Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
- From The President
- Wildlife Refuge Inc. Annual Report 2023
- NCHA (FCRV) National Hank Nathan Scholarship Report 2023
- Calling All Gardeners – October 15th Deadline
- Welcome New Members!
Upcoming National Events
Event Schedule & Recaps
Camping Information & Tips
Milestones & Birthdays
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editorial Proofreader: Shari Weber
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
Please send articles through the new
‘Camping Today’ Submission Portal Page.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Linda English
- VP of Programs: Dora Lewis
- VP of Planning & Development: Amy DeCamp
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Sandi Wingert
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 716-668-6242, [email protected] Camping Today is supported through FCRV memberships. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms
[ ‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month.]
[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.
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Articles – Event Recap – Birthday Shoutout – Milestone – Farewell – Dear RV – Event Submit

From The President
Did you see the Noise Parade at Campvention? There are a couple of recordings on the Facebook Public Group if you were not there to join in with the Parade. We send out a special thank you to the Centerville Fire and Rescue for making the Noise Parade one to remember and for gathering everyone that took part in the parade together for a great photo afterward, another memory from the 63rd annual Campvention in Richmond Indiana. A special Thank You to the entire Campvention Team for all their hard work for the 63rd Annual Campvention.
Campvention is over, and we begin planning for next year. 2024 will be our 75th Anniversary as NCHA / FCRV. The Campvention team will be looking for volunteers to help with this celebration in June of 2024. We will be launching our $75 for 75 Club. This is going to roll out soon, first to our Lifetime Members and yearly members. This is also open to all members as well. To become a member of the 75 Club we are asking for a one time $75 dollar donation that will go to the general operating budget. We plan to have a banner with all of our 75 Club members displayed at Campvention. We will start accepting membership in the 75 Club on September 15. We will have the address in the September Camping today to send your membership check to. We will plan something special at Campvention for the members who are in attendance. There has been a challenge issued by the Lifetime Members that they will raise more than the yearly members. Now I do not know who will win this challenge, but I think this could be fun. Who will be the Champ of this challenge? Lifetime Members or the Yearly Members?
As I was getting ready to send this update to Camping Today, I was reminded of how dedicated scammers are. We have made it an FCRV Policy that we will not ask for gift cards in any way. There has been another round of people asking for gift cards for asking someone to call me as I needed cards for something and was not able to pick up the cards. Please do not fall for this. We will not ask for gift cards for anything. I would also encourage you to look at the address the message came from. You will find that it was not from anyone within FCRV. Mark as junk and block the sender.
See you at the next Campfire!
Gerry Pfirsch
FCRV International President

Wildlife Refuge Inc. Annual Report 2023
Wildlife Refuge Inc. Annual Report 2023
Beginning balance 7/1/22 – $78,146
End balance – $80,148
The 2023 Wildlife Grants are awarded to:
Sempervirens –
Sempervirens protects 56 square miles of Redwood Forest and created the first California State Park: Big Basin Redwoods. Their work affects wildlife from large mammals to endangered species such as red-legged frogs, coho salmon, and marbled murrelet. They received $1,000.00
Hobbitsee Wildlife Refuge –
Is a repeat recipient. They will use the funds to complete their new wildlife hospital. They will receive $500
Dakota Zoo –
Is a repeat recipient. Their funds will be used to purchase meds for the rare species of Penguins that are in their care. They will receive $500.
We did a Wildlife Photo Contest this year.
- The 1st place winner was Bob Kalberer
- 2nd place Pat Cohee
- 3rd place Ron Cohee.

NCHA (FCRV) National Hank Nathan Scholarship Report 2023
NCHA (FCRV) National Hank Nathan
Scholarship Report 2023
Beginning balance 7/1/22 – $284,493
End Balance – 6/30/23 $245,687
The scholarship committee is proud to announce the 2023 scholarship winners as clockwise from the top right:
The scholarship committee is proud to announce the 2023 scholarship winners as clockwise from the top right:
- Grace Carey $2,500
Grace Carey is attending Ball State University studying Biology/PreMedical. - Susie Valderrabano $1,500
Susie Valderabano is attending the University of Washington studying Medical Anthropology. - Cassandra Coniglio $1,500
Cassandra Coniglio is attending Flagler College studying English Literature.
Congratulations to all of this year’s recipients.

Calling All Gardeners – October 15th Deadline
Calling All Gardeners
By Debbie Swanson
FCRV is sponsoring a gardening contest for our Conservation Program.
There will be cash prizes awarded for a winner and a runner-up.
The rules for the contest are as follows:
The garden plot can be any size. 75% of the garden must contain plants that are native to your area and attract pollinators.
It can be a container garden. There must be at least five 5-7 gallon containers and have plants that are native to your area and attract pollinators.
The growing part of the contest ends September 30th. Pictures of the garden, and a list of the native plants must be received by October 15th. Bonus points for pictures showing pollinators in your garden.
The above information, along with your name and address, should be sent to: [email protected]
Winners will be notified by November 1st.
For information on pollinator gardening go to wildflowers.

Welcome New Members
Family Campers & RVers would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members:
Christian Stump | Brittney Stump | Referred by Kim Laudenslager |
Mike Van Raalte | Shay Van Raalte | Former member |
Tom Barlog | Diane Barlog | Referred by Ron Cohee |
Russell McKerlie | Denise McKerlie | Referred by Ron Cohee |
Tommy LaCour | Kandi LaCour | Referred by Ron Cohee |
Robert Luke | Referred by Deb Swanson | |
Joseph Halcomb | Diane Somers | Referred by Bob Kalberer |
LaDonna Weiss | Referred by Michele Ienna | |
Lucien Jeffries | Marlena Spittle | Lykens Valley Roamers |
Hal Coffen | Sheri Coffen | Referred by Amy DeCamp |
John Whitcomb | Myrtle Whitcomb | Referred by W. Zuhosky |
2024 Retiree Rally & 2024 Campvention

Join in on the discussion at the 2024 Retiree Rally Facebook group.
Click the link above or scan the code below.

Join in on the discussion at the 2024 Campvention Facebook group.
Click the link above or scan the code below.

