FCRV International Campvention 2023

The 63rd Family Campers & RVers International Campvention will be held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, 861 Salisbury Road, Richmond, Indiana.  The Great Lakes Region is hosting. The theme is ‘A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS FCRV’.  

Richmond defined itself as the ‘Rose City’ in the early 1970s,  Richmond was the home of Hills Rose Growers (E.G. Hill Company, Joseph H. Hill Company, and Hill Floral Products Company) the premier rose growers and marketers of cut roses, selling millions of roses annually in the U.S. and around the world.


Campvention 2023



July 9-14, 2023.
Early Bird: July 7 & 8, 2023


Wayne County Fairgrounds & Expo Center

861 Salisbury Road, Richmond, Indiana.47374




  • One Family in the Unit $335.00/$365
  • Extra Family in the Unit (separate pay) $150.00/$165
  • Week Drive-in Pass (July 9-14) $175.00/$190
  • Walk-in Camp Pass (per day) $ 30.00/$35

Event Organizer Contact:

Connie Black – [email protected]
Co-Chair – Linda Hennie – [email protected]

  Registration Options

Deadline For Pre-Registration June 1, 2023

Pay By Check:  Registration Closed
Pay Online: Registration Closed
* Future Registrations can be done at the gate. Bring this filled out FORM

  Event Form PDFS
Forms will be added as they are sent in by their chairmen.

Program Ads
* Golf Cart Rental

Equipment Request

* Time expired to submit form. 

2023 Campvention Recap

Campvention 2023 Chairwoman
By Connie Black

WOW, I can’t believe it is all over. We have been working very hard on putting a great week of activities together for all of you for 1 ½ years. I have been a Team Leader for 4 different Campventions with Vicki Roop twice, Linda Hennie once and Shari Weber once as Campvention Chairman. I learned so much working under those three ladies: it really paid off when it became my turn to take over the steering wheel.

You can’t imagine how much work goes into being the chairman, but it was all worth it for me just to see all of the members having so much fun and listening to all of the laughter. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love to have fun at anything that I am doing. I love the motto of “Laughter Makes the World Go Round”. It seems to be the thing that keeps me motivated.

I am so appreciative of the wonderful team of workers that I had by my side. They did such a great job that it made my job so much easier. Another motto of mine is “Work Smarter, Not Harder”. Having all of the right people in the right areas was working smarter. I know that I can depend on all of the people who were working with me to do the best that they can do and that is what counts for a job done well.

It was great to see and meet all of the First Timers and all of my old friends. I really hope that you enjoyed your time with us. It was fun to see you participating in all of the activities and teaching us some of your fun activities. Although I think that I was taken advantage of when they were teaching me to play Kubb at Family Fun Day. I think that is what it was called. Not sure, but just remember that I will be back for more!

Next year in Herkimer, New York, I will be participating in more activities than I was able to this year; so, you all had better brace yourselves. Connie will return!

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings…..One More Time
By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair


This is the annual cycle of an FCRV Campvention. I felt the anticipation for more than a year going into the 2023 Campvention. I was asked to be the Registration Chair in November 2021. Registrations were not incoming until July 2022, but there was a bit of prep work.

ANTICIPATION: Registration was open at the 2022 Campvention, and my work began. There were days when I had 4 or 5 envelopes in my mailbox….oh, the anticipation! Discounted registration ended December 31, and I was hoping to have 100 campers registered. I believe there were 102 sent in by that deadline. Oh, the anticipation!

Things slowed down after that, and I found that I missed getting those little envelopes in the mail. Camping took over people’s minds again in spring, and I began getting excited about going to the mailbox. I was hoping for 200 registrations by the June 1 deadline. Lo and behold…..202 pre-registrations were received!!! Oh, the anticipation!

During these pre-registration months, I not only received the forms, but I emailed, texted and talked on the phone to many of these future campers. I couldn’t wait to meet not only everyone I had registration forms for but especially those I had communicated with in other ways. Oh, the anticipation!

Then there was the Facebook page. I got to know people even more through my own and the Campvention pages. Oh, the anticipation!

EXCITEMENT: Suddenly, it was time to leave for Campvention. The truck was packed (solid) and off we went. Oh, the excitement! We arrived the day before Early Bird began to set up. The volunteers were scheduled ,and all was ready for you to arrive. Oh, the excitement!

