Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
- From The President
- Miss FCRV February Update
- Scholarship Reminder
- Hidden Features in the PDF Camping Today Version
Upcoming National Events
Regional, State & Chapter Event Calendar & Recaps
Wildlife & Conservation
Camping Information & Tips
Camping Products
Milestones & Farewells
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editors: DeWayne & June Johnston
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to DeWayne Johnston at [email protected] by the first of the month prior to publication.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Jeff Kendle
- VP of Programs: Lorne Douglas
- VP of Planning & Development: Vacant
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Debbie Swanson
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 1800-245-9755, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
From The President

Here it is time to do the February article. It is amazing how fast the month has gone by. Many of us are amid our winter planning and let me say that this is a fun time of the year for your Chapter, State, Region, and for us as Trustees. It is as if camping is coming back to life, yes if only in plans. Nevertheless, they are starting to feel real, and this grows stronger after we get through the winter planning part of the year. I do not know as to why this seems to feel just a little more real after winter planning, but it does. I like to believe that it is the fact that we are planning the next years activities and are thinking of all the fun places that we will be going with our family we call FCRV. Have fun and try out some unfamiliar places.
The Trustees continue to look to the future of FCRV in the planning and adjustments. We have made a few plan adjustments in plans and will continue to do so as necessary for the future. Plans are under way for Budget meeting that will be held via Zoom again this year. This has become a worthy tool that keeps us operating during this challenging time. We must keep up our guard with COVID still disrupting our lives. In our house we have taken every precaution that we could but given that I am currently recovering from it as I draft this article. I am thankful that I have had my vaccination and booster as I do believe that this has shielded me from the worst-case effects of COVID. Having said that this has not been a walk in the park. This has been a very rough week but I am feeling considerable better now.
It is also time to start planning and preparing for scholarship applications. So, if you of a family member would like to apply remind them and start preparing that application. This is also a suitable time to remind everyone to consider Wildlife and Scholarship donations as well as applications for Wildlife grants to a worthy recipient.
Just a reminder to place your outing plans and recaps on the website for Carl to continue posting on the social media sites. This is a big step that is helping to bring us into the 21st century and helping us to be seen as an active, successful organization on the web. It will be the key to FCRV surviving in the future and could make the difference between success and failure in the years to come, but we need your help. The choice is up to you as we progress. Do we succeed, or do we fail? You must choose.
Let me ask you a question. How many of you would be willing to take a new family under your wing, and lead them through a year of camping? That is see that new members are being encouraged, invited, and mentored throughout the year. As new people join us through the internet, we are going to need to be there for them. Often, we will see people join and there is no one that will help them by making them feel welcome during that first year. As a result, many do not stay with the Chapter or with FCRV if they do not feel welcome. I believe that we can increase out retention rate by helping that new family to feel as if they belong and are a part of the Chapter. I would like to challenge each of you to be that welcoming person or family to that new member that they say when they go home it was nice to meet you and you were helpful. Let us all make a difference and help to welcome that new family to FCRV.
We will see you at the next Campfire
Gerry Pfirsch
National President
Miss FCRV February Update

Miss FCRV February Update
by Brianna Coniglio
I hope everyone’s new year is off to a great start! Just out of curiosity, how is everyone doing with those resolutions? I for one went to the gym once, then I found it was only free the first day and I have since changed my resolution to increasing my physical activity…wherever I may be.
For those interested in my schooling in NYC, I am proud to say, that despite the stress of moving, exam week, and the holidays, I finished my first “official” semester of college with high grades. In fact, I have enough credits earned that I’m now considered a Junior and I’ve only been in school for 5 months. I’m still looking for ways to volunteer and be active in my new community, but Covid is making it very hard to find opportunities. I did have the opportunity to participate in New York Fashion week in September and I have been invited back again for February.
Life in the city is anything but dull, yet I am most excited to get back out there and camp again this spring. I am looking forward to visiting many different states/provinces leading up to Campvention in Colorado and I am working on my spring calendar now, so that I can work around my Spring classes. If there is an event you would like me to attend, please reach out to me at [email protected]. My family and I will do our best to make sure I get to as many as physically possible.
In my spare time I have been brainstorming ideas to support everyone at Campvention and have come up with some exciting new things I hope everyone will enjoy. To the new royalty contestants…Welcome and get ready for a week of fun and new friendships. I look forward to meeting each one of you in Colorado! If you have questions before then please do not be shy. Just email me! While I am not the pageant director, I’m happy to help in any way I can. Above all do not stress over the preparations for Nationals, just be honest and true to yourself and always remember to have fun.
To those of you who celebrate it…Happy Valentine’s Day! I for one am partial to the following holiday on February 15th …Discount Chocolate Day!!
Scholarship Reminder