2023 Campvention Recap
Campvention 2023 Chairwoman
By Connie Black
WOW, I can’t believe it is all over. We have been working very hard on putting a great week of activities together for all of you for 1 ½ years. I have been a Team Leader for 4 different Campventions with Vicki Roop twice, Linda Hennie once and Shari Weber once as Campvention Chairman. I learned so much working under those three ladies: it really paid off when it became my turn to take over the steering wheel.
You can’t imagine how much work goes into being the chairman, but it was all worth it for me just to see all of the members having so much fun and listening to all of the laughter. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love to have fun at anything that I am doing. I love the motto of “Laughter Makes the World Go Round”. It seems to be the thing that keeps me motivated.
I am so appreciative of the wonderful team of workers that I had by my side. They did such a great job that it made my job so much easier. Another motto of mine is “Work Smarter, Not Harder”. Having all of the right people in the right areas was working smarter. I know that I can depend on all of the people who were working with me to do the best that they can do and that is what counts for a job done well.
It was great to see and meet all of the First Timers and all of my old friends. I really hope that you enjoyed your time with us. It was fun to see you participating in all of the activities and teaching us some of your fun activities. Although I think that I was taken advantage of when they were teaching me to play Kubb at Family Fun Day. I think that is what it was called. Not sure, but just remember that I will be back for more!
Next year in Herkimer, New York, I will be participating in more activities than I was able to this year; so, you all had better brace yourselves. Connie will return!

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings…..One More Time
By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair
This is the annual cycle of an FCRV Campvention. I felt the anticipation for more than a year going into the 2023 Campvention. I was asked to be the Registration Chair in November 2021. Registrations were not incoming until July 2022, but there was a bit of prep work.
ANTICIPATION: Registration was open at the 2022 Campvention, and my work began. There were days when I had 4 or 5 envelopes in my mailbox….oh, the anticipation! Discounted registration ended December 31, and I was hoping to have 100 campers registered. I believe there were 102 sent in by that deadline. Oh, the anticipation!
Things slowed down after that, and I found that I missed getting those little envelopes in the mail. Camping took over people’s minds again in spring, and I began getting excited about going to the mailbox. I was hoping for 200 registrations by the June 1 deadline. Lo and behold…..202 pre-registrations were received!!! Oh, the anticipation!
During these pre-registration months, I not only received the forms, but I emailed, texted and talked on the phone to many of these future campers. I couldn’t wait to meet not only everyone I had registration forms for but especially those I had communicated with in other ways. Oh, the anticipation!
Then there was the Facebook page. I got to know people even more through my own and the Campvention pages. Oh, the anticipation!
EXCITEMENT: Suddenly, it was time to leave for Campvention. The truck was packed (solid) and off we went. Oh, the excitement! We arrived the day before Early Bird began to set up. The volunteers were scheduled ,and all was ready for you to arrive. Oh, the excitement!
I spent 17 hours at the registration/check-in table, and I FINALLY met so many people that I felt I already knew. Oh, the excitement of not just me, but everyone that walked through that door into Central Registration.
Campvention began with a bang – not really, but with a downpour. Did that affect our excitement? Not at all. We are CAMPERS, and we adapt to situations. The schedule book was given out, and there was excitement over all the activities offered. We had games/seminars/hospitalities/entertainment/and the list goes on. Oh, the excitement! My only personal issue is that we have so much to do and so little time to do it. Decisions, decisions.

DISAPPOINTMENT: Way before I was ready, Campvention was over. Oh, the disappointment. It went out with a bang (literally as the thunder was deafening/rolling/frequent). My role in Campvention was over. Oh, the disappointment.
I have been an FCRV member since 1986. This was my 8th (?) Campvention but the 1st I had ever had a part in as a team member. It was an interesting experience. I was the only person in charge of all the registrations before Campvention began but once there, it was totally different. There was no way I could check-in 202 campers by myself so I requested volunteers. I would like to thank Pat Rozelle, Shari Weber, Linda English, Pat Cohee, Gaye and Gary Bex, Sandy and Larry Scott, Ivalee Vanderhoff, Ruthann Simon, Dawn Webb, Sharon Shaneyfelt and Catherine Goodnature for being so helpful in the check-in. I hope I didn’t miss anyone. Some of these volunteers and volunteers in other areas were 1st time Campvention attendees.
I had never done anything on this scale before, and I was a bit apprehensive. Don’t let inexperience and uncertainty stop you from volunteering at an event like this. We are ALL volunteers here.
I learned a lot from registrations (I know where y’all live ). As mentioned before, I have communicated with many in other ways. I felt like I was meeting 200 friends in Richmond.
I really wish I could have spent more time with each and every one of you, but it was busy for us all and some of y’all I saw at check-in and then not again until closing ceremonies. I love all my FCRV friends.
Stay safe until the next time.
That cycle has started up again….ANTICIPATION…..FCRV Campvention 2024 is open for business.
First Timers
By Donna Powell, Team Leader
WOW! My crew and I thoroughly enjoyed welcoming 142 adults and their children! We mentioned the red ribbon was to let all know that this was their first time at Campvention. My very first couple that came through was Gary and Gaye Bex, Indianapolis, Indiana. They were First Timers but were also some of our volunteers to help during the week. Thank you! I know and hope you had lots of welcoming hugs all week long.
We had 2 meetings during the week. On Monday, July 10th, we held an information meeting. I introduced our National President, Gerry Pfirsch, who introduced the Board of Trustees. The Board, Patty (FCRV office manager), Ed Shaneyfelt (Campvention coordinator), and myself tried to fill in the First Timers, encouraging them (120+) to enjoy, have fun, ask questions, but do what they wanted to do to have a wonderful time.
Our second meeting on Friday, July 14th was held early afternoon with a sound system! Sorry, we didn’t use one on Monday. We have 50+ surveys returned; yes, they will be read by Ed, the team leaders, National Board, and me. Your comments and suggestions are all very important and helpful when planning our next year’s Campvention. Thank you for coming and enjoying your week with us!

