July 2024


Interactive Table of Contents

From or About Our Members

Past Camping Todays

Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at www.fcrv.org. Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 137 Crandon Blvd, Cheektowaga, NY 14225. National Office Phone #: 716-668-6242, [email protected]. Camping Today is supported through FCRV memberships.  OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.

Camping Today Staff

Please send articles through the ‘Camping Today’ Submission Portal Page:

National Officers

‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms

[ ‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month.]

[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.

Click on the hyperlink below for the type of ‘Camping Today’ submission you’d liked to send.

ArticlesEvent RecapBirthday ShoutoutMilestoneFarewell –  Dear RVEvent Submit

Message from the “Camping Today” Staff

Message from the “Camping Today” Staff

This is the month your ‘Camping Today’ Staff takes time off to travel to and from Campvention. So this month’s issue will be short.   We will have a pack-filled issue recapping the event in the following months. In the meantime, we would like to leave you with this message.

Over the past two years, the “Camping Today” team has worked very diligently to provide a monthly magazine that is informative and meaningful to both current and potential members. We have made great strides; however, we need YOUR help.

Members want to read about people they know and see events they might possibly attend. Many of you are doing a great job in providing events for our calendar and recaps of those events once they are held. If you are not seeing information about your state or province, it means the information is not being supplied. The “Camping Today” team does not create content. We need our members to help by submitting articles.

The “Camping Today” staff wants to start receiving articles for all our regional, state, and provincial events. We would like to get 2 things in this regard:

  • A pre-event article advertising and explaining what will happen at your regional, state, or provincial function a few months before it happens
  • A post-event recap with pictures showing off all the fun times that were had.

Regional, state, and provincial directors should be communicating this to the event organizers in their areas so they can plan ahead of time to get people to write and/or take pictures at our major events.

In addition to the camping and other events of our camping family, we also want to know what is happening with individuals. We want to celebrate members’ milestones within the organization and outside of it.

  • Is someone celebrating a significant achievement (graduation, work promotion, receiving an award)?
  • Is there a couple in our family celebrating an anniversary of their marriage? How about a  birthday? Let us hear about it!
  • Is anyone receiving an FCRV award? Chapter anniversary? 5/10/25/50th Membership anniversary. Snap a picture when you present them with the certificate and send that to us!
  • Is a Chapter, State, or Province doing something conservation related? This is huge for us. We definitely want to see articles and pictures about this!
  • Wildlife activities of chapters and individuals are also important to share.

These types of activities are posted on social media from our members, but it never seems to make it to our National level of communication to properly be advertised. It’s much harder for this information to trickle up. That is why we need you as our eyes and ears

‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms

[ ‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month.]

[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.

Click on the hyperlink below for the type of ‘Camping Today’ submission you’d liked to send.

ArticlesEvent RecapBirthday ShoutoutMilestoneFarewell –  Dear RVEvent Submit

Click on a year to see those months past issues of “Camping Today”.

20212020 2019



Letter From Retiring Camping Today Editor

by DeWayne Johnston

July 15, 2022.

In 1989, then President Lyndon Mayer urged  me to take over the editor portion of Camping Today since Editor Dave Higbie needed to spend more time on his successful travel business. I had been doing volunteer publicity for NCHA. As editor I was hired as a contractor for service. Dave and Martha Higbie would stay on as publisher and continue to do the layout and printing and supervise mailing. Copies were printed and mailed at that time. Since then, NCHA/FCRV has had several publishers who took care of layout, printing and mailing for a fee.

I was fortunate to have several mentors who knew the organization inside out. Among them were the Higbies and Noreen Smith,  I was also glad to get to know founder Hank Nathan, National Director Don Plummer,  Office Manager Fran Opella, Layout Person Cathy Williams and many others including the presidents I served under. My wife June was always a great help, too.

My last few years were made a little easier by Vickie Roop who volunteered to take over layout when Camping Today alternated  between print and mail and online issues.  Of course, today, it’s all done on line with Carl Fromholzer and Paul Standiford doing the layout and Pat Wittmeyer taking care of the mailed subscriptions . 

My overall goal was to develop sources for interesting and useful articles and to encourage the membership to share what they are doing in the way of camping activities and other community service projects. Covering Campventions, Retiree Rallies, and other special events was also important. Making FCRV look good wasn’t hard since so many chapters, states, and provinces were doing lots of public service such as Conservation Projects, fundraising for charities, and things like bringing Christmas to orphanages and nursing homes. Also, the Connecticut ’Make A Wish’ support and the Winter Texans Veterans Home gift drive were significant. Rallies have always taken up donations for the local food banks and nursing homes, etc. including Ronald McDonald House.

Although I am retiring as editor, I’ll still be around taking a few pictures and may contribute a story or two.  We’ll continue to camp and enjoy the many great friends we have in FCRV.