St.Vrain State Park Colorado – Photo by Campfire Coyotes Chapter
Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
- From The President
- FCRV Health Guidelines
- FCRV Elections
- Miss FCRV March Update
- Help Wanted (Open Volunteer Positions)
- National Award Nomination Notice
Upcoming National Events
Regional, State & Chapter Event Calendar & Recaps
Wildlife & Conservation
Camping Information & Tips
Camping & Other Products
- Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV Show
- Brain Power
- RVIA Backs Improved EV Infrastructure for Outdoor Access
- Tekonsha Prodigy ID Trailer Brake Controller
- Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile: Folding Camping Trailer
- Help Children Celebrate the Limitless Power of Their Imaginations
Milestones & Farewells
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editors: DeWayne & June Johnston
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to DeWayne Johnston at [email protected] by the first of the month prior to publication.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Jeff Kendle
- VP of Programs: Lorne Douglas
- VP of Planning & Development: Vacant
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Debbie Swanson
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at www.fcrv.org. Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 1800-245-9755, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
From The President

With March camping season is starting to come alive. I see the signs of the Chapters starting to come to life after a winter of hibernation. Chapters are making the reservations for the Chapter gatherings. If your area is like mine, we must plan well in advance. We have to make reservations 6 months in advance so for March we are making reservations in September. This can be challenging for new members to join in a Chapter outing. Just this weekend I had to make my September reservations and Saturday mid-morning I found the State Park campground already half full. This after reservations only being open for under 12 hours. This creates a challenge for the Chapter if you plan to grow during the year. What are some of the ways that your chapter handles this? I know oftentimes some Chapters will reserve an extra space for the weekend and this allows a new person to join in the fun. I would encourage you to share some of your ideas on how to handle this. Please share your ideas.
Work is moving ahead with the Program book of National, Regional, State, and State Retiree campouts. We had a few Directors that did not get the information in by the deadline thus causing a delay in the production of the program booklet, but we will still produce this book however it may only be in an electronic version as a result of the delay for submissions. We are determined to complete the booklet for you and your chapters to use. The good news is we are back on track and will get this out with a small delay. I will also encourage you to keep your Chapter outings submitted to the website as well. This will help us to grow the web presence that we are striving to build. This all depends on you the members to achieve and succeed for FCRV. You, the members, are the key. We as Trustees can guide this ship but it is you that are the backbone and the reason that we volunteer to do the job we do. Remember that your voice is one of the most important parts of FCRV.
An update the flags are ready to be ordered as we had to do a little work for production to be able to take place. Carl did a great job working to get the president’s and past president ‘s flag adjusted for production and to keep them balanced. Great Job Carl!!!
I would like to encourage you to share items in Camping today as a Chapter. Chapters, please submit your items for consideration for awards as the time for that is fast approaching. Let us know the things that your Chapter does and the things you as a Chapter make happen for the betterment of the word. Yor Chapter deserves to be considered for an award so submit your information for consideration.
Until we see you at the campfire
Gerry Pfirsch
National President
FCRV Health Guidelines
Hey Happy Campers! (And you Grumpy Campers, too!)
Your Trustees have been very busy this winter and I wanted to share some important news with you.
Last May, Camping Today, published some information for you regarding COVID and how FCRV wanted to handle all the differing viewpoints and widely variant information on staying safe at Campvention. In this ever-changing world, the Trustees want you to know we are still concerned about the many variants that seem to be popping up as well as “hot spots” of disease and how we can keep our campers safe without coming on too strongly.
That being said, the article printed in the May covering meeting and social gatherings has been completely revamped. It has been replaced with kinder, gentler, but no less effective, health guidelines. So please take a look at our new FCRV Health Guidelines and stay safe out there!
These are simply guidelines and as such supplement—and do not replace—any state, provincial, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations that govern any meeting or social gathering.
We recommend campers and their guests are up to date with vaccinations and immunizations and carry this information on a medical card as well as showing all current medications, medical conditions, and allergies that emergency medical personnel may need to know.
Have a mask available to use for your protection and the protection of others as they can be used for more than deterring COVID.
Use common sense in protecting yourself and others.
Official CDC Guidelines change quickly so be aware of the local conditions and be prepared to adapt to them.
Vaccinated? No mask may be necessary. Unvaccinated? Mask is recommended.
Event coordinators will announce if local conditions change, requiring adjustments to these statements.
FCRV Elections
Three positions on the Board of Trustees are filled every other election in order to maintain continuity of operation. This year the candidates are unopposed. According to the By Laws “Unopposed candidates negate the need for an election. At the Annual Meeting, the President will direct the Recording/Corresponding Officer to cast one vote for the unopposed candidates.”
There are no ballots sent out to the membership. The candidates’ biographies and pictures are published and the results announced at Campvention. The 2022 Candidates are: PRESIDENT –GERALD PFIRSCH, CO …. COMPTROLLER – DEBBIE SWANSON, NY … RECORDING/ CORRESPONDING OFFICER – BETH STANDIOFORD, MO … VICE PRESIDENT PROGRAMS – DORA LEWIS, CT.

FCRV President – Gerry Pfirsch
We joined FCRV in 2005. I have been an involved in some function of FCRV as Chapter Officer, Field Director, Northern District Director, Assistant State Director, Regional Director, Co-Chair on two Campventions, and in my first term as President of this wonderful Organization. It has been a challenge to operate with COVID-19 but we have made it this far. I feel as if the first term in this position has been a challenge but a success. It has been an honor to serve as your President. We have embarked on moving FCRV into the 21st century. This has presented us with challenges and growing pains that we must navigate through to be successful. Past experiences in service have proven to be a great asset in serving as President in this first term. I also thank the past Presidents for their reliable council in navigating the future. They are a valued asset and a source of experience. It would be an honor to serve another term as President and thank you for the opportunity to do so.
I would like to thank all my FCRV family over the first term as President. I was told about the learning curve of the position, and it is that! It has been a successful and challenging first term. It has been worth it. Your friendship and kindness as I learned this position has been a huge help. We had worked diligently to bring FCRV into the 21st Century and will continue this path to see FCRV succeed. I will always place what is best for FCRV over my personal desire in every decision. I believe that we must listen to what you as members tell us in our decisions and trust that the information you give us is honest and true to form our decisions and your leadership. In 2019 we identified items that needed to be changed and I will continue that work knowing that items change as other changes have been excecated. This is the reason that your continued feedback is needed. It is my greatest desire to see FCRV succeed for another 73 years and then some. I would like to say Thank you for your support and help in the future success of FCRV.
Comptroller – Debbie Swanson
My husband Dave and I have been married for 28 years. We have camped for all our years together and each of us separately since we were kids. We have been FCRV members since 2004 and have served in every position in the Fiddlers Green Chapter and have held offices on the state level. We also served on the committee for the campvention held in Vermont in 2014. When I retired in January 2015, we traveled the whole perimeter of the United States and attended the campvention in Gillette WY. While in college I was required to take two semesters of accounting while working on my concentration in Paralegal Studies. At the time I was more interested in the law instead of numbers. However, those two semesters of accounting allowed me to get my job with the Village of Springville, New York and retired after 27 years. While there, I was the Clerk-Treasurer for 4 years and retired as senior accountant.
I hope to continue to advance the policies of my esteemed predecessor and to use sound financial principles to hold on to the funds we have and find ways of earning income without having to take additional monies from our current members. Also, I will continue my work to find new members for our chapter and the organization.