I spent 17 hours at the registration/check-in table, and I FINALLY met so many people that I felt I already knew. Oh, the excitement of not just me, but everyone that walked through that door into Central Registration.

Campvention began with a bang – not really, but with a downpour. Did that affect our excitement? Not at all. We are CAMPERS, and we adapt to situations. The schedule book was given out, and there was excitement over all the activities offered. We had games/seminars/hospitalities/entertainment/and the list goes on. Oh, the excitement! My only personal issue is that we have so much to do and so little time to do it. Decisions, decisions.

DISAPPOINTMENT: Way before I was ready, Campvention was over. Oh, the disappointment. It went out with a bang (literally as the thunder was deafening/rolling/frequent). My role in Campvention was over. Oh, the disappointment.

I have been an FCRV member since 1986. This was my 8th (?) Campvention but the 1st I had ever had a part in as a team member. It was an interesting experience. I was the only person in charge of all the registrations before Campvention began but once there, it was totally different. There was no way I could check-in 202 campers by myself so I requested volunteers. I would like to thank Pat Rozelle, Shari Weber, Linda English, Pat Cohee, Gaye and Gary Bex, Sandy and Larry Scott, Ivalee Vanderhoff, Ruthann Simon, Dawn Webb, Sharon Shaneyfelt and Catherine Goodnature for being so helpful in the check-in. I hope I didn’t miss anyone. Some of these volunteers and volunteers in other areas were 1st time Campvention attendees.

I had never done anything on this scale before, and I was a bit apprehensive. Don’t let inexperience and uncertainty stop you from volunteering at an event like this. We are ALL volunteers here.

I learned a lot from registrations (I know where y’all live ). As mentioned before, I have communicated with many in other ways. I felt like I was meeting 200 friends in Richmond.

I really wish I could have spent more time with each and every one of you, but it was busy for us all and some of y’all I saw at check-in and then not again until closing ceremonies. I love all my FCRV friends.

Stay safe until the next time.

That cycle has started up again….ANTICIPATION…..FCRV Campvention 2024 is open for business.

First Timers
By Donna Powell, Team Leader

WOW! My crew and I thoroughly enjoyed welcoming 142 adults and their children! We mentioned the red ribbon was to let all know that this was their first time at Campvention. My very first couple that came through was Gary and Gaye Bex, Indianapolis, Indiana. They were First Timers but were also some of our volunteers to help during the week. Thank you! I know and hope you had lots of welcoming hugs all week long.

We had 2 meetings during the week. On Monday, July 10th, we held an information meeting. I introduced our National President, Gerry Pfirsch, who introduced the Board of Trustees. The Board, Patty (FCRV office manager), Ed Shaneyfelt (Campvention coordinator), and myself tried to fill in the First Timers, encouraging them (120+) to enjoy, have fun, ask questions, but do what they wanted to do to have a wonderful time.

Our second meeting on Friday, July 14th was held early afternoon with a sound system! Sorry, we didn’t use one on Monday. We have 50+ surveys returned; yes, they will be read by Ed, the team leaders, National Board, and me. Your comments and suggestions are all very important and helpful when planning our next year’s Campvention. Thank you for coming and enjoying your week with us!


Campvention 2023 Vendor Recap
By Ron Cohee, Commercial Chair

I had 11 vendors Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It was busy. The other days were very slow. The vendors suggested that we only open for 3 days instead of all week.

The 11 vendors ranged from RV tours to RV insurance and crafts and a free Wi-Fi Cafe from Travlfi. I want to thank Dale & Karen Huston for the FCRV badges and things, RV Fred, Color Street Nails, Tupperware, Pampered Chef, Fantasy Tours. Several of the vendors have expressed to me they will be back next year, including one of the RV techs.

There were 4 food trucks. The Ice cream was a big hit! No complaints. The other food trucks were not so successful due to scheduling issues. The RV techs that came to help did a great job.

Final note: I really, really enjoyed doing this job. I’m looking forward to doing it next year. I really did appreciate doing the vendor chair. It was a blast and a great pleasure!


