acres Campground. They can be reached by phone at 607.278.5293 or email at [email protected]. Find details about the campground on the web at They are now taking reservations for next year.
The Joy of Cooking For Campvention
By Sue Fromholzer
Have you ever cooked for a large crowd? Perhaps for your extended family for the holidays or a party? Are you a cook who believes that it is better to have more than enough and not run out? Well, the Campvention cook team feels this way. For our anniversary, we are serving a meal unlike any that has been served at Campvention before. This year we are serving dinner. Our menu consists of pork and chicken, two sides, dessert and a drink. The cost of this meal is $14 per person. The dinner will be held on Tuesday followed by FCRV’s Got Talent show. Originally, we had a limited number of dinners to be sold. Because this is a special event, we want everyone to be able to have dinner if they want one. Because we don’t want to have a lot of expensive leftovers resulting in a loss, we are asking those who want a dinner to pre-order and pre-pay. Your dinner will be served to you by one of our wonderful volunteers. There will be indoor and outdoor seating. We are asking those who have not yet registered to fill out the form below and send along with your registration. For those who have already registered this form will be emailed to you but must be paid by check.
NAME: _________________________________
Event Schedule & Recaps

Personalized garments; drinkware; clings; decals; kitchen & bath items. You can choose from our large graphic collection or use your photos or designs.
For FCRV branded items:
For other items:
Call or text: 410-533-0038
[email protected]
Dear RV

Do you have questions about your RV, accessories, best practices, etc? Submit them to Dear RV and our staff will attempt to answer them. The answers are based on years of camping experience, but we don’t guarantee that the answers will apply to your specific unit or situation. If someone submits a question and you can add to our answer OR have a better answer, please submit below with information about the original question. Your submission will be reviewed for possible publication in a future Dear RV Q&A. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer. Remember, all submissions are anonymous.
Us here at Dear RV!
Dear RV!
When traveling South this year, we had something happen, and we are not sure how to ensure that this does not happen when traveling. I do not know if this has happened to anyone else, but here it goes. We had pulled into a station to get fuel, and somehow, we had hooked the breakaway brake cable and pulled it out. We did not notice that this had happened right away and noticed that the rig was pulling a little hard. We were lucky we did not cause damage to the brakes, but the dealer who looked at it said we could have had extensive damage if our brakes were better adjusted.
Exciting trip south!
Well, Heading South!
I would agree that you are lucky in some ways that your brakes were not adjusted correctly. However, if they are correctly adjusted, you would have known as soon as they became unplugged. I would agree with the dealer that you are fortunate in the fact that the adjustment was not correct in this case. I have seen brakes that are dragging, catch fire, and burn. Brakes do create a large amount of heat when overused, going downhill, or dragging. I make it a point to check the cable at each stop. Over the years I have gotten into the habit of checking the connection, the E-brake cable, and the jacks. This provides an opportunity to not only walk around the rig but see anything out of place. Another point I recommend is that you do this walk around checking at each stop as I have heard of people unhooking pins on trailers while the owner was stopped for a meal. So always double check for the added peace of mind.
Hope this helps!
Dear RV
My pull camper does not have a battery disconnect, and I would like to know if one can be added.
That is a great question. And yes, you can add a battery disconnect to any camper, truck, car, or boat. They make several different options that will work for you. I have a simple scissor switch in a rig that I use for hunting. I can disconnect the battery from the rig and let the solar charger keep the battery charged when I am away, and it is not needed. As I have said, I have had good luck with the simple scissor switch, and you can find one that simply attaches to the battery terminal and the cable attached onto that allowing you to disconnect when not in use.
Thanks for asking!
Send us your Questions here at Dear RV; we look forward to hearing from you! Happy Camping
(607) 278-5293
263 Beaver Spring Road Davenport, NY 13750
Get Directions – Email the Campground – Reserve Online
Wildlife Program
Wildlife Program
By Tom & Cheryl Martinez
The Family Campers & Rvers Wildlife Program originated to help with the conservation of wildlife. It is the responsibility of all Family Campers & RV members to practice the conservation of our natural resources. Without our soils, minerals, waters, forests and wildlife, there would be no place to camp and no place to enjoy nature. There would be no Family Campers & Rvers, and there would be no man.
FCRV Wildlife Program offers grants of financial assistance to responsible governmental and private organizations, to assist them in wildlife conservation projects. These grants are based on the importance of the project to wildlife conservation.
All grant applications must be submitted on form WL-GT 1, Wildlife-Grant-10-14-23.pdf ( and must be thoroughly researched by the applicant, who must be an FCRV member. It must include a signed letter of request, by a responsible person within the organization requesting the grant.
If you are aware of an agency in your area that does wildlife conservation, reach out to them, find out what programs they are doing and encourage them to apply for a grant. In the past, we have given out grants to zoos, bird sanctuaries, groups that plant food resources for wildlife and many other worthy causes. The financial need for these groups is endless and every dollar counts.
Although not necessary, we would like the FCRV member sponsor to present the check in person and take some pictures of the facility for publication in Camping Today.
Applications are due by April 30th.
If you have any questions, please contact Tom Martinez at [email protected].

Yep, I’m Still Here
Yep, I’m Still Here
By Carol & Mike Burns, Conservation Directors
“As you travel down the highway, have you ever spotted a triangular purple trap hanging in a tree? Did you ever wonder what it was for? Well, it is a surveying trap for the EMERALD ASH BORER (EAB).
Native to Northeast Asia, this invasive insect was first discovered in southeast Michigan in 2002. When next spotted in Ontario, Canada, it was speculated it arrived there by hitching a ride with campers in their firewood.
EAB is a very small insect with a shiny emerald green body and a copper red or purple abdomen. It leaves a distinctive D shaped exit hole. It attacks ALL species of ash trees.

To date, EAB has killed tens of millions of ash trees. It threatens to kill most of the 8.7 billion ash trees in North America. This obviously impacts all industries that utilize ash wood (baseball bat manufacturers, for example).
If you think you have spotted EAB, please report to your county Extension (found under the county government heading in the telephone book) or at www.emeraldashborer:info/reporting-eab.php“
This was an article that I wrote back in 2018. My husband Mike spoke about this at the 2006 Campvention held in Blyth, Ontario. The EAB is still an ongoing problem. This is what prompted the “Don’t move firewood” regulations. You will be able to see the devastating effects on the landscape as you travel to Campvention this year as the EAB has been detected in 36 states.
The USDA is trying to use some biological control to slow the EAB down. One such measure is a tiny stingless (parasitoid) wasp (not harmful to humans). These wasps are highly effective at killing the EAB larvae and eggs. For more information: [email protected] or 1-866-322-4512. There are also some pesticide treatments that are being tried. They have also found that some birds, such as the Woodpeckers, Brown Creepers, and the White and Red-Breasted Nuthatches are found to eat the EAB. They may not save the tree, but they are certain to decrease the EAB’s numbers. If you have questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected]