Connecticut Kayak Adventure at Northeast Regional
Table Of Contents
From Our Members
- From The President
– Increasing Our Online Footprint
– Vice President Planning and Development Update - Message From The 2021 Teen Queen
Upcoming Events.
- Retiree Rally 2022
– From The FCRV Retiree Directors – Ron & Reba Ray
– From Penny Ramlow – Registration Chairman
– Visit Terrell, Texas
– Variety Show Info
– Retiree King & Queen Candidate - Campvention 2022
– Rocky Mountain Summer Camp Hello Message
– Volunteers Needed For Campvention 2022
– PUEBLO SEMINARS: Informative and Exciting
– Golf Cart Rentals For 2022 Campvention
– Campvention Hospitalities
– Young Vendor – Kinley Cotton Candy Creations
– Campvention 2021 Parking Information
– Recommendations of Places to Visit atCampvention
Event Recaps
Camping Information
- Hurricane Swamps Hidden Oaks Campground In Louisiana
- The Health Benefits of the Outdoors
- RV Hacks
- Prepare Now, Save Later
- Alliance RV Launches ‘Avenue’ Mid-Profile Fifth-Wheeler
Milestones & Farewells
- Milestones
- Farewells
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editors: DeWayne & June Johnston
- PDF Graphic Design/Layout: Vickie Roop
- Website Graphic Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to
DeWayne Johnston & Vickie Roop by the first of the month
prior to publication.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Jeff Kendle
- VP of Programs: Lorne Douglas
- VP of Planning & Development: Matt Mantia
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Debbie Swanson
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at www.fcrv.org/news/camping today. Publisher is Family Campers &RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 716-668-6242, [email protected]. Editor – DeWayne Johnston, 126 Hermitage Rd., Butler, PA 16001-0720, 724-283-7401 [email protected]. Layout / Website – Vickie Roop, 1218 Ferguson Ave., Fort Wayne, IN 46805, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. Current FCRV membership is 2638. The number of mailed subscriptions for September 2018 is 65. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months. Publication name – Camping Today, issue date for circulation data, September 2019.
From The President
Increasing Our Online Footprint
Well here we are, another month has passed and for many of us the camping year will soon end. This also signals the start of the camping season for those who head south and west. Given this, it does not end the work we do as Chapters, States and Regions. It also doesn’t end the work your Elected Officials, Regional Directors, and State Directors. They keep the organization moving ahead and the office keeps the doors open every day. Patty and Carl do a great job of keeping the office on track with the many projects we have tasked them with. Patty has the office up and running smooth. If you have looked at the web site lately you will see the work that Carl has been tasked with on jut one front. If you have not looked at the web site in a long time we encourage you to do it (www.fcrv.org), you will be surprised. I dare you to take a look at the great work he has done to date. Then keep checking from time to time and see the changes as they progress.
We have recently embarked on an increasing our online footprint so that when we have people searching camping, camping clubs or activities they will see FCRV as one of the things that pop up. Part of this is the requirement of each of our chapters is to set up a gmail account for the chapter. This will do several things for us including making communications more streamlined between National and the local chapters. It will also increase personal security as personal email will not be used for personal postings. This will transition us into a way of showing the world that we are an active organization by giving us a way to share our camping activities by posting them. You should be receiving this information from your Regional Directors. We have been in contact with them and they have access to the V.P. of Operations, Jeff Kendle for information and one on one help in setting up gmail accounts. I can not stress how important this project is to FCRV and the future of FCRV. We are creating an on line footprint that will show FCRV as the largest non-profit camping organization in the world in on line searches.
We are seeing an increase in on line traffic in what we have started, but we need every chapter on board and supporting this action. I must say that we are at a crossroad that will determine the futire of FCRV. It is the desire and goal of the Trustees and the leadership to move FCRV into the 21st century and to make it into a power house in the camping world.. The email address for your chapter is the first step in this process. Moving ahead will encouraging your chapter to start posting shots, schedules, and recaps of your chapter activities. This will be a key part of the effort and will greatly enhance the recruiting effort of FCRV. The organization depends on your actions and support along with your input. One of the things that we hear over and over is that we’re outdated and behind the time.. Well, this is a step in that direction. It is our goal to show how active FCRV is and the good things we do advancing awareness of FCRV to the world. This all depends on you, your Chapter, State / Province, and Regional leadership and their support of this action. Let’s keep FCRV at the forefront of the camping realm. Please support this effort and advocate that your chapter get the gmail address completed and get it to Carl in the office at [email protected].
To address the security aspect, get the information to your Regional Director as they will have access to the forms on the website and can fill them out or instruct you on the access and how to fill them out. This will also apply to your chapter outings as well as recaps of past chapter outings. Let me thank you in advance for your support in the endeavor. LET’S MAKE THIS HAPPEN EVERYONE!
Vice President Planning and Development Update
Friends and Family,
I have received and accepted the resignation of Vice President Planning and Development, Matt Mantia effective immediately. His service to FCRV is appreciated and I wish him the best in his future endeavors.
FCRV President, Gerry Pfirsch
Message From The 2021 Teen Queen
Message From The 2021 Teen Queen
Hello FCRV Family,
Since this is my first Camping Today submission, I thought I would start by telling you a little about myself. Some of you know me well, but I just had the pleasure of meeting some of you in Wisconsin and still others I have yet to meet.