Scholarship Reminder
This is the time to be working on your scholarship application. Contact Carl & Lynda Wood, Scholarship Director ([email protected]) for the necessary forms. Carl & Lynda will also be glad to inform you of the deadlines for submissions.
It is an annual tradition for us to recognize out- standing volunteers at campvention. Beth Standiford, Recording/Corresponding Officer is our awards coordinator. She will make a call for nominations soon. Consider nominating someone for recognition. The nominations must come from a member of field staff. If you are not a field staff member and know of someone who should receive recognition, please con- tact your state/provincial director for assistance. Awards forms and more information are on
Hidden Features in the PDF Camping Today Version
Hidden Features in the PDF Camping Today Version
By Paul Standiford
You may have noticed over the last few months that there are now two versions of Camping Today. First, is an on-line version and as the name states can only be viewed on-line. Also available, is a pdf version of Camping Today. It matches the web version as close as possible. This version is designed to be downloaded and viewed on your computer (or smart phone). This version can also be printed. However, viewing it on your computer has some definite advantages vs. printing. (A word of caution, some features might not work depending on the viewer you choose to use.)
The first thing you might notice is the Table of Contents. The TOC contains live links and clicking on the item in the TOC will jump directly to page on which that article resides. At the top of each page is a small upward pointing arrow. Clicking on this arrow will take back to the TOC.
Just like the on-line version, the pdf version contains links to web pages. Obviously, these will not work if you are not connected to the internet. Some links will look like this and when you click it your browser will open the specified web page.
Other links are simply pictures. For example, clicking on the various vendor advertisements will take you to that vendors web site. And clicking on the pictures in the Event Recaps section will take you to the Facebook page where you can view the actual posting.
Some articles also contain email addresses. Again, just like the on-line version, clicking on these email addresses in the pdf version will open your default email application and fill in the email address. Makes it quite convenient.
If you have any news for Camping Today, please put it in a Word document and send it to our Camping Today editor, DeWayne Johnston. We would appreciate if you followed some simple guidelines. Please use Times New Roman, 12-point font. Keep the formatting to a minimum. We must remove formatting before we can move it into the desktop publishing applications. Finally, if there are pictures included with your article, please send them as an attachment when sending the email instead of including them in the Word document.
We hope you enjoy both the on-line version and the pdf version.
Retiree Rally 2022
From FCRV Retiree Directors Ron & Reba Ray
Hello Retirees,
We are once again, pushing for registrations for the 2022 International Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas on March 29- April 3, with early days starting on March 25. We need those registrations in so we know how many to plan far.
The Retiree Rally will take place this year. Just be aware, and do what is best for you; we think we will all be safe. Hand sanitizer stations are at each door, and we will have more around the building. If you prefer to wear a mask, that is up to you; it will not be required. Use your own judgment.
Most of us will have our shots and boosters at this time.
“FISHIN’ FOR 50”……that’s Kip and Jan Cushing’s, 2022 Rally Coordinators, theme for 2022. 50 years of FCRV Retiree Rallies, and 50 years of friendship for a lot of us. Let’s keep this party going, by coming and seeing old friends and making new ones. We would like to fix up a poster board and see how many FCRV/NCHA Retiree Rallies you have attended. So be thinking of when you attended your first one and where it was held. We will try to post this somewhere in the vendors area.
We are having a great surprise this year on the early days. The Pilot Club and the Lake County Play House is sponsoring a Mystery Theater on Saturday night, March 26. Tickets will be available for you to attend. The Tickets must be paid for in advance. Cut-off time will be March 19 to lock in your tickets. Look for the information at the bottom of this letter for how to obtain tickets. A meal will be served along with other things going on. This is a fundraiser project with proceeds going to Brain Health and Brain Safety, Alzheimer’s, etc.
We look forward in seeing everyone in Mineola
Safe Travels
Ron & Reba Ray
FCRV National Retiree Directors
[email protected]
By Jan & Kip Cushing, Rally Coordinators
By the time you read this, it will only be a little more than a month until “Fishin’ for 50” in Mineola, TX. It has been almost three years that we have been thinking about and planning for this rally. Don’t let the work of those on the various committees go unrecognized. The committee chairman positions have been filled. There are plenty of areas that you can volunteer to help with when you get to the rally.
So, if you haven’t already registered, “Take the Bait” and get your registration in for “Fishing for 50”!
by Robert & Rita Letellier, Pet Parade Chairs
Cats are invited. 🐱
There will be treats, awards and a gift for all participants. There will be awards and gifts for all winners. The awards will be given out on awards day. These are the winning titles.
- Most Adorable
- Best Behaved
- Best Trick
- Owner-pet Look-a-like
- Dog – Best In Show
- Cat – Best in Show
We are ready to see everyone. Can’t wait.
Food Pantry/Lap Robes Info
by Beth Standiford, Food Pantry/Lap robes Chair
Those attending the upcoming Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas, are asked to remember to please bring donations for the local food bank.
Mineola has a wonderful food bank known as Kindness Kottage (316 E. Broad Street, Mineola, TX 75773). Established in 1983, this 501(c)(3) organization offers more than food to those in need in the area; they also offer emergency assistance with utilities and prescription drugs. Emergency assistance is offered on a financial cap per client. United Way, various local churches as well as donations from private individuals and companies like Walmart and the Salvation Army support this Food Pantry. They host a resale shop, and you are encouraged to stop in while you’re in the area. In addition to canned and dry food donations, any cash donated to the pantry goes toward supplementing the needs of the locals.
In addition, those wishing to make/donate lap robes will be pleased to know that those donations will be delivered to the Mineola Heights Health Care Center, (716 Mimosa Street, Mineola, TX 75773). They specialize in short-and-long term care and would greatly benefit by your donation.
Thanking you in advance for remembering the needs of others.
From the Crafty Ladies
Judy Elenburg, Dora Lewis, Sandi Wingert, and Shari Weber are looking forward to crafting with you in Mineola Texas. We have planned three crafts for you. You are welcome to do them all or whichever ones strike your fancy. We are going to feature one craft each month until March. So, let’s get our craft on!
By Dora Lewis
This craft is easy for all levels of ability. There are two basic processes, stringing beads and tying a square knot. You go away with a bracelet to enjoy. Each bracelet will cost between $5 and $6 (passing on cost of beads). You are encouraged to make more than one if you wish. These bracelets layer well.
Dora Lewis is the lead on this craft with Shari & Sandi offering assistance.
Let’s get our game on in MINEOLA!
By Craig & Shari Weber, Games Chairs
The always popular bean bag baseball gets everyone either playing or watching. On game day we will need some scorekeeper and umpire volunteers. Come with a team already set. If you are not part of a team, we will be taking names to form a team or teams.
Ladder golf and washer toss will also be played. Cornhole is a game enjoyed by many. Since the retirees do not have boards, we ask that you bring boards; we will need several sets. The only way we can play is with your help in assuring we have boards.
Fun and entertaining are the frog races. Watching everyone develop a strategy for getting their frog to the other side is hilarious.
Many of us enjoy a variety of card and table games as well. Card bingo draws a big crowd. There will be space to place pick-up games throughout the rally.
Anyone interested in helping with a particular game or just in general, please send a message to us at [email protected].
Mystery Dinner Theater
Saturday, March 26, 2022
6pm – 9 pm
Mineola Civic Center
The Pilot Club of Mineola and the Lake County Playhouse have invited whoever would like to attend their Mystery Dinner Theater on one of the early days of our 2022 International Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas.
The Mystery Theater will be a 3-act play fundraiser for the Pilot Club, which is an International Service Club with a focus of Brain Health and Brain Safety such as Alzheimer’s and Traumatic Brain Injury.
The charge will be $35 per person for the show and meal that must be paid in advanced. Tickets can be purchased by mailing in your check to: Joyce Curry, P.O. Box 3, Mineola, Texas 75773 Phone: 903-850-2121. Email: [email protected]
Tables will sit 6 to 8 people. If there is someone you want to sit with, let them know, and they will try to accommodate you. All tables will be close together.
Other things that will be going on that night:
The Pilot Club also sponsors the Anchor Club at Mineola High School, which is an International Service Organization for teens. They will be selling purses for $20 per purse. Buyers will have a chance to win a Name Brand Purse.
There will be a Bucket Prizes that night, $5 for 6 tickets or $1 per ticket. Winning tickets will receive prizes valued from $50-$100.
A live auction will be held for wine baskets, vacations and other exciting prizes.
Sounds like a fun-filled Saturday night, with lots of things going on in 3 hours. If you plan to attend, please send in your name to get your tickets for this event.
Flea Market Vendors Wanted
by Richard & Frances Jackson, Flea Market Chairs
We are fishing for Flea Market participants. Bring items you would like to sell, and we will have a free booth for you to dock!
The first annual Retiree Rally came from the idea that retired ‘Snow Birds’ who spend their winters in the sun belt would like to get together for a big campout or rally. The first one was organized in 1972 and held at Harlingen, TX with past NCHA President, Joh Grant and Stu and Estelle Reed at the helm. From that rally, came the suggestion that since states and provinces have Kings and Queens, there should be a competition among them for the title of International Retiree King and Queen to represent the large Retiree (specialty) Chapter made up of members from all across both the U.S. and Canada. The first couple elected was Maynard & Margaret Dakin from Nova Scotia in 1973.
The largest attendance at a Retiree Rally was in Harlingen in 1975 headed by Paul & Renny West with 600 units on grounds. King & Queen that year were Art & Barbara Betros of Oklahoma. (Complete list on FCRV web site, under Retiree Rally History). The most Retiree Rallies were held in Texas with 19, then Florida with 13. Others were held at AZ, LA, and SC The 2020 and 2021 Rallies were cancelled due to covid. The 2022 Rally will be in Mineloa, TX, Marcch29th – April 23rd with early days Friday, March 25th – 28th ($35 a night). Registration form is on the FCRV website under Retiree Rally. Also see the updates and activity information in recent Camping Today issues and the FCRV web site. The 2023 Rrally is scheduled for Dothan, Alabama.
Ed And Vina Haggerty, Illinois Retiree King & Queen
Hello. We are Ed and Vina Haggerty from Mascoutah, Illinois and are running for FCRV International King & Queen. We have been married for 43 years and have two children, a girl and a boy. They are both married and they also have a girl and a boy. Vina and I are both retired Air Force. I served 20 years and Vina served 22 ½ years, a fact that she never lets me forget. I was in the communications field and Vina was in Medical Administration.
During our marriage we have traveled throughout Europe. We have also visited 44 states and briefly traveled in Canada and Mexico. We have been associated with NCHA and now FCRV since 1988. We love the RV lifestyle and enjoy driving our motorhome from Maine to Florida or California. If invited, we will come.
We have spent a lifetime in service to our country. We promise to continue that commitment of service to the FCRV Retirees. We would be honored to represent you as your International King and Queen.
We are Phil and Joann Rich from Greenwood South Carolina. We retired in 2016 and m oved from Connecticut to South Carolina. Phil and Joanne have been married 54 years, have children and 2 grandchildren.
Joann likes to travel, camp enjoying the fellowship of our FCRV friends, and meet new people. She also does quilting, scrap booking, making greeting cards, and working in her garden. Joann works at the Hospice Thrift Store and currently holds the position of State and Retiree Program Director.
Joanne and Phil belonged to the Happy Wanderers Chapter while living in Connecticut. She was State Historian for a time and worked on teen pageants and Connecticut Floats. They were instrumental in introducing our state of South Carolina to Amazing Warriors Fight Big Battles, where our chapter, Palmetto Retirees sends cards, stickers, and other items to a child with DIPG, which is terminal brain cancer.
Phil and Joann have worked at National Campventions and Retiree Rallies. They like meeting new friends, talking about camping and the FCRV organization, which they have been members off and on for 30 years.
Steve & Diane have been married for 45 years.! Their first night camping together was on their honeymoon! And have had several campers since but did not discover FCRV until they bought their Mini Winnie in 2013. They have been very active since then. They are currently the VP’s for the Kansas Retiree Chapter and Secretary of KCA. They have always helped at State functions and have always enjoyed helping with Registration, golf carts, shuttles, parking, door prizes and Security at Retirees and Campvention .
The Hitchens have 2 children and 4 grandchildren that all live in Topeka so they get to play a lot!! They enjoy traveling, camping and working on their new “old” house. Diane likes to go on line or garage sales to find just the right antiques and other great things for the house. They enjoy using the house for crafting and other events. Diane loves doing genealogy research for her ancestors and has helped many others with theirs. Steve is a licensed ham radio enthusiast (KE0MNW) and enjoys making contacts with other “hams” and preparing for emergency communications. (We’re shrinking the globe !) He also likes to tinker around the house and RV. (He can fix nearly ANYTHING!) They both love camping and traveling. They always seem to meet new people from all over while traveling and camping. (and sharing information about FCRV) You never know where they will turn up!
They would really appreciate your vote for retiree king and queen in 2022!
Campvention 2022
Miscellaneous Information for 2022 Campvention
by Jeff Kendle
CAMPING AT THE FAIRGROUNDS AFTER CAMPVENTION: For those interested in staying at the Colorado State Fairgrounds after Campvention, you may do so for $35.00 per night. You must coordinate this on your own with the Fairgrounds Office once you arrive and pay them directly for the nights you are staying. You must vacate the Fairgrounds by Wednesday by noon, July 20th. DO NOT include these nights on your Campvention Registration.
EARLY DAYS: When completing your Campvention Registration form, DO NOT include the cost of the early days. This will be collected when you arrive and check in at the Registration Office. Cash or Check Only.
GOLF CART RENTALS: As of January 7th 2022, there are ONLY two 4-passenger golf carts available for rental. There are still ten 2-passenger golf carts available. A 4-passenger golf cart will be $330.00 plus 25.08 tax for a total of $355.08. Delivery fee will be an additional charge of approximately $22.50. A 2-passenger golf cart will be $295.00 plus $22.42 tax for a total of $317.42. Delivery fee will be an additional charge of approximately $22.50. If you would like to rent an individual Golf Cart, please contact Staci as soon as possible at 303-833-1400. Staci will prepare a contract and collect the amount due at the time you call.
Information from FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook
Campvention is less than 6 months away. The committees are hard at work planning activities, seminars, and vendors to show their wares.
We have changed things up a bit this year for Campvention. A few things that are planned are:
- Sunday evening – Family Bingo. Cash prizes.
- Monday – Family Fun Days. Hamburgers will be sold by the Teens to support their activities. Nachos will be sold by the Youth to support their activities, and there will be carnival booths for everyone.
- Instead of a separate Red Hat, Hard Hat Luncheon, there will be an “Any Hat” (or no Hat) luncheon for anyone who wants to participate.
The Colorado Youth Directors will also have a Pizza Party and Water Fun activity for the youth at the same time so those with children do not have to worry about keeping them entertained.
- Wednesday afternoon: There will be a Hot-Rod Car Show.
- A Family Dance for all attendees with a DJ.
- On-ground restaurant to be open at certain times is in the works, for those that want a break from cooking.
- Entertainment is locked in. Leading off on Monday will be Shelvis and the Roustabouts, Tuesday will be Triple Nickel, and Thursday will be Juke Joint Cruisers.
- Seminars will take place, some geared toward RV’ing.
- At least three crafts will be offered.
- Centralized campfire is in the works.
There is much more planned than what is listed above. So, send your registration now and don’t miss out on the fun. Registration form can be found at:
We also have a few volunteer positions that still need to be filled. For information on these, please contact [email protected].
Rocky Mountain National Park Info
For those coming to Colorado this year and planning on visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, take note of the reservation system to enter the park this summer. Read the post for specific information.
Rocky Mountain National Park will be implementing a pilot temporary timed entry permit reservation system beginning on May 27, 2022.
Two types of reservations will be available. One permit will be for the Bear Lake Road Corridor, which includes the entire corridor, as well as access to the rest of the park. This reservation period will be from 5 am to 6 pm.
The second permit will be for the rest of Rocky Mountain National Park, excluding the Bear Lake Road corridor. This reservation period will be from 9 am to 3 pm. Permits issued using the reservation system will allow park visitors to enter the park within two-hour windows of availability.
The reservation system will apply to all areas of the park.
Reservations to enter the park will go on sale through at 10 am Mountain Daylight Time on Monday, May 2. This round of reservations will be available to enter the park from May 27 through June 30.
The next release will occur on June 1, for the month of July and any remaining days that have not been booked for June. On July 1, reservations will be available for the month of August and any remaining days that have not been booked for July.
