Interactive Table of Contents
From or About Our Members
- From The President
- FCRV Health Guidelines
- Help Wanted (Open Volunteer Positions)
- 2022 Teen Pageant Suspended
- Message From Teen Director Mrs Beth
- After The Crown Message from 2018 Teen Queen
- Update from the FCRV International Teen King 2021
- National Award Nomination Notice
Upcoming National Events
Regional, State & Chapter Event Calendar & Recaps
Wildlife & Conservation
Camping Information & Tips
- Dear RV
- Boating Safety
- Changing Tires On Your RV or Truck
- Go Rving’s Demographics Of Sport Utility Camping Trailer Owners
- Recalls of Ram, F-150 Trucks
Camping & Other Products
Milestones & Farewells
Past Camping Todays
Camping Today Staff
- Editors: DeWayne & June Johnston
- Research Director: Barb Turner
- PDF Design/Layout: Paul Standiford
- Website Design/Layout: Carl Fromholzer
All articles/information for Camping Today should be sent to DeWayne Johnston at [email protected] by the first of the month prior to publication.
National Officers
- President: Gerry Pfirsch
- VP of Operations: Jeff Kendle
- VP of Programs: Lorne Douglas
- VP of Planning & Development: Vacant
- Corresponding. & Recording Officer: Beth Standiford
- Comptroller: Debbie Swanson
- Past President: Shari Weber
Camping Today is a publication of the non-profit National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (FCRV). Issue frequency is 12 (monthly) on line at Publisher is Family Campers & RVers, 4904 Transit Rd. Bldg. 2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Office Manager – Pat Wittmeyer 1800-245-9755, [email protected]. Online subscription is included with annual membership. Mailed, printed copies are available by annual subscription of $20. USPS Pub.# 724-710, ISSN# 870-1465. OWNER: National Campers & Hikers Association, doing business as Family Campers & RVers (non-profit), 4804 Transit Rd. Bldg.2, Depew, New York 14043-4906. Bondholders, mortgage, and other security owners holding 1% or more of bonds, mortgages, and other securities: NONE. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes has not changed in the last 12 months.
From The President

Good evening FCRV camping family. It is April 4 and as I write this it is with great sadness at the loss of a friend. I have just returned home to Colorado from Canada saying farewell to Lorne Douglas, someone I regarded a dear friend. As you know Lorne was our Vice President of Programs. It was an honor to represent you, his FCRV Family at the funeral. To Mabel and the family, we will always be there for you and our prayers go out for you. Lorne will be missed on the Board of Trustees. Lorne enjoy the great campfire in heaven. Your passing is our loss and heavens gain.
It is important that I announce that the Trustees have appointed Dora Lewis to fill the remaining term of VP Programs. As you know Dora is the VP of Programs Elect and will be installed in Pueblo in July to the position for her term. I would like to welcome Dora to the Board. Dora thank you for your willingness to serve.
Another announcement that I have the privilege to make is Beth Coniglio to the position of National Teen Director. Beth welcome on board and thank you for your service. Beth hits the ground running and I have task her with a very large project out of the gate. Thank you Beth I know this is in good hands.
The Trustees are fast approaching the annual budget meeting so if there are any request that need to be considered they need to be sent in very soon. Campvention is now only 3 months away! This is so hard to believe but time is flying by. July will be here and gone in the blink of an eye. I am looking forward to seeing each of you in Colorado for Campvention. This will be a fun fille Campvention with mor to do than time so be prepared to have to choose what you will be attending.
For many of us the camping season is now under way! This weekend I will be out on my second campout for the year. It is good to be camping again. So having said this let’s remember to submit out outing the ones we are planning and the ones we have had to the website for publication on the National Facebook page to increase the footprint on the web. It is important that we post on the national page a day or so in advance of on the Private page to get the word out on the activities that FCRV does. If we post on the private page first only the people in FCRV will see it. This is over all not a problem but, we are trying to promote FCRV to younger families and if our information on Camping and outing is only able to be seen by our members, they the family that is looking for camping information will never see it. If they never see that FCRV is active, camping, and doing thing that they have a shared interest we never get them to consider FCRV. If they don’t see us, the simple fact is we don’t grow. What I am asking is that if you are getting ready to post something to Facebook, please post it to the National Page first and then post it to the private page. Both are important! We lost a big jump with all the Retiree Rally post going to the private page with little to nothing going to that National Page. This was a huge loss for FCRV.
In closing let me remind you the Life members that you will be receiving a letter with a post card that we would request you return as soon as possible. This will update you in the system and keep you informed. If you have not received your letter and post card you possibly do not have the correct address on file with the office. I would encourage you to contact the office be phone, email, or letter with the correct contact information in advance of the end of April.
Well, I must get this off to Camping Today as it is late as it is! Happy Camping and we will see you around a campfire soon
Gerry Pfirsch
National President
FCRV Health Guidelines
Hey Happy Campers! (And you Grumpy Campers, too!)
Your Trustees have been very busy this winter and I wanted to share some important news with you.
Last May, Camping Today, published some information for you regarding COVID and how FCRV wanted to handle all the differing viewpoints and widely variant information on staying safe at Campvention. In this ever-changing world, the Trustees want you to know we are still concerned about the many variants that seem to be popping up as well as “hot spots” of disease and how we can keep our campers safe without coming on too strongly.
That being said, the article printed in the May covering meeting and social gatherings has been completely revamped. It has been replaced with kinder, gentler, but no less effective, health guidelines. So please take a look at our new FCRV Health Guidelines and stay safe out there!
These are simply guidelines and as such supplement—and do not replace—any state, provincial, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations that govern any meeting or social gathering.
We recommend campers and their guests are up to date with vaccinations and immunizations and carry this information on a medical card as well as showing all current medications, medical conditions, and allergies that emergency medical personnel may need to know.
Have a mask available to use for your protection and the protection of others as they can be used for more than deterring COVID.
Use common sense in protecting yourself and others.
Official CDC Guidelines change quickly so be aware of the local conditions and be prepared to adapt to them.
Vaccinated? No mask may be necessary. Unvaccinated? Mask is recommended.
Event coordinators will announce if local conditions change, requiring adjustments to these statements.
Help Wanted (Open Volunteer Positions)
FCRV needs your help. Please consider filling one of these positions. They are very important to the operation of FCRV. Contact VP Ops – Jeff Kendle, or Immediate Past President – Shari Weber for details.
Volunteers are needed for the following National Positions:
Vice-President Planning & Development – Voting member of the Board of Trustees and Executive Board. This position does not oversee all programs, just the ones falling under position. Works with the Marketing Director for strategy. Works with Strategic Planner to define long/short term strategies for growth. Works with Commercial Director to build and maintain relationships with commercial vendors and dealers in the industry. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Membership Director – Reports to Vice-President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council. Primarily responsible for the growth and retention of membership. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Commercial Director – Reports to Vice-President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council. Main responsibility is the development and retention of commercial membership/accounts. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Youth Director – Reports to Vice-President Programs and is a member of the Advisory Council. Works for the betterment of future youth programs in FCRV. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
State/Provincial Directors for Maryland, DC, Ohio and Connecticut – Reports to their Regional Director and is a member of the Advisory Council. Position is to administer and coordinate the activities of the State/Providence in the areas of membership and National programs at their level. Maintain current membership list for said State/Providence. Appoint Field Director(s). Keep Regional Director apprised of chapters status. Approve constitution/bylaws, promote FCRV and State/Provincial activities, submit reports to Regional Director, hold meetings with field staff. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Communication & Security Director – Reports to the Vice President Planning & Development and is a member of the Advisory Council. Communication to be used for FCRV Campventions and Retiree Rallies. Integration of electronic communication into a balanced communications system. Responsible for electronic (walkie-talkies) equipment. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Conservation Director – Reports to the Vice President of Programs and is a voting member of the Executive Board. Conservation is at the heart of FCRV. Maintain existing program guidelines and formulate new as needed. Maintain records of the program. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.

