Photo by: Christopher Fullington – Navarre Florida


Camping Today Staff

All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to DeWayne Johnston at [email protected] by the first of the month prior to publication.

National Officers

Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 1800-245-9755, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.

From The President

Once again it is time for Camping today. I hope that you have enjoyed some camping outings. Campvention is fast approaching, and this is the last publication in advance of Campvention. There are a few things that will be taking place at Campvention. The Advisory Committee will be meeting on Sunday and covering a few things like Ideas for a new FCRV Banner, Input to their Regional Director on items at the Executive meeting. It is important that you are there to have your input into the plans for FCRV.  If you are not there you do not have a voice in how things are done. Your voice is very important to how FCRV moves ahead and how FCRV works. 

There are still people that are Saying that the Teen Pageant has been Canceled. This is not true. It was suspended for redevelopment. Beth, the new National Teen Director, is working on revamping the program with a committee. I request that you give her the respect to develop a workable program that moves FCRV into the future. The mistruth that it is canceled will not help her with this task. If we must continue to correct the record here, we will not have the time to produce a new program. So, let’s understand here it is suspended for redevelopment. 

It is my belief that we as an organization must return to our roots of Conservation and wildlife to move ahead in the future. In the workings of society today going Green and Conservation are the things that move the new generation of campers. This is where we started, so we need to return. There are several small things that chapters can do such as not using plastic, Styrofoam and harsh chemicals that damage the environment. It is up to each of us to determine the world that we give to our grandchildren. I have started using a solar panel on the RV to help maintain the battery when dry camping allowing the generator to be used less. This is a small step, but the sun is free and every evening I have a full battery to allow the use of lights in the evening. Again, I believe it is small steps that we take that will make the world better for our grandchildren. I would like FCRV to be at the forefront of this. We can make a difference if we act one small step at a time.  I would like to see us start a National Conservation campout in the future. 

I would also like to say that we need a major membership drive. We need to continue to build membership numbers up. It is important that we also increase our numbers at Campvention and Retiree Rallies. It is a simple fact that if you are not at these functions the organization suffers as we do not have the numbers to negotiate a good rate on grounds and thus our cost goes up for the grounds or they do not want to work with us as our numbers are just too low to make it profitable for the grounds. So let’s all make it a goal to sign up someone that we know and work to grow our numbers. 

Well in about 30 days we will see you in Pueblo, Co.  I am looking forward to seeing you at Campvention to catch up on the year and renew friendships. There is much planned and a lot to do so we will see you there and let’s have a great 62nd Campvention. 

See you at Campvention
Gerry Pfirsch
FCRV National President

FCRV Health Guidelines


These are simply guidelines and as such supplementand do not replace—any state, provincial, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations that govern any meeting or social gathering.  

We recommend campers and their guests are up to date with vaccinations and immunizations and carry this information on a medical card as well as showing all current medications, medical conditions, and allergies that emergency medical personnel may need to know. 

Have a mask available to use for your protection and the protection of others as they can be used for more than deterring COVID.  

Use common sense in protecting yourself and others.  

Official CDC Guidelines change quickly so be aware of the local conditions and be prepared to adapt to them.

Vaccinated?  No mask may be necessary.     Unvaccinated?  Mask is recommended. 

Event coordinators will announce if local conditions change, requiring adjustments to these statements. 

Help Wanted (Open Volunteer Positions)

FCRV needs your help.  Please consider filling one of these positions.  They are very important to the operation of FCRV. Contact VP Ops – Jeff Kendle, or Immediate Past President – Shari Weber for details.

Volunteers are needed for the following National Positions:

Membership Director – Reports to Vice-President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council.  Primarily responsible for the growth and retention of membership.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Commercial Director – Reports to Vice-President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council. Main responsibility is the development and retention of commercial membership/accounts. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Youth Director – Reports to Vice-President Programs and is a member of the Advisory Council.  Works for the betterment of future youth programs in FCRV.   Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

State/Provincial Directors for Maryland, DC, Ohio and Connecticut – Reports to their Regional Director and is a member of the Advisory Council.  Position is to administer and coordinate the activities of the State/Providence in the areas of membership and National programs at their level.  Maintain current membership list for said State/Providence.  Appoint Field Director(s).  Keep Regional Director apprised of chapters status.  Approve constitution/bylaws, promote FCRV and State/Provincial activities, submit reports to Regional Director, hold meetings with field staff.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Communication & Security Director – Reports to the Vice President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council. Communication to be used for FCRV Campventions and Retiree Rallies.  Integration of electronic communication into a balanced communications system.  Responsible for electronic (walkie-talkies) equipment.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Conservation Director – Reports to the Vice President of Programs and is a voting member of the Executive Board.  Conservation is at the heart of FCRV.  Maintain existing program guidelines and formulate new as needed.  Maintain records of the program.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Historian – Reports to the Recording/Corresponding Officer and is a member of the Advisory Council. Preserve FCRV’s history through media and memorabilia.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Veterans – Reports to the Vice President Programs and is a member of the Advisory Council. Show support FCRV members who are Veterans, conduct or arrange for, informational seminars featuring other Veterans and promote information about FCRV Veterans about activities and opportunities for them. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Travalong Director – Reports to the Immediate Past President and is a member of the Advisory Council. Program is designed to help travelers enjoy group-planned activities and help members and non-members learn about areas of travel and who to contact for information. Establish Travalongs with at least one to coincide with National Campvention.  Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Region 5 Director – Reports to the Vice President of Operations and is a voting member of the Executive Board.  Represent FCRV in the region, assist State Directors in the region and provide coordination of administration between the States and the Vice President of Operations. Recommend appointments and/or releases of State Directors to the Vice President of Operations. Coordinate activities between the various States in the region. Act as the State Director in those States that have none. Within the region, administer National bylaws, Constitution, regulations, policies and directives.

Volunteer Background Records Custodian – Member of the Advisory Council Reporting to the Vice President Programs. This position receives permission forms from volunteers working with teens or youth to run a background check. Full job responsibilities are in the field manual. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change. 

Message From Teen Director Ms Beth

Greetings FCRV Teens! I want to start with a quick reminder to sign up for the Teen Program Committee. This committee will be responsible for revamping the Teen program and creating something for our 21st century teens. We will be starting with the teen pageant, but will also be working on the program as a whole over the next year. I am looking for 2 representatives from each region and I encourage you, the teens, to sign up. You can find the link to the google form in the May Camping Today, on both the official and Private Facebook pages, or ask your Regional, State or Provincial Director for it. I am excited to work toward bringing our Teen Program into a new era, but I can’t do it alone. Sign up today!

Now let’s talk Campvention…It is just a few short weeks away and you do not want to miss our planned activities in Pueblo, CO. Our week of traditional teen activities and new activities is sure to have something for everyone, so come on out, see old friends, make new ones and join in on the fun! 