VP of Programs – Dora Lewis
My name is Dora Lewis. I’m running for VP of Programs because I believe I can help facilitate new ideas and help each of our programs into the next decade. I plan to consolidate the best of each state / provincial programs and spread these objectives across our organization.
I have lived in Connecticut for 53 years and have been married to Jim, my camping partner for 43 years. We have two wonderful daughters and two sons-in-law. We complete the family with our four grandchildren who are the joys of our life. We are retired and are currently travelling full time in our 5th wheel.
I have belonged to the Happy Wanderers chapter in Connecticut for 23 years and have been VP of the chapter. I have worked on three parking committees at National Rallies, Chairing in Wisconsin in 2022.I have also co-chaired parking at 7 Retiree Rallies and chaired a Red Hat Luncheon. I also help manage the International FCRV Group Face Book site as well as the CT. Facebook group.
Recording/Corresponding Officer – Beth Standiford
My husband Paul and I have been married and camping partners for 47 years having started out on a motorcycle with 2 sleeping bags and a 2-man pup tent in Indiana. Since then we have run the gamut of types of campers settling recently on a motor home. During all those years, we taught our 3 children and many of their friends the joy of camping. My career has consisted of a variety of administrative positions in Indiana. including a decade of service as office manager in stock brokerage houses, sales associate in an insurance office, and coordination assistant at a seminary. We moved to Missouri in 2003 where I retired from Boeing in 2018 after 14 years as executive administrator. I have served as Club Reporter to the NCHA newsletter (in Indiana), and more recently in Missouri, 2nd VP of MSCA, Stage Managers for the 2016 Campvention, MSCA Chaplain since 2015, and currently MSCA and Slow Travelers Recording Secretary.
Accurate and consistent record keeping are important to the history of any organization and FCRV is no exception. I believe these records are a bedrock of information.
At this time, I see growth of membership to be our main priority. I feel that if we always do what we’ve always done, our results will always be the same. The generation we are trying to connect with will require some out-of-the-box thinking, planning and implementation on our part. The new FCRV logo is a good start to show that we are not your grandfather’s camping organization. We have to be more visible and we have to offer attractive activities such as 5k/family/color runs and schedules/information available at the touch of button on their phones. Not to leave our current membership in the dust, a Seniors version of a self-defense class, travel safety, and education about awards and the possible development of new ones and retirement of outdated ones.
I sincerely hope I am given the opportunity to see the inner workings of the organization and will apply all my talents to furthering the aim of FCRV. Happy Camping!

Miss FCRV March Update

Hi everybody! Not a lot going on for me this month, I’ve had a couple of invitations extended to me, so I’m excited for the opportunity to go camping and see my FCRV family outside of Nationals. I am still looking for volunteer opportunities, but it’s proving to be hard as some of the Covid restrictions have only just been lifted and I am a full-time student in college. This semester in school is proving to be more challenging than the last, as I went from completely online to completely in person, which is a big change. As challenging as it is, I do have a break coming up from April 15th to the 22nd. Currently, there are no plans other than to go home to FL, as my break does not match up with most schools. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you would like to talk or camp, I’m always up for the opportunity.
I once again had the opportunity to have some fun and represent FCRV in New York Fashion Week, and around the city. Wearing a sash and crown around the city definitely draws a lot of attention. I had the opportunity to explain the organization to some people who seemed interested, as well as take some pictures in Times Square, where I was featured, along with other models, on a billboard for the very first time.
Though it’s early, I’m already excited for the camping season and nationals. Preparing for nationals has not been an easy feat, but myself and the rest of the current royalty have been working hard to ensure that it is nothing but enjoyable for all.
Brianna Coniglio
Miss FCRV 2021
Help Wanted (Open Volunteer Positions)
FCRV needs your help. Please consider filling one of these positions. They are very important to the operation of FCRV. Contact VP Ops – Jeff Kendle, VP Programs – Lorne Douglas, or Immediate Past President – Shari Weber for details.
Volunteers are needed for the following National Positions:
Commercial Director – (VP Planning & Development)
Conservation Director – (VP Programs)
International Veterans Program – (VP Programs)
Membership Director – (VP Planning & Development)
Teen Director – (VP Programs)
Youth Director – (VP Programs)
Region 5 Director – (VP Operations)
State Director- Ohio – (VP Operations) Presently has Acting Director
State Director- Maryland/DC – (VP Operations)
State Director-Georgia – (VP Operations)
Volunteer Background Records Custodian – (Immediate Past President)