Back to Our Roots & Traditions
By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

Based on a suggestion by Marci Mcintosh, Michigan, ‘Back to Our Roots & Traditions’ sparked interest and was shared on Facebook as a reminder to long time members and an introduction to our newer members. The posts encouraged participation and answered questions that were asked. Our members responded.

Swaps/Trades were shared at Campvention. Members made items to share with others who had made items or to just share to perhaps revive the tradition. ‘Swapping/Trading’ provided an opportunity to interact with others. There were interesting items to save as memories of a fun week.

A memorabilia display was set up in the commercial area. Members displayed items from their/our past. Of particular interest was the site map for Campvention 1983 at Buck Creek State Park , Springfield, Ohio where the acreage was cleared by Ohio members to hold the event. The site map was the plan for parking the units where each unit was ‘given an address’ before arrival. Upon arrival, the units were directed to their ‘address’. Also, of particular interest were Campvention program books from Campventions held in the 1960s. Missouri displayed a huge banner that holds 53 chapter patches from the chapters Missouri once had. Next year is the 75th anniversary of NCHA/FCRV when we gather in New York. Bring your memorabilia to share!

The noise parade provided by the Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit brought back a tradition when the hosting area became involved with Campvention. The fire department & EMS unit had provided safety seminars during the week. The idea of them providing a noise parade was suggested to them. They responded with LOTS of noise! Their reception was enthusiastic!! Thank you, Centerville!

With Campvention 2023 concluded with 195 registrations (181 units; 12 second families in a unit, and 2 off-grounds) enjoying the week in Richmond, Indiana, FCRV looks ahead to Campvention 2024 in New York June 23rd to June 29th. Note the dates! Plan your swaps/trades and memorabilia to share! See you in New York!


Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award
By Shari Weber

Dave and Linda Hennie received the Hank Nathan Lifetime Achievement Award at Campvention in Richmond. President Gerry Pfirsch presented the award at the annual meeting Thursday afternoon. More than 25 member families supported this nomination. This is a unique presentation in that Linda’s Mom & Dad, Don & Wilma Plummer also received this award in 2009.

Dave and Linda have been members since their marriage in 1970. They were nominated for this award for their leadership, achievements, and service of more than 25 years. The contents of their nomination follows.


2003 – 2011 Ohio State Director Lead Ohio in the programs of FCRV, Train and inform field staff to understand their responsibilities, manage membership in Ohio.


Been continuous members of the Day-Hi-O Trailseekers for 51 years. Held office of President, Vice President, Secretary and/or Treasurer several times in local chapter-Day-Hi-O Trailseekers. Dave was President and Linda was Secretary of the Trailseekers. Members of the Full-timers Retiree Chapter since 2001. Members of the Midwest Quackers. Southwest Area Delegates for Ohio Retirees. Dave and Linda were members with their families prior to their marriage in 1970 when they received membership as a wedding gift. Dave and his family since 1963, Linda’s family since 1961. They are now lifetime members.


  • 2022 – Current – Linda & Dave Retiree Director Manage the Retiree Program, find sites for the annual rally, and assure there is a chairperson for the rally.
  • Current – Dave Acting Ohio State Director Manage membership and programs for Ohio, train and inform field staff.
  • Current – Linda Parliamentarian Interpret Constitution and By-Laws for the Board of Trustees, Executive Board, and Advisory Council.
  • 2000 – Present Volunteers for various positions at National Retiree Rally.
  • 2011 – 2019 Great Lakes Regional Director.
  • 2017 Campvention Chair – Led the Campvention team to put on Campvention in Lima, Ohio.
  • 2018 – Retiree Rally Chair – led the rally team to put on a Spring Break themed rally including beach/spring break activities outside in the  afternoon.


  • 2008 – Received Plaque FCRV’s top award recognizing outstanding service.
  • 2018 – Received Award of Merit Recognizing exemplary work within their program responsibilities and for work above and beyond the scope of the responsibilities of the program.