Campvention 2023 Vendor Recap
By Ron Cohee, Commercial Chair
I had 11 vendors Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It was busy. The other days were very slow. The vendors suggested that we only open for 3 days instead of all week.
The 11 vendors ranged from RV tours to RV insurance and crafts and a free Wi-Fi Cafe from Travlfi. I want to thank Dale & Karen Huston for the FCRV badges and things, RV Fred, Color Street Nails, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Fantasy Tours. Several of the vendors have expressed to me they will be back next year, including one of the RV techs.
There were 4 food trucks. The Ice cream was a big hit! No complaints. The other food trucks were not so successful due to scheduling issues. The RV techs that came to help did a great job.
Final note: I really, really enjoyed doing this job. I’m looking forward to doing it next year. I really did appreciate doing the vendor chair. It was a blast and a great pleasure!

Back to Our Roots & Traditions
By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair
Based on a suggestion by Marci Mcintosh, Michigan, ‘Back to Our Roots & Traditions’ sparked interest and was shared on Facebook as a reminder to long time members and an introduction to our newer members. The posts encouraged participation and answered questions that were asked. Our members responded.
Swaps/Trades were shared at Campvention. Members made items to share with others who had made items or to just share to perhaps revive the tradition. ‘Swapping/Trading’ provided an opportunity to interact with others. There were interesting items to save as memories of a fun week.
A memorabilia display was set up in the commercial area. Members displayed items from their/our past. Of particular interest was the site map for Campvention 1983 at Buck Creek State Park , Springfield, Ohio where the acreage was cleared by Ohio members to hold the event. The site map was the plan for parking the units where each unit was ‘given an address’ before arrival. Upon arrival, the units were directed to their ‘address’. Also, of particular interest were Campvention program books from Campventions held in the 1960s. Missouri displayed a huge banner that holds 53 chapter patches from the chapters Missouri once had. Next year is the 75th anniversary of NCHA/FCRV when we gather in New York. Bring your memorabilia to share!
The noise parade provided by the Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit brought back a tradition when the hosting area became involved with Campvention. The fire department & EMS unit had provided safety seminars during the week. The idea of them providing a noise parade was suggested to them. They responded with LOTS of noise! Their reception was enthusiastic!! Thank you, Centerville!
With Campvention 2023 concluded with 195 registrations (181 units; 12 second families in a unit, and 2 off-grounds) enjoying the week in Richmond, Indiana, FCRV looks ahead to Campvention 2024 in New York June 23rd to June 29th. Note the dates! Plan your swaps/trades and memorabilia to share! See you in New York!

Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award
By Shari Weber
Dave and Linda Hennie received the Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award at Campvention in Richmond. President Gerry Pfirsch presented the award at the annual meeting Thursday afternoon. More than 25 member families supported this nomination. This is a unique presentation in that Linda’s Mom & Dad, Don & Wilma Plummer also received this award in 2009.
Dave and Linda have been members since their marriage in 1970. They were nominated for this award for their leadership, achievements, and service of more than 25 years. The contents of their nomination follows.
2003 – 2011 Ohio State Director Lead Ohio in the programs of FCRV, Train and inform field staff to understand their responsibilities, manage membership in Ohio.
Been continuous members of the Day-Hi-O Trailseekers for 51 years. Held office of President, Vice President, Secretary and/or Treasurer several times in local chapter-Day-Hi-O Trailseekers. Dave was President and Linda was Secretary of the Trailseekers. Members of the Full-timers Retiree Chapter since 2001. Members of the Midwest Quackers. Southwest Area Delegates for Ohio Retirees. Dave and Linda were members with their families prior to their marriage in 1970 when they received membership as a wedding gift. Dave and his family since 1963, Linda’s family since 1961. They are now lifetime members.
- 2022 – Current – Linda & Dave Retiree Director Manage the Retiree Program, find sites for the annual rally, and assure there is a chairperson for the rally.
- Current – Dave Acting Ohio State Director Manage membership and programs for Ohio, train and inform field staff.
- Current – Linda Parliamentarian Interpret Constitution and By-Laws for the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, and Advisory Council.
- 2000 – Present Volunteers for various positions at National Retiree Rally.
- 2011 – 2019 Great Lakes Regional Director.
- 2017 Campvention Chair – Led the Campvention team to put on Campvention in Lima, Ohio.
- 2018 – Retiree Rally Chair – led the rally team to put on a Spring Break themed rally including beach/spring break activities outside in the afternoon.
- 2008 – Received Plaque FCRV’s top award recognizing outstanding service.
- 2018 – Received Award of Merit Recognizing exemplary work within their program responsibilities and for work above and beyond the scope of the responsibilities of the program.

- Both Dave & Linda are active in their church.
- They have two children, seven grandchildren, and a great grandchild arrived in May.
- Attended all State and National Conferences of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1975.
- Linda – 1972 – Present member of Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary, Currently National Recording Secretary of Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary, Held multiple offices several times in local auxiliary. Held office of Trustee, Secretary, and President in Ohio State Auxiliary.
- 2011 – Present – Linda is the National President of the Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary.
- 2005 – Present Chairman of National Peace Officers Memorial Service, Washington D.C. She presents police officers who gave their life in service of their duties in the previous year.
- Dave – 1970 – Present Member of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1970.
- 1969 – 1999 – Dave – City of Dayton Police Officer. Retired 1999. Held office of Trustee and Secretary in a local lodge.
- 1999 Dave – Outstanding Volunteer of the Year – Dayton Fraternal Order of Police.
- 2004 Linda – Member of the Year Award – Dayton Fraternal Order of Police.
- 2007 Linda – Lifetime Achievement Award – Ohio State Fraternal Order of Police.
By Denise Weiss, Hospitality Chair
The hospitalities truly embody the meaning of “Where strangers become friends and friends become family”. They provided a place to meet people that were new to FCRV, talk to the ones we hadn’t seen in a while, those we just hadn’t met yet and a chance to get to know the FFCC members and welcome them into our family.
We had 8 groups signed up to host hospitalities. THANK YOU to those who signed up to host. Everyone I talked to seemed to enjoy them and getting to know the people who hosted them. There were lots of good things to eat and very useful things as well. We had one in the morning; the donuts were a welcome treat and not having to fix breakfast was nice. The mid-afternoon ones provided people to stave off the hunger pains until dinner. The evening ones were a nice way to end the day with the after-dinner snack or gift after a full day of activities.
I really do appreciate those who stepped up to host them. I would like to extend a special thank you to my co-chair Stacy Davis, what a great friend, co-worker and supporter.

