Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
Upcoming National Events.
Regional, State & Chapter Event Calendar & Recaps
Wildlife & Conservation
- 2017 FCRV Scholarship Winner Working In Environmental Science and Forestry.
- SoFlo Non-Profit RVACA Donating RVs to Kentucky Tornado Victims
Camping Information & Tips
- Winter Storm Preparation
- Electrical Usage Tips
- RV Recalls
- Family Converts Fleetwood into ‘Christmas Vacation’ RV
- RV There Yet
Camping Products
Milestones & Farewells
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editors: DeWayne & June Johnston
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to DeWayne Johnston by the first of the month prior to publication.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Jeff Kendle
- VP of Programs: Lorne Douglas
- VP of Planning & Development: Vacant
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Debbie Swanson
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 1800-245-9755, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
From The President
May the season be a blessing to all the FCRV Family! This is the time of the year that we rejoice in our Blessings and Shed a tear for the losses. It is my desire that the blessings outnumber the tears. The losses over the year bring a tear but the memory of the good times bring a smile and a joy of the time together. There have been several the FCRV family cross over the great campout in the next life. We will miss them, but they will be with us in memories and spirit. It is important that we remember them, and I believe that they would encourage us to move ahead as hard as that can be sometimes. Let us make it a point to keep the happy memories alive for each of them this next year.
I would like to Ask each of you to consider stepping forward to take on one of the open positions that we have in FCRV. I would like to ask if there is anyone interested in being considered at this time for the open positions. The open positions currently are:
V.P. Planning and Development , Camping Today Layout, Membership Director, Teen Director, Youth Director, Region #5 Director.
This is just a few of the open positions that we need people in. With this list there are open positions on the state and local level that we need your talent to fill. We also have several positions that the current person would like to step down but there is not a replacement for them to allow them to retire as they desire. Some of them are as follows:
Commercial & Security, Conservation, Historian, Veterans, to name a few.
I would ask each of you to consider taking on a position within FCRV that is open. If you are interested you can contact the trustees, your State Director, or your Regional Director for information and a job description. Then you would need to prepare a resume of your service to FCRV, experience sending it to the trustees for consideration to be appointed to the position. There are positions that we would like to appoint an Assistant to the position to train and to develop into a future replacement when the time comes, and the position opens. In doing this it limits the learning curve and hardship of taking over a position on the fly. This adds to the stability of the organization in a time of change. This is the very reason we do not elect new Trustees all at the same time. The very reason we are on a rotating cycle. As we go into the New Year please consider stepping forward and filling one of the positions that we have and need to keep FCRV operating. A perfect job is not needed, just a desire to do the best job that you can for FCRV.
So, I will close with this.
It was the night after the New Year the camper was settled in for an exceedingly long winter nap.

With visions of volunteering for an open position within FCRV dancing through our heads. We had settled ourselves in for a long winter nap. When there was a loud clatter from those that said YOU, CAN’T DO THAT in the back of your head. When you hear the Trustees saying that you can do that, we need your talent to fill the job. It will not always be visions of hugs and easy time, with sugar plums and spice, there are challenges, but you can overcome them. This I know because FCRV People are people that will overcome and are winners. We only need you to take up a position and put your mark on the history of FCRV. The next chapter waits for you to write it in your own way. we await you and the next chapter. So, I ask how you will write the next chapter? Will it be one of service or one of sitting back hoping someone else will do it! Will you be a giver or a taker? Only you can determine that direction. I hope it is one of serving FCRV.
See you at the next campfire!
Gerry Pfirsch
National President
Retiree Rally 2022
From Our FCRV Retiree Directors
National Retiree Rally, March 29-April 3, 2022
Early days will start on March 25.
Mineola Civic Center, Mineola, Texas
Please be advised to please plan your trip to come into the campground no earlier than Friday.
Hope everyone had a great holiday and has stayed safe. We ask everyone to get their booster shot so we can go to Texas for the Retiree Rally. We are so looking forward to seeing everyone once again. Two years without seeing you seem so long ago. FISHIN’ FOR FIFTY will be like having a camping reunion.
Something new that has come up that you might be interested in. On Saturday evening, on one of the early day evenings, one of the civic clubs there in Mineola will be hosting a Mystery Dinner Theater. It will be there at the Civic Center. If anyone is interested in attending, you will need tickets for this. I will check this out, and by the time the February Camping Today comes out, I will have more information on this and find out what we need to do about tickets and reservations for it. Please just give me time to check this out more.
Please get those applications in as we need to know how many to accommodate.
Happy New Year 2022!!