On August 1, reservations will be available for the month of September and any remaining days in August that have not been booked.
On September 1, reservations will be available for October and any remaining days in September that have not been booked.
Initially, 30 percent of permits will be held and available for purchase the day prior at 5 p.m. through These are expected to sell out quickly ,and visitors are encouraged to plan ahead when possible.
For more detailed information and Frequently Asked Questions on timed entry permits to help you prepare for the summer season, visit…/pla…/timed-entry-permit-system.htm
Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the busiest national parks; third in the country in 2019 with over 4.6 million visitors. This represents a 42 percent increase in visitation in seven years. Visitor crowding and congestion at the park have led to increased negative impacts to visitor and staff safety, resource protection, visitor experience and operational capacity. The park has piloted various visitor use management strategies over the last six years.
There are several different reservation systems that are being implemented across the National Park Service. Other national parks that have announced various types of reservation requirements this year include Arches National Park, Glacier National Park, Acadia National Park, Muir Woods National Monument, Shenandoah National Park, Haleakala National Park and Zion National Park.
Hello Crafty Campers!
by Chris Hawkins and Bettie Miller, Campvention Crafts Chairs
We are thrilled to have you visit our wonderful state.
We have been working on organizing some neat crafts for those who enjoy crafting and creating. A few of the projects we are working on are clay-pot people, bottlecap magnets and wind chimes.
In this edition of Camping Today, you will find an interest form. Please complete the form if you are interested in attending one or more of the craft sessions and return to us. This will help us plan on the amount of craft supplies we need to have. We would also like to offer some workshops; please fill out the form and indicate any workshops you might be interested in.
If you have a craft or hobby that you would like to share in a workshop form, please let us know. We will contact you to determine supplies, costs, experience level, etc.…
The form can be emailed to us at: [email protected]
Please put “Crafts” in the subject line. Thanks, and happy Camping,
Seminar Announced…. Antenna Manufacturer KING
Minnesota-based KING, the creator of the Tailgater portable satellite antenna, will be hosting a seminar at this year’s Campvention to help educate members on the challenges of staying connected to the internet while on the road. The talk will discuss improving campground Wi-Fi reception, as well as creating connectivity inside the RV while boondocking. KING has a dynamic new line of Wi-Fi and Cellular Signal Boosters and will be sponsoring several product giveaways.
Personal Golf Cart Insurance Awareness
by Harold Johnson, Golf Cart Chair
We all operate vehicles without expecting the worst; however, sometimes accidents do happen. Here are a few points to consider when operating either a personally rented golf cart or a personally owned golf cart at Campvention.
- Homeowner’s policies:
- May not extend coverage to rented golf carts.
- If your homeowner’s policy covers golf carts, that coverage may be limited to operation on your property; some policies might extend coverage to operation on a golf course; your policy may also limit coverage to personally owned golf carts and, by omission, exclude rented golf carts.
- Your policy may specifically exclude golf carts.
- Automobile policies:
- May not extend coverage to rented golf carts.
- May not cover personally owned golf carts.
At Campvention 2022, Mile High Golf Cars has offered to rent golf carts to individuals; however, please be aware that no insurance coverage is offered or available with your rental. Personal golf cart rentals are between you and Mile High Golf Cars, and I’m told that FCRV’s general liability coverage does not extend to personally rented or personally owned golf cart operation. Mile High Golf Cars will expect any golf cart damages, including theft, to be paid for by the renter, and you could also be held personally liable for any injuries or property damage. Also, please be aware that it is not unusual for an insurance company that may cover injuries or damages to their policyholder to later seek recovery of claims paid from the responsible party.
To add a bit of personal research on coverage, I have two different homeowner’s policies from different insurance companies and neither policy covered rented golf carts. I have auto insurance policies from two different auto insurance companies, and only one of the companies extended coverage to a rented golf cart. I’m not mentioning the companies here because policies vary between states and individual circumstances.
Please protect yourself, read your insurance policies, and check with your insurance company on what your specific policies cover.
Campvention 2022 Talent Show Registration
by Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
Hiya Campers!
As a part of the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp’s many planned activities, we would like to host a Youth and Teen Talent Show!
We are looking for talented individuals, musicians, dancers, comedians, and performers who would like the opportunity to perform to register for the Youth and Teen Talent Show today! All registrations are due no later than April 30th, 2022, and should be emailed to [email protected] (A Youth and Teen Talent Show registration form can be found within this issue)
As always, we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Campvention 2022 Food Drive Information
by Teresa Walorski
Campvention 2022 will be supporting a local food bank, Care and Share Food Bank for Southern Colorado. Donations are especially needed this year with so many more families in need.
Please plan to bring non-perishable items, such as canned foods, peanut butter, boxed cereals, rice, beans, pasta and pasta sauce, shelf stable milk, and oatmeal. No clothing or hygiene items, please. We will also accept cash donations.
The Food Drive will be hosted by Teresa Walorski and Karen Fleming along with the Rambling Recs. We will have a table set up and be available to drop off your food items throughout the week. Times to be determined.
Food will be delivered to the Care and Share office in Pueblo on Friday, July 15th. So, the deadline for dropping off your canned goods will be Thursday, July 14th,so we have time to organize.
Visit Victor, Colorado
by Barb Turner, Campvention 2022 Publicity Chair
Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July offers so many opportunities to explore ‘Colorful Colorado’. Sites to explore have been noted in previous issues of Camping Today. Victor, an interesting site to explore, is less than 100 miles north and west of the campvention site, around the backside of Pikes Peak. Unlike neighboring Cripple Creek which is teeming with casinos, Victor has remained an old mining town with a population of less than 400. The elevation is 9,708’.
Victor was founded in 1891, shortly after gold was discovered nearby. “The town was named after the Victor Mine, which may have been named for an early settler, Victor Adams. Battle Mountain, located just above Victor, had the largest, most prolific mines in the mining district, and the town became known as the ‘City of Mines.’ Victor officially became a city on July 16, 1894. In 1894, the Woods brothers discovered gold when they began digging the foundation for a building, which resulted in the creation of the Gold Coin Mine. At that time, 8,000 people lived in Victor.
“The town boomed as the surrounding Cripple Creek mining district quickly became the most productive gold mining district in Colorado. Mines in Victor and Cripple Creek provided 21 million ounces of gold. The mining district, which hit its peak in 1900, became the 2nd largest gold district in the country’s history.
“Although Victor’s fame was overshadowed by that of its neighbor, Cripple Creek, many of the best gold mines of the Cripple Creek district were located at Victor, including Stratton’s Independence Mine and Mill and the Portland Mine. Half of Battle Mountain’s gold was extracted by the Portland Mine, which was called the ‘Queen of the District’. Heavyweight boxing champion William Harrison ‘Jack’ Dempsey was a mucker in the Portland Mine.
“Mine owners and investors lived in Cripple Creek, while most of the miners for the districts’ 500 mines lived in Victor.”
Explore more of the history of Victor at,_Colorado
Suggestions of what to see and do while in Victor:
Cripple Creek & Victor Gold Mine: tour this operating, open-pit gold mine. Tickets are purchased at the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum at $8.50 per person with all proceeds going to the museum. After donning a hard hat and vests, you’ll board a small bus for your tour. The observation point to view the mine is at 10,000’.
The Victor Lowell Thomas Museum: (298 Victor Ave) – The Victor Lowell Thomas Museum is an original 1899 building that houses two floors of artifacts, books, exhibits and photographs depicting the life in Victor from its beginnings to the heyday of gold mining.” Who was Lowell Thomas? “Lowell Thomas was an American writer, actor, broadcaster, and traveler, best remembered for publicizing T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia). He was also involved in promoting the Cinerama widescreen system. In 1954, he led a group of New York City-based investors to buy majority control of Hudson Valley Broadcasting, which, in 1957, became Capital Cities Television Corporation.” He was born near Greenville, Ohio in 1892. The family moved to Victor, Colorado when he was 8 in 1900. He worked there as a gold miner, cook, and reporter, graduating from Victor High School in 1911. Higher education: Valparaiso University, University of Denver, and Princeton University. Learn more about Lowell Thomas at
Enjoy walking the small business district. And, if you like the casinos, make the short drive to Cripple Creek which I’ll explore in a later article. Check out these YouTube videos to prepare you for your visit to Victor, Colorado as a side-trip from Campvention 2022 in Pueblo in July.
[20% off Discount Code “FCRV20”]
Regional, State & Chapter Event Schedule and Recaps
Someone told me to take a hike – so I did!
Someone told me to take a hike – so I did!
by Pat Wittmeyer
“My daughter asked for a favor, and gave me a gift.” That is how I begin my stories when telling friends about my recent adventures out west.
It all started when my daughter, a wildlife technician recently working in Shaver Lake, CA, asked me to fly out and help her get her car home in time for Thanksgiving. It would be a demanding journey, and she was seeking company and a second driver to help get it done. At first I was reluctant – the expense of flying out, the full day of travel and lingering in airports….but then she sweetened the pot: “I’ll take you up Angel’s Landing”. OK! I readily agreed. Angel’s Landing is an arduous demanding trail in Zion National Park. With an elevation change of roughly 1500 feet, and narrow trails with 800 ft. drop offs on either side, it is not for the fainthearted, nor for the weekend warrior type. It, along with a brief stopover in King’s Canyon National Park to see some truly amazing Sequoias, was also an item on my Bucket List, and she knew that. So the adventure began…
Hiking boots, walking poles, backpack of water and snacks, sunhat and layers of jackets secured, we were off in the early morning hours, catching the shuttle bus to the trailhead.
Seen from the beginning of the trail, this picture shows the ultimate destination on the top of that point of rock: Angel’s Landing. It was a clear, cool day with plenty of sunshine. We climbed a series of ‘gentle’ switchbacks, climbing ever upward. Jacket number one came off. Note to self, slow down on the water, I only brought so much! After the first set (wait! There’s more of these things????) of switchbacks we passed through a very narrow canyon, in some spots only a few dozen feet wide. We came out of the canyon to the base of a torture course known as “Walter’s Wiggles”. Good ol’ Walter thought it would be an easier way (!) to get to the ‘beginning’ of the hard part of the course by carving out a set of 11 switchbacks, climbing ever upward in the process. We ascended out of the canyon, and arrived at Scout Lookout, a natural wide spot to take a break, (and yes, there is a bathroom up there!!) then regroup, apply more sunscreen and head up.
This is where the “chains” begin. The chains are a series of heavy-duty chains attached to posts set deep into the rock. They are essential for a somewhat safer climb (Let’s face it, this was NOT a safe climb by any measure. Some have indeed lost their lives on this trail.) and used to pull myself up along the rockface. Yep, those are my feet in the picture of the narrowest part of the trail, and we haven’t gotten to the top yet.
We are not alone on our journey. Even though it is late November, there are literally hundreds of people stretched out along the 2.5 mile trail. We are passing them in the canyon, along Walter’s godforsaken Wiggles, and even on the chains. For the most part these hiking enthusiasts are a courteous group; a batch of people goes up the chains while another batch of people waits to descend, standing in a very little “wide spot” on the trail, always holding on to that precious chain. If you slip, or are seeking the next foot hold, there is always a ready hand to help pull you up, speak words of encouragement, or point out a good way up a particularly challenging section.
There are so many people enjoying the National Parks during the COVID pandemic that the trail to Angel’s Landing will require pre-registration beginning after the first of the new year. Because even in November, there were times where we were in gridlock on some pretty challenging sections of this path. It was reported that during the summer months the trail was almost completely filled with hikers, and nearly impossible to move.
Eventually we make it to the top platform of the trail. This is me and my daughter, who has done the trail once before. We celebrated her birthday on that trail, and viewed some of the most incredible scenery, overlooking the canyon below from our perch above.
I looked around at the hikers enjoying the noontime sunshine, cooling breeze and yes, even some guitar music from an intrepid young man who brought one up to share his music with other hikers. With a bit of surprise, I noted that I was, at age 62, definitely the oldest person up there that day. Amy’s response was simple and succinct: “Ya think?” There had been moments on that trail upward (it was ALWAYS upward!!) that I needed to pause, take a breather, or just regroup for the next step. I apologized to the people waiting below, but no one was ever annoyed, and almost everyone offered remarks of support and encouragement.
Amy and I enjoyed the vista below us for a while, and she pointed out the scar where a recent rockslide on a nearby rock face had plummeted to the canyon floor far below. After resting (Recuperating? Recovering? Seeking a trained psychotherapist to help me figure out why I had set myself upon this path???) snacking and many pictures, we began the journey down. While easier in terms of physical strength, it was still a challenge to find the right footing for the descent. Many times I turned around and backed down the trail, a tactic which definitely helped on the sketchy rock face, and created some humor for my fellow hikers. Imagine looking up and seeing THAT coming at ya! When we returned to Scout Lookout, we saw a pair of California Condors soaring over the canyon, no doubt looking for their next meal. There were also several very fat chipmunks running around on the rocks; clearly hikers were ignoring the signs advising them not to feed wildlife. These pudgy little rascals were quite ready to hibernate in the coming months!
Descending the trail back down onto the canyon floor was less demanding, but even then I needed some rest stops. During one of these stops we talked with a woman who was working her way through the National Parks, hoping to visit each and every one of them. She had a good head start – she was a National Parks ranger posted to Glacier National Park in Alaska.
We eventually made it back to the trailhead; Amy had budgeted 4 hours for the hike, but I took six. We headed out and made it to our hotel a few hours behind schedule. We still had a nice birthday dinner before getting to the hotel. A quick shower and I hit the sack. I never slept so well as I did that night!!
We hit the road in the morning and made good time over the next two days. We even managed to get in a side trip to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, catching one of the last tram rides to the top. Nature rewarded us with a gorgeous sunset over the city skyline.
This was a trip that demanded all I had to offer, and then some. I found strength I didn’t know I had, a determination to keep going, and a sense of wonder at the amazing world around me. Thanks, Aim, for asking for a favor!
Be Bear Aware
Be Bear Aware
Stories from the Field: The Adventures of a Wildlife Technician
by Amy Wittmeyer
During my summer 2021 job in Shaver Lake, CA, my crew encountered many critters in the field, including bears. While most bear encounters were brief and resulted in the bear being scared away with no problem, I had one encounter with three of my crew members that proved to be difficult and potentially even dangerous. It was a late afternoon in early October when my field partner, Taylor, and I began setting up camp for the week at an empty campground in Sequoia National Forest. Shortly after, fellow crew members Chris and Abby joined our campsite, as they would be working nearby that week as well. The evening passed with little fanfare and we stayed up well past dark, stargazing and chatting about whatever came to mind until the fall chill dropped below a tolerable level and we turned in for the night.
As I was fussing about in my tent preparing for bed and the next work day, we heard loud rustling from across the camp area. The two boys took it upon themselves to go investigate while Abby and I continued to prepare for bed. They started shouting at something, which was not immediately concerning, given that it could have been anything from a fox to a deer to a bear. However, the shouting soon grew louder and more anxious. Abby and I grabbed our headlamps and went to join the boys and realized that they were yelling at a very large bear rummaging through trash left behind at the campsite by firefighters the week before. The bear was wholly unbothered by our presence and even took a step or two towards the boys before Abby and I got there. Eventually, Chris and Taylor grabbed a work truck and drove at the bear with headlights on bright and horn blaring until it lumbered off. They didn’t seem to be convinced that the bear would stay away, and they were correct.
Not half an hour later, at around 10:00 at night (far past our usual work night bedtimes), the bear returned to the large pile of yummy food and garbage. Chris and Taylor agreed to go attempt to drive it off again, grumbling good-naturedly about having to wrangle a bear in their boxers. Abby and I listened from our tents to the truck horn honking throughout the campground as they attempted to chase the bear away to no avail. Eventually, the boys returned to camp and told us that they thought it would be best to leave the campground as the bear was obviously not going anywhere. We all agreed there was a very good chance that once the bear was finished with the garbage, he would come to bother us.