We will open the week with our registration on Sunday, along with our Parent meeting. This is also when we will have the first meeting of the teens with me as your new International Teen Director. On Monday, come participate in Family Fun day with our annual lunch sale and we are bringing back the FCRV Jail, hosted by you, our amazing Teens! Start thinking now of who you think needs a time-out in jail and tell others to do the same. In addition to our Family Fun day teen activities, there will be plenty of carnival activities you don’t want to miss. Since that is only day one, you won’t want to miss our very own Chick Fil-A Cow Day, as the state of Florida hosts your 4th annual Chick Fil-A lunch on Tuesday. Make sure to bring your very own cow costume because prizes are sure to be given out. We also will have our annual outing that evening. This year will be an evening at the roller rink, so bring your skates if you have them or you can rent them there (both regular and inline are allowed and available to rent). FCRV Teen lunch sales will cover cost of admission (skate rental will also be covered if we earn enough money). Wednesday will have no time for rest as we plan to go off grounds again to complete a service project that aligns with the conservation mission of FCRV. You may want to pack a pair of work gloves and some sturdy shoes as we will help at the Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center – River Campus, take in a program and have a picnic lunch. Come ready to spread the word about what FCRV stands for and how awesome our Teens are! We will be back in time for the Talent show and family dance, making sure you aren’t too tired to show off your talents and dance moves. Our sports day is usually on Thursday with events such as Volleyball and the annual Teen/Adult softball game. Bring your glove if you have one. We will be following up by cooling down with water activities. The end of the week may mean that things are winding down, but we still have things to do, including a wrap up teen meeting, s’mores around the campfire, and our first official “Burning of the Teen Card” ceremony for those who will be turning 20 before Campvention 2023. And this is all just the beginning!  On top of the very specific items mentioned above we will be tie dyeing (bring a white cotton item), playing water balloon volleyball, having an ice cream social, competing in relay races, and of course the Teen Center will be open every night for music and socializing. I also have it on good authority that life size Monopoly will be back this year along with other large size games. 

Teen Royalty in attendance is encouraged to wear their sashes and crowns during the week. Your state/province decided on you to represent them at Campvention 2022 and even though there isn’t going to be an International pageant this year, we want to see you out and about enjoying time with the organization, proudly representing your state or province! Our current Miss FCRV, Brianna, also has an amazing opportunity for present and past Teen Royalty to be recognized by our members. In a recent conversation she stated, “To honor current State/Provincial Teen Royalty at Campvention, I had planned a Teen Royalty Meet and Greet hospitality for our members. Since the decision was made to suspend the International pageant this year, I have decided to invite any past State, Provincial, or International Royalty who are present as well.” If you would like to participate in the Teen Royalty (Past and Present) Meet and Greet hospitality, please contact Brianna at [email protected]

There won’t be a pageant this year, but is the pageant all the Teens are about? Absolutely not! Now is your chance to make a difference and have a great time doing it! So come on out to Pueblo and join in some amazing Teen activities! I am looking forward to seeing many of you again and meeting our newest teens in Pueblo, Colorado. 

Beth Coniglio
International Teen Director

I want my, I want my RV-TV

I want my, I want my RV-TV

By Christopher Fullington

There is no doubt there is not enough RV life entertainment on broadcast television. Maybe once in a blue moon there might be a brief show that centers around RV’s and the RV community, but is not on a regular scheduled program. There are a plentiful number of shows on home repairs, sales etc. And show about people’s daily lives who are famous for reasons that I have no idea how. Let’s face it, were a special breed. However, there is a platform that has an enormous library of content that is geared toward the RV lifestyle. 

It might be no surprise, but I’m talking about YouTube. If you’re wanting to learn tips and tricks of maintaining your rig, there is help there. If you’re looking for ideals for places to go, help is there. If you want to see others adventures with there rig, that is there too. There is so much content of other RVer’s like us, we can be entertained for days, learn from their mistakes, and be inspired to adventure. And to add, did you know that FCRV has its very own YouTube channel?

If you want to know my recommendations of who to watch, let me throw some out there:

They share life on the road with a bit of sarcasm and a LOT of humor. Even when things go wrong, they try to maintain a positive outlook. Because we all know life on the road is far from perfect. Their goal is for you to be a part of the journey not just watch it.

From their channel 

“Entertaining & Informative RV Travel brought to you every Sunday at 7 PM Central. This channel is about making dreams happen. Starting small now is better than starting big later. Hello, we’re Marc & Tricia & we’re glad you’re here! After years of waiting for the right scenario or the ideal time, we decided to trade-in our “perfect dream” for what we were actually able to do right now. That was four countries, forty-nine states and over 200,000 miles ago!”

“Hi!  We are Chad and Tara (and our dog Daisy).  We sold our house and everything in it to live and travel full time in our fifth wheel toy hauler RV (2018 Grand Design Momentum 397TH)!  In our videos, we document our travels all over North America, RV DIY projects, RV tips and tricks, and our motorcycle rides on our 2018 Indian Roadmaster.  We hope you’ll tune in to our weekly Full Time RV adventures!  Well… mostly weekly..”

We are Robert and Ily, Cuban born, Floridians by choice. We share our RV travel stories, enjoying the journey as much as the destination, sampling the local cuisine, visiting the main attractions, and off the beaten path locations.

We are a family of five in love with the Fulltime RV Life. After spending two years on the road in a Travel Trailer, we’re now setting out again in a Class A Motorhome. We’re producing weekly vlogs about our life, creating videos covering travel, gear and accessories, parenting, and the many destinations we visit.

There is no end to the number of different varieties of RV lifestyle content to find. Soon you could have your own favorites. Or maybe soon, one of these popular YouTubers are talking about FCRV, getting their fans to be a part of our organization. Now go out there, be inspired and be entertained. And lastly, stay safe.

Miss FCRV June Update

Hey everyone, It’s finally summer!!!! I’m so excited to start my camping season (I know camping season technically started for some of y’all but I’m officially free from school). With the summer season starting I have to start this update off with a big announcement about Southeast. The Southeast camp out is being held in my home state Orlando, FL (my favorite FL city). There’s going to be outdoor activities, games, food, and entertainment by yours truly. So come on down to the best state for summer activities and get your sun on in the sunshine state. I can’t wait to see everyone who comes. Ok, ok I’m done with my public service announcement.

Last month I mentioned a new service project I had started, and I believe I initiated a challenge to everyone to get out there. The environment is a huge priority of mine, ever since I was a kid and going to the environmental center back home, I knew I wanted to keep it clean and protected and FCRV has done nothing but encourage my love for it and keeping it clean. Last month I kept true to my word and my family and I went out to clean up the Riverside from all the debris and trash that washes up and I’m just getting started! I’m taking a small break to enjoy being home and seeing my friends and family and then on to the next conservation project whatever that may be. So again, I challenge you to get out there and do some good for our environment, and as always, I would love to see what everyone’s up to.

Final thing, I am absolutely positively stoked (yes, I just said that) to see everyone at Campvention this summer in Colorado. I can’t wait for all the fun activities that have been planned, especially the teen activities and Family Fun Day. I think that’s about it from me for this month, but again looking forward to seeing everyone at Southeast and Campvention, as well as those who rise up and meet my challenge. Also, I am still collecting any donations anyone would like to send to make blankets and goodie bags for the kids at my local Ronald McDonald’s house as well as those in the hospitals and retirement homes. Anything is welcomed, but I included a list in last month’s update for those who may want some ideas.

Brianna Coniglio
Miss FCRV 2021

Campvention 2022

Campvention 2022 info for June issue of CT:



In previous issues we said there would be plenty of SEMINARS.  Here is a run-down of the seminars already scheduled.  Plus, we are currently working on scheduling a few more.

  • Sunday – July 10th 
  •  Line Dancing 
  • Monday – July 11th 
  •   RV Fire Safety 
  •   Sky Med
  •   The Taste of Pueblo 
  •   Sewing Machine Basic Functions & Supplies
  •   Let’s Talk RV’ing
  • Tuesday – July 12th
  •  Bee Keeping 101
  •  Sewing Needle Anatomy, Bobbins and Threads, Oh My
  •  Easy Line Dancing Lessons
  •  Staying Connected on the Road
  • Wednesday – July 13th
  •  Beauty and Skin Care
  •  Pueblo Street Rods Viewing
  •  What Does the Government & News Media Say Today Regarding Extraterrestrials?
  •  The Value of CBD
  •  Sky Med
  •  All About Dutch Oven Cooking
  •  Emergency Preparedness & Use of Drones
  • Thursday – July 14th
  •  First Aid
  •  Artocade and Art Cartopia Viewing
  •  Artocade and Art Cartopia Museum
  • Friday – July 15th
  •  The 200th Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail
  •  Dutch Oven Cast Iron Cooking

Rocky Mountain Summer Camp See You All Soon!!!