I grew up in FCRV, camping almost every summer for my whole life. As a little kid, I used to watch the evening entertainment and dance in the back without a care in the world, but when the night came for the pageant I couldn’t help but watch in awe of these girls who put themselves out there, all with the same goal. I thought these girls were awesome; they were the best role models for a me. I could never imagine doing that…putting myself on stage for everyone to see…that terrified me. Then in 2014, my big sister won the title of Miss FCRV and I knew I wanted to be just like her. It wasn’t easy for me growing up, I was shy and nervous all the time, but my big sister was always there for me. At that moment I decided that I would try my hardest to get there…to the point where I could be like her. Over the years and with the help of my FCRV family I found the confidence to go out and try new things, to be myself and stop holding back because of what people might think. When I was old enough I finally ran for the title of Miss FCRV, but I still wasn’t confident enough in my own skin and I lost. Losing is one of the most discouraging things there is, but the best thing to do is try again. So I ran again and I lost again. This time I wasn’t as discouraged because I made friends along the way and they were way more important to me than winning. With the pandemic, I wasn’t able to run in 2020 and instead I spent my time at home listening to myself and growing up. When it came time, I ran again but the most important thing to me was still my friends and being able to have fun with them. After competing and losing twice, I finally won. At first, I couldn’t believe it… and I didn’t cry (at first) because I worked hard and I wanted to be proud of myself. But, eventually at the Teen Ball while dancing with my grandfather, it hit me. I had worked so hard to get to this point…not only did I live up to my sister, but winning proved to me that I finally was confident in myself and my hard work payed off.

You will hear me say thank you many times over the next year because I couldn’t have won without the help of all my FCRV family and I won’t be able to make the most of my reign without you all either. Thank you for helping me grow and believing in me all these years. I am looking forward to visiting with many of you throughout the year.
As I said in my speech, it is important for Miss FCRV to be an ambassador for the organization and as I move to Manhattan, New York to attend college, I am looking forward to all the new opportunities I will have to share all about FCRV. I know I will be busy with school, but if there, is an event (either FCRV campouts or promotional events) that you would like me to attend please reach out on Facebook messenger or email me at [email protected].
I am excited to spend the next year representing an organization that has been special to me for so long.
All my love,
Brianna Coniglio
Miss FCRV 2021

[20% off Discount Code “FCRV20”]
Retiree Rally 2022
From The FCRV Retiree Directors – Ron & Reba Ray
This is fall of 2021 we are gearing up for spring of 2022, so let’s make our plans for the future starting out with the International Retiree Rally of 2022 in March at Mineola, Texas. We have moved it up a week in hoping we can encourage more to come. Put these dates in your calendar: March 29 – April 3, 2022. This is your dates for the Retiree Rally early days will start on March 25, which you will be able to come in and tour the area. Barb has been putting out a lot of information on Mineola and surrounding area. It will be an interesting place to come to.
Kip and Jan, along with their team are pepping up to making this a fun rally. All of the chairman for the rally are filled, but maybe need some co-chairmen or worker to be on the committees. If you are interested in being involved and on a committee, please let Kip and Jan know or you can contact us, and we will get you in touch with them.
If anyone has any suggestions as to how to make this rally better, please contact me or send me an email, and we will see what can be done. We would like your inputs on what you would like the rally to be like. We would like suggestions on where to host these rallies. Let us hear from you.
If anyone has any questions about the rally, you can contact us. ([email protected]) We are always up for questions.
Remember, you do not have to be retired to come to this rally. You can also bring a guest along with you. All are welcomed. We haven’t been together in 2 years, so let’s make this 50th year be a reunion for us.
Look forward to seeing everyone in March at Mineola, Texas
From Penny Ramlow – Registration Chairman
When asked if she had anything for the October issue of Camping Today, Penny’s response was: “Send me some registrations!!” That would be a wonderful idea!
Visit Terrell, Texas
by Barb Turner, Retiree Rally Publicity Chair
The 50th FCRV International Retiree Rally will be taking us to Mineola, Texas in March/April. Mineola is a new venue for us. Last month I shared Mineola’s history and what to expect and see while attending the rally.
This month, I want to ‘travel’ about 50 miles west of Mineola to share Terrell, Texas, a ‘visit-spot’ during the early days at the rally site. Like Mineola, Terrell was settled as a railroad town with the construction of the Texas and Pacific Railroad Line in 1873 when ‘King Cotton’ was the cash crop. (Today, it is the principal commercial center of Kaufman County.) The town was named for Robert A. Terrell, a European-American pioneer whose farm was on the town’s western edge. Terrell and his bride Emily Love came to the area soon after marrying in 1846 when they built a log cabin which was located just to the south of the present house and raised their nine children. Terrell is reported to have said he “once killed a bear in their front yard, and he could sit on his front porch and shoot deer and turkey”.
He later built the octagonal house, called the Round House, on his property. The house was built possibly as early as 1860 when a master carpenter M. Goodfellow from New Brunswick, Canada was living in the Terrell household, according to the 1860 census. The architecture was a very new innovative idea for the time. It was built this way for the light and the air circulation. The logs for the foundation were brought by wagon from East Texas and hand-hewn on the site. The octagonal house originally faced south and turned to face west in 1914 when the Texas Military College was established on part of the Terrell farm. It served as the mess hall for many years. The Round House is located on the campus of Southwestern Christian College which purchased the property in 1949.
Terrell was incorporated in 1875. It’s noted that the first automobile appeared in 1899, which appears to be a momentous historical event!