  • Both Dave & Linda are active in their church.
  • They have two children, seven grandchildren, and a great grandchild arrived in May.
  • Attended all State and National Conferences of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1975.
  • Linda – 1972 – Present member of Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary, Currently National Recording Secretary of Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary, Held multiple offices several times in local auxiliary. Held office of Trustee, Secretary, and President in Ohio State Auxiliary.
  • 2011 – Present – Linda is the National President of the Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary.
  • 2005 – Present Chairman of National Peace Officers Memorial Service, Washington D.C. She presents police officers who gave their life in service of their duties in the previous year.
  • Dave – 1970 – Present Member of the Fraternal Order of Police since 1970.
  • 1969 – 1999 – Dave – City of Dayton Police Officer. Retired 1999. Held office of Trustee and Secretary in a local lodge.


  • 1999 Dave – Outstanding Volunteer of the Year – Dayton Fraternal Order of Police.
  • 2004 Linda – Member of the Year Award – Dayton Fraternal Order of Police.
  • 2007 Linda – Lifetime Achievement Award – Ohio State Fraternal Order of Police.

By Denise Weiss, Hospitality Chair

The hospitalities truly embody the meaning of “Where strangers become friends and friends become family”. They provided a place to meet people that were new to FCRV, talk to the ones we hadn’t seen in a while, those we just hadn’t met yet and a chance to get to know the FFCC members and welcome them into our family.

We had 8 groups signed up to host hospitalities. THANK YOU to those who signed up to host. Everyone I talked to seemed to enjoy them and getting to know the people who hosted them. There were lots of good things to eat and very useful things as well. We had one in the morning; the donuts were a welcome treat and not having to fix breakfast was nice. The mid-afternoon ones provided people to stave off the hunger pains until dinner. The evening ones were a nice way to end the day with the after-dinner snack or gift after a full day of activities.

I really do appreciate those who stepped up to host them. I would like to extend a special thank you to my co-chair Stacy Davis, what a great friend, co-worker and supporter.


Waggle Rose Paws Parade
By Donna Powell, Team Leader

Did you come and enjoy our Waggle Rose Paws Parade? It was so fun! We were sponsored by Waggle Pet Monitoring Systems (https://mywaggle.com/pages/how-waggle-works) that donated one of their pet monitoring systems to use as one of two grand prizes.

We had 18 entries, some with 2 dogs. Each entry was introduced as they walked up to and around our stage. Each entry performed a trick or showed their performance. As they came down from the stage, the owner and dog(s) had their picture taken by our photographer, Barb Turner. Thank you, Barb.

After our judges, Jan Cushing, Wisconsin; Wayne and Lois Zuhoski, New York, saw each entry, they discussed among themselves who the winners would be.

During their tallying up the winners, we drew for 2 door prizes. From one of our commercial vendors This n That, a large container of bones, went to Lexi, Gerald and Kathy Tannehill, MO. Our sponsor, Waggle Pet Monitoring System, donated one of their systems; the winner of the Waggle Pet Monitoring System was Beau, whose owner is Misty Stuckwisch, IN.

Our winners are: Owner/look alike: Archie/ Karen Snodgrass, OH; Best Trick- Odessa/ Robert Hicks, MI; Best Behaved- Ronin/ Catherine Goodnature, IL; Most adorable- Lily/ Carol Burns, NY; Best-in-show- Stetson/Amy DeCamp, OH!

Congratulations to all our winners. They each received a toy and treats and a certificate. All our entries received a participation certificate and small bag of treats.

Thank you to Karen Decker and Rhonda O’Neal who helped me. A huge thank you to all our fur babies and their families.


Campvention Service Project
By Barb Turner, Chair

With the aid of Linda English and Beth Muschinski in creating an idea, FCRV Hearts & Hands quilts & blankets for kids was created as a service project to leave something of Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana. 198 quilts/blankets were made/purchased by our Campvention attendees. Most were made and brought to Campvention. But some were made during Campvention. Thank you, Jill Serbousek, for bringing fleece kits that were made on-site. Thank you, Pam Failor, for sewing labels and many quilts/blankets and sewing. Thank you, Mary Borton & Patti Thieme, for helping organize the quilts/blankets.

With the large response of quilts/blankets, they were divided between three organizations in Richmond: Neighborhood Care, the Richmond Fire Department, and Foster Hope. Each organization was so thankful for our generous donations.


Campvention 2023 Community Noise Parade
By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

Noise parades at Campventions have a long tradition. Noise parades from the local community also have a long tradition, but such parades haven’t happened on a regular basis the past few years.