National Award Nomination Notice

Who in your chapter, state, or region always puts in extra effort in support of our organization? Do you know someone deserving of a Humanitarian or Life- saving award? The individual (or couple) awards include the Plaque and Citation. We also recognize the “Chapter of the Year.” The “Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award” is available to a person or couple who have provided a lifetime of continuous ser- vice to FCRV.
Two things to keep in mind: anyone can recommend a fellow member for a national award, and nominations are due April 15. Forms and instructions for all awards can be found on our website, fcrv.org. Field Directors, State/Provincial Directors, Regional Directors, Program Directors and Trustees can submit a nomination for the various awards. Please help them out by letting them know about someone you think is deserving so they can nominate that person.
While honors are presented on stage at campvention, recipients of a national award are not required to be present. Therefore, if the person(s) you’re thinking about is unable to travel to Canada this summer, please don’t let that discourage you from submitting a nomination.
Nomination forms can be emailed to me (preferred method) and no signature is necessary as long as the form is from a recognized email address.
I truly hope you will strongly consider nominating some deserving members. Please contact me if you have any questions or need help getting started.
Thank you.
Beth Standiford, FCRV Recording & Corresponding Secretary [email protected]
Retiree Rally 2022
From FCRV Retiree Directors Ron & Reba Ray
Hello Fellow Campers,
Ok, the numbers are down with Covid, so let’s get those campers out and ready to roll to Mineola, Texas. Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow, predicting 6 more weeks of winter. Even if he hadn’t, we don’t know about you, but it is still 6 weeks of winter if you count it up. We are hoping for beautiful weather for the week of March 29 – April 4.
I am working on the schedule for the rally, and we are having a fun-packed rally coming up. The Opening ceremonies will be scheduled for March 28 on the last early day. So, make your plans on coming in on early days.
We have three couples running for FCRV International King & Queen for 2022; come and support your candidates.
A lot of places to visit: Mineola Wildlife Preserve, fishing lakes, Railroad Museum, Historical Museums, and Saline, TX which has a salt museum is nearby and lots of restaurants.
You have a McDonald’s in front of the Civic Center and a BBQ restaurant right across the street.
We will not have a vendor on grounds for breakfast or lunch. So, make plans accordingly.
Everyone will have sewer hook-ups, and we will park everyone as close to the building as we can possibly get you. Most or everyone will be on a cement pad.
This is our last big push for our 50th year of the NCHA/FCRV International Retiree Rally. Get those registrations in or come in without it. You will still be welcome. Bring a friend along as a guest. It is coming to a close in a short time.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again. Safe Travels,
Ron & Reba Ray
FCRV International Retiree Directors
[email protected]
by Kip & Jan Cushing, Rally Coordinators
We hope that you have registered for “Fishin’ for Fifty” and are now planning your trip to Mineola. Even if you haven’t registered, you can still come. We would love to have you.
The committees have been working hard to make “Fishin’ for Fifty” the best retiree rally ever. The more events you participate in, the more enjoyable your experience will be.
We will be having many of the things you have come to expect like the ice cream social for the King and Queen candidates, games (frog races, bean bag baseball, ladder golf, card and table games). We are planning some new games: Think Fifty. There will be two meals, and, of course, there will be great entertainment each evening.
We have put out the bait (registration), hope you took it (actually registered), and we will soon have you landed in Mineola! See you soon!
Food Bank & Lap robes
by Beth Standiford, chair
Those attending the upcoming Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas, are asked to remember to please bring donations for the local food bank.
Mineola has a wonderful food bank known as, Kindness Kottage (316 E. Broad Street, Mineola, TX 75773). Established in 1983, this 501 (c 3 organization, offers more than food to those in need in the area; they also offer emergency assistance with utilities and prescription drugs. Emergency assistance is offered on a financial cap per client. United Way, various local churches as well as donations from private individuals and companies like Walmart and the Salvation Army support this Food Pantry. They host a resale shop, and you are encouraged to stop in while you’re in the area. In addition to canned and dry food donations, any cash donated to the pantry goes toward supplementing the needs of the locals.
In addition, those wishing to make/donate lap robes will be pleased to know that those donations will be delivered to the Mineola Heights Health Care Center, (716 Mimosa Street, Mineola, TX 75773). They specialize in short-and long-term care and would greatly benefit by your donation.
Thanking you in advance for remembering the needs of others.
Many Campers have hidden talents! Share them with your fellow travelers!
Campers, Can YOU:
Tell your favorite (clean) JOKE or STORY?
Sing a song?
Play an instrument?
Do a dance (either solo or group dance)?
Organize a Skit with fellow campers?
Friday Night Entertainment
by Lawrence Phillips, Entertainment Chair
Ira Bradford & the Bustin’ Loose Band will be entertaining on Friday night at the rally. The band is a South-Central Texas Country Band that rocks! Based on traditional country, but the band rocks modern to top 40 as well.
Ira Bradford is straight from the country. Ira grew up in a small community south of Corsicana, Texas called, Cheneyboro. While working on a ranch as a young man, he was exposed to a large range of country music. His voice portrays pure country music so well that he has been compared to greats like George Strait, Merle Haggard and Charlie Pride. Yet he keeps with his own style of entertaining. Because of his ability to get the crowd involved, he and his band, Bustin’ Loose (formed in the late 90’s are sought after for clubs, private parties, benefits, and festivals all over Central, South and East Texas. In 2001, Ira Bradford and Bustin’ Loose was nominated for the Club Band of the Year at the 24th annual Terry Awards (held at Cowboys in Arlington) and also congratulated with a select group of up-coming bands for a great year of entertaining. Ira was granted a special invitation to perform at the 2002 25th annual Terry Awards, along with Ricky Lynn Gregg. In 2006, Ira was nominated for Entertainer of the Year, and his band was nominated for Dallas Band of the Year. The talent and ability to perform almost any style of music is there, and Ira does as warrant, but his heart keeps him close to the pure country sound that he loves. Ira appreciates each and every award he and his band are nominated for. He is no stranger to awards, having won numerous awards while singing solo in the Dallas area before Bustin’ Loose was formed.
When you see Ira, you will see the uniqueness as a Country artist. When you hear Ira, you will witness a sound that comes from the heart. http://www.ibbustinloose.com/ira.htm and http://ibbustinloose.com/.
Those of you who attended the 2014 Retiree Rally in Canton will probably remember Ira and the band, especially when seeing the photos included from that rally. We’re looking forward to again being entertained by Ira Bradford and Bustin’ Loose!
by Robert & Rita Letellier, Pet Parade Chairs
😺 Cats are invited.
There will be treats, awards and a gift for all participants. There will be awards and gifts for all winners. The awards will be given out on awards day. This is the winning titles.
- Most Adorable
- Best Behaved
- Best Trick
- Owner-pet Look-a-like
- Dog – Best In Show
- Cat – Best in Show
We are ready to see everyone. Can’t wait.
Retiree Rally Memorial Service
Traditionally, the names of members who have passed away in the previous year are read at the memorial service at the rally. Since we have not been together since March 2019, we would like the names of those members who have passed away since March 2019 with their state/province to include in the service. Please send those names to Kip & Jan Cushing at [email protected]. The list will be compiled and may be added to at the rally in Mineola. We have lost so many of our members since March 2019, and we want to remember them in our traditional manner.
Let’s Get Our Game on in MINEOLA!
by Craig & Shari Weber
We are ready to have fun playing games in Mineola. Bring your friendly competitive spirit and join us for games throughout the week. The schedule will have the times and games listed, so be sure to check it out.
Anyone interested in helping with a particular game or just in general, please send a message to us at [email protected].
Mystery Dinner Theater
Saturday, March 26, 2022
6pm – 9 pm
Mineola Civic Center
The Pilot Club of Mineola and the Lake County Playhouse have invited whoever would like to attend their Mystery Dinner Theater on one of the early days of our 2022 International Retiree Rally in Mineola, Texas.
The Mystery Theater will be a 3-act play fundraiser for the Pilot Club, which is an International Service Club with a focus of Brain Health and Brain Safety such as Alzheimer’s and Traumatic Brain Injury.
The charge will be $35 per person for the show and meal that must be paid in advanced. Tickets can be purchased by mailing in your check to: Joyce Curry, P.O. Box 3, Mineola, Texas 75773 Phone: 903-850-2121. Email: [email protected]
Tables will sit 6 to 8 people. If there is someone you want to sit with, let them know, and they will try to accommodate you. All tables will be close together.
Other things that will be going on that night:
The Pilot Club also sponsors the Anchor Club at Mineola High School, which is an International Service Organization for teens. They will be selling purses for $20 per purse. Buyers will have a chance to win a Name Brand Purse.
There will be a Bucket Prizes that night, $5 for 6 tickets or $1 per ticket. Winning tickets will receive prizes valued from $50-$100.
A live auction will be held for wine baskets, vacations and other exciting prizes.
Sounds like a fun-filled Saturday night, with lots of things going on in 3 hours. If you plan to attend, please send in your name to get your tickets for this event.
From the Crafty Ladies
by Dora, Judy, & Sandi
Three crafts are planned for you in Mineola. You are welcome to do them all or chose any that strike your fancy and skill level. Let’s get our craftiness ready to go! The crafts are shown here one more time to remind you of your choices.
Bracelet, By Dora Lewis
This craft is easy for all levels of ability. There are two basic processes, stringing beads and tying a square knot. You go away with a bracelet to enjoy. Each bracelet will cost between $5 and $6 (passing on cost of beads). You are encouraged to make more than one if you wish. These bracelets layer well.
Dora Lewis is the lead on this craft with Shari & Sandi assisting.
Craft – Tile Trivet – By Sandi Wingert
This craft is making a glass tile trivet all materials needed will be supplied and available for your use. The craft will cost $6.00 for the materials needed to make your trivet. It will take about one hour to complete and may require additional cleaning of the tile surface after the grout has set overnight. This can easily be done with a damp paper towel, or cloth.
We will provide a frame and back board for the tiles. (Left side on picture)
You will select glass tiles and create your own personal design. (Center of picture)
Grout the backboard and set tiles per your design.
Grout between tiles and as grout sets clean excess grout from tile surface. (Finished trivet on right side of picture)
T-Shirt Weaving – By Judy Elenburg