While in Terrell, plan to visit the Terrell Heritage Museum (207 N. Frances Street) which is housed in the Carnegie Building which was built in 1904 with money donated by Scottish-American businessman and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie as a library. A total of 2,509 Carnegie libraries were built between 1883 and 1929. The Carnegie Building operated as a library until the mid-1980s. It is now the home of the Terrell Heritage Museum, displaying artifacts from Terrell’s past. Free admission! www.terrellheritage.org
No. 1 British Flying Training School Museum (119 Silent Wings Blvd Terrell Municipal Airport) is worth a visit as it is of the only RAF Museum currently in the United States. The museum is located at the site of one of six British Flying Training Schools operated in the US during WW II. It was a civilian flight school dedicated to instructing and training British Royal Air Force (RAF) pilots during the war. Why Terrell? “RAF officials sought to train aircrews outside of England, safe from enemy attack and poor weather. The cadets trained in the air on aerobatics, instrument flight, and night flying, while on the ground they studied navigation, meteorology, engines, and armaments, even spending time in early flight simulators. More than 2,000 RAF cadets trained in Terrell.” And, did you know that it is roughly the same distance from Terrell to Houston as it is from London to Paris!! Lawrence Phillips added that in the Terrell Cemetery there is a plot where several RAF Airmen are buried who died in a training accident. www.bftsmuseum.org
Books & Crannies, 209 W. Monroe Ave, sounds like an interesting visit. “Books & Crannies is an independent bookstore located in historic downtown Terrell. We offer all genres of books (mostly used), a locally produced line of skin care items (Susan’s Soaps and More), and we have an upscale ladies consignment shop is in the same building with us. We also have a small movie theatre in the back of the store. We take gently used books in for trade credit.” www.bookscrannies.com and on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNEEz-kMR4E&t=28s
Downtown Terrell is a turn-of-the-century historic district complete with vintage lighting, wide brick sidewalks, and updated historic buildings with unique storefronts featuring great architectural details. Hand-painted murals add to the uniqueness of the area. Wayfaring Kiosks will aid your exploration of the historic district.
As an added note: Jamie Foxx, two-time Grammy Award-winning musician and singer, and Academy Award-winning actor, lived in Terrell and graduated in 1986.
Judy Elenburg suggested a couple of places to visit while in Terrell where she lives. First, the Front Porch is an interesting gift shop owned by one of her former principals, at 304 Catherine St. And, Jake E’ Riding Roundup is another place that might be of interest. It’s an equestrian therapy for disabled children and adults. It’s address is Kaufman but it’s just east of Terrell. (10626 FM 249, Kaufman , TX) She said you can visit and even volunteer to greet kids or groom horses. Their hours are Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm. She’s been there once with her Retired School Personnel group.
Planning on the Early Days (March 25-29) at the 2022 FCRV International Retiree Rally? If so, plan on a day-trip to Terrell! See you in Mineola!
Robert & Rita Letellier , Chairs & Gerry Danton and Alice Corkern, Co-Chairs
🐱Cats are invited.
There will be treats, awards and a gift for all participants. There will be awards and gifts for all winners. The awards will be given out on awards day. This is the winning titles.
1. Most Adorable
2. Best Behaved
3. Best Trick
4. Owner-pet Look-a-like
5. Dog – Best In Show
6. Cat – Best In Show
We are ready to see everyone.
Robert & Rita Letellier , Chairs Gerry Danton and Alice Corkern, Co-Chairs
Variety Show Info
by George Walters, Chair
It’s time to think about bringing your talent to the Retiree Rally. Many of our members have hidden talents and this is a fun time to share it with your fellow campers. So if you can:
- Sing
- Play an instrument
- Tell a funny (clean) story
- Get a group together (maybe line dance?)
- Put together a short skit
- Do anything I didn’t think of
Sign-up sheets will be available at the Registration table.
Let’s keep this tradition alive and have fun at the same time!
Retiree King & Queen Candidates
Steve & Diane have been married for 45 years! Their first night camping together was on their honeymoon and have had several campers since but did not discover FCRV until until they bought their Mini Winnie in 2013. They have been very active since then. They are currently the VP’s for the Kansas Retiree Chapter and Secretary of KCA. They have always helped at State functions and have always enjoyed helping with Registration, golf carts, shuttles, parking, door prizes and Security at Retirees and Campvention.
The Hitchens have 2 children and 4 grandchildren that all live in Topeka so they get to play a lot!! They enjoy traveling, camping and working on their new “old” house. Diane likes to go on line or garage sales to find just the right antiques and other great things for the house. They enjoy using the house for crafting and other events. Diane loves doing genealogy research for her ancestors and has helped many others with theirs. Steve is a licensed ham radio enthusiast (KE0MNW) and enjoys making contacts with other “hams” and preparing for emergency communications. (We’re shrinking the globe !) He also likes to tinker around the house and RV. (He can fix nearly ANYTHING!) They both love camping and traveling. They always seem to meet new people from all over while traveling and camping. (and sharing information about FCRV) You never know where they will turn up!
They would really appreciate your vote for retiree king and queen in 2022!
We are Phil and Joanne. We retired in October 2016 moving from Connecticut to South Carolina.
Phil and Joanne have been married for 54 years, have 2 children and 2 grandchildren.
Joanne likes to travel, camp enjoying the fellowship of our FCRV friends, quilt, scrapbook, making greeting cards and working in her flower gardens.
Phil like to travel, camp with our FCRV friends, meeting new people, is an avid reader and works in his vegetable gardens.