Historian – Reports to the Recording/Corresponding Officer and is a member of the Advisory Council. Preserve FCRV’s history through media and memorabilia. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Veterans – Reports to the Vice President Programs and is a member of the Advisory Council. Show support FCRV members who are Veterans, conduct or arrange for, informational seminars featuring other Veterans and promote information about FCRV Veterans about activities and opportunities for them. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Travalong Director – Reports to the Immediate Past President and is a member of the Advisory Council. Program is designed to help travelers enjoy group-planned activities and help members and non-members learn about areas of travel and who to contact for information. Establish Travalongs with at least one to coincide with National Campvention. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
Region 5 Director – Reports to the Vice President of Operations and is a voting member of the Executive Board. Represent FCRV in the region, assist State Directors in the region and provide coordination of administration between the States and the Vice President of Operations. Recommend appointments and/or releases of State Directors to the Vice President of Operations. Coordinate activities between the various States in the region. Act as the State Director in those States that have none. Within the region, administer National bylaws, Constitution, regulations, policies and directives.
Volunteer Background Records Custodian – Member of the Advisory Council Reporting to the Vice President Programs. This position receives permission forms from volunteers working with teens or youth to run a background check. Full job responsibilities are in the field manual. Field Manual job description is currently under review and subject to change.
2022 Teen Pageant Suspended
2022 Teen Pageant Suspended
The FCRV Trustees met on the evening of March 9, 2022, to make a difficult decision regarding the 2022 Campvention. After many, many attempts to find a new Teen Pageant Coordinator, no one has come forward. Having no one to organize the Teen Pageant at the Campvention, it was decided that our only option is to suspend the pageant for 2022. At the end of the 2022 Campvention, all current title holders will retire their crowns. This means that there will be no Teen King or Queen for 2022-2023. That does not mean there will be no teen activities. The Trustees understand and are aware of the deep disappointment this decision may cause but see no way a pageant could be put together at this late date without a Coordinator.
The Trustees have heard from many members that the pageant is no longer the spirited event that it used to be and have heard many comments that it has not kept up with the times. The Trustees have listened and understand your concerns. It is hoped that a new Pageant Coordinator will step up during this break will allow a better event to emerge and to be developed in the future.
For questions or comments, please contact your FCRV Recording/Corresponding Secretary, Beth Standiford @ [email protected]
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Message From Teen Director Ms Beth
Hello FCRV Family (especially the Teens),
I am pleased to have accepted the position of National Teen Director for FCRV. I had considered this position after having a wonderful time running Teen Activities for the 2018 Campvention in Virginia, but the timing just wasn’t right. Now that the “planets have aligned”, I am looking forward to working with all the teens in FCRV to move our teen program into this millennia. I have lots of ideas to share at our National Teen meeting in Pueblo, CO, but I also want to hear from all of you. If you are coming to Colorado, please meet with other teens in your state/province/region and bring those ideas with you. If no one in your area is attending Campvention, please submit your ideas at [email protected]. This program is here for you and should become a program you are interested in being a part of and proud to represent as members of FCRV.
I have been in touch with the Campvention Chair for Teen Activities and know there are lots of fun activities planned. We will also be using the funds earned at Family Fun Day to attend an off grounds event. Keep watch on Facebook to see some of the activities planned.
I look forward to hearing from you and/or seeing you at Campvention.
In camping friendship,
Ms. Beth

After The Crown Message from 2018 Teen Queen

After The Crown
Many people may wonder what happens to the past FCRV Teen Queens and Kings? What do they do after they pass on the crown to the new reigning royalty? Well, I am here to answer that for you.
I was Miss FCRV in 2018 and was crowned in West Virginia. I was extremely fortunate and blessed to have been the ambassador for FCRV during my reign. I traveled to many campouts and created a bond with many individuals across the nation. I also encouraged other teens and youth that they could be a part of the pageant as well. But encouraging others and promoting FCRV didn’t stop after I relinquished my title. I am still an active camper and an active member of our organization. I am in my senior year of college at Ferris State University, finishing up my Bachelor degree. Even with my life moving forward on full speed, I have had the distinguished opportunity to give back to what shaped me, FCRV. I ran the pageant with my sister, who was Miss FCRV in 2016, this past year. We were able to provide an impactful opportunity to members who are where we were just a few years prior. As a young adult now, FCRV is still a prominent part of my life at the state and national level. The past kings and queens who have also walked this same path grew a love for camping, just like I did. They are distinguished members of society now and are raising families and encouraging others to join in the same opportunity that they had.
From the outside looking in, you may see glamorous ball gowns and sparkly crowns, but the National Teen Pageant surpasses all of those expectations by shaping young individuals like myself. The impact that our pageant has flows much further than any individual can see. No one needs a crown to be impacted through our organization, the opportunity alone changes people. I have been able to see countless individuals who started out shy and are now able to talk in front of a crowd of 200 people. I have seen young girls grow into strong woman and timid boys shape into gentleman. FCRV did that! Our membership did that! All through something that happens just once a year. The impact is endless, and so is the future.
With love,
Katie Kurburski
Update from the FCRV International Teen King 2021
Update from the FCRV International Teen King 2021
Fellow Campers,
I am so excited that the snow is starting to melt and I can finally see the hopes of camping this summer. I hope everyone is staying healthy during these times and as we are emerging out of COVID.
I am finishing up my junior year of high school at Petoskey High school. I am taking auto and application in computer science as my electives this semester. I am enjoying learning how to program and use equipment to 3-D print things as well as make computer games.
I recently have been touring colleges and programs in Michigan to find my career path. I have been looking at programs in the culinary industry as well as the welding and automotive industry.
During these winter months, I have been enjoying activities outside with my Boy Scout troop. I also have been focusing on my studies and during the mean time I am playing video games and spending time with friends.
Forever Grateful,
Luke Kurburski
FCRV International Teen King 2021