Ron & Reba Ray
FCRV National Retiree Director
[email protected]
Flea Market Vendors Wanted
by Richard & Frances Jackson, Flea Market Chairs
It’s time to gather or craft items for the Flea Market. Bring your items and participate! Booths are free.
By Judy Elenburg
Well, it’s time to try again. Maybe the third time is the charm. I’ve planned to do T-shirt weaving and fringing the last two years. I still have the supplies so we’ll try it again. You need to bring a T-shirt you want to shorten, scissors, a pen or pencil and a ruler. Looking forward to seeing you in Mineola, TX.
Retiree Rally 2022
By Kip & Jan Cushing
It is hard to believe that the 2022 Retiree Rally is only two months away. Plans are moving along nicely. We will still have most of what you have come to know and like about the Retiree Rally along with some new things to do. If you haven’t already done so, please get your registration in.
Early bird days start on Friday, March 25. Only the planning committee and parking committee will be allowed to come in before then.
Committee chairman positions have been filled, but you can still volunteer to help once you get to the rally. Just let us know that you would like to volunteer, and we will find a place for you to help. If you have already agreed to be a chairman and can’t make it or changed your mind, please let us know.
Let’s make the 2022 Retiree Rally, “FISHIN’ FOR 50”, the best one yet.
by Craig & Shari Weber, Games Chairs
Bring a fun attitude and competitive spirit to join us throughout the week as we play and compete in a variety of table games and indoor/outdoor games. Anyone interested in helping with a particular game or just in general, please send a message to us at [email protected].
Cornhole is a game enjoy by many. Since the retirees do not have boards, we ask that you bring boards, we will need several sets. The only way we can play is with your help in assuring we have boards.
Food Pantry/Lap robes Info
by Beth Standiford, Food Pantry/Lap robes Chair
Those attending the upcoming Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas, are asked to remember to please bring donations for the local food bank.
Mineola has a wonderful food bank known as, Kindness Kottage (316 E. Broad Street, Mineola, TX 75773). Established in 1983, this 501 (c 3 organization, offers more than food to those in need in the area; they also offer emergency assistance with utilities and prescription drugs. Emergency assistance is offered on a financial cap per client. United Way, various local churches as well as donations from private individuals and companies like Walmart and the Salvation
Army support this Food Pantry. They host a resale shop, and you are encouraged to stop in while you’re in the area. In addition to canned and dry food donations, any cash donated to the pantry goes toward supplementing the needs of the locals.
In addition, those wishing to make/donate lap robes will be pleased to know that those donations will be delivered to the Mineola Heights Health Care Center, (716 Mimosa Street, Mineola, TX 75773). They specialize in short-and-long term care and would greatly benefit by your donation.
Thanking you in advance for remembering the needs of others.
We are still open to receiving applications until the end of January 2022 for the FCRV Retire King & Queen contest at Mineola. Any couple that has interest should contact us right away so the application can be returned by the end of January. You’ll want to get your hospitality scheduled in the rally schedule.
There are lots of fun things to plan. Campaigning is the fun part. You get to meet lots of fellow retirees you wouldn’t otherwise know. The winner will visit other states and represent FCRV until the next Retiree Rally.
We are saddened by the recent passing of two of our Kings:
Pete Brown of Florida, crowned in 1997
Robert DeShone of Michigan crowned in 2017
Our sympathies to their families. We treasure their participation with in FCRV.
Ronald & Jo Hersom, K & Q Coordinators
[email protected]
By Kip Cushing
There will be a sign-up sheet for the choir. We will be singing for Sunday services and the Memorial Service.
I hope there might be some jam sessions anyone can join in during the week. Bring your instruments along.
FCRV Retiree Rally Entertainment Chair Lawrence Phillips has confirmed the following entertainment for your enjoyment in Mineola, Texas the end of March……
Tuesday night March 29th Ben & Doug will entertain you! Ben & Doug are a vocal duo specializing in bringing a mixture of oldies, R & B, Country, and rock & roll. Go to to enjoy a preview of the Tuesday evening duo.