Joanne works at the Hospice Thrift Store and currently holds the position of State and Retiree Program Director.
Joanne and Phil belonged to The Happy Wanderers while living in Connecticut. Joanne held the position as the State Historian for a period and worked on the teen pageants and Connecticut floats.
Joanne was instrumental in introducing our state of South Carolina to Amazing Warriors fight big battles, where our club sends cards, stickers, and other items to a child with DIPG, which is a brain cancer that is terminal.
We both like meeting new friends, talking about camping and the FCRV organization.
Phil and Joanne have worked at the National Campventions and Retiree Rallies.
Campvention 2022
Rocky Mountain Summer Camp Hello Message
Hiya Parents and Campers!
Here at the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp, we are so excited to see you next summer in Pueblo, Colorado, at the 2022 Region 1 Campvention!
We have many fun crafts, games, and activities planned for all those 12 years and under; So, don’t forget to register for the 2022 Campvention!
Also, be on the lookout for further announcements regarding the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp that can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook group, and by email.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
by Jeff & Shirley Kendle
The 2022 Campvention is just around the corner, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Campvention will be held at the Colorado State Fairgrounds on July 10th – 15th, 2022. As many of you are aware, it takes a village to put on a Campvention . Volunteers are still needed for the following:
- Secretary –Co-Chair
- Communications/Security – Co-Chair
- Sign/Bulletin Boards – Co-Chair
- Hospitalities – Co-Chair
- Marketplace – Co-Chair
- Seminars – Co-Chair
- Family Dance – Chair & Co-Chair
- Teen Center – Chair
- Teen Pageant – Chair
- Teen Sports – Co-Chair
- Any Hat Luncheon – 2 Helpers
Your help is also needed once Campvention takes place in areas such as Registration, Security, Tram Drivers, Youth Center, Teen Center, and the Family Center. If you would like to volunteer to help, make sure you enter that on the bottom of the 2022 Campvention Registration form.
If you or your state or province would like to host an activity in the Youth Center, Teen Center, or Family Center. let us know. This can be anything from crafts to a movie night.
When you volunteer at Campvention, you have an opportunity to meet members from all over the United States and Canada. Just ask anyone that has attended a Campvention, and they will tell you about all the friendships they have developed. According to a FCRV survey, sixty percent of members attend Campvention to see friends.
Please contact Jeff & Shirley Kendle at [email protected] if you are interested in volunteering for one of the above positions or in hosting an activity.
PUEBLO SEMINARS: Informative and Exciting
by Debbie Detmer
We are working hard to provide important, timely and interesting information to all of you so that there are plenty of seminars for you to enjoy.
The City of Pueblo is looking forward to hosting us and has agreed to send their police and fire departments to our event. We expect to have seminars on personal and fire safety as well as being entertained and possibly amazed by their K-9, SWAT, and fire trucks!
Hungry? You will be! Join us for the “Taste of Pueblo” or our Dutch Oven Cooking demonstrations.
Do you like unique automobiles? The Pueblo Hot Rod Club and Art Cars may keep you entertained.
Of course, everyone knows how challenging maintaining your “rolling earthquake” may be – get helpful tips from various vendors and seminars on maintaining your RV.
These are just a few of the interesting and educational events that are scheduled so far. We’re continuing to look for new and creative topics you may enjoy. If you have any suggestions, or would like to present a seminar, please email me at [email protected].
By Jeff & Shirley Kendle
The 2022 Campvention will be held at the Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo, Colorado on July 10 – 15, 2022. The complex is 80 acres, and we will have exclusive use of the whole fairgrounds. There will be three 6-passenger trams running daily to help transport members around the fairgrounds to the different activities and functions.
In the past the Campvention Team has sub-rented golf carts for members’ use during Campvention. As of 2021, this practice has changed. Members wishing to rent a golf cart must contact the company directly and make their own arrangements.
The 2022 Campvention Team has arranged for rentals of individual golf carts with Mile High Golf Carts. Mile High Golf Carts has set aside ten 2-passenger golf carts and ten 4-passenger golf carts for members to rent. After those have been rented, there is not a guarantee that additional golf carts will be available because July is their busiest time of the year. If you would like to rent an individual Golf Cart, please contact Staci as soon as possible at 303-833-1400. Staci will prepare a contract and collect the amount due at the time you call.
A 2-passenger golf cart will be $295.00 plus $22.42 tax for a total of $317.42. Delivery fee will be an additional charge of approximately $22.50.
A 4-passenger golf cart will be $330.00 plus 25.08 tax for a total of $355.08. Delivery fee will be an additional charge of approximately $22.50.
Individual Golf carts will be delivered to the Colorado State Fairgrounds on Friday, July 8, 2022.
If you have any issues with the golf carts, you will need to contact Mile High Golf Carts.

by Larry Scott
It’s time to think about hosting a hospitality at 2022 Campvention hosted by
Region 1.
We hope that many of you are coming to the Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado next July, and what better way is there to meet new people and renew old acquaintances then to go to a hospitality. Also, it’s a great way to share the virtues of your home state or province.
We attended the 2021 Campvention in Wisconsin, and really enjoyed the ‘meet and greets’ each evening after the evening program, and one hot afternoon, the Teen King had a hospitality with very welcome popsicles.
To make a long story short, it is time to send in applications to host a hospitality. Send your applications to Larry Scott at ([email protected]). The time assignments will be on the first come, first served basis. So please get your requests in as soon as possible. The deadline is May 1, 2022. The Hospitality Request Form can be found in this issue of Camping Today.