National Award Nomination Notice
Who in your chapter, state, or region always puts in extra effort in support of our organization? Do you know someone deserving of a Humanitarian or Life- saving award? The individual (or couple) awards include the Plaque and Citation. We also recognize the “Chapter of the Year.” The “Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award” is available to a person or couple who have provided a lifetime of continuous ser- vice to FCRV.
Two things to keep in mind: anyone can recommend a fellow member for a national award, and nominations are due April 15. Forms and instructions for all awards can be found on our website, Field Directors, State/Provincial Directors, Regional Directors, Program Directors and Trustees can submit a nomination for the various awards. Please help them out by letting them know about someone you think is deserving so they can nominate that person.
While honors are presented on stage at campvention, recipients of a national award are not required to be present. Therefore, if the person(s) you’re thinking about is unable to travel to Canada this summer, please don’t let that discourage you from submitting a nomination.
Nomination forms can be emailed to me (preferred method) and no signature is necessary as long as the form is from a recognized email address.
I truly hope you will strongly consider nominating some deserving members. Please contact me if you have any questions or need help getting started.
Thank you.
Beth Standiford, FCRV Recording & Corresponding Secretary [email protected]

Campvention 2022
Campvention is less than three months away. For those that plan on attending but have not sent in their registration form, now is the time to do so. The 2022 Campvention team has been hard at work to plan the Any Hat Luncheon, Seminars, Vendors, Family Fun Days, and Entertainment among other things.
- The Any Hat Luncheon will be sure to please your palate with pulled pork sandwich, baked beans, coleslaw, chips, beverage, and a dessert for $12.00.
- As of February 2022, there are over 20 seminars already scheduled beginning on Sunday and ending on Friday. To name a few: Line Dancing, First Aid, Let’s Talk RV’ing, Staying Connected on the Road, Bee Keeping 101, Quilting Basics, Value of CBD, Dutch Oven Cooking, Embroidery Basics, the 200th Anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail, and much more.
- Ten vendors have also committed, and we are expecting more to commit in the next few months.
- The Pueblo Hot Rod Club and Cartopia will be displaying their hot rod cars and art cars.
- Family fun days will be filled with food, carnival booths, games for all ages, a photo booth cutout and much more. The teens will also be selling hamburgers and the youth will be selling nachos to help support their activities. Carnival booths will be open from 11:00 am till 3:00 pm.
- Entertainment is Top Notch and will keep everyone on their toes dancing the night away.
- Family dance is scheduled for Wednesday evening along with a DJ to keep things moving.
- Everyone loves a parade. Join in the fun by decorating a float, golf cart, truck, or yourself and walk in the parade.
- Don’t forget about the Hospitalities, Adult, Teen, and Youth activities that will take place daily and the Marketplace on Thursday will have lots of fun items for sale.
Don’t want to miss all the fun so get your registration in today and join the fun at the 2022 FCRV Campvention held in Colorful Colorado.
by Jeff & Shirley Kendle, Campvention ’22 Chairs
There is a saying here “If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes.” Colorado can have various changes in the weather, even in July! That is why you should have clothing for any occasion! In addition to “layering” you should consider bringing the following:
- Water & water bottle – You will need to drink plenty of water, stay hydrated as there is very little humidity and sometimes high temperatures.
- Sunscreen, lip balm, hats – Colorado is known for its sunny weather; in fact, Pueblo is considered one of the sunniest cities in the U.S., enjoying around 259 days of sunshine per year. With that in mind, sunscreen is definitely one of the top Colorado packing essentials, no matter what time of year you visit.
- Flashlights – For when it gets dark.
- Mosquito repellent w/DEET – The good news is that Colorado’s relatively dry air and high elevation cut way down on insects. But being outside, especially during the summer, can still expose you to mosquitoes and plenty of other bugs. And if you happen to end up with a mosquito bite, make sure you have something to put on it to stop the itching.
- Umbrellas/raingear – Colorado has a relatively dry climate, but it still gets some rainy days, especially in the spring and summer. It’s always smart to pack a lightweight and portable umbrella in case you get caught in the rain.
- Easy cook meals – Bring meals that are easy to prepare so you can spend your time having fun.
- Comfortable pair of walking shoes – There is a lot to see and do while in Colorado so make sure your feet are comfortable.
We are happy you will be joining us. The 2022 Campvention Team are super excited to welcome everyone to the Region 1 Campvention and hope that you enjoy your time at the Colorado State Fairgrounds.
National Conservation Poster Contest
With the 2022 Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado fast approaching it is time to start working on your Conservation Poster.
Contestants must be members of FCRV who have won first place in a State/Provincial competition. Posters must be on standard size poster board (22” by 28”) and contain your Name, date of birth, chapter, and complete address and the Field Director’s certification on the lower left-hand corner of the back of the poster. The poster must be the contestant’s own work and must have been created for the FCRV contest only.
Age is determined as of July 1, 2022, for this year’s Campvention. Age categories are:
Up to 5 years, 6 – 8 years, 9 – 11 years, 12 – 14 years, 15 – 19 years, 20-year-old and up.
For further information regarding the rules and guidelines for the ‘National Conservation Poster’ contest, please refer to the FCRV Field Manual.
Upon arriving at the 2022 Campvention, all ‘Conservation’ posters are to be turned into the Youth Directors during the youth registration in the Cultural Arts Building.
We look forward to seeing everyone’s submission this year at the 2022 Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado
To all those who are attending Campvention for the First Time. There will be two meetings that you are encouraged to attend. The first one will be a “Welcome” on Monday, July 11th at 8:45 in the CAB (Creative Arts Building). You will get to meet the FCRV Trustees and receive information about Campvention as well as information about the Pueblo area.
We have a “TON” of things going on during your stay. We will have vendors, seminars, games, Family Fun Days, Bingo, and Evening Entertainment. You will get a chance to make new friends from all over the U.S. and Canada.
There will be a follow-up meeting on Friday, July 15th, at 2:00 pm to get your comments and suggestions about Campvention.
We look forward to seeing you in Pueblo, Colorado.
Family Fun Day
by Elbert & Eileen Carter, chairs
Family Fun Day will have fun games & activities for all ages both inside and outside the 4H building on Monday afternoon. Carnival Activities start at 11am (food by the Teens and Youth will be available starting at noon).
Cornhole and Ladder Golf games will be setup outside, as well as Giant Jenga and a Limbo Pole. Other active games outside include water balloon games and races for all, potato sack races for the kids and more.
Inside adults can participate in Flyswatter Badminton and Frog Races while the kids enjoy Carnival Tattoos, Clown Punching Bags and games like “Pin the Nose on the Clown”.
Check out the “Kissing Booth” and try to win a prize.
Don’t forget to take a picture at the Photo Booth as a Circus Character, in the “Rocky Mountain Bliss” picture frame or both!
Volunteers to man the various booths are still needed… Contact Elbert Carter 719-660-1156 to set up a short time slot.
If you weren’t sure about attending Campvention, hopefully, this article about all the planned seminars will make you decide to send in that reservation right away! There are several times when you will have a choice of which seminar to participate. Here’s some teasers so you can start planning:
Health & Safety – The City and County of Pueblo will be joining us for several safety topics including RV Fire Safety, First Aid, and Emergency Preparedness. They plan to bring their equipment, K-9s and drones to demonstrate how they are using modern technology to keep the public safe. You’ll have two chances to learn how to line dance in preparation for Tuesday’s evening entertainment (and earn those CAMP dollars.) Learn how CBD can improve your quality of life for those of us dealing with daily aches and pains or anyone who overexerted themselves dancing the night before!
Food – We have three sessions scheduled so far covering the unique foods Pueblo has to offer, cast iron and Dutch oven cooking. It’s my understanding samples of the cooked food will be available for attendees to taste.
Quilting – We have three 60-to-90-minute seminars scheduled throughout the week that cover basics, sewing machines and equipment, supplies, hooping, stabilizers, and a trunk show to show off your creative talents.
Current issues – We’re fortunate to have a local astronomer discuss newly released information on extra-terrestrials. Join a celebrated author to learn how the pioneers lived while we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail. Check out the cool cars from Art Cartopia ( and learn how this organization helps underserved members of the Trinidad community. Join President, Gerry Pfirsch as he shares his skills at bee keeping and why bees are so important.