So, at 10:30 at night in 40-degree temperatures, we packed our gear as best we could and headed out to try to find another camping spot. Twenty minutes later and several miles down the highway, we managed to find a ragged clearing at the end of a side road that was supposed to lead to a campground we could not find in the dark. Tired, cold, and mildly disgruntled, we set up our tents, bade each other goodnight, and went to bed. When we returned from the field at the end of the week, we reported the incident to our supervisors, and the garbage was cleared when we returned the following week.
My story is not unusual and will become even more common as black and grizzly bears become more comfortable in campgrounds and rural neighborhoods. Irresponsible trash disposal and food storage, along with purposeful feeding of bears, are major threats to the safety of both bears and humans. Like wildlife and environmental agencies say, “a fed bear is a dead bear.” As mother bears become comfortable around humans, they teach their cubs how to find garbage and the cycle worsens. Most bears that lose their fear of humans and get into our garbage become aggressive, dangerous, and often need to be put down. It is very easy to help mediate this problem. Many resources exist on how to camp and live safely with bears, and can be found online, in most state or national parks as signs or pamphlets, or in books at the library. Most importantly, never approach bears or offer them food of any kind, and keep food stored securely in trailers or cars when camping. Bears are wonderful animals to share the forest with, and most wild, unhabituated bears can live peacefully around human developments and campgrounds. As we continue to expand our presence into the forests they call their home, it is up to us to ensure respectful and safe interactions with bears and wildlife of all kinds.
ECO Method For Holding Tanks
ECO Method For Holding Tanks
By Jim Lewis
We live in our RV for months and months at a time. We see all the special cleaning supplies being marketed and sold at the RV shops and big box stores for your black and grey tanks.
For years we have used the ECO method.
First, keep your valves closed except for when you are dumping. This includes your grey tank. If not the water will just run out and leave a coating of heavy solids coating the bottom of the tanks.
Now ECO method, empty your tanks, flush and close your valves. Add 10-15 gallons of water, put about 2 ozs or 1/4 cup of Blue Dawn dish washing detergent and a cap full of Calgon Water Softner (buy from Walmart or Amazon)( can’t find it in any other stores,). Now drive 50-100 miles to slosh and clean your tanks. Dump and rinse. We do this every couple of weeks as we travel. Our gages still work great.
You can add the water and Dawn at home before you leave an then dump as soon as you arrive at a campground.