Wednesday night March 30th will bring Billie Jo & Matt to the Mineola stage. A proud native of Texas, Billie Jo is a singer, songwriter, and recording artist blending traditional country vocals with honest songs. Billie Jo is well on her way of establishing herself as one of Texas country’s upcoming artists to watch. She has won numerous singing competitions and continues to make a name for herself. Her accomplishments have led her to open for legendary acts such as Gene Watson, Linda Davis, Barbara Fairchild, and The Oakridge Boys. A personal highlight for her was opening for Ray Price, an artist she remembers listening to with her grandparents who is one of her biggest inspirations. Other artists she has opened for include Justin Moore, Wade Bowen, Pat Green, Stoney LaRue, Roger Creager, Sam Riggs, Bryan White and many others. Most recently she was featured on “Real Country” tv show where she filmed for a month in Nashville and was hand-picked by Shania Twain to compete on her team. She made top 14 on that show. She has also been on The Voice and American Idol. Billie Jo released her first country single back in October of 2018 called “Favorite Place to Be” That song was nominated for Song of the Year in 2019 at the Texas Country Music Awards where she was also nominated for Female Vocalist of the Year! Her current single out is called “Forever Came Today”. Preview Billie Joe & Matt at
On the last night of the rally, April 2nd, ‘The C’ – Dale Cummings will perform 50’s, 60’s, & 70’s music for our enjoyment. Growing up around Quitman, Texas, the boy always seemed to be listening to music and singing along with his favorite tunes when songs came on the radio. Playing records and 8 track tapes was a favorite past time, also. He always seemed to enjoy singing to make the day go by much better. Now the boy is a man, and now more than ever, he really enjoys the music that he sings and dances to. He entertains others and shows a good time through the classic tunes that he sings and is so excited when crowds enjoy and appreciate his song and dance. Dale has performed in Branson on stage with The Platters. He has opened up for Elvis Impersonator, Joe Kent in Memphis, right across the street from Graceland. He has also performed, many times, in Carthage at the Texas Country Music Hall of Fame. He has even sung at the Dallas World Trade Center. He has been on musical venues with Stars such as Wanda Jackson, Ronnie McDowell, Eddy Raven, Don Williams, Gene Watson, Dan Seals, Janie Fricke, Exile, Ricochet, The Bellamy Brothers, Moe Bandy, Shenandoah, Johnny Lee, T Graham Brown, Johnny Rodriguez, and Buddy Holly’s Crickets. He has also opened up for Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Bobby “Blue” Bland. Recently, Dale was part of the show with the World Premier “ELVIS Tribute Artist” Mr. Kraig Parker…Another Great ETA that Dale Enjoys Opening Up for is Travis Powell…And, Dale always enjoys being on shows with the great girls’ group ” Shake, Rattle, and Roll”. Dale also sings at the Opries in Arlington, Gladewater, Carthage, Mt. Pleasant, Forney, Liberty, Wylie, Texarkana, Mesquite, Reilly Springs Jamboree, Maytag Opry in Ashdown, Arkansas, and even in Shreveport at The Louisiana Hayride. For a preview of The C….
The “Fishin’ for 50” FCRV Retiree Rally is the place to be the end of March to be entertained by these performers!
[20% off Discount Code “FCRV20”]
Campvention 2022
By Jeff & Shirley Kendle, Campvention Chairs
Before your trip to Campvention this summer, and while you are here, be sure to drink plenty of water. This is the number one way to help your body adjust easily to Colorado’s higher altitude. The low humidity in Colorado keeps the air dry, like the desert, so you need about twice as much water here as you would drink if you were coming from a state with humidity.
Another thing to be aware of is the air, golf balls go ten percent farther… and so do cocktails. Alcoholic drinks pack more of a wallop than at sea level. It is recommended that you go easy on the alcohol, as its effects may feel stronger here. Eat foods high in potassium, such as broccoli, bananas, avocado, cantaloupe, celery, greens, granola, dates, dried fruit, potatoes, and tomatoes. These foods help replenish electrolytes by balancing salt intake.
Colorado receives over 300 days of sunshine each year so don’t forget to bring the sunscreen, sunglasses, and lip balm and dress in layers. It can feel much warmer than the actual temperature during the day, and it often cools down in the evenings.
One other thing, the effects of exercise are more intense in Colorado than lower altitudes, so take it easy the first few days. Come for early days and relax a bit before all the Campvention activities start. Early day fee is only $35.00 a night.
Rocky Mountain Summer Camp Hello Message
Hiya Campers and Parents!
Here at the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp, we are so excited to see you next summer in Pueblo, Colorado, at the 2022 FCRV Campvention!
We have many fun crafts, games, and activities planned for all those 12 years and under to include a pizza party and water fun. Parents don’t forget to register for the 2022 Campvention! (A copy of the Youth Registration form that will be turned in at Campvention can be found within this issue).
Also, be on the lookout for further announcements regarding the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp that can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook group, and by email.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
Campvention 2022 Talent Show Registration
Hiya Campers!
As a part of the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp’s many planned activities, we would like to host a Youth and Teen Talent Show!