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in Mineola, Texas in March. I’m going to do a repeat of a craft we did a while back by request. We will be doing a t-shirt weave and/or a t- shirt fringe cutting and knitting. You will need to bring a pair of scissors, ruler and a t-shirt. This usually shortens the t-shirt by 3 inches. See you soon.
Additional Rally Info
The Hard Hats will have a breakfast on Friday, and the Red Hats will have a luncheon on Friday.
Our caterer owns two restaurants. Maybe everyone could visit his restaurant and thank him. Uncle Bubba’s Grillhouse, 605 W Broad St, Mineola (https://unclebubbasgrillhouse.com/ ) and Red Dome Smokehouse, 619 S Main St, Quitman (https://reddomesmokehouse.com/)
Vendors: Karen’s Embroidery (badges, FCRV shirts, and much more), SkyMed (‘We pick up where traditional travel insurance plans leave off!’ https://skymed.com/), Kitchen Gadgets (lots of kitchen gadgets) vendor, and Roo’s Craft Room (Ruth Ann Rodieck – jewelry, wooden nativity scenes, Christmas trees, etc.)
50 Years of NCHA/FCRV International Retiree Rallies Board: 50 years is a big deal! Share how many rallies you attended. Who attended the oldest rally? Share photos & memory blurbs. What fun it will be to look back over past rallies and share memories. Treat this rally as a 50-year class reunion!!
Campvention 2022
The 2022 Campvention Team has arranged for rentals of individual golf carts with Mile High Golf Carts. They only have a handful of golf carts left for members to rent. After those have been rented there is not a guarantee that additional golf carts will be available because July is their busiest time of the year. If you would like to rent an individual Golf Cart, please contact Staci as soon as possible at 303-833-1400. Staci will prepare a contract and collect the amount due at the time you call.
Don’t forget to submit your reservation forms for the Marketplace and Hospitalities. Forms can be found in prior issues of Camping Today or on the FCRV website.
Who likes to transport buckets and bags of pop tabs to Campvention? For one thing they are heavy and take up room. We have decided that we don’t want anyone to have to transport their pop tabs to Pueblo, Colorado from all over the country.
Instead, we are asking you to take them to a Recycling Center between May 15, 2022 and June 15, 2022, get them weighed, obtain a receipt for pounds and the dollar amount. Then take the donated amount to your local Ronald McDonald House or similar charity. Don’t forget to make a copy of the receipts and bring them to Campvention. Make sure you annotate the receipt with your state or chapter and state. This will make it much easier for all and you won’t have to cart that extra weight.
Once you arrive at Campvention, there will be a box at Registration for you to put your receipt in. Those will be tallied and announced during one of the evening programs. #poptabs
This year at Campvention we will have a “Memory Board” for anyone that desires to post a picture in remembrance of a member, loved one, or a relative. Pictures should not be any larger than a 4 by 6 inch. Don’t have a picture or if you forget to bring one, that’s ok. We will have some index cards available that you can fill out and post. Please retrieve your pictures by Friday, July 15th by noon. #memoryboard
Plans are underway for the Opening Flag Ceremony for Campvention 2022. States and Provinces that plan to attend should bring a 3’ by 5’ state/province flag, flag pole and flag stand. Flags will be displayed all week in the Event Center. #openingflagceremony
Opening Flag Ceremony Rehearsal will take place on Sunday from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Event Center. Flag bearers should bring their flag, flag pole, and flag stand to the practice. The time of the Closing Ceremony rehearsal will be in the Program Book and will take place on Friday.
The Region 1 Opening Ceremony Committee would like to develop a list of the flag bearers from each state and province that plan on attending the Region 1 Campvention. As soon as your state or province flag bearer has been identified, please forward their name, email address, and cell phone number to:
Joe and Sandi Wingert at [email protected] or Doug & Cheryl Forry at [email protected]. Put Opening Ceremony in the Subject Line.
CARNIVAL will be the theme of this year’s Family Fun Day. As usual the Teens will be offering a hamburger lunch and the Youth will be offering Nachos for a reasonable charge. We plan on both outdoor and indoor games and activities for all ages to enjoy. Family Fun Day is a great way to start off your Campvention week and see your friends, both old and new. #familyfunday
Campvention 2022 Talent Show Registration
Hiya Campers!
As a part of the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp’s many planned activities, we would like to host a Youth and Teen Talent Show!
We are looking for talented individuals, musicians, dancers, comedians, and performers who would like the opportunity to perform to register for the Youth and Teen Talent Show today! All registrations are due no later than April 30th, 2022, and should be emailed to [email protected]. A Youth and Teen Talent Show registration form can be found within this issue)
As always, we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, email [email protected].
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
We are going to have an “Any Hat” luncheon on Tuesday, July 12, at the 2022 Campvention for all those that would like to attend. This will be a time to inter-mingle with members from other states and provinces and make new friends.
We are planning to serve Pulled Pork Sandwiches, baked beans, coleslaw, chips, dessert, and a drink. Estimated cost is $12.00 per person. For planning purposes please indicate if you plan on attending by marking the box or boxes on your registration form.
Tickets for the “Any Hat luncheon can be purchased at Central Registration Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Cash or Check only.
Check out similar crafts that plan to be offered at 2022 Campvention. Check out the 2022 FCRV Campvention Interest Form Crafts & Workshops form with the Campvention 2022 info on the FCRV web site at www.fcrv.org. Plan to be crafty at Campvention ’22!
‘CAMPING IS…’ Poster Participation
Hiya Campers!
With the 2022 Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado fast approaching, we at the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp are excited to see you all this upcoming summer. We are also super excited to see everyone’s creative and colorful ‘Camping is…’ posters!
What? You don’t know about the ‘Camping is…’ poster contest? Well, here is some information about it:
The ‘Camping is…’ poster and coloring contest is for FCRV member children up to age 12.
There are six age categories: 0-2, 3-4, 5-6. 7-8, 9- 10 and 11-12 years of age.
For children in the 0-2 and 3- 4 age groups a coloring page is available for them to submit into the contest. The coloring page will be available for download on the FCRV website at www.fcrv.org
Under the Members tab, go to Programs and select the Youth Program.
Scroll down to find the Camping Is download.
Children ages 5-12 will create a poster using standard size poster board (22” by 28”) and any art methods they choose to illustrate what camping means to them.
A contest is held in each state or province, typically at a Spring campout with the first-place winner in each age group coming to Campvention to compete against all other first place winners. So, please contact your State or Provincial Director to find out when your contest will be held.
For further information regarding the rules and guidelines for the ‘Camping is…’ poster contest, please refer to the FCRV website www.fcrv.org under the Youth Program
Upon arriving at the 2022 Campvention, all ‘Camping is…’ posters are to be turned in during the youth registration in the Cultural Arts Building.
As always, we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected].
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
We have some exciting seminars planned for Campvention, but we also know that FCRV members have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they can pass on to other members and there is not a better place then Campvention to do so.
So …. If you or you know of someone who would like to be a seminar presenter during the 2022 FCRV Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado July 10 – 15, 2022, please contact Debbie at [email protected] or Shirley & Jeff at [email protected].
Now is your chance to say thank you or recognize someone special, or perhaps wish someone a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary. Perhaps you want to tell someone in the organization Thank You for all their hard work. Or you’d like to remember one of our own who has passed and is missed at campvention. You can do any or all these things in the 2022 Campvention Program Book!
Ad prices are – $5.00 gets you two lines of print, business card size is $15.00, quarter page is $20.00, half-page is $35.00 and a full page is $50.00
Send your check, payable to Colorado Chapters of FCRV, along with your advertisement to Jeff Kendle, 2278 Dogwood Circle, Erie, CO 80516.
Visit Trinidad
by Barb Turner, Campvention PR Chair
With Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July on your calendar, a visit to Trinidad could be added. Straight south of Pueblo via I-25 is the town of Trinidad, which is just north of the New Mexico border and Raton Pass. Trinidad might be best known for being one of the stops on the historic Santa Fe Trail. In the 1800s, trappers coming out of the mountains bartered with traders. Early ranchers claimed land for their endeavors. For those early pioneers traveling on to the Sante Fe area, Trinidad provided a rest area and a place to purchase or barter for goods for the rest of their journey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinidad,_Colorado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFX6f4lqmAc
Today, what attractions await our FCRVers? (https://vacationidea.com/colorado/best-things-to-do-in-trinidad-co.html#slide6)
Trinidad History Museum (312 East Main Trinidad): Perhaps the first stop would be the museum to learn of the history of Trinidad and the area. https://www.historycolorado.org/trinidad-history-museum?utm_source=GoogleBusinessListing
Trinidad Trolley (309 Nevada Avenue): If you are limited on time, “one of the best ways to get a crash course on Trinidad’s history and the best of its architecture is by taking a ride on the city’s trolley. There are two different kinds of tours available with the Trinidad Trolley, both of which will take you to interesting architectural spots in the city as well as historically significant attractions as well.” https://www.uncovercolorado.com/activities/trinidad-trolley/
Southern Colorado Coal Miners Memorial (101 N Convent Street – in Birdcage Plaza downtown): The memorial is dedicated to the hundreds of miners and their contributions to the growth of Colorado. https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=100504
Coal Miners Memorial Museum (219 W. Main Street): “The museum is a tribute to the dedicated miners who explored the vast caverns beneath the plains, mountains and mesas of Southeastern Colorado. Here you can discover the industry that built Trinidad by riding a coal car, learning about the history and the workers who challenged the Rockefellers. Tour the lower level that takes you underground offering a peek into the mining experience.” https://visittrinidadcolorado.com/museums/
Art Cartopia Museum (2702 Freedom Road): “Art Cartopia Museum is an art car museum. It came into being due to the unexpected but delightful success of ArtoCade, Trinidad’s yearly art car parade dedicated to building community through the arts. Home to over 25 art cars and serving as a regional center of creativity and shenanigans, Art Cartopia opened its doors in the fall of 2018 and hosts a number of art and education-related workshops and events throughout the year.” If you are into cars, you’ll enjoy this unique museum. https://visittrinidadcolorado.com/museums/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW7QvNbZUao
Check out the links in the article. Decide if Trinidad should be included in your trip to Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July.