Hiya Campers! 

For months we have been saying that Campvention is just around the corner, however, this time it really is true. With the 2022 Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado only a month away, we at the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp just wanted to give you a final reminder of all the fun and exciting activities awaiting those 12 and under at this year’s Campvention.


With a full schedule of fun activities, games, and crafts that will begin on Tuesday and continue through to Friday evening, there is much in store for Youth attendees.

For Activities:

  • A night of Family Bingo
  • A carnival-themed Family Fun Day
  • A pizza party and an afternoon spent at an onsite splash pad
  • A Rocky Mountain Talent Show (open to all ages)
    • Multiple Talent Show registrations for those seeking to perform as a group and/or individual act are more than welcome and should be emailed to [email protected] or turned into Youth Registration from Friday to Sunday during Campvention
  • A family dance for all ages
  • A bring your own lunch family picnic for youth and their families, with popsicles provided
  • A “Bear” Hunt
  • And Farewell Campfire with s’mores

For Games:

  • Indoor Games including:
    • Miniature indoor bowling
    • Giant Jenga
    • Speed Cup Stacking
    • And more with optional Coloring Pages and Puzzles set aside for those wishing to take it easy inside for an afternoon
  • A game of Water Balloon Capture the Flag with a scavenger hunt alternative activity for younger youths
  • And some classic Summer Camp Games including:
    • An Egg Race (using fake, plastic eggs)
    • A Fill-up Bucket Race
    • A Beach Ball Keep Up game
    • A Rock, Paper, Scissors Hula Hoop Race
    • A Water Balloon Toss
    • And some alternative activities for younger youths including bubble blowing and a game of soccer

For Crafts:

  • Tie-Dye fun
  • Painting Bird Houses
  • Making Friendship Bracelets and Necklaces
  • And Making Macrame Keychains with an alternative activity for younger youths, rock painting

Given the Youth Program’s extensive itinerary, some general supplies you should bring with your youth this summer includes:

  • Towels
  • Sunscreen
  • And clothes that you would not mind getting dirty or wet
    • (For activities that include painting and water fun such as Tie-Dye, Birdhouses, Splash Pad Fun, and Water Balloon Games; a swimsuit and painting smock/apron would suffice) 

Some specific supplies you will need to send with your youth include:

  • A white shirt for Tie-Dye 
  • A personal family lunch for the Family Picnic 
  • PLEASE NOTE: On Tuesday afternoon, we are planning on having a pizza party for the youth. If your youth has any dietary restrictions that would prevent them from eating pizza, please send your youth with a personal lunch for that day. 

With this wide array of activities, games, and crafts, we hope the Youth attending Campvention 2022 will have plenty to do and lots of fun, so please do not forget to bring your youth and register them for the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp during Youth Registration!

Youth Registration at the 2022 Campvention will take place in the DCR (Do Colorado Right) building from 1- 5 pm on Friday, from 9 am-12 pm and 2-4 pm on Saturday, and 10 am-12 pm and 1-3 pm on Sunday. While we prefer for those registering youth to do so on these days, we will also accept youth registrations at the Youth Parent Meeting on Monday which will be held from 4-5 pm in the DCR (Do Colorado Right) building. Upon arrival to youth registration, we ask that parents/guardians provide a current photo of their youth. Other information, such as the name of the registering youth, the name of their parents/guardians, home state/province, campsite location and number required upon registration can be found on the youth registration form. 


Registration forms for the Youth Program or the Rocky Mountain Talent Show can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV National Website, or on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook Group

As always, please be on the lookout for further announcements regarding the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp and Campvention 2022 that can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook group, and by email. 


      We are looking forward to seeing you all this summer, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]


See you all soon, 

Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez


by Craig Weber


 FCRV International Band is looking for members. Spend a little time at Campvention practicing and having fun. Be a part of Campvention. Band members get a free band T-shirt and free pizza party. Music is kept fairly easy to allow for all levels of skill. We could really use a bass (guitar, string, tuba), but any and all are welcome. Simply email me at [email protected] with the instrument you play and your shirt size. I will email you copies of the music ASAP so that you will have extra time to practice. Soloist or small groups are welcome to add to the concert. Join us in Pueblo for fun, fun, fun and be a part of Campvention.

Greetings FCRV Teens!

by Beth Coniglio


You don’t want to miss our Campvention activities in Pueblo, CO. We have an amazing week planned.


We will open the week with our registration on Sunday, along with our Parent meeting. At that time, we will also have the first meeting of the teens with your new International Teen Director. On Monday, come participate in Family Fun Day with our annual lunch sale and we are bringing back the FCRV Jail, hosted by our amazing Teens! So, start thinking now of who you think might need a time-out in jail. Plus, there will be plenty of carnival activities you don’t want to miss. Tuesday is packed with activities including our very own Chick Fil-A Cow Day, as the state of Florida hosts your 4th annual Chick Fil-A lunch. Make sure to bring your very own cow costume because prizes are sure to be given out. We also will have our annual outing Tuesday evening. This year we will be going to the Roller Rink.  Wednesday will have no time for rest as we plan to go off grounds again for what hopefully will become an annual event, completing a service project. We will help at the local Wildlife Refuge, take in a program and maybe even go for a hike. Come ready to spread the word about what FCRV is all about and how awesome our Teens are! We will be back in time for the Family Dance, making sure you aren’t too tired to show off your dance moves. Thursday is always our sports day with events such as Volleyball and the annual Teen/Adult softball game. Friday may mean that things are winding down, but we still have things to do, including a wrap up teen meeting, s’mores around the campfire, and our first official “Burning of the Teen card” ceremony for those who will be turning 20 before Campvention 2023. And this is all just the beginning!!  On top of the very specific items mentioned above we will be practicing for and participating in the Youth/Teen talent show (bring your own best talent or get a group together), tie dyeing (bring a white cotton item), playing water balloon volleyball, having an ice cream social, competing in relay races, building our Teen float and of course the Teen Center will be open every night for music and socializing. We also have it on good authority that life size Monopoly will be back this year. 


Teen Royalty in attendance is encouraged to wear their sashes and crowns during the week. Your state/province decided on you to represent them at Campvention 2022 and even though there isn’t going to be an International pageant this year, we want to see you out and about enjoying time with the organization, proudly representing your state/province!


There won’t be a pageant this year, but is the pageant all the Teens are about? Absolutely not! Now is your chance to make a difference and have a great time doing it! So come on out to Pueblo and join in some amazing Teen activities!


A message from the International Teen Queen, Brianna Coniglio:


To honor current state or province Teen Royalty at Campvention, I had planned a Teen Royalty Meet and Greet hospitality for our members. Since the decision was made to suspend the International pageant this year, I have decided to invite any past state or International Royalty who are present as well. If you would like to participate in the Teen Royalty (Past and Present) Meet and Greet hospitality, please contact me at [email protected]. I will also be posting more information in June.

Campvention Golfers


Please let Jim Turner know if you plan to play golf at Campvention 2022.  Email him at [email protected].  Looking forward to hitting the links in Pueblo in July!

Parade Update!