RV Lifestyle – We all struggle to stay connected while traveling in our RV. Join KING as they share ways to improve your connectivity. RV101 will share helpful advice and troubleshooting tips for tires, batteries, electrical issues and more. Join the Lippert Ambassadors as they share their insights on RVing, using key Lippert products, and living on the road full time.
As you can see, we have a very full agenda, but don’t worry, we’ve saved plenty of time for family fun and the usual Campvention activities. If you have a suggested seminar, feel free to email me at [email protected].
Debbie Dettmer
Seminar Chairperson
Everyone We are Having a Parade
We are looking toward seeing your in Pueblo, Colorado for Campvention! And on Friday we are going to have a parade a good old-fashioned parade, I tell you! So, bring your things and plan to decorate a float, strike up the marching band, and let’s have some fun. I would like to have the States & Provinces show their pride with a float, or a walking float that shows why you are the beat state/province in the FCRV Family. The Parade route is set, and we are ready to have some fun; the question would be are you ready to have some fun. There will be awards for the winning floats. Some of them will be:
Trustees Award
President’s Award
Parade Steeler
Best Walking
Best Motorized
To name a few.
So, let’s show our spirit and make this a parade to remember at Campventions to come. Who will win? Possibly you; all you must do is make your plan for a winning float, and we will have places that are covered to allow you to build your float under roof. So, I say again, put on your thinking cap and devise a winning plan for that Winning Float.
Talent Show Registration
Hiya Campers!
As a part of the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp’s many planned activities, we would like to host a Youth and Teen Talent Show!
We are looking for talented individuals, musicians, dancers, comedians, and performers who would like the opportunity to perform to register for the Youth and Teen Talent Show today! Registration forms should be emailed to [email protected] no later than April 15th, 2022 (A Youth and Teen Talent Show registration form can be found within this issue). However, for those wishing to register for the Youth and Teen Talent Show at Campvention, forms will be available during Youth Registration (locations and times for Youth Registration will be available in the Campvention 2022 schedule).
As always, we are looking forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
FCRV Discount Campgrounds Info
by Debbie Dettmer
The Trustees continue to work for additional benefits to all members of FCRV. To that end, volunteers Patricia Green, Lindsay Leaman and myself have been working to put together a discount campground directory. It’s a long and slow process but we wanted to share those campgrounds located in Colorado or neighboring states with you so you can obtain a 10% discount on your camping fees (upon showing your FCRV membership card) while traveling to Campvention. Please consider these campgrounds if they are on your route or nearby and if you’d like to volunteer to assist on this project, please email Debbie Dettmer at [email protected] :
- Aspen Ridge RV Park South Park, CO 719-873-2248
- Moore’s RV Park Bloomfield, NM 505-632-8339
- Texas Log Cabin RV Park Canton, TX 903-802-0434
- Platte River Campground Glenrock, WY 307-262-9768
- Escalante Cabins & RV Park Escalante, UT 435-826-4433
- Flying U Country Store* St. Joseph, UT 435-527-4758
*Membership card is not required to obtain 10% discount
Moore’s RV Park
Come enjoy the four corner’s area at Moore’s RV Park and Campground! The Campground is located less than an hour south of Durango, Colorado, and 20 minutes from the world class fishing waters of Navajo Lake and the San Juan River. The area is an outdoorsman’s paradise featuring hiking, biking, ATVing, fishing, skiing, and more! If you enjoy exploring historical sites, you’ll enjoy nearby Aztec Ruins National Monument, Chaco Culture National Historic Park, or Angel Peak Scenic Area.
The park features 60 RV sites, 3 rustic cabins, an Airbnb Vacation rental, 4 long term rentals, and tent sites. You’ll enjoy the many amenities such as a swimming pool, dog park, playground, laundry mat, showers and restrooms, on-site propane and camp store. Most sites feature grills and picnic tables for your pleasure. There is a community fire pit near the group tent camping, and a covered picnic pavilion for groups!
Check out our website for more information at: Call or write us today! (505) 632-8339 or via email: [email protected]
Escalante Cabins & RV Park
Looking for a family-friendly campground, with cabins, RV sites, tents sites, and even vacation rental homes? Well, Escalante Cabins & RV Park is exactly what you’re looking for. Make us your base camp for adventures to the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument! Escalante Cabins & RV Park was recently voted Best RV Park in Garfield County. Check out this website for more information. We have full hookup pull-through, back-in, and pull forward sites to best enjoy the beauty of the view from the campsite. Please visit us at or call 435-826-4433.
This year at the 2022 Campvention instead of doing door prizes we would like to have states bring a gift basket or gift bag with items of their choice to be raffled each night after the evening program. Anything can be in the basket, items from your state, camping items, survival basket, favorite seasonings for grilling, etc. The Pueblo Chamber of Commerce will be giving us a basket that contains items from the Pueblo, Colorado area and some of our vendors will also be furnishing items.
Raffle tickets will be given to members as they check in and are nontransferable. The winner must also be present to claim their gift basket.
The more baskets that are brought to Campvention, the more winners there are.
Looking Forward to Rocky Mountain Summer Camp Message
Hiya Campers!
As the 2022 Campvention makes its way closer and closer, we at the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp are excited to share what activities will be available for those 12 and under during Campvention in Pueblo, Colorado.
With a full schedule of fun activities, games, and crafts that will begin on Tuesday and continue through to Friday evening, there is much in store for Youth attendees.
For Activities:
- A night of Family Bingo
- A carnival-themed Family Fun Day
- A pizza party and an afternoon spent at an onsite splash pad
- A Youth and Teen Talent Show
- A family dance for all ages
- A bring your own lunch family picnic for youth and their families, with popsicles provided
- A “Bear” Hunt
- And Farewell Campfire with s’mores
For Games:
- Indoor Games including:
- Miniature indoor bowling
- Giant Jenga
- Speed Cup Stacking
- And more with optional Coloring Pages and Puzzles set aside for those wishing to take it easy inside for an afternoon
- A game of Water Balloon Capture the Flag with a scavenger hunt alternative activity for younger youths
- And some classic Summer Camp Games including:
- An Egg Race (using fake, plastic eggs)
- A Fill-up Bucket Race
- A Beach Ball Keep Up game
- A Rock, Paper, Scissors Hula Hoop Race
- A Water Balloon Toss
- And some alternative activities for younger youths including bubble blowing and a game of soccer
For Crafts:
- Tie-Dye fun
- Painting Bird Houses
- Making Friendship Bracelets and Necklaces
- And Making Macrame Keychains with an alternative activity for younger youths, rock painting
With this wide array of activities, games, and crafts, we hope the Youth attending Campvention 2022 will have plenty to do and lots of fun.
As always, please be on the lookout for further announcements regarding the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp that can be found in Camping Today, on the FCRV Region 1 Campvention 2022 Facebook group, and by email.
We look forward to seeing you all in 2022, and if you have any questions about the Rocky Mountain Summer Camp program, please email [email protected]
See you soon,
Your Camp Counselors, Breanna and Dez
The Continental Divide of the Americas
by Barb Turner, Campvention ’22 PR Chair
The Continental Divide of the Americas or commonly just called the Continental Divide extends from the Bering Strait in the north to the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America. The Continental Divide separates the watersheds that drain into the Pacific Ocean to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.
Attendees of Campvention 2022 in Pueblo, Colorado in July might enjoy exploring the Continental Divide in Colorado. View this video which explains the Continental Divide and explains its importance:
Experience sections of the Continental Divide by hiking or driving. Do your research. Determine what best meets your interests. The following links and many others you’ll find in your research may be helpful to you:
Explore the mountains, but use caution. Trying to adjust to the increased elevation gradually is important to those of us who live at lower elevations. Altitude sickness is real and is to be taken seriously. Altitude sickness typically kicks in at elevations around 7,500 to 8,000 feet. (Pueblo’s elevation is just under 4700’ above sea level.) To we lowland travelers who are new to the area, altitude can produce some unusual high-altitude effects such as dizziness, nausea and headaches. Colorado Springs climbs to an altitude of 6,035 feet. Personally, I first traveled to Colorado and the mountains in 1976. We have made many trips to the Rocky Mountains over the years. I never had a problem, even up at the summit of Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National Park and the top of Pike’s Peak until 2019. I experienced the nausea, dizziness, and basic unsteadiness for the first time, particularly when we visited the open-pit mine which was above 10,000’. Looking ahead to going to the Colorado Springs area after Campvention brings caution as to where I’ll feel comfortable. Exploring the Colorado Rockies & the Continental Divide is wonderful; just be careful
We look forward to seeing you in Pueblo, Colorado in July for Campvention 2022!
Retiree Rally 2022