We are looking for talented individuals, musicians, dancers, comedians, and performers who would like the opportunity to perform to register for the Youth and Teen Talent Show today! All registrations are due no later than April 30th, 2022, and should be emailed to [email protected] (A Youth and Teen Talent Show registration form can be found within this issue)
As always, we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
Scheduling Hospitalities for Campvention 2022
By Larry Scott, Hospitalities Chair
I recently posted an article in Camping Today inviting states & provinces to host Hospitalities at the 2022 Campvention being held in Pueblo Colorado. So far, I have received applications for two Hospitalities. The first will be hosted by Colorado after the Opening Ceremony on Sunday July 10th, and the other will be hosted by Region 4 after the Closing Ceremony on Friday July 15th. That leaves four nights of entertainment in between that would be perfect opportunities for hosting a Hospitality afterwards and meet and greet our fellow campers. Also, afternoons are a perfect time to be a host. (Especially with something cold). I look forward to hearing from you. A fillable pdf file for making an application is included in this issue of Camping Today. That application form also includes my e-mail address and my phone number if you need to contact me with questions. Assignment of time slots are on a first come, first served basis. The deadline is May 1, 2022
By Fred Brandeberry, Seminar Presenter at Campvention 2022
I come to you with this tale of woe.
How some people Hook Up their RV, OH< OH< OH< NO NO NO
The Circuit Breaker, they do not find.
He Plugs it in and Sparks go Flying.
And does he see the gunk on the faucet, of course not.
Some fellow washed his sewer hose out on the morrow.
Will he never spray the disinfectant, to keep us all from getting sick?
And will he always run his Engine so long, does no one get any peace?
The animals, they roam to YIP and leave deposits on the Lomin.
Must we walk through a campsite and not go around?
My privacy lost to a camper unknowing.
And, what’s the speed of that Rig, Car or Truck, does he not know a kid is afoot?
My Tale of Woe is coming to an end.
We Thank You all for your attention, And do have a Happy Camping Season.
Come Hook Up with Fred, he may know how do it,
To my surprise, he just might know what to do.
My RV Purrs, my Fresh Water Flows, & Flows, My waste Water Drains,
My neighbors are Happy, and so are we.
Copyright Protected 6-29-2007, by Fred Brandeberry, SR.
For all of you country fans out there, get ready for some line dancing, two-stepping, and country swing. Triple Nickel will be in the house on Tuesday, July 12, 2022.
Triple Nickel has established itself as one of the hottest bands of its kind in Colorado. Triple Nickel is a 5-piece group that performs today’s top 40 country covers and “Americana-Country” originals. Triple Nickel consistently provides a high energy, professional show with a signature sound all their own. From George Strait to Van Morrison to Matchbox 20, Triple Nickel has something for even the most discriminating music enthusiast! Triple Nickel travels throughout Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. No matter where they perform Triple Nickel has the ability to draw an audience.
Triple Nickel has shared the stage with artists such as Emerson Drive, Brian White, Daryl Worley, John Michael Montgomery, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Mark Chestnut, Colt Ford, Grainger Smith, Vanilla Ice, Pat Green, Brett Young, Josh Abbott Band, Midland, Firefall, Ely Young Band, Charlie Daniels, Lonestar, and so many more! The band itself has also been, and continues to be, the headliner for regional fairs, festivals, and special events.
Come out and join the fun!!
Regional, State & Chapter Event Schedule and Recaps
Winter Texans Back and Active
Family Campers & RVers Winter Texan Chapter is open to any FCRV members from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada who stay in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. President Tim Zich welcomed early arrivals to an October meeting at Rudy’s Bar- BQ and the November meeting at Mr. Gatti’s Pizza. 60 members were glad to see each other at the Christmas meeting at the China Sea Buffet after last year’s covid-19 interruption of activities.
The group’s first official outing was an hour and ½ tram and walking tour of Bensten State Park and Nature Preserve. The group saw various wildlife and learned about “Useful and Edible Plants” from guide, Brenda Roy who explained which plants were used for medicine and which plants were edible and which were not. Expert, Roy advised “To determine whether a plant is poisonous, look at the veins and leaf patterns. If they are perfect, they are likely poisonous. Another outing for December was the Festival of Lights at Payne Arena seen from an indoor train.

The group’s Christmas plans included local and national gift giving projects to both local veterans and deployed troops. Nancy and Ron Herberholz coordinated the collection of greeting cards, packaged snacks, socks, knit caps, lap robes including stuffed animals for the Alzheimer’s ward at the Alfredo Gonzales Texas State Veterans home in Weslaco. A cash donation of over $300 was also made. The gifts were collected at the group’s Christmas meeting Dec. 2oth. Diane Gibson donated several crocheted animals. Mary and Stan Muencnchow donated several lap robes and d knit caps, Pat Rozelle crocheted 20 colorful lap robes, and Ilene Johnson had volunteers at San Juan Gardens RV Park help make lap robes and blankets. All 260 residents received gifts. Marlene Mendez, Veterans Home Activities Director was very happy with the donations. Wives of patients thanked Ron Herberholz and relayed thanks to the FCRV Winter Texans for their beautiful and uplifting gifts. The group is also participating in the national Hugs For Soldiers program which provides useful gifts, snacks and cards for deployed troops.