Thanks to the Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit the tradition returned to Campvention 2023! The fire department & EMS unit had provided safety seminars during the week. The idea of them providing a noise parade was suggested to them. They responded with LOTS of noise! Their reception was enthusiastic!! Thank you, Centerville Fire Department & EMS Unit!

Bocce Ball
By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs

We had 7 teens show up to participate in Bocce Ball this year. They were on mixed teams with adults. The teens that participated included: Cassie Coniglio, Christina Mitchell, Jayden Paddack, Grace Carey, Alexis Simpson, Gabriel Batista and Donuel Gonzalez. Everyone enjoyed learning the new (to FCRV) game. Thanks, FFCC!!!


Campers Actively Moving Program (C.A.M.P.)
By Chair: Rick & Kathy Boatwright & Co-Chair: Dick & Kathy Buresh

Hello everyone! We had a great time at Campvention 2023. We would like to thank everyone that participated in the Campers Actively Moving Program (C.A.M.P) whether it was walking, biking, line dancing or multiple games.

There was a 1-Mile course, measured by GPS, for Hiking and Biking. We walked every day during the week with a total of 31 participants. The total walking mileage was 160.5 miles. There were also 4 bike riders. Their total mileage was 51.4 miles.

We had 3 Line Dancing classes with a total of 20 participants. The total dance time was 1920 minutes. There were 3 different adult games. Ladder Golf, Horseshoes and Washer Toss. There were 112 participants with a total of 285 games.

This year we added the teens in the Campers Actively Moving Program, from a Conservation Hike picking up trash to walking, and playing Disc Golf. There were 20 Teens that participated, with a total walking mileage of 43.5 miles. Some of the teens participated in a game of Bocce Ball, with a total of 14 games. The teens also played Volleyball and Softball. There were 39 teens that participated in these activities, with a total of 3900 minutes. There were 28 teens that went to a roller-skating party for a total of 3360 minutes.

We would like to have had more participants in C.A.M.P. but with so many things going on, we understand. We hope everyone had fun at Campvention 2023 and can’t wait to see everyone again at Campvention 2024 in Herkimer, New York.


Adult/Family Activities Center
By Craig Weber & Brian Fuller, Co-chairs

Thank you to all who participated in activities in the Adult Center and beyond. Five jigsaw puzzles were completed in the five days. A group of adults and a group of youth played balloon volleyball on Monday. On Tuesday we had over 80 people playing Bingo. 177 dollars in prize money was passed out, with $13 for ten games and $48 for the final cover-all. On Wednesday we had 56 people playing card bingo with $25 dollars in prize money passed out. Card bingo was followed by a Euchre Tournament with twenty players. Sixty-seven people signed up for Bowling on Thursday, and a good time was had by all. Finally, on Friday we had four teams play bean bag baseball. We had great participation for all our planned events, and everyone had a good time. Thank You.


Adult Games Recap
By Kathy Collier, Adult Games Chair

We had more participants than we’ve had in the previous ten years! Many of them were our newest members. And, they came to PLAY!!

There are more official games now available to play at National (and all levels of campouts). In addition to horseshoes, ladder golf and washer toss, volleyball is back, and we have added bean bag baseball, corn hole and Kubb. The games played will depend on popularity and ability to set them up. The rules are available on FCRV.org.

There were two offsite events; a golf outing with 18 players and bowling which had 65 prepaid but only 59 able to attend. Onsite cornhole was played with about 50 players and bean bag baseball had about 20. Kubb, being very new, had some players at the Family Fun Day.

The Ohio State Association donated some washer toss boards to FCRV. Fortunately, our FFCC chapter had even more. By having so many boards and dividing them so one board was used for each court, we were able to keep things moving.


For cornhole to take place, we absolutely must rely on members letting us use personal sets. Members came through, as usual, and there was fun to be had. (There is no way a chairman can bring multiple sets. They are just too big to carry many sets in one rig.)

Please do expect some changes in how the games are run and played, to keep things fair and moving. This year, horseshoes had amongst the least players, but took the most time.