Waggle Rose Paws Parade
By Donna Powell, Team Leader
Did you come and enjoy our Waggle Rose Paws Parade? It was so fun! We were sponsored by Waggle Pet Monitoring Systems ( that donated one of their pet monitoring systems to use as one of two grand prizes.
We had 18 entries, some with 2 dogs. Each entry was introduced as they walked up to and around our stage. Each entry performed a trick or showed their performance. As they came down from the stage, the owner and dog(s) had their picture taken by our photographer, Barb Turner. Thank you, Barb.
After our judges, Jan Cushing, Wisconsin; Wayne and Lois Zuhoski, New York, saw each entry, they discussed among themselves who the winners would be.
During their tallying up the winners, we drew for 2 door prizes. From one of our commercial vendors This n That, a large container of bones, went to Lexi, Gerald and Kathy Tannehill, MO. Our sponsor, Waggle Pet Monitoring System, donated one of their systems; the winner of the Waggle Pet Monitoring System was Beau, whose owner is Misty Stuckwisch, IN.
Our winners are: Owner/look alike: Archie/ Karen Snodgrass, OH; Best Trick- Odessa/ Robert Hicks, MI; Best Behaved- Ronin/ Catherine Goodnature, IL; Most adorable- Lily/ Carol Burns, NY; Best-in-show- Stetson/Amy DeCamp, OH!
Congratulations to all our winners. They each received a toy and treats and a certificate. All our entries received a participation certificate and small bag of treats.
Thank you to Karen Decker and Rhonda O’Neal who helped me. A huge thank you to all our fur babies and their families.

Campvention Service Project
By Barb Turner, Chair
With the aid of Linda English and Beth Muschinski in creating an idea, FCRV Hearts & Hands quilts & blankets for kids was created as a service project to leave something of Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana. 198 quilts/blankets were made/purchased by our Campvention attendees. Most were made and brought to Campvention. But some were made during Campvention. Thank you, Jill Serbousek, for bringing fleece kits that were made on-site. Thank you, Pam Failor, for sewing labels and many quilts/blankets and sewing. Thank you, Mary Borton & Patti Thieme, for helping organize the quilts/blankets.
With the large response of quilts/blankets, they were divided between three organizations in Richmond: Neighborhood Care, the Richmond Fire Department, and Foster Hope. Each organization was so thankful for our generous donations.

Campvention 2023 Community Noise Parade
By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair
Noise parades at Campventions have a long tradition. Noise parades from the local community also have a long tradition, but such parades haven’t happened on a regular basis the past few years.
Thanks to the Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit the tradition returned to Campvention 2023! The fire department & EMS unit had provided safety seminars during the week. The idea of them providing a noise parade was suggested to them. They responded with LOTS of noise! Their reception was enthusiastic!! Thank you, Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit!

Bocce Ball
By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs
We had 7 teens show up to participate in Bocce Ball this year. They were on mixed teams with adults. The teens that participated included: Cassie Coniglio, Christina Mitchell, Jayden Paddack, Grace Carey, Alexis Simpson, Gabriel Batista and Donuel Gonzalez. Everyone enjoyed learning the new (to FCRV) game. Thanks, FFCC!!!

Campers Actively Moving Program (C.A.M.P.)
By Chair: Rick & Kathy Boatwright & Co-Chair: Dick & Kathy Buresh
Hello everyone! We had a great time at Campvention 2023. We would like to thank everyone that participated in the Campers Actively Moving Program (C.A.M.P) whether it was walking, biking, line dancing or multiple games.
There was a 1-Mile course, measured by GPS, for Hiking and Biking. We walked every day during the week with a total of 31 participants. The total walking mileage was 160.5 miles. There were also 4 bike riders. Their total mileage was 51.4 miles.
We had 3 Line Dancing classes with a total of 20 participants. The total dance time was 1920 minutes. There were 3 different adult games. Ladder Golf, Horseshoes and Washer Toss. There were 112 participants with a total of 285 games.
This year we added the teens in the Campers Actively Moving Program, from a Conservation Hike picking up trash to walking, and playing Disc Golf. There were 20 Teens that participated, with a total walking mileage of 43.5 miles. Some of the teens participated in a game of Bocce Ball, with a total of 14 games. The teens also played Volleyball and Softball. There were 39 teens that participated in these activities, with a total of 3900 minutes. There were 28 teens that went to a roller-skating party for a total of 3360 minutes.
We would like to have had more participants in C.A.M.P. but with so many things going on, we understand. We hope everyone had fun at Campvention 2023 and can’t wait to see everyone again at Campvention 2024 in Herkimer, New York.

Adult/Family Activities Center
By Craig Weber & Brian Fuller, Co-chairs
Thank you to all who participated in activities in the Adult Center and beyond. Five jigsaw puzzles were completed in the five days. A group of adults and a group of youth played balloon volleyball on Monday. On Tuesday we had over 80 people playing Bingo. 177 dollars in prize money was passed out, with $13 for ten games and $48 for the final cover-all. On Wednesday we had 56 people playing card bingo with $25 dollars in prize money passed out. Card bingo was followed by a Euchre Tournament with twenty players. Sixty-seven people signed up for Bowling on Thursday, and a good time was had by all. Finally, on Friday we had four teams play bean bag baseball. We had great participation for all our planned events, and everyone had a good time. Thank You.