Well, everyone, it is hard to believe that we are about 2 months away from Campvention. Let me say that planning is going ahead full-steam for Campvention, and this is true for the Parade as well. Your state, province, and/or region is encouraged to enter and participate in the parade to show the pride that you have in your involvement in FCRV. Let’s show our pride in FCRV and have an entry in the parade. We are encouraging the teens, youth, adults, and every state/province to enter a float or walking unit to show how involved they are and pride in FCRV. I would like to see each state/province show their pride in their King and Queen with a float honoring their respective programs. I would like to see Conservation and Wildlife displayed in the parade. We will be using the National rules for the parade and judging will be based upon this set of rules. We will cover the rules for the parade on Monday at the parade meeting. We will only get out what you put into this parade. Registration Forms will be available at the parade meeting on Monday July 11, 2022. Upon entry, you will receive your entry number and further instructions. The Parade Theme will be America the Beautiful. We have covered buildings for the construction of the floats. This will allow construction of your float in the shade! We look forward to seeing your float in the parade in July.

Thank you from Gerry P.  and Vern F., Parade Chairs

Hey guys!

by Michelle Russell (Restless_Russells)

Lippert Campground Project

We’re the Russell’s- a family of 4 plus 2 pups who chose to sell it all almost 4 years ago to travel full time. Not only has life on the road brought us closer together, but it has connected us to a rolling community that is pretty top notch! And now we want to connect with you! We’ll be sharing our why, how we found community, roadschooling, and all the ways we keep this dream alive including the importance of maintaining your home on wheels. We can’t wait to meet each of you during this year’s Campvention! Safe Travels!


by Jeff & Shirley Kendle


Sunday – July 10th Wednesday – July 13th
  • Executive Board Meeting
  • Seminars
  • Opening Ceremonies
  • Church Services
  • Hospitality
  • Family Bingo – sponsored by the Youth (Cash prizes)
  • Teen Activity
  • Family Center Open
  • C.A.M.P. walk or bike ride
  • Hospitality
  • Washer Toss
  • Crafts
  • Seminars
  • Commercial Area Open
  • Youth Crafts & Activities
  • Pueblo Street Hot Rod Viewing
  • Teen Activities
  • Family Center Open
  • FCRV Band Performance
  • Rocky Mountain Talent Show
  • Family Dance – Music by “Sounds in Succession”
Monday – July 11th Thursday – July 14th
  • C.A.M.P. walk or bike ride
  • First Timers Meeting
  • Crafts
  • Ladder Golf
  • Seminars
  • Commercial Area Open
  • Family Fun Days (Carnival Theme)
  • FOOD
  • Parade Planning Meeting
  • Hospitality
  • Family Center Open
  • Entertainment – “Shelvis & The Roustabouts”
  • Golf Outing Meeting
  • C.A.M.P. walk or bike ride
  • Marketplace
  • Coffee and Cornhole
  • Crafts
  • Youth Crafts & Activities
  • Teen Volleyball Game
  • Commercial Area Open
  • Seminars
  • Cartopia Viewing
  • Teen Softball Game
  • Ambassador Club Luncheon
  • Bean Bag Baseball
  • Family Center Open
  • Hospitality
  • Entertainment – “Juke Joint Cruisers”
Tuesday – July 12th Friday – July 15th
  • C.A.M.P. walk or bike ride
  • Horseshoes
  • Crafts
  • Seminars
  • Commercial Area Open
  • Youth Crafts & Activities
  • Teen Activities
  • Any Hat Luncheon
  • National Membership Meeting
  • Hospitality
  • Family Center Open
  • Entertainment – “Triple Nickel”
  • C.A.M.P. walk or bike ride
  • Youth Crafts and Activities
  • Seminars
  • Teen Activities
  • FCRV Parade
  • Follow-up Meeting with First Timers
  • Youth Family Picnic
  • Hospitality
  • Youth “Bear” Hunt
  • Closing Ceremonies
  • Youth Farewell Campfire & S’mores
  • Teen Farewell Campfire





Just a heads up if you plan on bringing a portable wood fire pit to Campvention.  It is against the law to bring out-of-state firewood into Colorado from areas infested with federally regulated forest pests like imported fire antspongy moth, and Asian long horned beetle.  Also, if there are fire restrictions you will not be able to have a wood fire.  




We anticipate minimum volunteers will be required for security as the fairgrounds provides security 24/7 while we are at the fairgrounds.  Access into the fairgrounds will be restricted to just a few gates during the day.


We will need volunteers to drive the trams, assist in the youth center, and central registration.

Please consider volunteering in one of these areas.


Hotels Near the Fairgrounds


Courtyard by Marriott – 2.3 miles 

Microtel Inn & Suites – 2.8 miles

Santa Fe Inn – 2.9 miles

Hampton Inn & Sites – Southeast – 3 miles

Springhill Suites Downtown – 3.5 miles


There are many others.  You can Google hotels near the Colorado State Fairgrounds or look up your favorite brand name hotel.




For those coming to Campvention just for the day, you must go to the FCRV Office to pay the daily fee and obtain a pass.  




Get your Campvention Registration in NOW and avoid paying more at the gate.  Do not mail any Campvention Registrations after June 27th  as we will be busy transporting equipment to the Colorado State Fairgrounds and making final preparations for everyone to arrive.


There are numerous places to visit in the Pueblo area from parks, museums, antique shops and shopping malls, state parks. You will also want to spend some time in Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, and Old Colorado City.  With so much to do in the area, make sure you come early.


Historic Arkansas Riverwalk of Pueblo Wet Mountains
Rosemount Museum Steelworks Museum
San Isabel National Forest Heroes Plaza – National Medal of Honor Memorial
Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum Pueblo Heritage Museum
Lake Pueblo, Colorado State Park Comanche National Grassland
Pueblo Zoo Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo Museum
Center for American Values Natural & Wildlife Discovery Center
Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center El Pueblo History Museum
The Goodnight Barn – former home of legendary cattleman Charles “Lonesome Dove” Goodnight.



Call For Volunteers 

Hiya Campers, 


For the past few months, you have all heard me enthusiastically promote this year’s Youth Program, the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp, for this upcoming 2022 Campvention. Well, with a full itinerary of fun awaiting the youth this summer, I am now calling for volunteers for the program’s many activities, games, and crafts we have planned for those 12 and under. 


I am calling for volunteers for the following:


  • Family Bingo 
  • Family Fun Day Nacho Sales
  • Pizza Party and Splash Pad Fun
  • “Bear” Hunt
  • Farewell Campfire


  • Indoor Games
  • Water Balloon Capture the Flag
  • Scavenger Hunt 
  • Summer Camp Games 


  • Tie-Dye Fun
  • Painting Bird Houses
  • Friendship Bracelets and Necklaces
  • Macrame Keychains
  • Rock Painting 

With this wide array of activities, games, and crafts, we hope the Youth attending Campvention 2022 will have plenty to do and lots of fun; however, we do need volunteers to make sure the program runs smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above activities, games, or crafts please email me at [email protected] 

As always, please be on the lookout for further announcements regarding the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp and Campvention 2022 that can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook group, and by email. 

     We are looking forward to seeing you all this summer, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]


See you all soon, 

Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez

Pueblo Attractions Links                                                                                                                                      by Barb Turner, Publicity Chair


While in Pueblo for Campvention, many attractions await you.  Prepare for your visits with the following links…..


Bishop Castle –

Center for American Values –

Colorado Mental Health Institute Museum –

El Pueblo History Museum –


Goodnight Barn Restoration –

Medal of Honor Memorial Plaza –

Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center –

Pueblo Fire Museum –

Pueblo Heritage Museum –

Pueblo Railway Museum –

Pueblo Riverwalk –

Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum –

Pueblo Zoo –

Rosemount Museum –

Sangre de Cristo Arts Center & Buell Children’s Museum –

Steelworks Center of the West –

The Fire Playce Paint Your Own Pottery Studio –

The Walter Brewing Company –

Walk of Valor –


And for overviews and more possibilities, visit:,,, and  


Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July awaits.  See you there!