Young Vendor – Kinley Cotton Candy Creations
by Larry Yarberry, Commercial Chair
Kinley McBride is a 10 year old entrepreneur located in Canon City, Colorado. She founded her business in January of this year. Since January she has booked over 75 events to include birthday parties, festivals, and weddings. Kinley has over sixteen flavors and will be bringing her yummy creations for FCRV members to enjoy at Campvention 2022!!! Prepare to line-up at Kinley’s booth and get some Cotton Candy.
Visit 10-year-old’s cotton candy business takes off in Cañon City | FOX21 News Colorado for more information on Kinley Cotton Candy Creations.
Larry Yarberry recommends using www.campspot.com when traveling, especially when traveling to Campvention 2022!
Plans are under way for the FCRV 2022 Campvention. The campvention is being held in Pueblo, Colorado. Registration forms can be found in Camping Today and on the FCRV website. Parking for the 2022 Campvention will be HOBO style. If you would like to camp with your state/province, you must arrive at the gate with them. Come early and enjoy the sites surrounding Pueblo, Colorado. You will not be disappointed. Hope to see everyone in July.
Recommendations of Places to Visit Before, During, or After Campvention 2022
by Barb Turner, Publicity Chair
After asking the Campvention 2022 Chairs & Co-chairs’ for recommendations of places to visit, I want to share some of those to aid in your preparation for traveling to Colorado in July.
From Larry Yarberry, Commercial Chair: Royal Gorge is 36 miles from Pueblo. “The Royal Gorge is a canyon of the Arkansas River located west of Cañon City, Colorado. The canyon begins at the mouth of Grape Creek, about 2 mi west of central Cañon City, and continues in a west-northwesterly direction for approximately 6 mi until ending near U.S. Route 50. Being one of the deepest canyons in Colorado, it is also known as the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas (River), with a maximum depth of 1,250 ft. The canyon is also very narrow, measuring from 50 ft wide at its base to 300 ft wide at its top, as it carves a path through the granite formations below Fremont Peak and YMCA Mountain, which rise above the north and south rims, respectively.” Judy Kimzey added, “Royal Gorge Bridge is the highest suspension bridge. There are several prisons in area, including the Museum of Colorado Prisons, 201 N. 1st Street, Cañon City. (https://prisonmuseum.org/) There is also rafting and helicopter tours of area (area known for orchards and fruit crops.” Visit www.youtube.com and view several videos of the Royal Gorge and visit www.colorado.com/articles/royal-gorge-things-see-do to prepare you for your visit.
Judy Kimzey, Adult Center Chair, suggested several ideas for those traveling to and from Campvention: Trinidad: camping suggestions -Trinidad Lake State Park or Lathrop State Park in Walsenburg. 2 attractions: Mt. San Rafael Hospital – ceramic tile wall depicting the history of Spanish settlement to mining interests to present created by Sister Agusta Zimmer, a nun in her 80s. It is remarkable and colorful. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=a20Td7L_VPE) The trolley tour of town is suggested for an historical look at how the area was settled, including the hospital renowned for sex change surgeries in late 20th century. Many Indian weaving and jewelry products are available in town. Outside of town to the north – site of Ludlow Massacre “which was a mass killing perpetrated by anti-striker militia during the Colorado Coalfield War. Soldiers from the Colorado National Guard and private guards employed by Colorado Fuel and Iron Company (CF&I) attacked a tent colony of roughly 1,200 striking coal miners and their families in Ludlow, Colorado, on April 20, 1914. Approximately 21 people, including miners’ wives and children, were killed. where coal mining work stoppages and owners conflict caused CO militia to be summoned to stop the insurrection.” Visit www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qIHN68YNXw to learn about this event.
Visit the coke ovens just outside Trinidad to the northwest at Cokedale. Cokedale, a National Historic District. “Here you’ll find the surreal sight of what looks like is from the Roman Empire. These arching alcoves are actually the remnants of what used to be coke ovens used for smelting coal from the nearby mine.” www.colorado.com/articles/trinidad-walsenburg-la-veta-cuchara-highway-legends and www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAzu1gFhnFY
Lyle & Marilyn Luttrell, Campvention Team 4 Co-chairs, shared another interesting site to visit in Trinidad…the Art Cartopia Museum in Trinidad. “Art Cartopia is an Art Car museum that came about due to the success of ArtoCade, Trinidad’s yearly art car festival. The museum is home to over 35 art cars and serves as a regional center of creativity and shenanigans. And what is an Art Car? See… art cars are hard to define. Basically, an art car can take a variety of forms, and the results are varied. Some are activist works, others are the result of amazing collaborations, and still others are sculptures on wheels. Many are simply wacky ideas created using found objects and made by ‘cartists’. Creations may take days, months or years to complete. Many are street-legal and highway-ready, others are parade floats. Our tour was guided by Rodney, who ‘splained features and makings of the many whimsical, quirky, funky art cars on display in the free museum. Find more Information on the Art Cartopia Museum and Artocade Festival at www.artcartopia.com.”
Next month I will share more suggested places of interest to visit around Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July. Stay tuned…….