Adult Games Recap
By Kathy Collier, Adult Games Chair
We had more participants than we’ve had in the previous ten years! Many of them were our newest members. And, they came to PLAY!!
There are more official games now available to play at National (and all levels of campouts). In addition to horseshoes, ladder golf and washer toss, volleyball is back, and we have added bean bag baseball, corn hole and Kubb. The games played will depend on popularity and ability to set them up. The rules are available on
There were two offsite events; a golf outing with 18 players and bowling which had 65 prepaid but only 59 able to attend. Onsite cornhole was played with about 50 players and bean bag baseball had about 20. Kubb, being very new, had some players at the Family Fun Day.
The Ohio State Association donated some washer toss boards to FCRV. Fortunately, our FFCC chapter had even more. By having so many boards and dividing them so one board was used for each court, we were able to keep things moving.

For cornhole to take place, we absolutely must rely on members letting us use personal sets. Members came through, as usual, and there was fun to be had. (There is no way a chairman can bring multiple sets. They are just too big to carry many sets in one rig.)
Please do expect some changes in how the games are run and played, to keep things fair and moving. This year, horseshoes had amongst the least players, but took the most time.
Ladder Golf |
Ladder Golf Men’s (25 participants):
Ladder Golf Women’s (25 participants):
Ladder Golf Doubles (18 participants):
Horseshoes |
Horseshoes Doubles (6 participants):
Horseshoes Men’s (11 participants):
Horseshoes Women’s (4 participants):
Washer Toss |
Washer Toss Doubles (18 participants):
Washer Toss Men’s (25 participants):
Washer Toss Women’s (25 participants):
Campvention with the Teens
By Marci Macintosh, Teen chair
We started the week out working on rose petals for the float that would come at the end of the week. Most of the teens had not paper-mached before but picked it up quickly. Not everyone loved sticking their hands in the glue, but each teen was a good sport about trying it.
The TP Insurance Raffle tickets were handed out at the meeting at the beginning of the week, and many kids participated vigorously for the cash prize.
We held a Rose Garden Party Sunday night, a Glow Party Monday night with black lights and glow paint, and a Beach Party Tuesday night with over a ton of sand hauled in to create a beach in the outdoor area of the teen center.
The Family Fun Day lunch fundraiser was a success and paid for two offsite activities through the week with enough left over to donate $400 to the Circle You Help Center in Richmond. The teens seemed to enjoy the service, and the membership that participated seemed to enjoy the meal along with Family Fun Day.
While no one, except Jeff Robinson, was an expert at Disc Golf, we all had a good time learning from him on the first of three offsite activities. By the end of our time on the course, many of us were trying new techniques to throw and saw an improvement. Two hours was not enough time for a whole course, but we enjoyed every ‘hole’ that we played.
Tuesday, the Shaneyfelts and Scott Semper provided breakfast for the teens to fuel up for a busy day. We went hiking the White River Gorge Trail and picked up 4 bags of trash along the way. The trail included interesting sights such as the Star Gennett Building and historical sidewalk with tributes to recording artists that graced the studio. Due to the interest in the historic landmarks and with starting and returning to the Veterans Park, we only made it 2 miles along the trail.

After hiking and trash pickup, the teens donned their bow ties and tea towels to serve the adults attending the Any Hat Luncheon.
The Teens were involved in multiple noise parades throughout the week. One was midday on their way back from an offsite activity, and two others were at night. One even had four of the Centerville Fire/Rescue trucks as the main attraction! The teens enjoyed the noise parades, and so many of the adults were good sports about the disruption.
On Wednesday, the teens bounced back and forth between the TP Insurance Raffle Set Up and Preview and sports. They played volleyball and softball on Wednesday and joined in on bocce ball on Thursday.
In the midst of those activities, the teens squeezed in ‘trick-or-treating’ for non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank. The response of adult participation to this activity was overwhelming.
The TP Insurance raffle was Wednesday evening, and many prizes were given away with the Blackstone Grill and trip to South Carolina being very popular, but all the prizes were very desirable.
Thursday, after bocce ball, was a slow down with a ‘drive-in’ movie, Super Mario Bros, for the youth and teens. After the movie, we worked on float assembly again with decorating the truck as the primary activity. Then, everyone was off to get ready to walk the red carpet at the Dancing through the Decades Family Dance. The band was superb and a lot of fun. But then it was back to final float construction through the rest of the night.
The teens were up on Friday morning for float judging and walking in the parade. It was our honor to hand out a promotional gift for the 2024 Campvention in Herkimer, New York as we walked in the parade. Our float was constructed backward, so the truck drove the whole parade in reverse. We were honored to tie with the Youth for the National Award in the parade.
Our final offsite activity was to go to the Retro Rush Arcade and Suzie’s Pizza Parlor. Again, the Double Digits were invited to join in the fun, and everyone found at least a few games they liked. The pinball machines were popular and so were the driving games. Some of the kids played their first-ever Pac-Man game!
At the evening program, the representative from Circle You Help Center came to announcements, and the teens presented the money and food items they had collected to Kyle, the Executive Director. They even helped him load the truck with all the goodies.
The last evening was relaxed, and the teens played some cornhole, hung out, and helped clean up the teen center.
Then, it was back offsite for a Roller-Skating party. Since there was plenty of room at the rink, the teens invited the Double Digit (10-12) Youth to attend with us. They stuffed themselves with unlimited pizza and made countless laps around the rink. While some kids took to roller skating like fish to water, others preferred to hang out and visit or play with the arcade games, but all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the event.
Campvention’s Coming Up Roses Site Decorating Contest
By Shari Weber, Site Chair
You did a great job decorating your sites! The judges said it was very hard to choose. They were amazed by the talented people who created displays.
There were 25 displays. Some were individuals who developed the displays while others were done by groups and even included multiple sites. The judges were from Grandpa’s Farm Campground in Richmond, Indiana who were also the sponsors of the contest. The sponsors provided 4 $25 prizes. The Prettiest received by Karen Snodgrass from Ohio, Most Unique received by Beth Muschinski from Mississippi, Most Colorful received by Vern & Pam Failor from Kansas, and the Most Creative received by Janet Enseleit of New York. Two received honorable mention were Barb Davelis from Illinois and Kathy & Dave Hartwig from Michigan. Thanks again to our sponsor Grandpa’s Farm Campground!