Campvention “Family Activity Center”

by Judy & Dan Kimzey & Nancy & Howard Boehme


Do you think you’ll have any spare minutes during Campvention’s action-packed days?  The Activity Center, located in the Gallery of Fine Arts building, will be just the spot to sit down, relax, visit, share some time with friends, and maybe grab a snack or beverage.  While everyone is welcome, the activities available will primarily be for adults, as the youth and teens will each have a center for their activities. 


Besides comfortable chairs, we’ll offer a variety of boardgames, dice, cards and dominoes, books for reading, jigsaw puzzles to work on, and an occasional contest or group activity to enter.  Not sure if you remember all the rules for a particular game? We’ll also have those available for reference.   Or… if it’s just for your own enjoyment, make up your own rules!!   The books on hand will be from one of the local libraries and are free for the taking. 


Just know that everyone is welcome to take a break at this rather centrally-located spot, which is close to the vendor location and the restaurant, which will be open some of the time. Consult your program or one of the information boards to find out when our special contests will be held.  In case you don’t have your program guide with you, the daily list of activities around the grounds, along with any changes or additions that have been made, will be posted in the Center. 


We welcome you to Campvention and the Family Activity Center.   We invite you to stop by and take a gander at what we will provide.

2023 National Event Spoilers

hint 1

63rd Annual Campvention 2023

Retiree Rally Spoiler

51st FCRV International Retiree Rally 2023

[20% off Discount Code “FCRV20”]

YARs Celebrated Its 20th Anniversary

YARs Celebrated Its 20th Anniversary

by Barb Turner

‘Ahoy, Me Mateys’.  Pirates among us in FCRV?  For 20 years the tie-dyed/black-pirate-hats-clad members of the Young Active Retirees (YARs) Chapter has been enjoying fun and fellowship while serving FCRV where and when needed.  

The idea for an international chapter began with casual conversation among four couples who were newly retired/about to retire at Campvention 1995.  We were all in our early 50s and were wondering how we would fit in with the national retiree program at the time.  Perhaps an international chapter with activities we enjoyed as well as just enjoying really getting to know one another around the campfire would be of interest to young retirees.  That evening at the entertainment I gave June Johnston a patch sketch of Young Active Retirees.  She tucked that away in their camper utensil drawer.  Over the next six years, she’d pull it out, and we’d discuss the idea.  It would go back in the drawer.  Finally, in 2001 she said that we do something about it or throw it away.  The time had come.  DeWayne, June, Jim, & I were together three weekends in a row that fall.  YARs was created by the four of us.

The chapter would be composed of retired members across the organization.  We would meet around the Retiree Rally and Campvention.  We would volunteer at the events, either as individuals or as the group.  At our campouts which would be casual and unstructured, we would relax and get to know one another, more than could be done while working at the campouts.  Anyone would be welcome.  No application.  Name, address, email, and dues……that’s all that would be needed.  

‘YARs’ sounded like ‘yar, me matey’, according to DeWayne.  Thus, the pirate theme.  Chapter shirts?  With members throughout the organization, ordering chapter shirts seemed like a nightmare.  June suggested tie-dying white shirts.

With the chapter necessities met, including charter members from across the organization, we applied for a charter.  How to do that for an international chapter was a question for a while.  Solution: the charter application was submitted through Pennsylvania where June & DeWayne lived.  Approval came.

The first campout was held at Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina on the beach, a perfect location for the pirates, with 18 units.  The pirates stayed on the island, cooking, playing games (including a new game Eldon Sellers introduced to us – ladder golf!), and, most importantly, enjoying time around the campfire.  One group meal that stands out in my memory was pizza and salad night.  No purchased pizzas.  18 different pizza creations were shared!  The first officers were elected in a brief, informal meeting.  Cap’n: Barb Turner, Ohio, Vice Cap’n: Gerry Owens, West Virginia; Keeper of the Treasure Chest: Ray Brandt, Pennsylvania; Scribe: Barb Person, Arkansas.

Jim & I made arrangements with FCRV Retiree Directors George & Joan Murray for our chapter charter presentation at the retiree rally the following week.  The presentation was made from the stage.  George surprised Joan with a YARs badge as he’d joined ,unbeknownst to her.

YARs began serving the organization at Campvention 2002 by passing out ice cream that was sponsored by Foremost Insurance.  At the 2004 Retiree Rally, YARs introduced and hosted the first King & Queen reception.  At Campvention 2004 YARs ran the food bank.  Over the next 20 years, the chapter has continued to serve FCRV as a chapter and as members.  Our members are active volunteers.

Following the 2022 Retiree Rally, the chapter gathered at Bedrock RV Park in Grand Saline, Texas.  The campout began with what has become a tradition, root beer floats and finger foods.  Relaxing, playing games, visiting, and watching the Final Four Championship game were enjoyed.  Tuesday morning began with a potluck breakfast with the meeting following.  New officers were elected.  Cap’n: Joe Wingert, Colorado; Vice Cap’n: Jim Turner, Florida; Keeper of the Treasure Chest: Bill Ramlow, North Carolina; Scribe:  Barb Turner, Florida.  The members enjoyed the evening around the campfire and the swings surrounding around it.  Another tradition happened Wednesday morning, tie-dying chapter shirts under the direction of June.  The owner of the campground cooked the Wednesday evening meal in his Dutch oven system to celebrate 20 years as an FCRV chapter.  Throughout the campout, the chapter history was remembered through old scrapbooks and sharing memories.  Thursday morning, it was time for we mateys to sail off in various directions till we gather again in July in Pueblo, Colorado.

Fun, fellowship, and service are our mission… was so 20 years ago and continues to be so!

Personalized garments; drinkware; clings; decals; kitchen & bath items. You can choose from our large graphic collection or use your photos or designs.

For FCRV branded items:

For other items:

Call or text: 410-533-0038
[email protected]

Potato Creek Restoration Project Deemed ‘Amazing’

Potato Creek Restoration Project Deemed ‘Amazing’

by Rick Kessler | May 12, 2022

Organizers of the Potato Creek State Park Restoration Project couldn’t have been more pleased with the Wednesday (May 11) event, in which about 400 volunteers from across the RV industry built benches, a bridge and a stage, repainted dozens of signs, resided and refurbished 10 bathroom facilities, cleared brush and debris and countless other tasks to rehabilitate the popular park located near New Liberty, Ind.

“It’s been an amazing day,” said Michilah Grimes, the Director of Corporate and Community Impact for Lippert and one of the chief organizers of the event. “To have more than 30 companies represented out here today through way of donations and volunteers … All the skill levels that the industry has to offer are really being showcased out here today.And to just to see the industry come together and do what we do best – which is to make a difference.”

Echoing those comments was Mike Gaeddert, a general manager at Coachmen RV who also helped organize the event.

“Today was pretty amazing to see the effort and just the willingness to jump in with both feet. And, from the start of this process, every person we engaged, it was ‘What can we do?’ And, ‘What more can I do?’” he said. “To be where we’re at today is just showcasing what the industry’s capable of and their commitment to both their work and the community.”

“Today would not have happened without the help of everyone involved,” Grimes pointed out. “And the companies jumping in and saying, ‘How can we help? What do you guys need? How many more people do you need out there for that?’ So, it’s been truly humbling.”