For information on upcoming FCRV Winter Texan activities contact Nancy Herberholz at [email protected] .
2017 FCRV Scholarship Winner Working In Environmental Science and Forestry.
by Amy Wittmeyer, New York
I graduated from the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF) in May of 2019. Immediately after graduation, I was hired as a wildlife crew leader at an ESF satellite property in the Adirondack mountains of New York. The Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC) is an ESF-owned property dedicated solely to environmental research. While at the AEC as a wildlife crew leader, I lead a crew of 6 federal work study students in several wildlife focused projects. One of our biggest projects was monitoring common loon nesting success on five different lakes across the property for the entire summer. Another large project consisted of small mammal live trap and release to assess population response to plant productivity the previous year. Because the previous year was low in fruit and seed production, we did not catch very many small mammals. We also did several smaller projects including salamander population surveys, bat surveys, tick surveys, trail maintenance, and invasive plant removal around the office and property roads.
The following summer in 2020, I was hired by the Great Basin Institute to work as a goshawk surveyor in the El Dorado National Forest in California. We would play recordings of goshawk alarm calls using specialized acoustic devices to survey a planned timber harvest area for goshawk use and presence. Though we didn’t find very many goshawks, I had quite an adventurous summer learning how to rock climb, visiting Yosemite National Park, taking a trip to Santa Cruz and learning how to bodyboard, and even going skydiving. When this position ended in October of 2020, I wasn’t quite ready to go home yet, so I joined American Conservation Experience (ACE) in Utah and worked on a conservation crew for the winter season. While with ACE, I completed several conservation projects including: mountain bike trail construction outside of Zion National Park, dune restoration at Oceano Dunes recreation area in California, herbicide removal of invasive Russian olive trees outside of Moab in Utah, and willow tree restoration in Nevada, just outside Death Valley National Park.
This past summer, I went back to California and the Great Basin Institute and worked closely with the US Forest Service on their carnivore monitoring program. Our focal species over the course of the summer were the endangered Pacific fisher and closely related Pacific marten, but we used our data to also monitor all carnivores in the region. Over the course of the summer, we installed over 300 trail cameras across Sierra and Sequoia National Forests to monitor carnivore presence and movement, as well as set up hair snares to collect hair samples to analyze for information on Pacific fisher genetic connectivity. While we never interacted with any wildlife aside from occasional field encounters with bears, foxes, and other critters, we did catch many interesting species on camera including: mountain lions, bobcats, coyotes, bears, gray fox, fisher, marten, skunks, and even feral hogs, which are not common in the area. Where I go next summer is still up in the air, but I’m excited for my next adventure!
Editor’s Note: Amy talked her mother into joining her on a challenging mountain climbing journey in Arizona National Park. See that story in the February issue.
![AMY WITTmeyer[2305843009300059922]](
SoFlo Non-Profit RVACA Donating RVs to Kentucky Tornado Victims
Tornadoes have devastated Kentucky and surrounding areas, leaving 74 people dead, more than 100 unaccounted for, and 30,000 in homes without power. As nationwide relief efforts ensue, local entrepreneur Gigi Stetler and her non-profit organization RVACA are actively working to donate RVs to tornado victims in need of shelter.
“When a natural disaster occurs at this magnitude, RVs act as a lifeline for those affected,” said Stetler. “RVs provide a safe space for people who have nowhere else to turn, and it’s our responsibility to work together to help out the people of Kentucky in their time of great need.”
For Stetler, disaster response has become second nature. She has donated RVs and relief supplies to victims of Hurricanes Michael, Dorian, Andrew, and many others. RVACA also played a key role in providing emergency housing to frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In light of the tragedy in Kentucky, Stetler will be donating all proceeds from her Mardi Gras holiday party this Saturday to help those affected by the tornadoes. Donations can also be made directly for RVACA’s RVs for Needs initiative at
If you are interested in speaking with Stetler about RVACA’s disaster relief work, please contact me at this email. [email protected]
Thank you,
Adina Pollak
Senior Account Executive
901 15th St. NW #700 Washington, D.C. 20005
Winter Storm Preparation
Winter Storm Preparation
By Joe Boswell, National DASAT Director
Looking out the window one can see the cold of winter is upon us. cIt is hard to realize “that winter storms can last for many days and include high winds, freezing rain, sleet or hail, heavy snowfall and extreme cold. These type of winter storms can and do shut down cities or other areas mainly due to blocked roadways and downed power lines. People may find themselves stranded I their care or trapped at home for several hours, and or for a few days.” With these storms other hazards exists as a result of this type of bad weather.