– Retiree Rally 2022 –
Thanks all that attended the 2022 Retire Rally. Look for a recap of the event in the May issue of Camping today.
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Regional, State & Chapter Event Schedule and Recaps

Personalized garments; drinkware; clings; decals; kitchen & bath items. You can choose from our large graphic collection or use your photos or designs.
For FCRV branded items:
For other items:
Call or text: 410-533-0038
[email protected]
“Wild Goose Chase”
“Wild Goose Chase”
Adventures in the Field: Stories from a Wildlife Technician
While I was working as a wildlife crew leader at the Adirondack Ecological Center (AEC) in summer 2019, I participated in several fun activities outside normal work hours. One such activity included traveling north to the Wilson Hill Wildlife Management Area (WMA) in Massena, NY, to participate in a state goose drive. During the drive, dozens of volunteers would go out on the water in canoes and kayaks while state biologists used motor boats to drive in groups of geese off the St. Lawrence River into a small bay, where the volunteers would corral the geese and shepherd them out of the water and into a pen on land. The geese were unable to fly during this time, as they were all molting their flight feathers; otherwise, this would have been an impossible task! This drive is done annually to help state officials monitor the goose population.
My crew and the timber crew from the AEC traveled together up to the WMA with three canoes in our trucks on Friday afternoon after work. We spent the night camping with some state officials and a large group of volunteers, having a cookout and playing yard games. The next morning, we all got up, had a quick breakfast, and drove over to the boat launch. State officials had megaphones and instructions on how we were to corral the geese, forming a large circle in the water that we would slowly shrink to force the geese up on shore into the pen. Once in the pen, the babies were caught in nets and separated to a waiting pen for their own safety, so they wouldn’t get trampled by the anxious adults. Then the state officials entered the adult pen, grabbing geese one at a time and handing them off to volunteers to bring over to other biologists to identify the sex, give them a leg band, and release them back into the water. When several adults were ready to go back in at once, the pen for the babies was lifted and the babies were released with the adults so they wouldn’t get lost.
If you have never held an ornery goose, it is hard to comprehend how incredibly strong they are. We were instructed to hold the geese at the base of their wings and out in front of us, to minimize their ability to reach us to bite and scratch. Despite our best efforts, most volunteers still left that day covered in scratches and bruises. The geese would also flap their restricted wings mightily, fighting us as best they could to try to get away. My wrists were sore for several days after because of how much strength it took to hold the goose as it flapped. It was a very fun
day, with biologists estimating they banded over 300 adult geese. Once we were done, my crew piled back into our trucks, stopped at a Chinese buffet for an early dinner, and headed back south to the AEC.