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Regional, State & Chapter Event Schedule and Recaps

Personalized garments; drinkware; clings; decals; kitchen & bath items. You can choose from our large graphic collection or use your photos or designs.
For FCRV branded items: https://stores.inksoft.com/fc_rv/shop/home
For other items: https://stores.inksoft.com/marshall_creations16/shop/home
Call or text: 410-533-0038
[email protected]
“Snap to it!”
“Snap to it!”
Adventures in the Field: Stories from a Wildlife Technician
In the summer of 2019, I was working as a wildlife crew leader at the Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC) in the Adirondack Mountains of NY. The AEC is stationed in the Huntington Wildlife Forest, a 15,000-acre research property of the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. The property includes five lakes, on which common loons make their nests every summer. As part of my duties as wildlife crew leader, I took my crew out on canoes and kayaks for several hours a week to watch the loons, noting behavior, nesting sites and activity, and leg bands used to identify and track individual birds.
One pleasant afternoon, I was out with one other crew member to check the nest on Deer Lake; there had been an egg laid, but the parents had not been seen incubating the egg or protecting the nest. This was the final check, and if no activity was seen around the nest, we had been told to collect the egg (which would now be rotten) for our storage and to encourage the parents to try again; another egg would not be laid if there was an old one sitting in the nest. When we arrived at the nest, which sat just off the water’s edge, we saw the lonely egg sitting unattended. So, I clambered awkwardly out of the canoe and onto the unstable, floating boggy shoreline to bag the egg, which was just out of arm’s reach to collect from the canoe. As I made my way towards the nest, my crew member made me aware of a large snapping turtle just off to my left. I kept a wary eye on the turtle as I inched past it towards the nest; they can be very nasty and can take a chunk out of your skin if they so desire. The turtle began to crawl towards me, and I tried to move away, but then it quickly slipped into the water around my feet, which stood just under the water’s surface on the precarious peat mat. I stood paralyzed, trying to see where it had gone; I had no desire to step on it.
Suddenly, I spotted the turtle off to my right, making a quick move towards me in what was likely an attempt to bite me. I shoved my canoe paddle, which I had been using for balance on the boggy mat, between my vulnerable foot and his sharp beak. Undeterred, he tried another angle, only to find my paddle in the way once more. My crew member watched helpless from the canoe a short way away, both amused and concerned by my predicament. Now the water was cloudy with stirred-up mud, and the turtle was still nearby.