Conservation & Camping Is Poster Contest
By Dora Lewis, Vice President of Programs
Conservation Poster Contest gives all members of F.C.R.V. the opportunity to share their talents, by sharing ways we can help conserve our planet for the next generation. All work is done on a 22X28 poster. Each poster must pertain to some phase of Conservation. Posters are judged on Adherence to National Conservation Board, Originality, Neatness, and Adherence to or development of the theme. Age of categories up-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14,15-19 20-up. One winner in each age level from each State/Province can enter in the National Contest at Campvention.

Conservation Adult:
1st place Marilyn Rausch, Indiana
2nd place Jonne John, New York
3rd place Kathy Hartwig, Michigan
Honorable Mention David Batista, Connecticut
Conservation 11-12 years:
1st place Otto Mcintosh, Michigan
Camping Is Poster Contest is a poster contest that gives the youth of F.C.R.V. an opportunity to show what camping means to them. Posters must be done on a standard 22×28 poster board. Posters can be done by coloring, drawing, lettering, all entries should be the youths own work, ages are 5-12. Youths under 5 years may participate in a coloring contest with an official color page.
Posters are done at the State/Province level, only one winner in each age level can enter the National level contest held at Campvention.
Camping Is 0-4 years:
1st place Ellinor Smith, Kansas
Camping Is 5-6 years:
1st place Jordon Longberry, Indiana
2nd place Layla Domanski, New York
3rd place Dayna Kendle, Colorado
Camping Is 7-8 years:
1st place Teagan Melsrah, Connecticut
2nd place Conner Smith, Kansas
3rd place Jocelyn Jefferio, Pennsylvania
Camping Is 9-10 years:
1st place Kennedy Longberry, Indiana
Camping Is 11-12 years:
1st place Otto Mcintosh, Michigan
By Misty Stuckwisch, Crafts Chair
Crafts were well received this year. I had 45 signed up for one session and 46 for the other. Everyone seemed pleased with the options I had, and the day/time appeared to work well. Assisting me were Gaye Bex & my mom, Sherry Nolan. I was very thankful for the extra hands! Many compliments were received about the crafts, and someone even suggested we do the Christmas ornament every year to have a collection showing each Campvention on their tree! A big “Thank You” to everyone that participated in my crafts! I look forward to teaching you all again.
Betty Andrews brought an additional craft of painting rocks. Betty taught them how to paint a rose using commas. Some left their rocks around the grounds to be found.

Family Fun Day Recap
By Gerald Pfirsch, FCRV International President
Family Fun Day was a success again this year. The Trustees had 9 different games set up at Campvention for everyone’s enjoyment. There were turtle races, bucket ball, Kubb, and sack races, just to name a few games and challenges. People appeared to enjoy the games at their own leisure. Members were encouraged to take a try at the game and just have fun. The Teens again had hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch sales. Always delicious and well supported. It was a fun-filled afternoon, and I hope everyone enjoyed the day.

Tram Drivers
By Jana & Michael Tharp, Tram Chairs
We would like to thank all the many people that signed up and helped drive the trams. Without you, it would not have been possible!! Thanks again; see you in ‘24.

Golf Results
By Jim Turner, Golf Chair
Low score wins
Team Score: 74 John Waite ONT Lew Acre ONT George Reynolds NC Terry Swanburg ONT |
Team Score: 76 Craig Weber FL Rudy Sandau ONT Nyhl Austin NY Scott Serbousek IL |
Team Score: 78 Robert Snodgrass OH Tim Rosenberger ONT David Skillings ONT Jack Smye ONT |
Team Score: 80 Lynn Pothier ONT Dave Pothier ONT Dave Hennie OH |
Team Score: 80 Darris Douma NJ Dave Panko MT Jim Turner FL |
Long drive: Men: Robert Snodgrass OH Ladies: Lynn Pothier ONT |
Closes to the pin Men: John Waite ONT Ladies: Lynn Pothier ONT |
Locator Board
By Donna Powell, Team Leader
Larry Roop was our locator board person this year. Larry said he had 200 names on the board. He enjoyed helping people connect with people at Campvention, thanks to Marilyn Rausch’s map. He also was our information person. The information booth had a variety of questions concerning location of events and the times that they were to be held. He helped with questions about locations in Richmond; such as the Chocolate Trail, the Cardinal Green Way Trail and local restaurants. Larry stated it was a great place to meet old friends and make new ones.

Parade and Any Hat Luncheon
By Rhonda O’Neal
FCRV Parade: chaired by Carl and Sue Fromholzer with about 11 entries which included floats, walkers and golf carts.
National Award – A tie between the Youth and Teens.
State/Province – Connecticut.
Chapter – New York Blue Birds
Individual – Mike and Marilyn Rausch
Trustee Award – Ontario
All Hat Luncheon: chaired by Deborah Swanson. 150 people joined each other with their hats, some funny, unusual and questionable (?), for lunch with the Teens serving.

The Reason I Built This Stage
By Ray and Jane Thornton (Michigan)
When I built this stage, you would laugh at the original drafts and how many I did.
I originally was only going to build just a 4-prong trellis, but I later thought I could represent our organization in a much better way.
I toyed with building one with square bases, but I didn’t want people to think we were squares.
Instead, I wanted to show how I feel about FCRV on this stage.
The flowers starting at the base and going up represent where we started. The lights are the people that hold our organization together. The top looks like white clouds with sunshine peeking through to show that FCRV is headed for a brighter tomorrow.
I put my heart and soul into this stage because I love this organization and all of you so much.

By Ray Suennen, Seminars Chair
A wide range of seminars were provided for the varying interests of our Campvention attendees. There were 23 seminars on the schedule, and additional seminars were provided by the vendors at their booths.
RVing seminars included: Troubleshooting Tips For RVers, Helpful Tips & Ideas for RVers, Multi-Carrier Internet For RVers, and Group Travalongs to Attractions & Events. Health and safety seminars included: Emergency Medical Transportation Insurance Coverage, Personal Safety Awareness, Drug Awareness, Active Shooter Response, Stop the Bleeding, and Solar Eclipse & Eye Protection. Other activity seminars included: Geocaching Treasure Hunting, Lawn Care 101, Garden & Lawn Care, Square Dancing Demonstration, and three Line Dancing Lessons.
The outdoor seminars included: 1) The Centerville Fire/Rescue Department provided live hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training and extinguishing a burning hay bale with a fire hose, and 2) Cast Iron Dutch Oven Demonstration making a Pineapple Upside-Down cake and using three stacked Dutch ovens to bake a meatloaf, potatoes, and beans.
An additional unscheduled event was the Centerville Fire/Rescue Department doing a noise parade on Wednesday evening at 10 PM.