Sadly, “the leading cause of death during winter storms is automobile or other transportation accidents. The second leading cause of death is heart attacks. Hypothermia (or freezing to death) is the third cause of death-especially among the elderly who pass away inside their home because of lack of electricity or heat.” Overall, the best to protect yourself during the winter months is to plan ahead-the better you are prepared the better the outcome will be in the end. One easy way to prepare yourself, is to purchase items of necessity in the spring when they are on sale: for example: a blanket, or stock up on firewood for your wood stove or fireplace. This will save you some money and you will be prepared as well.
Let’s take a moment to review some very important terms used by many weather forecasters prior to the development of winter weather. Each term provides some type of descriptive details about a given winter weather condition that can disrupt you daily lives and presents itself with various types of dangers. The first, is freezing rain, this is rain that freezes upon impact when it hits the ground creating a coating of ice on the roads and the various walkways. Hail is created from rain the turns into ice while suspended and tossed about in the air from the violent updrafts of a thunderstorm. Rain that turns into ice pellets before reaching the ground is called sleet. A winter Weather Advisory is the prediction of col, ice and snow in the forecast. A winter Storm Watch means that severe weather such as heavy snow, or ice is possible within a day or two. Winter Storm Warning conditions will deteriorate, bringing severe weather, and conditions have begun or are about to begin. The all mighty, Blizzard Warnings-heavy snow is in the forecast, strong winds are possible producing blinding snow, zero visibility, and life threating wind child will occur for 3 hours or more. Thus, very dangerous condition will prevail. The last import term is Frost/Freeze warning, temperatures below freezing are expected. All of these terms are important and once they have been broadcast by the various weather authorities-take head and prepare yourself for the unexpected.
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind as a winter storm(s) approach. Check your Family Emergency Plan Supplies and phone list. Is it up to date, and does it contain accurate information? It not, update, and make corrections as needed. Prepare by purchasing calcium chloride, which is good for melting ice and snow on the sidewalks. Take note that “rock salt” can blister your concrete and kill your plants-so be careful when using this product. Sand or kitty litter is useful to improve traction. Check you emergency heating source, do you have ample firewood stored in a dry place. Check your generator and sure it is good working order. A kerosene heater may be useful, but make sure it is safe to use in your community. NEVER use charcoal inside, it produces carbon dioxide and that is a killer. If you must use a charcoal grill-use it outside. Extra blankets are a good idea-they will help keep you warm and cozy.
If you find yourself going outside, dress to protect yourself from the cold. Put on layers of clothing. It is much better to wear several layers of loos-fitting lightweight, warm clothing that one heavy layer. Put on mittens and gloves to protect you hand from the bitter cold. A hat is a must, protect your head-this is where your body loses a lot of heat-so head gear is essential. A scarf is a handy item, it can cover you mouth and nose. Wrap the scarf around you neck and up over the ears, let the scarf cover you nose you will not breath in cold aid and hurt your lungs.
For those who like to go outside and clean off the sidewalks of snow and ice, remember to be careful-do not overwork yourself. This type of activity can over work you heart and cause a heart attack-this can happened to children, too. Working or playing in the snow for long period of time with exposed skin can cause frostbite. This occurs when you loose feeling in your fingers, toes, nose or ears lobes, and or they become pale. Hypothermia is a condition whereby the body starts to shiver a lot, your speech is slurred, you may stumble, or feel very tired. IF either one of the conditions exists-seek medical help. Be aware of what can happen to your body when it is exposed to very cold weather conditions. Prepare yourself, and the more you know the better off you will be during the cold months of winter.
Source: It’s A Disaster! and What Are You Gonna Do About It? 4th edition 2005; By W.L. (Bill) and Janet Liebsch, 1999-2005, A Disaster Preparedness, Prevention and First Aid Manual
Electrical Usage Tips
by Jim Lewis
We all plug into shore power when we can, at an RV parks. There are 3 possible options. 20 amp. 30 amp and 50 amp. The 20 and 30 amp are both 120 volts with limited amperage available to your RV. See the attached chart for approximate wattage and amperage usage. The usage is additive, so you need to monitor the microwave, electric water heater, toaster, hair dryer, electric heater, ACs, residential refrigerator, etc so you don’t overload the one 20 or 30 amp circuit breaker.