How To Make Your Campfire Sparkle
How To Make Your Campfire Sparkle
By Jerry Zimmerman
It’s very easy to add color to your campfire. All that you need is copper pipe andPVC garden hose. I like to use ¾ to 1” copper pipe. Cut the copper to about 6” lengths and put the same size piece of plastic or PVC garden hose into the pipe. You may have to split the hose to make it fit into the pipe. DO NOT USE A RUBBER HOSE. Any color PVC hose will work. People give me their old garden hoses, but unfortunately few like to give me the copper pipe. (I don’t know why).Don’t forget to retrieve your burnt out copper pipe the campfire next morning. You can use it over and over until it just finally disintegrates. Enjoy.

Latest NHSTA RV Recalls
Latest NHSTA RV Recalls
Play-Mor Trailers Inc. is recalling 42 2017-2020 3 Room Actor, 2 Room Actor, 2 Room Office, Hair and Makeup, Restroom, 2020 Single Actor, 2019-2020 Motorsport SUV, and 2017 199 Camping Trailer, and Custom BBQ trailers equipped with Winntec model 6020 two-stage propane regulators. The regulator may fail, causing an increase in propane pressure.
- Forest River Inc. is recalling 82 2022 Cherokee Toy Hauler vehicles. The Tire and Loading Information placard label may indicate incorrect rim information. As such, these vehicles fail to comply with the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard numbers 120, “Wheels and Rims-Other Than Passenger Cars” and 567, “Certification.”
- Ford Motor Company is recalling 19,697 2021 Super Duty F-250, F-350, F-450, F-550, F-600, and Medium Duty F-650 and F-750 vehicles equipped with 6.7L diesel engines. A small void may be present in the top-center of the vehicle’s underhood secondary fuel filter cap, which may progress to a pinhole over time, allowing fuel to leak from the top of the secondary fuel filter.
- Keystone RV Company (Keystone) is recalling 407 2022 Alpine and Avalanche vehicles. The vehicles may be equipped with an exterior ladder that is not properly secured to the rear wall of the vehicle.
- Heartland Recreational Vehicles LLC is recalling 2,363 2021-2022 Cyclone, Fuel, Gravity, and Warrior vehicles equipped with certain Sailun tires, sizes ST235/80R16 and ST235/85R16. Due to a manufacturing issue, the tires may experience a belt separation.