By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs
There was a very competitive Softball game this year at the Richmond Campvention. Team Awesome placed 1st with a score of 16-15. Since there was a good turnout of adults playing, we mixed the teams instead of doing the annual teens against adults. We went with the 5-run rule per inning. First Aid was present for our game, but not needed this year. I know 1 person that did pull a hamstring (his leg bruised the next day). Ed Shaneyfelt also batted for both teams (he had some of the youth kids that were present run for him)!
Team Awesome consisted of: Jerry Haines, Colton Hicks, David Supal, Chris Dodds, Triston Dodds, Denny Dodds, Teri Chapman, Beth Lewis, Brianna Coniglio, Gabriel Batista, Otto McIntosh, Jackson Paddack.
Second place Flamingos consisted of: Robert Hicks, Zac Chearhart, Scott Semper, Cassie Coniglio, Jeff Robinson, Lyla Paddack, Dusty McFarland, Donuel Gonzalez, Macey Stuckwisch, Ron Lewis, Jadon Paddack, Parker Hicks, Ryker Hicks and Jace Logan.

TP Insurance
By Kathy Howell
Wow is all I can say for the participation for the TP Teen tickets and Raffle!! This group is amazing. We had 12 teens participate in selling the raffle tickets. They sold over 4800 tickets!! After expenses and money for next year’s raffle prizes, the teens raised over $1200 to go toward next year’s activities. Each teen that sold tickets received a cash prize.
Our teens:
- Colton Hicks, Michigan sold 1300 tickets, prize $150
- Tavin Barlog, Indiana sold 1100 tickets, prize $100
- Grace Carey, Michigan sold 600 tickets, prize $75
- Alexis Simpson, Connecticut sold 382 tickets, prize $30
- Ian Burns, New York sold 300 tickets, prize $30
- Kaitlyn Musselwhite, Missouri sold 300 tickets, prize $30
- Gabriel Batista, Connecticut sold 200 tickets, prize $20
- Christina Mitchell, Maryland sold 200 tickets, prize $20
- Jayden Paddack, Indiana sold 155 tickets, prize $20
- Brady Pothier, Ontario sold 146 tickets, prize $20
- Ashlynn Cady, Illinois sold 140 tickets, prize $20
- Donuel Gonzales, Connecticut sold 100 tickets, $20
We brought 105 prizes to Campvention and received 60 donations of prizes once we arrived. After all the prizes were raffled, all the tickets from all the buckets were placed in a large container and tumbled. Think about how many tickets that would be, 4800 times 26—124,800!!!! That is a lot of tickets!! Five small children were asked to draw a winning ticket, and five $100 cash prizes were awarded.
We also had a few “insurance claims” from campers that were TP’d. Clean-up took place, and good fun was had by all.

By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs
We had a few teens show up for volleyball. Those in attendance in pic: front: Jayden Paddack, Cassie Coniglio, Christina Mitchell. Back: Alexis Simpson, Colton Hicks, Grace Carey, Macey Stuckwisch and Tabin Barlog. Not pictured who also attended are Davuel Gonzalez & Gabriel Batista. Also playing along the teens (since they were a few players short) included: Lyla Paddack, Dustin McFarland, Scott Semper and Angie Shaneyfelt. Fun times were had by all in attendance!

FCRV International Band
By Craig Weber, Director
The 2023 FCRV International Band had twelve volunteers this year. After only five one-hours of practice, we were able to present about an hour-long concert on Wednesday night, featuring “The Washington Post March”, “The Marches of the Armed Forces”, “Excerpts from West Side Story” and an audience participation number such as “We Will Rock You”, “Hey Jude” and “Sweet Caroline”. Thank you to all Band Members and especially Horst (who we count as our International Member) for your time and dedication. Anybody thinking about joining the FCRV International Band for next year, watch for articles on-line and in Camping Today starting in January.

Youth Recap
By Deena Felver, Youth Chair
We started out the week on Sunday with the kids starting to paint their boxes for the drive-in movie. They had a blast with the paint and had a lot of different cars made up. They finished them up on Monday morning with either finishing painting them or putting stickers on them. We had a variety of different types of cars.
After Family Fun Day we had our Cinco De Mayo day where we played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and got to burst pinatas. We divided the kids up into 2 groups for these games. After we got those activities done, we let the kids sit down and paint 3 cookies a piece that Pat Cohee had made. Then they took the cookies home to eat or share with their families. But I think that they ate them instead of sharing them.
On Tuesday we had a fun day with making a craft of a ship in the morning and passing out pirate bandannas for them to wear when we had our water day with the YARs Chapter. In the afternoon the YARs came and set up their activities for the youth which consisted of walking the plank and walking with a peg leg. And then they finally got to go on a treasure hunt and find their prize which was a treasure chest filled with goodies. Lastly they got to play in the splash pad and sprinkler that was set up for the water day.
On Wednesday we decorated their HALLOWEEN bags that they used that night when we trick or treated the campers. They finished their bags. Some of the kids made paper airplanes and had a contest to see whose plane would fly the farthest while others made a hand-print campfire. Before the evening program, the youth got to trick or treat by walking around the building to get their candy or treats that the adults brought. When we finished walking around, we walked down to the ice cream place. Everyone got some ice cream.
Thursday was our 911/Veterans Day. We made flag picture frames and snow globes. When the youth finished their projects, they played with the other activities in the youth center that were set up. In the afternoon the youth got to get their box cars out and watch the drive-in movie of Mario Brothers. Some of them got so relaxed they fell asleep in their cars while others watched the whole movie. Friday was the parade where the float was the youth watching the movie in some of their cars and some walked with their cars on them. The float had something on it representing what the theme was every day of the week. We tied with the teens on the float! I would like to thank Pat Cohee, for all of her help and all the other volunteers who helped in the youth center.