Grimes and Gaeddert are two members of the Emerging Leaders Coalition (ELC), a new standing committee within the RV Industry Association (RVIA). Early in its formation ELC members decided it wanted the group’s mission to include philanthropic responsibility, and the Potato Creek event was the first of what will be many industry-wide park improvement initiative events across the nation.

For her part, Samantha Rocci, RVIA Senior Manager with the Government Affairs team who also serves as an RVIA/ELC staff liaison, said the association, “could not be more excited to support the Emerging Leaders Coalition as launch our park improvement initiative.”

“Early on it was clear that this group wouldn’t be content to sit on the sidelines but wanted to take ownership of something and give back to the community that has given so much to us,” she said. “Today, we saw what this industry is capable of when we unify and work to be a force for good. For decades, the Association has worked to promote our industry unity and we are thrilled to support the ELC as these energized leaders take it to the next level.”

Gaeddert said the goal of the park improvement initiative is for it to “get legs of its own.” The group is hoping leaders will emerge to champion similar restoration events across the nation so the RV industry can improve and restore the parks and campgrounds that are, near and dear to someone.

“Whether it’s rebuilding, building a playground, building campsites, trail clearing, building boat launches – I mean, you name it. This industry can do it. And we’re really looking for some champions to go ahead and spearhead some of these projects. We want to do this nationwide, and the ELC will be there to support them in any way that we can,” he said.

“We’re really looking forward to people getting involved,” Grimes added, “Like Mike said, we’re looking for people being champions of this initiative and using business as a force for good. It truly is a testament to where we are better together when it comes to the community. We can have more impact when we do things together.”

“And be able to give back to what’s given us so much, right? The outdoors, our local and state parks, the private campgrounds across this country,” Gaeddert shared.

Heatstroke Prevention

Heatstroke Prevention

Advice form a Wildlife Technician: Amy Wittmeyer

As summer begins and temperatures start to climb, unfortunately so does the danger of heat-related illnesses. Often caused by periods of high activity in areas of direct sun and high temperatures, heat illnesses can intensify rapidly without treatment and become severe or even fatal. There are three main stages of heat illness:

  1. Heat stress: mild physical discomfort and physiologic strain, often seen during summer sports or times of high activity in bright sun and high temperatures. Easily prevented or remedied by breaks in the shade, water, and healthy snacks. 

  1. Heat exhaustion: caused by dehydration and intense physical activity. Symptoms can include dizziness, thirst, nausea, irritability, headache, and fatigue. Treatment includes moving to a cool and/or shady area, fanning, drinking electrolyte water or juice, eating salty snacks to aid in water absorption, and rest. Gradually cool the ill person down to avoid shocking their system. 

  1. Heatstroke: a severe and life-threatening condition in which a person’s body reaches a temperature of 105°F or higher. Symptoms include confusion, loss of coordination, headache, nausea and vomiting, fainting, rapid heartbeat, and skin hot to the touch but often **not sweating.**
    1. Treatment must be immediate and intense. Call 911 and begin to rapidly cool down the victim by removing them from sun and heat, pouring or spraying cold water on them, and placing ice packs on their neck, armpits, and groin area (where large blood vessels are close to the skin).

Heatstroke Prevention

Heatstroke is a preventable illness, and there are many steps you can take to reduce your risk of heatstroke:

  • Reduce excess clothing. Too much clothing in hot temperatures hampers your body’s ability to sweat and cool itself down. Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when possible. 
  • Don’t drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol can affect the body’s ability to regulate temperature.
  • Drink plenty of fluids while outside and participating in active pursuits. Straight water is good, but when especially active, sugar and electrolytes become important to aid in cellular uptake of water. Drinking too much plain water without salty snacks or electrolyte additives can cause hyponatremia.
  • Hyponatremia is a serious condition caused by low sodium levels in the blood that often results from excessive water drinking. Without an appropriate amount of sodium in the blood, the water cannot be properly absorbed and is retained in the kidneys and bloodstream. Symptoms are confusingly similar to dehydration and can include muscle cramping, nausea, fatigue, and confusion. Prevention of both dehydration and hyponatremia can be achieved through consumption of salty snacks and sports drinks/electrolyte beverages as opposed to plain water. 
  • Use sunscreen and wear hats and sunglasses while outdoors.
  • Never leave anyone in a parked car.


Heat Stroke Prevention & Safety Tips | Alliance For Automotive Innovation (

5 Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke (

Dear RV

Hi there everyone, we are introducing a new article in Camping Today. We would like to welcome you to Dear RV. This is a place where you can ask the questions that you are hesitant to ask members of your Chapter, State, or your Neighbor. Your questions will be answered from our point of view, and it will hopefully give you a chuckle as well as some useful information to help you in your RVing experience. You may not agree completely with all our answers, but our goal is to give honest information to you as to how we do our RVing. We would prefer to not know who is submitting the question. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer (possibly that you were not expecting) but an answer, just the same and possibly with a small dose of humor for good measure.

Us here at Dear RV!

Dear RV  

Everywhere I go I see campers with their dogs. Most are on a leash, but some people ignore the leash rules for some reason. Many times, we’ve had dogs run into our campsite. Some of them are quite intimidating. Are these rules just suggestions? Should I report them to campground management or just ignore it? Is there a polite way to ask them to please leash their dog?

Leash rules at a campground are just as important as any of the other rules a campground asks you to abide by.  The campground asks you to put your trash in the dumpster.  You are asked to follow the rule about when and where to have a campfire.  This is no different.   These are common rules in every campground and are usually backed by the campground’s insurance liability.  The same applies to the leash rules.  Want your fur baby to run free?  They probably have a dog park for just that.   I’m sure there are some campers who feel their perfect dog would never cause a problem being off their leash, but that’s about the time it feels threatened and nips at someone.  Also, it would make it easier to protect your dog if another, more aggressive dog takes a dislike to yours.  If someone else is less vigilant about picking up after their dog, your dog may be exposed to illnesses that you don’t want to deal with.  Most campground owners would be happy to oblige a discreet text to them asking them to speak to those campers of the unleashed, and if it’s an FCRV function, make the people in charge of the event aware and let them handle it.   This will maintain the camping relationship you have with the owner and should get the job done.   Happy Camping!

Dear RV  

Recently I saw a camper having issues with their water heater. They pulled a long rod out of it followed by what looked to be a rocky substance. I didn’t know the camper so I didn’t say anything but now I’m wondering what they were doing and if there is something I should be doing to my water heater.


What you saw is the anode rod. This is a rod designed to protect the water heater from the corrosion from iron, calcium and the like in the water. It is usually made of magnesium or aluminum and uses electrolysis to collect the particles. The minerals destroy it rather than the tank. I would recommend that every camper check their water heater in the rig just to know it is working and replace it if it is eaten away by the water over time.  It is just as important to check and replace if needed in your home. This will protect the water heater and extend the life of it as well as your RV. Check your owner’s manual for the specific part needed for your RV.  I check mine at the start of the season as well as at the end of the season. Check the flame and how clean the burner is and have the peace of mind that you are protected, and the burner is working at peak performance. Hope this helps your camping experience and thanks for writing to Dear RV

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and Driving

By Joe Boswell, National DASAT Dir

Drinking, driving and the effects of alcohol is our topic of discussion this month. It may have affect our lives at some time or another. We may have known someone who was involved in an automobile accident that was the result of a drunk driver. By exploring this topic area briefly, we can be refreshed as to the impending threats that are out on the highways today. 

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Administration, which states, “Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in drunk-related crashes-that’s one person every 48 minutes in 2017. These deaths have fallen by a third in the last three decades; however, drunk-driving crashes claim more than 10,000 lives per year.” There were 10,874 drunk driving deaths from automobile crashes in 2017 alone. 