Northeast Regional Campout Recap
Northeast Regional Campout Recap
32 families attended FCRV’s Noertheast Regional Campout August 19-21 at Ross Hill RV Park , Lisbon, Connecticut. Hosts were Lisa and Don Basso and the CT Team. Activities revolved around the theme,’European Campcation.’ All were given ‘Passports’ to be stamped at various campsites showing a European Nation’s flag. There was also a hunt for Bizzy Beaver’s lost luggage and a hike through the ‘Black Forest.’ Other events included bocce, washer toss, miniature boat races, real kayaks on the lake, crafts, fun seminars, polka lessons, hot dog lunch European Bingo, and a nightly campfire. Saturday featured a steak and lobster dinner catered by the campground. An uninvited guest, Tropical Storm Henri cut the program short on Saturday. Those who had a short drive home left after dinner while others left earlier in the day. MD, NY, PA, and guests enjoyed CTs hospitality.

Hurricane Swamps Hidden Oaks Campground In Louisiana
Hurricane Swamps Hidden Oaks Campground In Louisiana
By: Jeff Crider|Published on: Sep 3, 2021
Arlene Poston and her husband, Scott, got quite the scare this week as Hurricane Ida swept through Louisiana, pummeling her 250-site Hidden Oaks Campground in Hammond, La., with high winds, rain and floodwaters from the Tangipahoa River.
The park is located about an hour’s drive northwest of New Orleans.
“The house is fine, but everything is flooded. We have a lot of trees down and power lines down,” Poston said of the campground, which she purchased July 1 of last year after having a permanent site at the park that she enjoyed on weekends during the previous three years.
“Our house is nine feet off the ground and we had three steps to go before (the floodwaters) got into our house,” Poston told WOODALLSCM.com. “We have four goats. They can’t swim. We have them on our back porch right now.”
Poston’s park is underwater, however, including 150 transient campsites and 100 permanent sites. Her eight cabins are elevated on pylons, but rising floodwaters managed to get inside of them.
“Most of our guests got their campers out (before the storm hit). But some of them weren’t able to,” Poston said, adding that her guests have a mix of travel trailers, fifth wheels and motorhomes.
Although she still has access to piped water with good pressure, Poston is drinking bottled water. She is also having to use her generator for electricity while she waits for the local utility company to restore power.
“Once the power is restored to the campground by the energy company, we have primary lines to be fixed and lines to a lot of sites. Our pool will need to be drained, cleaned and refilled, (our) bathhouses cleaned and (the) pump station repaired. It will be a long recovery,” she said.
While floodwaters have caused considerable damage at her campground, so did the hurricane-force winds.

“We’ve been through hurricanes before. But this was scary because of the trees. We had really heavy winds. We believe there was a tornado that came through. You can see where a bunch of trees were twisted,” she said.
Poston said she won’t really be able to begin cleanup efforts until the floodwaters go down. “Once that happens,” she said, “then we can start cleaning the cabins and the store, cut out the fallen trees and get those hauled off.
Wildlife in the area has also been affected by the storm. “We have peacocks here that have been up in the trees for about four days now,” Poston said. “We can see them flying from tree to tree. (We’re) hoping the babies survived.”
The National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds (ARVC) Foundation is seeking donations to help support park owners, like the Postons, who are suffering due to the impact of a natural disaster.
Donations to the ARVC Foundation’s Disaster Relief Fund will go directly to campgrounds affected by these natural disasters.
Campgrounds and communities across the country are being destroyed by natural disasters — from the Dixie Fire and other wildfires currently ripping through California to raging floods in Tennessee and hurricanes in Florida, Georgia and the northeast, notes ARVC.
To donate to the fund, click here.
Click a specific campaign below to donate to the American Red Cross to support specific local communities in getting the essentials they need as they recover from natural disasters.
Hurricane Ida in LOUISIANA and the GULF COAST
Hurricane Henri in the NORTHEAST

The Health Benefits of the Outdoors
The Health Benefits of the Outdoors.
When was the last time you went outside and spent time in nature? Busy lifestyles often prohibit this from happening. There are numerous benefits to going outdoors and Campo Designs aims to start a movement for individuals to connect back with nature and humanity through their flagship product, The Escape M4, The World’s First Retractable Tent.
Technological advancements and the modern development of landscapes have taken over. This influences humans to live fast-paced lives. Many have postponed vacations due to the pandemic and camping allows individuals to spend time outdoors, in a well-ventilated environment with ample space to be socially distanced. Campo Designs aims to start a movement for individuals to connect back with nature and humanity through their flagship product, The Escape M4, The World’s First Retractable Tent.

Benefits Backed by Science
Studies show that spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing. This is manifested through greater emotional stability plus reduction of stress level & muscle tension of an individual. The average American spends 93% of their life indoors, and this is a statistic Campo Designs wishes to change.
Where To Begin
Overnight camping may be an intimidating starting point, so begin with an activity that is comfortable and doesn’t require much logistics. Picnics at the park are a good way to kick things off! Not a grassland person? Head to the beach, bring a cooler filled with beverages, pull out your favorite book, and sunbathe!
Just The Right Amount Of Sun
A concern for many is the UV exposure associated with spending time outdoors. The risks can be remedied in a number of ways and a popular go-to would be through the application of sunscreen. Looking for extra protection? Escape M4 acts as a great source of shade so that everyone can stay hidden away from the UV rays.
RV Hacks
RV Hacks
After dropping hints for months about a big project that has been keeping us busy since last fall, it feels surreal to be holding the very first “author copy” of our NEW (2nd) book in our hands! Get ready for… drum roll, please… RV HACKS: 400+ Ways to Make Life on the Road Easier, Safe and More Fun!