Dear RV

Hi there everyone, we are introducing a new article in Camping Today. We would like to welcome you to Dear RV. This is a place where you can ask the questions that you are hesitant to ask members of your Chapter, State, or your Neighbor. Your questions will be answered from our point of view, and it will hopefully give you a chuckle as well as some useful information to help you in your RVing experience. You may not agree completely with all our answers, but our goal is to give honest information to you as to how we do our RVing. We would prefer to not know who is submitting the question. So, send us your questions and we will send you an answer (possibly that you were not expecting) but an answer, just the same and possibly with a small dose of humor for good measure.
Us here at Dear RV!
Dear RV
Our question is how do you have a successful camping experience with the relentless onslaught of biting bugs, snakes in shoes, spiders in water heater and ‘frig propane tubes? There is also the challenge of finding a place to camp. How do you successfully do this year after year? Confused and Bewildered in
Dear Confused & Bewildered,
It is a challenge to have a good camping experience at time. Bugs, spiders and yes snakes are a part of that experience. Camping is truly all of that and more. So much more. You should know your area as to what kind of pests it’s known to have. Yes, you’re going to need really good bug spray. I myself have donated blood to more mosquitos and other insects than the Red Cross could ever hope to get. I have a can of bug spray at the step of my camper and never venture further without spritzing some on every time. Snakes love those ready-made apartments we call shoes. They are warm, which is what they want. Pop them into a plastic bag and tie them up, out of the slithering path. Easy for you to get to, but not so much so for them, but check anyway.
Year after year we plan ahead for our campsites. Sometimes we make reservations a year in advance. It seems many state parks require reservations made 6 months in advance. With the
record sales of campers in the last few years, the campgrounds, both public and private, not being able to expand, is putting sites at a premium. Have you tried Boon Docking? Most campers can go a weekend without hookups and it’s a great way to sharpen your camping skills.
I guess it’s just like anything else; if you like it, you will find a way to make it happen. Thanks for writing to Dear RV.
Dear RV
Our new puppy tore through the screen door. What can I do to keep this from happening again? How do others have such calm dogs and mine is all over the place! And she barks whenever we leave the camper. We didn’t get a dog to be tied down and we can’t take her sightseeing. Dog Tired in Ohio
Dear Dog Tired,
Having a furry camping companion can sometimes really enhance your camping experience. Other times, not so much. You mention they are still a puppy and while you don’t mention the size or breed, and I know even a small dog can wreak havoc on a camper and a trip. First, fix the screen. (Keep those bugs out!) A couple of options are:
- Pet screen (available at most big hardware stores).
- Consider replacing the screen with a clear plastic product that can be cut to size. 3. Crate your puppy when you leave the camper. Crating should never be a punishment for your pet, but rather just a normal part of their routine in keeping them safe.
A dog that constantly barks when you are not at the campsite can be a real annoyance to other campers. This one will require time and training on your part. Some people swear by leaving the TV on. Others use a radio, and some even use a video camera so they can talk to their pet. Like a child not getting what they want by whining, your dog must learn (by positive
reinforcement) that barking doesn’t bring you back. Leave them in the camper and return a few seconds later and praise them for being quiet. Over time, leave them for progressively longer periods of time. And always be certain they are getting plenty of exercise and toys to keep them occupied. Thanks for writing to Dear RV.
Dear RV
I am new to camping. My I have a question that I am afraid to ask the people that I camp with. It has to do with starting a fire in the fire ring at the campground. On our campouts it is the person that is Host that is to start the campfire and to be honest I just do not know how to do it correctly. Sone of the members make it look so easy that I am just embarrassed to ask how to start a fire in the evening. Thanks for your help No Smoke in New York!
Dear Smoke
I have a different take on building a campfire. I will start with a split piece of wood chop up some kindling add some dry paper Birch or possibly some dry pine needles to start my fire. Some strips newspaper or crumpled newspaper also works. I feel that the key is some fine thin pieces of split wood will help you get a fire started. I think the key to success is start with some small fine pieces of split wood and build up to larger pieces as you have a small fire started. Make a game out of it try to start your fire with a single match. You will improve and gain confidence as you try. Thanks for writing to Dear RV
Dear RV,
We love camping but when moving from place to place, everything in the cabinets seems to be jostled all over! Nothing is where I left it. Help!
Signed, Disheveled
Dear Disheveled
I feel your pain. I think I should have the BT-DT (Been there – done that) tee shirt. I highly recommend a quick trip to your local $ store. Be prepared with knowing the length, depth and width of your shelves in the cupboards and buy those little baskets. One for dental supplies, one for deodorants and makeup, one for pills and OTC medications, and so on. Get some double-stick Velcro and put them in their places! Voila! No more wondering where your toothbrush went or having it fall out into the commode when you open the cabinet. Thanks for writing to Dear RV.
Boating Safety
Boating Safety
By Joe Boswell, National DASAT Direct
Ok, you have arrived at your campsite, set up camp and now what are you going to do for the rest of your time. In your adventures wondering around the campground and or the local area, you have decided to go for a boat ride. Great! Some of you might have brought your own boat along for adventure.
Now, before you board that boat learn the safety rules for boating. No matter how large or small your boat may be, you need to be prepared. Here are some very basics that everyone needs to know before you put that boat, kayak, or canoe in the water. Just keep in mind the larger the boat, the larger the list of safety equipment required to be on your vessel. Take time to consult with the Coast Guard in your local areas to make sure you meet or exceed the safety requirements.
Let us review some of the safety equipment. You will need personal floatation devices: commonly referred to as life jackets or life preservers for every person who boards your boat. Going out in a rowboat, kayak or canoe, you may want to take along an extra set of ores so if you lose one you have extras to help you get back to shore. In some areas, a helmet is necessary if you are out in a Kayak, and or maybe a canoe-this protects your head if you happened to flip over, especially in rocky shallow water.
A floating safety rescue ring attached to a long rope is needed and or a sling for those who have larger boats. This way you can throw this line to someone who is in the water and needs some assistance. Rope of various lengths is essential, because you need it to tie up you boat so it will not float away. The rope can be a useful item to help pull someone out of the water who has fallen in. Rope can also help to secure things within your boat, so they do not move as you move about in the water. Larger boats need a VHF radio to contact the Coast Guard if additional assistance is necessary.
An AM/FM radio for pleasure listening with the weather radio alerts is a basic essential and always helpful to have on your boat. It is important that you take the time to register your boat with the authorities, this way they can identify the boat and locate possible owners if the boat is stolen or found adrift in the water without you or its’ passengers. If your boat has a motor of any capacity, then a fire extinguisher is a necessary item to have on board the vessel. Signal flares should be stored in a waterproof container and available when needed in an emergency. They can signal your location to receive help with a water rescue. Some type of noisemaker is beneficial so have a whistle or horn on board within easy reach. Lights, the bigger the boat the more you need, so make sure your lights are in working order. If your boat, for example is a rowboat, a flashlight will work for this purpose.
Store in a dry place, maps of your local boating area and learn the buoy markings for safe boating. As with driving a car, learn the buoy signs so you do not end up in a dangerous place or put others at risk during your boating adventure. In a few instances, you may find it necessary to have a small assortment of tools on board your vessel. They are always useful if you need to make a repair while boating.
Now that you have reviewed your list of safety equipment, you are ready to go, hold on a minute. Do you know where you are going? Before you depart in that boat is it best to check the weather conditions as it can change at a moment notice. Review your charts and note the hazards that may exist in your boating area. Give a responsible person who is staying on land, your scheduled departure and arrival time back at the dock, so they know if you do not return within a reasonable period to start rescue efforts. This is a good safety measures, so others are aware that you are on the water. Water conditions can change at a moment’s notice, or you could experience a medical emergency, or experience boat problems-a leak for example. If someone is keeping watch and expecting you back at a certain time and you do not return, they can notify authorities for assistance in attempting to locate you. Did you pack that first aid kit; remember you may have gone fishing; now you have stabbed yourself with that fishing hook. Ouch, now your first aid kit has become very useful.
It is always a good idea if you are going to be on the water for several hours to take along some snacks, and fresh water to drink. Remember that alcohol does not belong on a boat, as it will inhabit you from making good quality decisions. Suntan lotion is necessary for bright sunny days to protect your skin. All of these things mentioned above are important for safe boating. This is just a simple overview. If you own a boat, consider taking the Coast Guards safety boating classes and get your boat inspected so that it meets or exceed all safety regulations for your given geographical area. If in doubt, contact the local Coast Guard authorities and they will help you become an experience boater in no time. The more you know about safe boating the safer you will be on the water. Safe boating everyone.
United State Coast Guard
Department of Natural Resources: Water Safety, 1-866-688-2928
Changing tires on your RV or truck
Changing tires on your RV or truck ? Doing a brake job, etc, when reinstalling your tires, DO NOT use your impact gun to torque your wheels back on to your vehicle.
The only tool in your arsenal to use is a properly used torque wrench and tightened in the correct sequence.
1/2 studs – 90-120 ft lbs
9/16 studs – 120-140 ft lbs
5/8 studs – 140 -160 ft lbs
These are approximate torque specifications. Consult your owners manual for specifics.