This N’ That
Remote Control miniature car racing has been around for several years and is growing in popularity particularly at senior RV parks across the country. Many have made dirt tracks and some even paved tracks. For $300 – $500 you can get a competitive car. In S. Texas there is a circuit of parks that rub championship finals just like the ‘big boys’ at NASACAR. Who
Kristi Collier who has been following Winter Texans who stay at RV Parks in the Rio Grande Valley in her weekly column for over 14 years has noticed a change in tastes at many parks. She says that there is less square dancing and more line dancing, pickle ball is almost everywhere, RC tracks, frisbee golf, dog parks, and other amenities. Winter Texans don’t seem quite as old as they used to due to a high activity level and socializing. Jams are not just country but include other music. Professional entertainment has also improved. RV parks in other sun belt areas are adapting as well.
The Whitehouse has announced a 10 year plan to treat and maintain millions of additional acres wildfires of forests in the Western United States. The goal is to reduce the severity of seasonal wildfires by treating, pruning, trimming and controlled burning. The fund has a 3 million dollar starter with 50 million to be added over time. The Wildfire Crisis Strategy will prioritize AZ, CO, CA, OR, and WA.
The Battlefield d at Gettysburg National Military Park is haunted not by the Civil War soldiers who died there, but by vultures that use the park for a winter roost. It is believed that the vultures were drawn there after the battle and after the bodies were removed the birds dined on the flesh of the dead horses left behind. The park has become a permanent roosting site for up to 900 vultures. The park removes overgrown brush to maintain the ecology.
Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show
The Canadian RV Association is excited to announce that the Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show will take place March 3-6th with strict COVID protocols.
BURLINGTON, ONTARIO, CANADA, January 25, 2022 — On January 21st, Premier Ford and the Provincial Government of Ontario announced a plan to lift certain public health and safety measures effective January 31st including cinemas, restaurants, bars, non-spectator areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms; and meeting and event spaces.
In the release, the Ontario government further revealed that it will follow a careful phased approach to gradually easing COVID-19 restrictions with 21 days between each step and that capacity limits in indoor public settings where proof of vaccination is required including meeting and event centres can go back to 100% capacity on February 21st, two weeks before The Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show is currently scheduled.
While we are extremely pleased to hear that the Ministry of Health and the Premier of Ontario are anticipating that the peak of the 4th wave is near and that our public professionals believe that it is a secure time to loosen restrictions, please be assured that the health and safety of our exhibitors, attendees and staff will continue to be our # 1 priority.
The Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show, working alongside Ontario Health and The International Centre have developed the following COVID policy for our event this year scheduled for March 3rd-6th, 2022, a policy that show attendees, staff and exhibitors must follow. See policy at
We know the past 2 years have been unbelievably difficult on everyone and we are looking at this year’s Toronto Spring Camping and RV Show as a chance to give hope that we are nearing the end while serving as a gigantic step moving forward to getting back to some sense of normality for all of us who enjoy camping and the outdoors. After all, what better way to get ready for camping season than to come shop for the latest and greatest RV models!
Given “The Year of the RV” in 2021 and the much higher retail numbers that the RV industry has experienced, inventory issues have led to a few of our usual Big RV Show exhibitors to skip 2022. However, please be assured that the largest Ontario RV retailers are all back and will be showing off their usual displays showcasing RVs of every model and for any budget.