Ladder Golf

Ladder Golf Men’s (25 participants): 

  • 1st place – Frank Russell, NY
  • 2nd place – Fred Roddam, AL

Ladder Golf Women’s (25 participants): 

  • 1st place – Kathy Krzwenski, OH
  • 2nd place – Jayne Kutko, WI

Ladder Golf Doubles (18 participants): 

  • 1st place – Patty & Joe Wittmeyer, NY
  • 2nd place – Darris Douma, NJ & Ron Servant, CO


Horseshoes Doubles (6 participants): 

  • 1st place – Rick Boatwright, CO & Darris Douma, NJ
  • 2nd place – Rick Walorski, CO & Duane Keegan, IL

Horseshoes Men’s (11 participants):

  • 1st place – Darris Douma, NY
  • 2nd place – Jack Smye, Ontario

Horseshoes Women’s (4 participants):

  • 1st place – Jayne Kutko, WI
  • 2nd place – Kathy Hartwig, MI

Washer Toss

Washer Toss Doubles (18 participants):

  • 1st place – Andrew Schultz, MN & Nikki Lucek, MN
  • 2nd place – Brad & Karen Chatfield

Washer Toss Men’s (25 participants):

  • 1st place – Andrew Schultz, MN
  • 2nd place – John Beck, CA

Washer Toss Women’s (25 participants):

  • 1st place – Nikki Lucek, MN
  • 2nd place – Shirley Dethlefson, OH

Campvention with the Teens
By Marci Macintosh, Teen chair

We started the week out working on rose petals for the float that would come at the end of the week. Most of the teens had not paper-mached before but picked it up quickly. Not everyone loved sticking their hands in the glue, but each teen was a good sport about trying it.

The TP Insurance Raffle tickets were handed out at the meeting at the beginning of the week, and many kids participated vigorously for the cash prize.

We held a Rose Garden Party Sunday night, a Glow Party Monday night with black lights and glow paint, and a Beach Party Tuesday night with over a ton of sand hauled in to create a beach in the outdoor area of the teen center.

The Family Fun Day lunch fundraiser was a success and paid for two offsite activities through the week with enough left over to donate $400 to the Circle You Help Center in Richmond. The teens seemed to enjoy the service, and the membership that participated seemed to enjoy the meal along with Family Fun Day.

While no one, except Jeff Robinson, was an expert at Disc Golf, we all had a good time learning from him on the first of three offsite activities. By the end of our time on the course, many of us were trying new techniques to throw and saw an improvement. Two hours was not enough time for a whole course, but we enjoyed every ‘hole’ that we played.

Tuesday, the Shaneyfelts and Scott Semper provided breakfast for the teens to fuel up for a busy day. We went hiking the White River Gorge Trail and picked up 4 bags of trash along the way. The trail included interesting sights such as the Star Gennett Building and historical sidewalk with tributes to recording artists that graced the studio. Due to the interest in the historic landmarks and with starting and returning to the Veterans Park, we only made it 2 miles along the trail.


After hiking and trash pickup, the teens donned their bow ties and tea towels to serve the adults attending the Any Hat Luncheon.

The Teens were involved in multiple noise parades throughout the week. One was midday on their way back from an offsite activity, and two others were at night. One even had four of the Centerville Fire/Rescue trucks as the main attraction! The teens enjoyed the noise parades, and so many of the adults were good sports about the disruption.

On Wednesday, the teens bounced back and forth between the TP Insurance Raffle Set Up and Preview and sports. They played volleyball and softball on Wednesday and joined in on bocce ball on Thursday.

In the midst of those activities, the teens squeezed in ‘trick-or-treating’ for non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank. The response of adult participation to this activity was overwhelming.

The TP Insurance raffle was Wednesday evening, and many prizes were given away with the Blackstone Grill and trip to South Carolina being very popular, but all the prizes were very desirable.

Thursday, after bocce ball, was a slow down with a ‘drive-in’ movie, Super Mario Bros, for the youth and teens. After the movie, we worked on float assembly again with decorating the truck as the primary activity. Then, everyone was off to get ready to walk the red carpet at the Dancing through the Decades Family Dance. The band was superb and a lot of fun. But then it was back to final float construction through the rest of the night.

The teens were up on Friday morning for float judging and walking in the parade. It was our honor to hand out a promotional gift for the 2024 Campvention in Herkimer, New York as we walked in the parade. Our float was constructed backward, so the truck drove the whole parade in reverse. We were honored to tie with the Youth for the National Award in the parade.