“Alcohol is a substance that reduces the function of the brain, impacting thinking reasoning and muscles coordination. All of these are essential to operating a vehicle safely.” (NHTSA) It makes no difference the size of the vehicle, driving while impaired is dangerous. With a larger vehicle, such as your motorhome or RV of any type is only makes the situation worse. When you drive alcohol, is absorbed directly into the wall of your stomach and small intestines, which in turn passes it into your blood stream. Then the alcohol passes into your blood stream into the liver where it metabolizes. “Alcohol level is measured by the weight of the alcohol in a certain volume of blood. This is called Blood Alcohol Concentration or BAC for short.” If your alcohol content is above 0.08 Blood Alcohol Concentration, you are drunk and impaired. Getting behind the wheel of any vehicle id dangerous for you and others that just happened to be around. Drinking while driving illegal in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. 

Canada for example, has upped the ante “Alcohol-related driving laws have been updated in order to become comparable with drug-impaired driving laws.”(2) To give you an example of the Canadian laws for the first offenses traffic stop, with a blood alcohol content of 80-119 mg. mandatory minimum fine is $1,000 and only goes up higher for additional offences. As part of the law enforcement procedures, this also give police officers the authority to demand breathalyzer test from any driver they pull over on the Canadian highways. Thus, Canadian laws on this subject seem to be very restrictive. In Canada, there were more than 69,000 policed-related impaired driving incident recorded. No matter where you live, Alcohol, and driving do not mix. 

Here in the United States, when a reasonable suspicion exist the person under the influence can be administered a breathalyzer test. “Driving while impaired is a dangerous crime. Charges range from misdemeanors to felony offenses, penalties for impaired driving can included driver’s license revocation, fines, and jail time. It is extremely expensive. A first-time offense can cost the driver upwards of $10,000 in fines and legal fees.” 

Here are some measures to take into consideration if you must drink. The first, if you drink do not drive. Prepare ahead of time and let someone else drive you home who did not have anything to drink. Have a designated driver. Second, if you drink do not drive for any reason. Call a taxi, use Uber, and call a friend. Stay the night, but stay off the road. Have a friend drive you home. Third, if you know of someone who has been drinking, do not let him or her drive at all. Take the keys and help arrange for transportation and a sober ride home. Fourth, if you are the host of the party where alcohol is available take responsibility for your guests and make sure they leave with a sober driver. Fifth, always remember to use your seat belt-this is your best defense against an impaired driver in case of an automobile accident. Finally, if your see an impaired driver on the highway, contact your law enforcement agency. Provide them with as many details as possible, the location, make, model, and tag number of the vehicle if possible. Remember your actions could save a life. 

Here is an example as to what can happened if your drink and drive. On February 25, 2019, a mother was driving a van with five children and another 23-year-old male occupant. The driver had a blood alcohol level more than twice the legal limit in Maryland and crashed into the median of the highway flipping the van. As a result, three children were ejected from the vehicle and all five of the children lost their lives. Part of the investigation revealed that some of the children were not wearing seatbelts a possible cause of their deaths. This has been a tragic loss for all involved. (3) This is an example of what can happen when one drinks and drives. As a result, of this accident, two families have lost loved ones because of someone’s carelessness. 

Be responsible for your actions behind the wheel of any vehicle. Drive Responsively. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. …

Sources: U.S. Department of Transpiration, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


(2) Canada’ new impaired driving laws are now in effect-here’s what to know



(Source: article, Mother was driving drunk in Bowie Crash that Killed 5 children, a 23 year old man, by Tracee Wilkins, Feb 25, 2019

RV Recalls

The following is the latest list of RV recalls complied by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

  • Kuntry Kustom RV, LLC (Kuntry) is recalling 172 2017-2020 Rich Specialty Trailers Sanitation, Movie, Office, and Bunk House trailers, equipped with Winntec model 6020 two-stage propane regulators. The regulators may fail, causing an increase in propane pressure.
  • Ford Motor Company (Ford) is recalling 310,203 2016 Super Duty F-250, F-350, F-450, and F-550 vehicles. Dust may accumulate in the steering wheel clock spring, causing a disconnection in the electrical connection, resulting in the driver air bag not deploying as intended.
  • Daimler Trucks North America, LLC (DTNA) is recalling 19 2021-2022 FCCC MT50e walk-in vans. The rotary shift position knob may malfunction, which can cause an unintended shift to drive.

Best States With Family Campsites

It’s no secret that the U.S. has a lot to offer when it comes to picturesque camping locations, with the latest figures showing that 1 million U.S. families take up camping each year!


But what are the best states to visit on a camping trip with kids? 


To find out, The Family Vacation Guide researched and revealed a list of all the states in the country and ranked them based on family activities, family campsites, Instagramability, and safety, to find the perfect states for a family camping adventure.


You can see the full study here:


The top 10 states for a family camping trip: 


Rank  State Campgrounds % of total campgrounds that are ‘family-friendly’ Family-friendly things to do  Safety score/100 Family-friendly hikes Family-friendly camping score/10
1 Florida 274 40.9% 4,622 52.8 1,662 8.87
2 California 448 34.2% 3,210 52.1 4,383 8.75
3 New York 352 16.2% 1,733 61.7 1,997 8.37
4 Virginia 181 29.8% 854 61.3 1,140 7.71
5 Massachusetts 88 28.4% 1,039 61.0 1,660 7.67
6 Colorado 355 31.3% 1,220 44.0 1,424 7.58
7 New Jersey 78 21.8% 622 71.6 858 7.29
8 Pennsylvania 303 20.8% 1,054 56.7 1,613 7.00
9 Hawaii 18 44.4% 1,209 55.9 88 6.92
10 Ohio 249 14.5% 780 63.2 1,412 6.92


The research also revealed: 

  • The state that came at the bottom of the list as the least family-friendly camping location was North Dakota with a score of 1.17. This was followed by Oklahoma and West Virginia, both with a score of 1.83. 
  • With safety a top concern when travelling with kids, New Jersey has the highest safety score out of 100, of all the states in the US, at 72.
  • California is the ideal state for families who love outdoor hiking. The state is home to 4,383 family-friendly trails, more than any other state.
  • Florida has the most family-friendly things to do out of all states we looked at, at 4,622, providing endless opportunities to make memories as a family.
  • Hawaii has the highest percentage of family-friendly campgrounds, with 44.4% of all campsites in the state providing the perfect time away for those with kids. 


You can see the full research here

Duralite 100 Watt Go Power Portable Solar Panel

Duralite 100 Watt Go Power Portable Solar Panel

Don’t let your power cord limit your adventures. Whether you’re charging your RV battery or your must-have devices, make your own power anywhere with a Go Power DuraLite Portable Solar Panel. It’s easy to carry and store – it weighs just 8.4 lbs and folds to store in just a 2” wide space. And it sets up in seconds. Simply unfold it, plug in the digital controller, and plug in to power up. Need more juice? No problem! The system is expandable with add-on expansion panels.  

Check them out and save 35% at  

George Jiggs  
[email protected]

Spicing Up the Great Outdoor Meal

Spicing Up the Great Outdoor Meal

Getting back to nature doesn’t have to mean giving up eating well. Happy campers will call this limited time offer the greatest thing since the marshmallow fork. 

Essential for campfire cooking, the space-saving mini spice Happy Camper Sampler from Tastefully Simple includes mini-sized shakers of Seasoned Salt, Seasoned Pepper, Ultimate Steak™ Seasoning and Garlic Garlic™ Seasoning packaged in an adorable camper box. 

Whether you’re hitting the trails with a backpack, pitching a pup tent or towing a trailer, this set of essential seasonings will make everybody a happy camper. Mini-sized shakers are perfect for space-conscious packing.