In absence of the Great Canadian RV Parts and Accessories Superstore, we are excited to announce our brand new “Campers Marketplace” in Hall 2 where our Booth Exhibitors will all be located this year. We know that they are all really looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Finally, in order to avoid smaller enclosed areas, we have decided to move our seminars and speakers (normally off the main aisle in Hall 1) to the Go RVing Canada Activity Zone Big Stage in Hall 2 where we will also have our draws, giveaways and fun activities for all ages all in one place!
Shop at the show for a great deal or just learn more about the RV Lifestyle. Come find your next adventure at The Big RV Show March 3rd-6th, 2022 at The International Centre.
It’s been a long time, and we are excited to see all of you again.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our Show Office if you have any questions. Contact: [email protected]
Shane Devenish
Canadian RV Association
+1 905-315-3156
email us here
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Fleetwood RV Debuts Bounder 35GL
Fleetwood RV Debuts Bounder 35GL Class A Gas for 2022
By: RVBusiness|Published on: Jan 17, 2022|Categories: Today’s Industry News|
DECATUR, Ind. – Fleetwood RV will introduce the 2022 Bounder 35GL at the Florida RV SuperShow, according to a press release from REV Recreation Group.
The Bounder 35GL is a Class A Gas luxury motorhome with an innovative, industry-leading floorplan that delivers ultimate comfort and convenience for travel-loving couples and families. Fleetwood RV is a brand within REV Recreation Group, Inc., which is a subsidiary of REV Group Inc.
With its mid-coach entry, the 35GL is spacious, inviting and features four distinct areas, making it feel like a traditional home, the release states.
The main room at the front of the coach is perfect for lounging, dining, and entertaining. It has a custom-made, ultra-comfortable couch with an LED TV across from it that’s mounted at an appropriate height to deliver the best viewing experience possible. Opposite the sofa is the exclusive multi-purpose Adap-table Dinette that serves as a convenient workstation or breakfast bar for two. By swinging the table out vertically, it easily hosts a dinner party for four.
Flowing from the living area is an open-concept kitchen that boasts a French-door, stainless-steel Whirlpool refrigerator, three-burner cooktop, and lots of sought-after counter space. Across from the cooktop, the stainless-steel apron sink is set on an angle and surrounded by quartz countertops and a glass tile backsplash. A bank of hand-made, solid-wood cabinetry above and below the large sink provides significant storage while under-cabinet lighting delivers a soft ambient glow.
Another desirable amenity that the 35GL delivers is a split lavatory. With easy living in mind, the bathroom area has privacy doors that close it off from the kitchen and bedroom. In addition, each space has its own sink and medicine cabinet, so travelers have extra space and toiletry storage.
The large master bedroom has an airy feel thanks to the picture window and two side windows that bathe the room in natural light. For nighttime relaxation, an LED TV is conveniently positioned across from the King Encore series articulating bed. In addition, the room has plenty of storage with two wardrobes, a six-drawer dresser and overhead CPAP console.