I got ready to step towards the nest, now just about two feet away, when the water rippled and the turtle came in for one more snap. I slammed my paddle into the water, but he was so close I actually hit him on the back of the shell. Desperate to get my feet out of the water away from the snapping jaws, I made a Hail Mary leap over him and onto the old loon nest. It was risky, as I had no idea if the peat bed supporting the nest was substantial enough to hold a grown human; I could have easily ended up in thick mud and water up to my waist. Luckily, the nest sat on a small peninsula of solid ground, and my feet were now out of the water. Relieved, I quickly bagged the egg, passed it off to my crew member, and climbed back into the canoe, which she had paddled as close to the nest as possible to help me avoid getting back in the water. As we paddled back towards the truck, we laughed about the ridiculousness of the situation. She said how happy she was that she hadn’t been the one under fire. Me? I was just happy to still have all my toes, thank you very much.
Dear RV

Hi there everyone, we are introducing a new article in Camping Today. We would like to welcome you to Dear RV. This is a place where you can ask the questions that you are hesitant to ask members of your Chapter, State, or your Neighbor. Your questions will be answered from our point of view, and it will hopefully give you a chuckle as well as some useful information to help you in your RVing experience. You may not agree completely with all our answers, but our goal is to give honest information to you as to how we do our RVing. We would prefer to not know who is submitting the question. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer (possibly that you were not expecting) but an answer, just the same and possibly with a small dose of humor for good measure.
Us here at Dear RV!
Dear RV
The question I have is we have a self-contained bumper pull trailer and we would like to know if we can use it in the winter and how we would be able to camp in freezing temps. We have a friend that says seeing that it is older and is not well insulated that we could not use our RV in the winter. We also have a friend with a RV that is like the reg we have, and he says that it is usable in the winter. Who do we believe? Afraid to Freeze in the Far North!
Dear Afraid,
I will not lie to you here it is not only possible to use your rig in the winter it is also a lot of fun to get a chapter together and go camping in the winter. There are things that will take special care but is not only something you can do it is fun. You will have to plan to camp without your water system working as the potential for freeze up will be a governing factor you will have to overcome. This can be done by carrying drinking water in 5-gallon containers and not using your onboard water system. The other issue is your bathroom system. This is another system that you will need to not use in most cases. Camp at a year around campground or park that has restrooms at the park. Many depending on the park could be only a vault toilet as seen at many State Parks but will suffice for a weekend of camping. Water system and holding tanks in cold temps are the things that you will have to work around but you can have a great time if you have a good heating system in your rig. Go and have some fun and enjoy a little winter camping. Also take an elect heater to help with keeping the rig warm and comfortable. Have a good time.
Dear RV
My question is about tires. How often should we check air pressure in our tires? Some say only when they look low, other say they only check once a year. Then there are those that say every day! Then others that say every outing. What is the correct number of times to check?
Thanks for your help Near Flat in Texas!
Dear Near Flat,
Keeping your tires to the proper inflation is not only a major safety issue it is an economic one as well. If your tires are under inflated, they will have a much shorter life span. They will run hot when low and fail. This will result in delays on your trip you will arrive late to the outing cutting your weekend short. I am a person that will check as I get the rig read to go on that trip. I do this as part of the preparation for the outing. I will check them more often when on a long trip and do a thump test each morning as a matter of habit. I also carry a small compressor to adjust pressure if I find a low tire at the start of the day. So, as you see no answer is 100% correct and no answer is wrong. So as a rule, I would say check them at a minimum of once a month to protect your investment.
Dear RV
As a new RVer we are not clear on how to get the rig ready for the first outing of the year. We are not sure as to the required steps that we will need to take to be ready for the new year with the water system. Thank you, Winterized in the Mid-West,
Dear Winterized in the Mid-West
Winterizing every rig is different but I can tell you the steps that I take each year to get the rig ready for that first outing. I will start by saying always refer to the owner’s manual and refer to the steps set forth in the instructions. Having said that this is what I do to get my water system ready. After I know that freeze issues are over, I will start by flushing water through the tank first. I will fill and drain the tank with fresh water. I will then install the plugs in the lines replace the sacrificial anode in the water heater with fresh water. As I fill the system I and checking for any leaks and repair them as soon as found. I flush the entire system with fresh water. I do both city water system and the onboard 12-volt system. I do this to ensure that I have gotten out all the RV antifreeze that was installed to protect the system over winter. I then will drain the entire system lines tank. After this I will add the amount of Chlorine Bleach called for in the owner’s manual to sanitize the water system. Use as directed on the product you are using, especially important. I will fill the system and then pump through the system letting it set overnight in the lines and tank. I then drain the system and flush well with clean water removing the bleach taste from the water. I then fill the tank and am ready with clean fresh water in the rig to start the camping year.
Dear RV,
We are new to RV life and towing and need help with instructions on parking.
Is there a simple way to remember which way to turn the steering wheel when backing a travel trailer? I start backing up only to find my wheels are going the wrong direction or my trailer rear is going the wrong way.
And my spouse is NO help. They just stand behind the trailer and wave their arms back and forth and up and down, like they are doing the chicken dance.
Are there standard hand signals we can learn?
Directionally Challenged
Dear Challenged,
Backing need not be your downfall. Do not rely on your rear-view mirror but rather turn to look behind you and put your hand on the top of the steering wheel. The direction you want the back end of the trailer to go, is the same direction you will then move your hand.
And as far as hand signals go, it should be worked out ahead of time as to what simple, easy to understand signals should be. I suggest, right arm extended pointing right with right hand, chest high, pointing right and NOT moving, would be the signal to move the back end of the trailer to the right. Similar signal for the left. A “pulling” motion starting with your arms out in front and “pulling” towards the torso would be easily understood as keep backing up. Arms crossed in front of you in an “X’ shape is stop. Feel free to use either cell phones or walkie talkies to communicate. Remember, if you can’t see the driver in the rear-view mirror, they can’t see your signals. And remember to forgive each other for what is said while parking the camper.
Dear RV,
My 4 year-old dropped his action figure down the toilet.
How do I get it out of my black tank?
Dear Distraught,
The bad news is, you may never get it back, and you may never know if/when it’s gone. Most action figures are plastic and will not hurt your black tank. It’s not like you can clear the black tank on the ground and watch for it. You could call a plumber with a flexible scope to look into the holding tank and if it’s seen, possibly retrieve it with a claw. Otherwise, this is a learning experience, where you say, “You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that again,” and maybe replace the action figure.
How To Make Your Campfire Sparkle [Safety Update]
National Disaster Awareness Safety and Training Director, Joe Boswell shared some information he received from Wilson Forbes about copper pipe and rubber or PCV hose for adding bright colors to campfires described in the February Camping Today. Forbes says that the copper pipe and rubber hose combination produce TOXIC GASSES. THESE HOME MADE COLOR ENHANSERS SHOULD NOT BE USED INSIDE, ESPECIALLY IN FIREPLACES. They are for use in OUTSIDE OPEN AIR Campfires. Don’t sit too close to the fire and DON’T COOK over it. Let the kids toast marshmallows BEFORE you put the color packet in.
Many FCRVers have shared a fire with Jerry Zimmerman, who uses PVC rather than rubber with his short copper pipe pieces with no after effects, however you need to be careful to avoid any fumes
How To Make Your Campfire Sparkle
By Jerry Zimmerman
It’s very easy to add color to your campfire. All that you need is copper pipe andPVC garden hose. I like to use ¾ to 1” copper pipe. Cut the copper to about 6” lengths and put the same size piece of plastic or PVC garden hose into the pipe. You may have to split the hose to make it fit into the pipe. DO NOT USE A RUBBER HOSE. Any color PVC hose will work. People give me their old garden hoses, but unfortunately few like to give me the copper pipe. (I don’t know why).Don’t forget to retrieve your burnt out copper pipe the campfire next morning. You can use it over and over until it just finally disintegrates. Enjoy.

Microwave Travel Tip
Microwave Travel Tip
By Jim Lewis
Have a microwave in your RV and drive on interstate highways? Do you realize the earthquake in your RV as you travel down the road? The glass plate in your microwave oven costs $75 to replace, Our door flew open and the plate smashed on the counter. Now we have a pool noodle jammed into our microwave when we travel.