The 50 amp service is actually 240 volts or 120 volts per leg at 50 amps per leg. Plenty of power to run any need in an RV. The 240 V is split in your circuit breaker box to 120v on the left and 120v on the right with the main breaker in the middle.

RV Recalls
The following is the latest list of RV recalls complied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- Daimler Vans USA LLC (DVUSA) is recalling 98 2021 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and Freightliner Sprinter vehicles. The front axle fender liner and brake hose may be too close, allowing the fender liner to contact and damage the brake hose.
- Daimler Vans USA LLC (DVUSA) is recalling 30 2021 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vehicles. The spring-loaded rear step bolt fasteners were not properly tightened.
- Winnebago Industries Inc. (Winnebago) is recalling 401 2022 Ekko vehicles. The shower and sink drainage system may leak and allow water to infiltrate nearby electrical components, which could cause an electrical short.

Family Converts Fleetwood into ‘Christmas Vacation’ RV
This Christmas, if you spot a rusty, old, faded but familiar-looking RV traveling down Interstate 75, just know that it’s been wrapped in custom graphics by its owner and it’s actually a well-cared for 2014 Fleetwood RV Discovery model, according to a press release from REV Group Inc., parent company of REV Recreation Group Inc. Fleetwood RV is a brand within REV Recreation Group Inc.
The ‘transformed’ RV is owned by TJ and Heather Bedacht of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the family of five is heading south to spend Christmas at Disney World in Florida. Conveniently, the Bedachts own GCI Digital Imaging, which makes large-scale vehicle wraps.
“We bought our Fleetwood this summer and for this trip we wanted it to look different,” explains TJ. “We talked about a bunch of ideas and came up with the ‘Cousin Eddie’ look because my uncle is a huge fan of the 1989 film National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Originally, we planned to keep it a secret but just couldn’t hold back, so my uncle does know it’s going to pull up in front of his house sometime soon.”
The family had talked about buying an RV for the last five years and this June found a 2014 Fleetwood RV Discovery 40G model that was in amazing condition. It had been stored inside and had just 17,000 miles on it.
Two days after purchasing their very first RV, the family packed up their Discovery and headed to Dallas for a soccer tournament. During the past seven months, the Bedachts have traveled 10,000 miles and have become huge RV fans.
“We love the fact that we’re able to continue with our daily life while going down the road,” says TJ. “Heather and the kids can watch TV, play games, or have lunch and the miles just zoom by.”
The Discovery 40G model is a 41’ Class A Diesel luxury motorhome with a Cummins engine and a XC-Series Freightliner chassis. The 40G can sleep up to six with a set of bunk beds, pull-out sofa, and king bed. It has a spacious kitchen with a free-standing dinette, full bathroom with a shower, stacked washer and dryer, and two LED TVs.
Fleetwood RV is one of the most-established brands in the motorhome industry and is known for its quality, innovative features, and family-friendly design options, the release states.
“It’s obviously not a traditional look for one of our RVs but it shows how families can have fun and make lasting memories in all sorts of ways,” says Deb Stapel, Director of Marketing for REV Recreation Group’s Class A products.
To see the latest Fleetwood RV models, follow Fleetwood RV on Facebook and Instagram.
The family pulled out from Cincinnati the evening of Dec. 17 and are arriving at the Wilderness Lodge at Disney World after a few days on the road. The Bedachts are also stopping in Fort Myers to share the RV with their uncle Jack and other family members.
If you spot the infamous RV, go ahead and snap a pic and tag Fleetwood RV on Facebook
RV There Yet
A new reality travel series, starting Jan. 1 at 8 a.m. ET on Discovery Channel, will take viewers along on a road trip to explore America featuring fun detours along the way.
According to information provided by Discovery Channel, “Our crew will hike, camp, explore, taste and experience their way across this beautiful country. Buckle up and hit the road with a former Park Ranger and general know-it-all, a hippie fashionista from Rabbit Hash, Ky., a self-proclaimed RV kitchen culinary expert, and an adrenaline-junky television producer. Backed by the National Park Service, our main focus is to visit as many U.S. National Parks and National Monuments as we can while taking the side roads to see some of the greatest and quirkiest national treasures.”
Each episode will highlight how incredibly diverse and unique this country is, the release continues. “We have some of the most spectacular resources within our reach, and we can’t wait to show you just how lucky we are to live in America.

Amazing Scarf
The Pang Wangle Featherlight Infinity Scarf with Insect Shield® is a luxurious washable silk blend scarf with a small amount of built-in long-lasting bug repellent that is odorless, safe, and effective at repelling mosquitoes, ticks, flies, fleas, chiggers, ants and midges (no-see-ums). (lasts 70 washes.)