Go Rving’s Demographics Of Sport Utility Camping Trailer Owners
Today we are looking at the demographics of owners of sport utility camping trailers,which are owned by 6% of RVers. Young families make up 33% of sport utility camping trailers owners, while 37% are first time owners. 38% are millennials and Gen Zers.
Sport utility camping trailers are used during 55% of owners’ vacation time. They are most often used often in summer (83%), followed by fall (53%), spring (33%), and winter (20%). 50% of sport utility camping trailer owners prefer to stay at state parks or recreation area campgrounds, while 36% prefer national park campgrounds and 36% prefer accommodations at private campgrounds.
Alongside RV travel, 43% of sport utility camping trailer owners also participate in outdoor sports, while 45% go fishing and 33% enjoy water recreational activities. Their top three reasons for RVing are spending time outdoors (54%), simply unwinding and relaxing (51%), and visiting a location with natural beauty (47%). Other outdoor recreational activities they bring with them include bicycles (32%) and kayaks (16%)

Recalls of Ram, F-150 Trucks
Stellantis, Ford Announce Recalls of Ram, F-150 Trucks
By: RVBusiness|Published on: Mar 17, 2022|Categories: Today’s Industry News|
Stellantis is recalling 370,437 Ram and Dodge vehicles in the U.S. because of an issue with the electronic stability control warning light that can increase the risk of a crash, according to a report by Automotive News.
The recall includes 2021-22 Dodge Durango SUVs, 2019-22 Ram 2500 pickups and 2019-22 Ram 3500 Chassis Cab trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating below 10,000 pounds, NHTSA said Thursday.
Stellantis said it was made aware by a supplier of an issue that causes the warning light to not activate if the system loses its throttle reduction capability. Although the defect does not disable electronic stability control, it can cause drivers to be unaware that their cars need servicing.
Ford Motor Co. is recalling 157,306 F-150 pickups from the 2021 model year because of inoperative windshield wiper motors that can cause the wiper to fail, NHTSA said Friday.

Cortes Campers Travel Trailer
Cortes Campers Travel Trailer
Cortes Campers travel trailer not only meets the expected requirements of customers but has many appealing features that are typically considered upgrades within the RV industry. We are offering a highly attractive product at a competitive price and dealers are sharing this view. There is an incredible amount of excitement around Cortes Campers, and we are confident this initial delivery will help propel the product to the next level,” continued Mr. Corpora.
Cortes Campers is scheduled to ship the second camper in the first week in March with a projected goal of shipping 20 campers per week by the beginning of the 4th quarter 2022.
According to the RV Industry Association, in its December 2021 Market Report: Results for the RV Industry Association’s survey of manufacturers, determined that total RV shipments for 2021 ended with a record 600,240 wholesale shipments, a 39.5% increase over the 430,412 units shipped in 2020. Towable RVs, led by conventional travel trailers, ended 2021 up 39.6% against 2020 with 544,028 wholesale shipments. This indicates the desirability of the RV industry segment Cortes Campers is pursuing.
US Lighting Group Inc. (OTC:USLG) has three subsidiaries, Cortes Campers, LLC, a revolutionary manufacturer of state-of-the-art molded fiberglass travel trailers and campers, Fusion X Marine, LLC a boat manufacturer and Futuro Houses, LLC a fiberglass house manufacturer. The company and its subsidiaries have manufacturing and R&D facilities in Cleveland, Ohio.
Return To Nature
Discover the new science and ancient wisdom on why nature makes us healthier and happier in body and soul from the co-author of
The Spirit Almanac and mindbodygreen’s Senior Sustainability Editor.
The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us
By Emma Loewe
“The ultimate map for mindfulness in Mother Earth. Proof that the outdoors can help to heal us.” —Emma Mildon, bestselling author of
The Soul Searcher’s Handbook and Evolution of Goddess
“In RETURN TO NATURE, Emma Loewe has gifted us a practical, informative guide. It left me becalmed, inspired, and hopeful.” —Florence Williams, author of
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and More Creative
“I couldn’t stop thinking about this book. Do yourself a favor and go read it under a tree. Then prepare to head to your next city planning meeting to ensure more greenspace access for everyone.” —Kathryn Kellogg, author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste
“[A]n antidote to burnout and a gentle invitation to expansive possibilities for awe, restoration, and gratitude right outside your front door… gorgeously illustrated, beautifully written…an immersive journey through eight landscapes, combining fascinating insights into how nature restores our minds with accessible rituals to engage all your senses to experience and enjoy nature’s healing benefits for yourself. Along the way, you’ll learn simple but profound mindset shifts to appreciate our own role in the web of life, including solid practical advice on how we can better care for nature in our everyday lives as consumers and citizens, to protect and expand its gifts.
”—Kimberly Nicholas, PhD, author of Under the Sky We Make: How to Be Human in a Warming World
“Forests teach patience, snow embodies silence, deserts spark reinvention, rivers give flow, and cities teach reciprocity. … The common threads in these explorations is a heightening of the senses and a willingness to accept nature’s gifts. The book has a thoughtful message, so relevant in this time of virtual meetings and six-feet separations.”—Booklist (starred review)
For centuries, we have known that getting outside is good for us. Yet we have become increasingly disconnected from the earth that nourishes us, with most of us spending 87% of our days indoors. In response, in RETURN TO NATURE: The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us (HarperOne; on-sale: 4/12/22), writer and environmentalist Emma Loewe demonstrates the power of nature’s healing properties. Divided into eight chapters, each focused on a particular landscape, the book shares research-backed ways to explore nature and protect it in the future so that it can be healthy and nurturing for generations to come.
- A rich understanding of why spending time in nature is essential for mental health
- Dozens of ideas on how to combat stress, anxiety, and burnout outdoors
- Knowledge of the unique health benefits that lie in eight landscapes (grasslands, coasts, mountains, forests, ice and snow, rivers, deserts, cities)
- A list of journaling questions to help readers reflect on what nature means to them
- Mindful meditation exercises for connecting to nature through the 5 senses
- Science-backed techniques for restoring the mind in as little as 5 minutes