The exterior of the coach delivers additional amenities that make RV life comfortable and enjoyable. Thanks to its mid-ship design, the 35GL has a 14’ awning that covers the entry and creates an expansive outdoor living room. Owners can easily entertain family and friends while enjoying the beauty of nature.
The exterior also features a series of pass-through luggage bay doors for convenient access and a significant amount of storage that’s not typically found on a Class A model.
The 35GL includes a choice of four exterior paint designs (Blue Merle, Cinnaberry, Freedom and Frosted Merlot), three stylish décor packages (Intrigue, Sycamore and Quicksilver) and four hardwood options (English Chestnut, Heritage, Winter Fog and Greystone).
“We’re extremely proud of this new design because it brings together form, function, and creativity in a luxury package that owners are sure to appreciate,” said Doug Miller, product manager for REV Recreation Group’s Class A products. “With Fleetwood RV, we focus on every detail, no matter how small, to deliver a truly amazing experience for our owners.”
The Bounder is one of Fleetwood’s most popular models and has the distinction of being one of the best-selling motorhomes ever. The new Bounder 35GL has a starting MSRP of $238,971.
For more information on the new Gas Bounder 35GL and other models, visit Fleetwood RV.

Louise and Mort Amell, Ontario celebrated their 60th Anniversary with family on February 3rd, 2021. They were active in Canada FCRV and Ontario Provincial Association for many years. Lots of fond memories.


Herbert ‘Herb’ Petersen, 88, Port Jefferson, New York passed away 1-7-22. Herb and his wife, Marie served on the Executive Board, first as National Teen Directors from 1985 -1992. They were appointed National Scholarship Directors from 2001-2014. They also Co-chaired the 1996 Campvention in Hamburg, NY. Herb was a volunteer fireman and a collector of firefighting memorabilia.
Petersens joined NCHA / FCRV in 1970. Later they became Suffolk County District Directors and later NY State Scholarship Directors. They contributed greatly to the programs the served. Herb and Marie received an FCRV National Outstanding Service Plaque when they retired in 1994

John Pillette, 1-22-22, Detroit, Michigan. Lifetime member with wife of 35 years, Beth..

Robert Wayne Reily, 64, 1-4-22, Mount Bridges, Ontario. Husband of Karen Brown Reily, Daughter of Ron & Mary Brown, long time FCRV members. Reilys joined in 2018

Michael Robert Stansbury, 43, 1-22-22, Kenton, Ohio. Son of Bettie Peiffer and the late Dennis Stansbury. Michael was the youngest of 3 brothers, Kevin and Adam. All who were active in Ohio Teen Assn growing up. Michael is survived by his wife Cori and 3 children. He was preceded by a daughter. He did not let diabetes stop him from enjoying life.
![George & Ruth Whitw[2305843009312539377]](
George (Bud) White has two daughters, four grandsons and two great grandchildren. He was a part-time police man in Big Bend when they had the snowmobile races and carnivals. He worked 37 years at Amron Corp. as a set up man until they closed and then he worked at Zero Zone for four years until he retired. In FCRVers with his wife Ruth, they were WI Conservation Directors for 15 years and in 1992 they were the Conservation/ Wildlife Chairman at the International Campvention in Brainard, MINN. He helped with Security at many Campventions we attended.

William ’Bill’ Coply, 84, Fremont, Ohio, longtime active member of Ohio Wheel Estate Chapter with wife of 70 years, Patsy. He was A veteran of the Korean War. Retired from Ford Motor Company, known for wood working and crafts.