Made in the USA of all natural fibers in a luxurious modal/silk blend fabric. (90% Modeal, 10% Silk) Modal is revolutionizing the fashion industry with its durable, stretchy, and breathable nature, derived from renewable beech tree pulp. The timeless elegance of silk makes this your go-to outdoor and travel accessory.
Even in the hottest climates, it won’t weigh you down. Wear it single or double looped, draped over the shoulders, or as a hood.
$48. Available in Orchid Hush, White, Black, Skylight Blue at: or Amazon.
Curt Anti-Rattle Hitch Clamp
Back in the day, I used to crank up my radio so I wouldn’t hear my trailer rattling around in thr hitch. These days there are handy gadgets that solve that issue for me, like the Curt Anti-Rattle Hitch Clamp for 2” Hitches. This handy clamp clamps down on your hitch and accessory shank (no tools needed) and helps eliminate that annoying racket from your trailer, bike rack, or other 2” accessory.
I can tell you it makes for a much better ride. These days I just have to turn the radio up to drown out the grandkids shouting in the back seat. You can cut off hitch rattle at the source with this product. Currently on sale at Check out their website.
George Jiggs

Sunflare Solar Panels for Off Grid Camping
The coronavirus pandemic may have given RV travel new travel life in 2020, but as we enter 2022, it’s obvious that RV travel is here to stay. In fact nearly half of travelers plan to take a road trip or vacation in the next 12 months. Whether you are planning a cross country journey or a weekend camping trip, solar makes it a lot easier to go off-the-grid. Not only is solar power much quieter than a generator, but it’s also eco-friendly.
Sunflare makes solar installation a breeze. Sunflare’s Xplorer Series panels can be stuck onto any RV to create a portable power grid for any adventure. The Xplorer series panels come with adhesive pre-applied to the back so all you have to do is peel and stick and wait 48 hours. Panels are available with 3 power options priced from $450-750 depending on your needs. Check them out at


Norman Wolfrom who recently turned 84 (pictured with grandson) is still on the job after 46 years as a volunteer fireman. For 34 of those years he served as chief of the Lock Haven Citizens Hose Company in Lock Haven, PA. Neighboring fire departments have appreciated Norm’s company’s help when needed. Before retiring, Norm’s regular job was Engineer Tech for NRCS-USDA. Both Norm and his wife Rose are long time members of NCHA/ FCRV and have worked on many Campventions and Rallies in PA and the Northeast. They are members of the Bald Eagle Ridge Runners Chapter and are the current PA Retiree Directors

Larry Roop was honored recently for his 50 years of membership in NCHA / FCRV at an Indiana gathering. Making the presentation was State Director, Angie Shaneyfelt . Among the many jobs, Larry had over the years was President of FCRV 2000 – 2004. He and late wife Vickie were awarded the Hank Nathan Founders Awards in 2011.
Barbara ‘Barb’ Marie Dore, 12-5-21, Sackville, Nova Scotia. Provincial Director of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island with husband, Gilles. Known for her photography which she shared with FCRV and for making lap-ghans for veterans and helping with poppy sale drives. Attended many Campventions and rallies volunteering on several. Barb retired as Pension Supervisor for Nova Scotia. She enjoyed travelling including a trip to Australia. She is survived by her husband of 46 years, Gilles, a sister, brother-inlaw, and several Nieces and nephews.

Darlene Hansen, 83, 12-4-21, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Active in conservation with late husband, Arlis. Obituary.

Daphne Collister, 1-11-22, Quebec, mother of Jamie. She and late husband, Gerry were members of the South Shore Wanderers Chapter and past Field Directors.

George Edward Crout Sr.86, 12-15-21, Gilbert South Carolina. Ed and wife, Betty chaired the mail sand information booth at many FCRV Retiree Rallies. He was also active in several community organizations such as Boy Scout Leadership and served 43 ½ years as a volunteer fireman.
Betty Hardman, 91, 1-9-22, Fairborn, Ohio. She and late husband, Arlo, were longtime active members belonging to Wood Trotters And Roamin’ Trojans Chapter.

Linda Tillotson, 71-1-22, 71, Topeka, Kansas. She and husband, Terry were high school sweethearts and caught up with each Other 3 years ago and married in July 2021. They both loved Camping and had plans for future travels.

Grace J. Ely, 88, 11-16-21, Rangersville, Ohio. She and late husband, Dennis were active in Ohio and belonged to the Swiss Wheelers and Bacon Burners Chapter.