And while this book has been a LOT of work to put together, it’s also been a lot of FUN! Because if there is one thing ALL of us RVers have in common, it’s the love for discovering new ways to make our RV lives even better. That’s why we are SO excited that RV HACKS is about to be released into the world, and into your hands too! Here’s a bit more about RV HACKS…

What will you learn from the book?
In RV HACKS you’ll discover 415 handy hacks, tips, and creative ideas to improve every area of your RV life. The book is organized into 6 chapters:
☐ Driving (including tips for big rigs)
☐ RV Repairs and Maintenance
☐ Camping, Campgrounds, Boondocking
☐ RV Living (with tips for cooking, decor, and organization)
☐ Working on the Road (plus internet!)
☐ Families, Kids & Pets
Plus, you’ll find useful stories from some of our favorite RVers (you’re sure to know more than a few) sharing their favorite hack and how it ‘saved the day’. The book is around 7×9 inches in size, 240 pages, with illustrations, and inspiring photographs, too.
RV HACKS is an easy, fun, and informative read. You can make your way from start to finish, or flip open at any page to pick up a handy hack and put it into practice. From newbie RVers to seasoned RV travelers, the book really is designed to make your life on the road easier, safer and more fun!
Where can you get the RV HACKS book?
The book is available pretty much everywhere in both print and digital – Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million, Independent bookstores, Apple Books, Google Play, Simon and Schuster, Target (online) and more
Prepare Now, Save Later
Prepare Now, Save Later
By Joe Boswell, National DASAT Dir
Let us look and really explore how one can prepared for a natural disaster. Some of these suggestions are practical and simple, others require a bit of further preparation and can be costly but in the end, that expense may save you time and effort later. It is important to keep in mind that several types of disaster overlap-so in your effort of preparation keep this in mind. For example, wind, is part of hurricane and a tornado. Heavy rain can cause flash flooding, and dams to burst.
Here is a term that will help us as we explore pre-disaster preparation. “Mitigation simply means an effort to lessen the impact disasters have on people, property, communities and the economy. It is also reducing or eliminating risks before disasters strike and involves planning, commitment, preparation and commutations between local, state, and federal government officials, business and the general public.”
Now let us look at how you can protect your home prior to a natural disaster. Install hurricane straps to secure the roof structure to the walls and foundation of your home. Build your home on higher ground away from flooding prone areas, secure the shelves and loose object inside your home so they will not fall and hurt someone during a tornado, windstorm or earthquake. Use fire-retardant materials during construction especially if you live in an area where forest fires are prevalent.
Plan and think about what you can do before, during and after the disaster happens as this will make all the difference in the world and make recovery a bit easier. Damage from the wind is the most destructive and repairs are expensive. This may occur because of a hurricane, tornado, microburst or a severe thunderstorm, or winter storm that includes high winds. A home in the path of windstorm when the wind pressure changes quickly, and the speed of the wind increase can cause lots of damage if not properly constructed. The roof of the house my separate from the walls, and complete blow away. Hurting you and destroying your home in the process. To prevent this check the support for you home and install anchors, clips and straps where necessary. Apply storm shutters, and cover French doors, sliding glass doors and do not forget the skylight. Keep plywood on hand for such an occasion. Do you live in a mobile home? In this case, make sure it is properly anchored to the ground following the building codes for you community. In a windstorm, make sure your loose object outside, such as the trashcans, lawn furniture, and such are strapped tightly and secure. If you live an area prone to tornadoes, and high winds how about building or creating a “safe room” or storm shelter.
Flooding, if the next highest recorded damage producer. It is associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, heavy rain, and fast melting snow and ice. It is best to always locate the “flood plains” and establish your residence above this area to higher ground. Placing you away from the impending rising water when it occurs.
Remember that even the best-laid plans may not apply in every natural disaster. One way to prevent the loss of property is to react quickly and move belongs to a higher location within your home. If you have a basement place the objects inches above the floor to reduce the damage, if you have time, or move them upstairs to prevent property loss. Something to consider, if your electrical box location is in the basement and it is prone to flooding, consider having this moved to a higher location. As costly as this might seem, it may save you money and excessive damage because of a flood. To prevent flooding within your home, go outside and make sure the drainpipes direct the water away from your home. Also look at the landscaping, does the land slope towards your home, or away. You always want the yard to slant away from your house so waster will not flow toward the house.
Insurance, always best to have this conversation with your insurance agent before the disaster strikes, keep in mind that in many areas your insurance policy may not have a clause that covers “flooding” from an natural disaster.
Earthquakes-here are some suggestion to help reduce the damage to your home a property. Consult your building codes for added protection to strengthen your home and to prepare for such an occurrence. Inside the home, secure large items to the wall, such as appliance, strap the water heater to the wall. Foundation, bookshelves, and dressers, which might fall and hurt someone or entrap them until help arrives. Have someone check the foundation and framework of your home; it might need to be strengthen by adding strips. The more thing that are secured the less they will fall.
Lightning rods, something from the past, very useful for the present. This does not prevent lightening from striking your home it only directs the current into the ground away from your home. Anything tall on the roof of your building may attract lightening during an electrical storm. In this instance, surge protectors are a great idea especially for your major electronic such as the TV, appliances, computers, and VCR. Put them on your expensive electric items, and you can have professional installed a whole house surge protector. Have the RV parked in your driveway, make sure it too is plug into a surge protector, and use it in the campground as well to protect the electrical systems in your camping unit? The expense of a surge protector will save you from costly repairs later.
All of this is suggestions and through on keep you safe. Apply what works best for your given situation. Remember how you prepare today will save you energy and expenses later.