Perk Up Your Pot Luck

Perk Up Your Pot Luck
With Frank’s Redhot Buffalo Chicken Dip
8 oz. cream cheese, softened … ½ cup ranch dressing … ½ cup Frank’s Redhot Original Cayenne Pepper Dressing … ½ crumbled bleu cheese (or your favorite shred ed cheese … 2 cups shredded cooked chicken .
Combine all ingredients in a 1 quart baking dish … Bake at 350 degrees F foe 20 minutes or until hot … stir … serve with pita bread or crackers or fresh vegetables
Courtesy of Franks Redhot Dressing and February Hoosier Chatter

Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV Show
If there is any waning of interest in the RV experience, there was no evidence of that at the Quartzsite Sports, Vacation and RV Show. The annual show, held in the desert town of Quartzsite, Ariz., is described by some as a “Mecca for RVers” drawing people from all over to the warmer desert climate and very inexpensive, if not free, camping.
While there is no way of really reporting an actual attendance – there is no gated entry – typical estimates often climb well past 100,000 people.
The show itself is essentially the ultimate flea market for RVers offering anything from skilled repairs at the hands of companies like Blue Ox hitches and B&W Hitches to kitchen gadgets, massagers and even portable hot tubs.
By all accounts, attendance at the show was the best in its 39-year history – with opening day, in particular, being quite good.
By RV Buiness

Brain Power
Brain Power
By Joe Boswell, National DASAT Director
It is never too late or too early to incorporate various healthy habits. In the process you will love your brain. Your brain is the nerve center of your body. It controls everything you do. To maintain a healthy brain, you need to establish healthy habits that will strengthen your abilities to function on a regular basis. Before one begins this task, lets look at some of the things that will increase your brain’s ability to function accurately. Remember it is never too late or to early to incorporate healthy habits into our everyday routine.
Let’s start off by hitting the books. A formal education will help to reduce the risk of loss of cognitive abilities. By increasing your knowledge, you have increased the cognitive development and helped to prevent dementia in a small way. To help this process, consider taking a college class at your local college. In a few instances, senior citizens can take a class at a reduced rate. You can also take a class at a local community center or use the option of on-line learning.
Stop smoking, smoking increases loss and the risk of cognitive ability. When one quits smoking it reduces the risk to levels comparable to those who have not smoked at all. This also includes the use of various drugs that one may smoke such as marijuana.
Your brain controls you heart, in more ways than you can imagine. Follow you heart-take its’ signals with great importance. Risk factors include cardiovascular disease and strokes, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. All of these can and do negatively impact your cognitive health.
Protest you head, if you are active in physical sports or other activities such as bike riding wear a helmet for protection. Without a helmet a brain injury can raise the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Consider this, once a brain injury has occurred, the recovery time is very lengthy, and you may never totally return to total normalcy.
Fuel up-eat the right foods-a balanced diet that is higher in vegetables and fruit helps to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Sleep-make sure your routine includes at least 8 hours of sleep per day. If you are not getting enough sleep, this may result in problems with your memory and thinking. You may also feel tired and unable to function properly throughout the day. A careless mistake can cause injury to you or to someone else.
Take care of your own mental health. Seek help with a professional or at least chat with someone about your problems. Sometimes just talking to a friend will make all the differences in the world. Some studies show that depression can lead to cognitive loss and decline. If you are feeling depressed, overly stressed or have anxiety issues, seek professional treatment.
One way to stay mentally fit is to “buddy up” with a friend. When one stays engaged in some type of socially activity this supports and leads to a healthy brain. Find ways to be a part of your local community, church, or other organizations, such as FCRV. Share your experiences in these activities with friends and family. Remember camping is one way to make new friends and establish lasting relationships.
Challenge your mind. Work on crossword puzzles or other brain stimulation activities. This can include but is not limited to, building furniture, making crafts, playing outside sports, or playing board games, card games and so much more. All of this stimulates the brain, encourages you to communicate with others and of course one may come up with strategies to win the game.
Exercise, in other words, break a sweat. This is healthy for the body, it builds character, increases you muscle tone, and allows the brain to work under a different type of pressure due to the physical activity. By engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises, they will elevate the heart rate and increase the blood flow to the brain. Various studies have found that physical activity reduces the risk of cognitive decline. For a healthy brain take time to consider some of the suggestions above. Be health, and stay health, everyone.
Source: alz.org/10ways to learn more
For additional information check the Alzheimer’s association web site
RVIA Backs Improved EV Infrastructure for Outdoor Access

RVIA Backs Improved EV Infrastructure for Outdoor Access
By: RVBusiness|Published on: Feb 8, 2022|Categories: Today’s Industry News|
In recent comments to the Federal Highway Administration, the RV Industry Association (RVIA) expressed its adamant support for the Administration’s goal of increasing access to the outdoors for all Americans, particularly through the establishment of grant and incentive programs for state and local governments, as well as the private sector, to build a national network of EV charging stations, according to an RVIA News & Insights report.
The goal of ensuring greater access to outdoor spaces, along with environmental concerns and adapting to future technologies, has led to the need for a robust EV charging infrastructure, especially in rural areas, national/state parks and forests, gateway communities, and private campgrounds. The development and funding for robust EV charging infrastructure aligns with the RVIA’s efforts to unify the industry by working closely with the public and private campground industry to improve the consumer’s camping and RVing experiences. As the RV industry continues to surge in popularity, and the number of campground visitors continues to increase, having robust EV infrastructure remains a critical part of improving outdoor access and modernizing outdoor facilities.
RVIA’s comments focused on five specific issues:
Development of and improvement to electrical vehicle charging and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling stations are critical to the outdoor recreation economy given the increase in traffic and developing technologies. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis the outdoor recreation industry contributes $689 billion to the U.S. economy and supports 4.3 million jobs – many in rural areas. Much of America’s recreation infrastructure on federally managed lands is associated with revenue streams, including entrance and activity fees, licenses and registration fees, and excise and fuel taxes. A robust EV charging infrastructure would support the increased traffic to our parks and campgrounds to accommodate innovative new vehicles, equipment, and RVs.
Consumer demand and innovation are spurring electrified RV products. RV manufacturers and suppliers are developing electric zero-emission motorhomes, travel trailers, and generators/power systems. Additionally, there is increasing demand for tandem charging capabilities of electric tow-vehicles and electric RV trailers at parks and campgrounds. As the country upgrades to tomorrow’s standard of electric power, we encourage the Administration to continue to engage industry on technical needs to ensure EV charging stations can accommodate new RV industry and tow-vehicle technology.
The $5 billion state allocation can help address electrical grid issues and invest in park, forest, and rural EV infrastructure. State and local infrastructure investments can grow renewable charging recreation corridors by capitalizing on existing electric charging networks and making vital new build and utility upgrade investments in and around our nation’s public lands and campgrounds.
Eligible entities for EV charging and refueling infrastructure grant programs and community grants must include publicly accessible parking facility projects owned or managed by a private entity. Private campgrounds and RV dealerships are well positioned to supplement the Administration’s needs for a robust and effective rural EV charging network, especially along the Alternative Fuel Corridor. If a public parking facility owned by a private entity is eligible to receive grants, private campgrounds, RV dealerships, and connected parking facilities should be eligible as well. For example, charging program funds should be available to private campgrounds for the acquisition and installation of publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure, with that private entity paying the non-Federal share of the project cost.
The RV Industry Association supports prioritization for community grant projects in rural areas and low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and communities. Our national and state parks support hundreds of thousands of private-sector jobs annually and contribute to the health and wellbeing of Americans. In 2019, visitor spending in communities near national parks resulted in a $41.7 billion benefit to the nation’s economy and supported 340,500 jobs. These facilities and the gateway communities that surround them are worthy of a robust EV charging infrastructure that accommodates the current and future RV traveler.
Tekonsha Prodigy ID Trailer Brake Controller
Tekonsha Prodigy ID Trailer Brake Controller
Horizon Global Corporation today (Feb. 14) announced the launch of its Tekonsha Prodigy iD Trailer Brake Controller (Product No. 90920). The Tekonsha Prodigy iD Trailer Brake Controller is the most technologically advanced in the Tekonsha line, according to a release. In addition to sharing the many great features of other Tekonsha products, the Tekonsha Prodigy iD’s unique design integrates a color LED display right into your vehicle’s dashboard.
What really sets this product apart is that it can easily be linked and fully programmed through the user’s smartphone or other mobile device. Once the user downloads the Tekonsha EDGE app, it is simple for them to control power output, boost, trailer brake type, and much more. The user can also store settings for multiple trailers, multiple load weights, and multiple drivers.
The app and unit are easy to link together using Bluetooth wireless technology. The app offers a quick tutorial that the user can view to learn about their new brake controller and how to use it. The Prodigy iD unit comes packaged with everything needed to install the controller and link to a smart device.
The Tekonsha Prodigy iD electric brake controller powered by EDGE technology puts control in the palm of your hand, so you can focus on the road ahead. With Tekonsha, Life’s a Journey. Stop Often.
For more information, please visit www.tekonsha.com.
About Horizon Global
Headquartered in Plymouth, Mich., Horizon Global is a leading designer, manufacturer, and distributor of a wide variety of high-quality, custom-engineered towing, trailering, cargo management, and other related accessory products in North America and Europe. Among its name brands are Tekonsha, Reese, Draw-Tite and Bulldog.

Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile: Folding Camping Trailer

Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile: Folding Camping Trailer
The Go RVing RV Owner Demographic Profile is the most comprehensive study of RV ownership ever conducted, providing deep insights and perspectives on the demographics and ownership habits of RV Owners, Former RV Owners, and RV Intenders. The study identified seven distinct clusters based on RV owners’ unique motivations, needs, and habits. It also offers a breakdown of the different types of RVs and a study of which demographics tend to prefer different types of RVs.
We recently finished our overview of motorhomes (Class A, Class B, and Class C) and now take a look at towable RVs. Folding camping trailers, sometimes referred to as “pop-up campers,” are owned by 6% of RVers. Young families make up 24% of folding camping trailer owners, while 26% are millennials and Gen Zers. 53% are first time owners.
Folding camping trailers are used on average 12 days out of the year. They are most often used in summer (87%), followed by fall (55%), spring (29%), and winter (14%). 36% of folding camping trailer owners choose to stay at private campgrounds, while 40% prefer national park campgrounds and 63% stay at state parks or recreation area campgrounds.
Other outdoor recreation activities that these RV owners enjoy include: outdoor sports (50%), fishing (41%), and water recreational activities (32%). Their top three reasons for RVing are spending time outdoors (22%), simply unwinding and relaxing (20%), and visiting a location with natural beauty (9%). Other outdoor activities they bring with them included bicycles (28%) and kayaks (15%).
In terms of demographics, 35% are between the ages of 18 – 34 while 65% are ages 55 and older. 51% of those with a folding camping trailer are female and 48% are male. Regarding employment, 39% are retired and 28% are employed full-time. The average annual income for 48% of folding camping trailer owners is over $65,000. 27% live with children in the home.
Help Children Celebrate the Limitless Power of Their Imaginations
Help Children Celebrate the Limitless Power of Their Imaginations
Easton, PA, November 30, 2021 — Does the phrase, “I’m bored,” play like a broken record in your house? When children grow tired of their toys, or foul weather keeps them indoors, it’s the perfect time to encourage them to expand their world of play by tapping into the boundless creativity of their daydreams.
Tommy is a little boy who does exactly that in the whimsically warm and wonderful new book Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination from author CK Gregory. When young readers are introduced to Tommy, he is stuck at home on a rainy day. There is nothing to do; his mother is busy making breakfast; and Tommy has grown bored with his toys. What will he do to entertain himself?
An “eggstraordinary” character named Mr. Sunnyside appears before Tommy’s eyes and takes him on one adventure after another. Tommy is the only person who can see Mr. Sunnyside, and he’s the only one who needs to, in this charming story that gives new meaning to the power of an active imagination.
With clever wordplay, colorful illustrations and subtle lessons, Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination shares the story of a delicate egg who enters Tommy’s life as a play friend and turns Tommy’s mood from blue to “eggcellent!”
Written for ages 5 to 10, Mr. Sunnyside shows young audiences that there is an “eggciting” alternative to screen time: the power of their own minds.
Author CK Gregory worked in many areas of theater and the media, both in front and behind the scenes. Now, he is embarking on a new career as a children’s author. Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination is his first book in a series of “eggstra” adventures to come!
“The world can seem, at times, scrambled,” Gregory said. “I hope my egg friends will set good ‘eggsamples’ for the readers and help children stay on the Sunnyside.”
To connect with the author, visit him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CDconnections.
Mr. Sunnyside: Imagination
Publisher: Gatekeeper Press
ISBN-10: 1662912595
ISBN-13: 978-1662912597
Available from Amazon.com


Rita Morris, 76, 2-21-22, Point Claire, Quebec. She and late husband, John
Were very active for many years with Quebec and Canada rallies.
She taught math at St. Thomas High School, West Island. Enjoyed
camping with grandchildren. Members of West Island Questers Chapter.

Jim Eyres, 79, 3-1-22, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Harlingen, Texas., award winning farmer, volunteered with Salvation Army. FCRV Winter Texan Chapter with wife, Shirley.

Lyn Ann (Bea) McLelland, 76, 1-7-22, Waterford, Michigan. She and husband, Floyd were members at large. Lyn was known for skill at darts. Enjoyed camping with children and grandchildren. Grand daughter, Taylor McLelland was Miss MI in2008 and Miss FCRV in 2010.

ANN SCHIPPER, 86, Pontiac, Michigan & Zephyr Hills, Florida.She and husband, George joined NCHA/FCRFV in 1969 and were Very active in MI before retiring to Florida. Lifetime members. They had one of the first year GMC Motorhomes sold.

April Waller Saib, 39, 1-15-22, Port St. John Florida, Miss FCRV 1998, (Perry, GA Campvention). Daughter of Wally and Lavada Jenkins, Niece of Connie and Doug Black. Survived by husband, Kyle and son, Gavin.