Entertainment 2023 Recap
By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair
This year we tried to get a variety of music and entertainment so that everyone could experience something new or beloved to them. We hope everyone had a great time.
On Monday night we kicked it off with the Michelle Robinson Band who played mostly country and a fun bluegrass rendition of some Lady Gaga. We enjoyed listening to guitar player Brian Gilliam whose Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandy are Colorado FCRV members. Several dancers kept dancing through the show, and the band hung out after to get some ice cream and meet/greet their new fans, young and old.
On Tuesday night we invited Matt Waters and The Recipe to the stage. They played original rock/soul/blues and kept us entertained with many instrumental solos including a trombone, sax, and flute. They even had an excellent cover of ‘Don’t Let Me Down’ by The Beatles.
On Thursday night we held the event we had all been waiting for. The Dancing Through the Decades event was a big hit. We walked the red carpet in our costumes and fancy outfits then danced the night away to Stays In Vegas band who played dance music from the 60’s to today. There was a dance-off to choose the winner of the best dressed costumes where everyone showed us their stuff to Uptown Funk. The winners of the contest (chosen by the band) were Melissa Barnes with the best single outfit, Mike & Marilyn Rausch with the best couple outfit, and best group went to Cassie Coniglio, Ally Coniglio, Bri Coniglio, Scott Semper, Jeff Robinson, Becca Coniglio, and Beth Coniglio who represented every decade.
We closed out the week with a catered dinner from C&W Bar-B-Q. We had pulled pork and chicken, green beans, coleslaw, mac-n-cheese and hash brown casserole. Following dinner, we welcomed comedian Scott Long who entertained us for a little over an hour as he “got to know” some of our FCRV members and had us laughing out loud to end the week. We sold leftover pork from dinner to members and raised $115 that was donated to a local food bank (thanks ,Geoff & Marcie, for dropping it off).

Event Schedule & Recaps
Dear RV

Do you have questions about your RV, accessories, best practices, etc? Submit them to Dear RV and our staff will attempt to answer them. The answers are based on years of camping experience, but we don’t guarantee that the answers will apply to your specific unit or situation. If someone submits a question and you can add to our answer OR have a better answer, please submit below with information about the original question. Your submission will be reviewed for possible publication in a future Dear RV Q&A. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer. Remember, all submissions are anonymous.
Us here at Dear RV!
Dear RV,
This summer has been extremely hot. How do I keep my RV cool when temperatures get steamy? Please help.
Melting in my RV.
Dear Melting,
Very topical – (not tropical) – subject. With temperatures reaching triple digits, there are some easy things to do.
- Do you have a choice of parking East-West or North-South? Pick North-South. And park in the shade.
- No tree shade? If you are allowed, make your own with environmentally acceptable straps on trees and tarp (check for permission, first).
- Insulated window covers. If you have a motorhome, there is an amazing amount of heat coming in. You can also purchase the reflective material that windshield sunshades are made from and cut them to fit your camper windows.
- Clean your RV air conditioner filters.
- Cook outside
- Cover your skylights – there are foam fillers that fit on the inside of your camper.
- Use your awnings.
- Run an additional fan inside.
- Hose down your camper periodically. This works just like it does for us;we sweat to keep cool so hosing down the sunny side once in a while will help cool your camper walls.
These are some easy ways to help you beat the heat. Hope you have cool camping!
Dear RV,
Traveling through some backroads, I had to go under bridges of some questionable clearance height. Do you have any suggestions on how to get an accurate measurement of the height for my camper? Thanks.
Dear Traveling,
One thing that we cannot stress enough is to know the height of your rig! This is an important piece of information that every RVer should not have to think about. It does not matter if you have a pull trailer, 5th wheel or a motorhome, you need to know your rig height. Often you get one warning on the bridge clearance. Often the posted height is incorrect. If the road was recently resurfaced, the road changes height. I recommend that you park on a level surface. Then measure from the tallest point on your RV to the ground. I then recommend that you post that on the dash of the rig so that the driver has the information in front when traveling. Having the information at your fingertips could avoid a major setback in your travels. This is something that I have posted on my dash as a reminder when traveling to new areas.
Thanks for asking Dear RV and good luck. Know your Rig height!
Dear RV,
How do I know if full-time camping is for me?
Dear Full Time,
How do any of us know the answer to that question? It’s a really personal decision. I’ll give you some things to think about:
- Will you sell your home and most of your personal items? It will require a minimalist lifestyle. And don’t take everything with you. You have to be careful with not going over your camper’s weight allowance.
- Where will you live? RV Parks? State parks? Private campgrounds? Even the Bureau of Land Management has places you can stay for free if you can deal with primitive set ups.
- What size RV will you use? Don’t be fooled into thinking there are no expenses involved with one. A Class A may have larger holding tanks, but if it needs maintenance, it will require a specialized mechanic. Travel Trailers are readily available but have more tires and moving parts to deal with, plus you have to think about the weather (does it have a 365 package?).
- Will you continue to work and does your job allow 100% virtual? You will need very reliable internet and cell service every day.
- Mail – while most companies are more than happy to forgo mailing you a statement and e-mail you, there are still things you may need to get that you can’t just print out. Like a driver’s license. A lack of state income tax makes South Dakota, Florida and Texas very popular for full-time RVers.
- Are you handy? No RV is designed for full time forever. Things break. Yes, you can go to a dealer to have them repaired, but where will you live while it’s in the shop?
- Going full time doesn’t mean you’ve burned your bridges. You can always go back to a brick & mortar and camp “lotta-time”.
Dear RV recommends that you take a pen and paper and make two columns on that paper. One will be Pros and one will be Cons. Then list everything that comes to mind be it a pro or con allowing that list to help guide you in your decision making. We are all mesmerized in the romance of being full time on the road but not all are cut out to be full time on the road. Freedom to go here or there or just stay put as long as one would like. This is a decision that you will have to tackle on your own with the help of your spouse.
Wishing you the best of luck in your future and thanks for asking Dear RV