Visit www.fema.gov/fima for additional details. For our Canadian friends, check www.psepc.gc.ca
It’s A Disaster! and What Are You Gonna Do About It? 4th edition 2005; By W.L. (Bill) and Janet Liebsch, 1999-2005, A Disaster Preparedness, Prevention and First Aid Manual
Alliance RV Launches ‘Avenue’ Mid-Profile Fifth-Wheel

Alliance RV Launches ‘Avenue’ Mid-Profile Fifth-Wheel
By: RVBusiness|
Elkhart, Ind.-based Alliance RV has announced the expansion of its product lineup with the introduction of the Avenue, a mid-profile fifth-wheel. Coming on the heels of its ultra-successful Paradigm and Valor product launches, according to a release, Alliance RV cited overwhelming demand from its product owners dubbed “Allies” as well the company’s dealer partners for a fresh take on the mid-profile fifth-wheel segment.
“Consistent with our Alliance customer-driven approach, we spent considerable time engaging with RVers to crowdsource the design of the Avenue,” stated Alliance GM Ab Saleh. “Listening to the feedback from those who frequently use RVs has helped us design a fifth wheel that addresses many common issues and desires in this category.”
The company cited its unique 101-inch-wide body construction, fully laminated floor, Azdel sidewalls, performance running gear enhancements, innovative storage solutions, carpetless interiors, flush floor slides, HVAC upgrades, and a fresh interior décor as key differentiators. “We feel the unique design and features of the Avenue, combined with the Alliance RV service first approach of ‘Do The Right Thing’ will resonate in the market,” noted Saleh.
With lighter weights ranging from 9,000 to 12,000 pounds, the Avenue offers towability by a larger segment of the tow vehicle market. The initial lineup will consist of four floorplans, with plans to expand the lineup over the course of 2021. Manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the Avenue fifth-wheels range from $65,000 to $80,000 with product starting to hit dealers’ lots later this summer.
Located on 112 acres in the heart of Elkhart, Alliance RV began production in Fall 2019. The independent company’s vision is to create a product driven by its customers, through their experience and input, and execute on those ideas at the highest level. The Alliance RV mission statement is: Do The Right Thing – provide our customers with the best RV ownership experience.
For more information on Alliance RV, please visit www.AllianceRV.com or join the Alliance RV Facebook page at “Alliance RV Group”.

Margaret ‘Peggy’ Hyle,
85, 9-15-21, Belle Plain, Kansas.
Lifetime Member with late,Husband, Donald. Both helped At numerous Camventions and Regionals.
Ron Taylor
Ron Taylor, 83, 8-10-21, Bartow, Florida served several years with late wife, Carolyn
as Florida State Director. Ron was a veteran and was a member of the Sheet metal workers union. Joined NCHA/FCRV in Indiana before moving to Florida. Gerry Owens said, “We always enjoyed camping and working with Ron and Carolyn at campouts and rallies.”
Wanda Fox
Wanda Fox 87, Hillsboro, Kansas. She and late husband, John
Travelled extensively, attended many Campventiions and Retiree Rallies.
Wayne Felter
Wayne Felter, 76, Harristown, Illinois, He and wife Barbara
Enjoyed FCRV and Kentucky Colonels Chapter. Known for his jolly personality.
Cathy Yoho
Cathy Yoho, 10-6-21, Beaver County, PA.
Preceded by husband, John. Active in early Days of NCHA/FCRV.
Joan Leedy
Joan Leedy, 96, 9-22-2021, N. Manchester, Indiana and Florida.
Started camping in 1963 with husband , Doral. Past FCRV Field Directors. Mother of Sharon Shaneyfelt.
Lorraine Young
Lorraine Young, 90, 9-20-21. Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Past Field Directors With husband, Bill. Worked on Many Ontario Campventions and Conservation. 50 year member of FCRV. Kings Of The Road, Happy Gang, and Wandering Canadians chapters.
Jerry Lien, long time member of the Timberliners passed away on Sunday, 9-5-21 at home. Jerry and Jo Anne have been members of FCRV for over 30 years and served in numerous FCRV state and chapter positions. Jeff and Shirley Kendle said, “We first met Jerry and Jo Ann when we joined FCRV in the mid 90’s . They were Field Directors for our newly formed chapter, The Frontage Locomotives. We don’t know how we ever talked Jerry into being Santa Clause at Christmas, but he agreed. There were some very young kids in the chapter and they were in awe that Santa came to see them and even had gifts. Jerry and Jo Ann have done so much for Colorado FCRV, just ask anyone. They never missed a General Membership or Field Director Meeting. He would drive from Pueblo no matter what the weather was. Jerry and Jo Anne helped with every Campvention that Region One hosted. They handled the photo contests at Statewide and were Field Directors and Historians for Colorado as FCRV for many years. At every state event Jerry would take pictures and send them to us for the ‘FIreseide Embers Newsletter.’ We know that there is much more that Jerry and Joanne Lien did for Colorado FCRV and that their presence at FCRV events will be surely missed. Jerry will be cremated when Jo Ann passes they will be buried together in Minnesota. Cards can be sent to Jo Ann at 697 E. Marigold Drive, Pueblo West, CO 81007.”
Larry Preston
Larry Preston, 5-23-21, FL Retiree King & Queen with Wife Sandy 2020-21.
Served in U.S. Navy, member of Seal Team 6 Joint Special Operations, Survived By wife Sandy and 3 children Condolences may be sent to [email protected].