Get one for yourself and extras for the happy campers in your life!
And, check out these related recipes for your upcoming outdoor summer feast.
Available at for $19.99.

The Dyrt: RVing the Fastest-Growing Type of Camping

PORTLAND, Ore. – The Dyrt, a leading app for camping with the most active online camping community, has found that campers are increasingly turning to RVs, camper vans and trailers as their preferred way to enjoy the great outdoors, according to a release.

In a survey conducted as part of The Dyrt’s 2022 Camping Report, 57% of campers who tried a new form of camping last year opted for the comfort and predictability of RVs and camper vans.

“Once behemoths of the road, RVs have become more modernized and sleek,” said The Dyrt CEO Kevin Long. “Improvements in camper van and RV design continue to draw in both experienced campers and first-timers.”

There were 8.3 million first-time campers in the US in 2021 and 6% of them — or about half a million people — said they started camping because they bought an RV. Long and his wife, The Dyrt founder Sarah Smith, bought one too and ran the company from their camper van during the latter half of 2021.

“I’ve been a camper ever since I was a little kid,” Smith said. “But it wasn’t until 2021 that I got to truly experience what vanlife is all about, traveling from Oregon to Florida over six months. It was both the trip of a lifetime and a full immersion into our product and the camping community.”

In addition to being the fastest-growing type of camping, RV sites are the hardest to find. Overall, it was three times harder to find an available campsite in 2021 than it was pre-pandemic, with more than half of RV and trailer campers reporting difficulty booking campgrounds. Among other types of campers, up to 37 percent reported having a hard time booking campsites.

The difficulty in booking RV sites was not due to lack of advanced planning: Over half of RVers and trailer campers booked at least a few months ahead in 2021. While those plans may look somewhat different this year due to high gas prices, RV activity remains in high gear for 2022.

About The Dyrt

The Dyrt’s mission is to expand the camping community and help more people enjoy the outdoors. With over 30 million annual camper visits and 4 million user-generated reviews and photos for US campgrounds, The Dyrt is the No. 1 app for camping and the largest source of camping information. The Dyrt PRO enables campers to plan road trips, find free camping areas on public lands, use the app offline and more.

Registration Opens for Lippert’s New ‘RV Owner School’

Registration Opens for Lippert’s New ‘RV Owner School’

by RVBusiness | May 6, 2022

ELKHART, Ind. – Lippert Components, Inc. (Lippert) has announced that registration is now open for its new technical program, the “RV Owner School.” The first official class will be held on May 23, according to a release.

The “school” – a concept that was born out of high demand from the Lippert Scouts Community – consists of in-depth technical-level training that equips RV owners and users with resources for maintenance, troubleshooting and DIY projects, with an ultimate goal of encouraging self-sufficiency and increasing user confidence.

The vision of the RV Owner School is to help RV owners become knowledgeable about their rigs along with Lippert and its products, to build community, to get RV owners acquainted with Lippert’s nationally recognized technical institute, and to empower participants to be capable of helping others. Sessions will be held in one-day and three-day formats, and all events are taking place during and near local rallies, so RVers can conveniently plan ahead or add a few extra days to their pre-planned trips to the RV capital of the world. The three-day events offer a handful of additional perks and benefits, but included in all training sessions are:

  • Hands-on, technical training on Lippert’s most popular components including leveling, slide-outs, suspension systems, and more
  • DIY, maintenance, and troubleshooting tips
  • Information on how Lippert Scouts are shaping the future of RVing
  • Lunch

“The cornerstone of our Customer Experience mission is to first, listen for opportunities; and second, to deliver a solution, an experience, or a product that addresses what we heard,” stated Nicole Sult, Vice President of Customer Experience. “RV Owner School is an idea that our Lippert Scouts felt passionate about early in our journey – we’ve called it ‘Scout School’ for over a year as the concept developed. Guided by years of experience reaching industry technicians through our Technical Institute, our Scouts let us know that they wanted a hands-on experience, too. We encourage those who are attending local OEM rallies or visiting Northern Indiana to sign up.”

Visit to view the dates and details for this year’s upcoming events, and join the Lippert Scouts Community to meet fellow campers, swap RVing tips and hacks, and 


Thor Motor Coach Intros New Luxury ‘MEGA C’ Motorhomes

Thor Motor Coach Intros New Luxury ‘MEGA C’ Motorhomes

by RVBusiness | Mar 24, 2022

2022 Pasadena, one of two new MEGA C motorhomes by Thor Motor Coach

2022 Pasadena 38BX

ELKHART, IND. – Thor Motor Coach’s family of motorhomes is expanding with the release of Pasadena and Inception MEGA C motorhomes.

Pasadena and Inception are built exclusively on the Freightliner S2RV cab chassis, intentionally designed for consumers seeking the performance and power of a diesel pusher with the familiarity and convenience of a cab chassis. The front-end diesel chassis features a Cummins ISB-XT engine, outputting 360 horsepower and 800-lb. feet of torque — a top-tier hauling platform for the 15-thousand-pound trailer hitch.

Comfort in the cockpit is remarkably high, thanks to the increased support and comfort from the air suspension seats. A 10-inch touchscreen dash radio is cross-country road trip-ready, with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, Bluetooth, SiriusXM prep, and back-up monitor display. Additional safety features include a side-view camera system, heated and remote exterior mirrors, and keyless entry.

2022 Inception

Pasadena and Inception are available in two floorplans, the bunkhouse layout, 38BX, and the bath and a half model, 38MX. Both floor plans feature luxurious living amenities, including washer and dryer prep, theater seating, Tilt-A-View king-sized bed, residential kitchen features, and a large Dream Dinette. In the master bedroom, there’s a plethora of storage available in the chest of drawers and large wardrobe.

Interior design is at the forefront of priorities for Pasadena and Inception. An innovative rounded design of cab-over bunk’s skylight increases headroom allowing the SkyBunk to provide the perfect night under the stars. Other interior features highlight the modern look and feel of the spacious interiors, including solid surface countertops, decorative tile backsplash, nickel-finish hardware, and a choice of painted or stained hardwood cabinets.

2022 Inception 38MX

Control of the Mega C RV’s functions are made simple with the Rapid Camp+ multiplex system with Firefly, including — but not limited to — the Onan diesel generator, 1800-watt inverter, and master bed. Owners simply connect via Bluetooth or manually control the systems at the 7-inch touchscreen panel.

For more information on the company’s 2022 motorhomes, visit



Betty Kay Smith, 78, 5-29-22, Dresden, Texas. She was a member of the Texas Longhorns, Penthouse Campers, Texas Retirees Chapter 89, and YARS. Betty was Lawrence Phillips travelling companion and attended several rallies And Travalaongs.

Donald Ray Horning, 83, 5-6-22, Harlingen, Texas. He and wife, Laura previously  lived in Topeka, Kansas. They are members of the FCRV Winter Texan Chapter Donald was a career U.S. Navy Man, retiring a Chief Petty Officer. Burial with full militaryHonors at Omaha National Cemetery.


Florence Fox, 86, 5-5-22, Topeka, Kansas. She and late husband, Bud were active campers in NCHA/FCRV for 50+ years and members of the Campfire Campers.  Avid campers, Florence always said she would go camping until the day she died. She had just returned to visit her daughter, Diane on Sunday after driving 150 miles both ways to the KCA Spring Campout. She did indeed camp until the end, passing in her sleep.


Mary Lou Stous, 67, 5-2022, Holton, Kansas. She and husband Marvin were charter members of the Mustang Chapter, which celebrated 55 years this year. Marvin was a past FCRV Legislation for Kansas for several years.