- Science-backed techniques for restoring the mind in as little as 5 minutes
- Interviews with researchers, extreme outdoor athletes, and Indigenous wisdom teachers on what nature can teach us
- Tips for crafting nature-inspired homes and inviting the benefits of the outdoors in
- 20+ mindset shifts that will change the way readers think about the climate crisis
- An array of meaningful actions readers can take to conserve the landscapes they care about most
- A renewed optimism about how we can solve the climate crisis by acting from a place of love, not fear
Alongside beautiful four-color illustrations that inspire us all to get outside in big and small ways, this stunning book—more urgent than ever—is perfect for anyone looking to connect with the world around them, whether in their neighborhood park or on a backpacking getaway.
Emma Loewe is an environmental journalist based in New York City. She is the co-author of The Spirit Almanac and the Senior Sustainability editor at mindbodygreen. Visit her at
The New Science of How Natural Landscapes Restore Us
By Emma Loewe
Published by HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
On-sale: April 12, 2022 | $26.99 | Hardcover | ISBN: 9780063061279
Also Available as an eBook and Audiobook
DrySee® Waterproof Bandage
DrySee® Launches Patented Waterproof Bandage with Wetness Indicator
Proprietary liquid indicating gauze changes color if liquid breaches and new bandage is needed
DrySee®, a medical technology company dedicated to improving wound care, introduces its patented waterproof bandage with liquid intrusion alert. The average bandage provides some protection, but it is still easy for dirt and water to reach a wound. Even if a waterproof bandage is used on a wound it’s hard to tell if it is actually sealed. DrySee is an alternative to traditional cloth or plastic bandages when more reliable wound protection and water blockage is needed.
DrySee’s waterproof bandages provide a secure, waterproof covering for low exudate wounds. If water or other liquids make their way into the bandage, the liquid indicating gauze along the perimeter of the bandage will turn a dark, blue color. Fluid from the wound site will cause the internal pad to also change color, alerting the user that a bandage change is necessary. DrySee’s color changing, liquid intrusion alert takes the guesswork out of replacing bandages because it is easy to see if the bandage is wet or dry. DrySee bandages can last for up to 3 days, so people may even be able to reduce the number of bandage changes that they need to complete during healing.
“Infections are a historical and ongoing plague on the health care system,” said Brad Greer, CEO of DrySee. “DrySee is a game-changer for any type of wound care. There is no more ambiguity on the part of the person caring for the wound. It is visibly obvious when a bandage needs to be changed. This visual cue should help people be more proactive with their wound care and help reduce the number of infections.”
DrySee bandages are available in packages of 25 for online purchase. DrySee liquid indicating bandages are waterproof, sterile, disposable, breathable, non-latex, and one bandage can be used for up to three days. For more information and ordering, visit
About DrySee
DrySee’s mission is to provide bandage solutions that allow patients to live their lives confidently after surgery. The DrySee team saw a need in the medical industry for a more secure and effective dressing to ensure better post-op healing and created a revolutionary waterproof dressing that changes color to indicate if the bandage has been compromised.
The cutting-edge, patented DrySee technology helps to lower both staff and material costs while improving patient compliance and experience.
Aurora High-Rise Tent
NEMO Announces New Car Camping Gear for 2022
NEMO, the award-winning, independent designer of outdoor gear and accessories built to improve the adventure experience, announced its 2022 line of luxury car camping gear focused on making the great outdoors more comfortable, warmer and easier to enjoy.
With a spacious standing-height design, simple setup, and vibrant colors, the Aurora Highrise tent adds a dose of joy to every family camping adventure.
- Unique frame design affords steep walls for massive interior volume and standing height throughout.
- Two doors & vestibules with Gatekeeper™ door clips offer ease of entry and plenty of storage space for the family.
- Durable fabrics and aluminum poles will last a lifetime of adventures.
- Unique and fun printed floor fabric adds character and brightness.
- Nightlight Pockets™ turn your headlamp into a tent lantern, casting an even glow.
- Large side windows with mesh and integrated rain covers for better views and excellent ventilation.
- [email protected]
- Located in New Hampshire
Whether your adventures require a tent, a screenhouse, a sunshade, or all three, Switch can easily transform to handle them all.


RUTH BARBOUR, 95, 2-13- 22, Pratt, Kansas.. Charter member of Pratt Firefiters with late husband, Joe.

Lois Elizabeth “Betty” Kila, 3-7-21, Woodstock, Ontario. 55 year member. She and husband, John served as Ontario Provincial Director for many years. Their service and leadership well remembered.

MICHAEL LARREAU, 74, 1-3-22, Oberlin, Kansas. Navy Veteran. Active in Wichita FCRV
with wife, Connie.

Norman ‘Gene’ Grioffin, 78, 2-28-22, HutchiSunflower Ramblersnson, Kansas. Active member
of Sunflower Ramblers with wife, Ruth.

Lorne Douglas, 72 of Petrolia, Ontario passed away 3-28-22. He and his w, Mabel were very active in Ontario FCRV for many years. They were on Steering Committee for Campvention 2020 in Ontario which was cancelled due to Covid. Their daughter, Megan was crowned Miss FCRV in 2015. Lorne was elected to the FCRV Trustee position of V.P. of Programs only a few years ago. The Douglases spent several winters in Florida and took part in activities of the Florida Snow Birds.