Our final offsite activity was to go to the Retro Rush Arcade and Suzie’s Pizza Parlor. Again, the Double Digits were invited to join in the fun, and everyone found at least a few games they liked. The pinball machines were popular and so were the driving games. Some of the kids played their first-ever Pac-Man game!

At the evening program, the representative from Circle You Help Center came to announcements, and the teens presented the money and food items they had collected to Kyle, the Executive Director. They even helped him load the truck with all the goodies.

The last evening was relaxed, and the teens played some cornhole, hung out, and helped clean up the teen center.

Then, it was back offsite for a Roller-Skating party. Since there was plenty of room at the rink, the teens invited the Double Digit (10-12) Youth to attend with us. They stuffed themselves with unlimited pizza and made countless laps around the rink. While some kids took to roller skating like fish to water, others preferred to hang out and visit or play with the arcade games, but all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the event.

Campvention’s Coming Up Roses Site Decorating Contest
By Shari Weber, Site Chair

You did a great job decorating your sites! The judges said it was very hard to choose. They were amazed by the talented people who created displays.

There were 25 displays. Some were individuals who developed the displays while others were done by groups and even included multiple sites. The judges were from Grandpa’s Farm Campground in Richmond, Indiana who were also the sponsors of the contest. The sponsors provided 4 $25 prizes. The Prettiest received by Karen Snodgrass from Ohio, Most Unique received by Beth Muschinski from Mississippi, Most Colorful received by Vern & Pam Failor from Kansas, and the Most Creative received by Janet Enseleit of New York. Two received honorable mention were Barb Davelis from Illinois and Kathy & Dave Hartwig from Michigan. Thanks again to our sponsor Grandpa’s Farm Campground!


Conservation & Camping Is Poster Contest
By Dora Lewis, Vice President of Programs

Conservation Poster Contest gives all members of F.C.R.V. the opportunity to share their talents, by sharing ways we can help conserve our planet for the next generation. All work is done on a  22X28 poster. Each poster must pertain to some phase of Conservation. Posters are judged on Adherence to National Conservation Board, Originality, Neatness, and Adherence to or development of the theme. Age of categories up-5, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14,15-19 20-up.  One winner in each age level from each State/Province can enter in the National Contest at Campvention.


Conservation Adult:
1st place Marilyn Rausch, Indiana
2nd place Jonne John, New York
3rd place Kathy Hartwig, Michigan
Honorable Mention David Batista, Connecticut 

Conservation 11-12 years:
1st place Otto Mcintosh, Michigan

Camping Is Poster Contest is a poster contest that gives the youth of F.C.R.V. an opportunity to show what camping means to them. Posters must be done on a standard 22×28  poster board. Posters can be done by coloring, drawing, lettering, all entries should be the youths own work, ages are 5-12. Youths under 5 years may participate in a coloring contest with an official color page.

Posters are done at the State/Province level, only one winner in each age level can enter the National level contest held at Campvention.


Camping Is 0-4 years:
1st place Ellinor Smith, Kansas

Camping Is 5-6 years:
1st place Jordon Longberry, Indiana
2nd place Layla Domanski, New York
3rd place Dayna Kendle, Colorado

Camping Is 7-8 years:
1st place Teagan Melsrah, Connecticut
2nd place Conner Smith, Kansas
3rd place Jocelyn Jefferio, Pennsylvania

Camping Is 9-10 years:
1st place Kennedy Longberry, Indiana

Camping Is 11-12 years:
1st place Otto Mcintosh, Michigan

By Misty Stuckwisch, Crafts Chair

Crafts were well received this year. I had 45 signed up for one session and 46 for the other. Everyone seemed pleased with the options I had, and the day/time appeared to work well. Assisting me were Gaye Bex & my mom, Sherry Nolan. I was very thankful for the extra hands! Many compliments were received about the crafts, and someone even suggested we do the Christmas ornament every year to have a collection showing each Campvention on their tree! A big “Thank You” to everyone that participated in my crafts! I look forward to teaching you all again.

Betty Andrews brought an additional craft of painting rocks. Betty taught them how to paint a rose using commas. Some left their rocks around the grounds to be found.


Family Fun Day Recap
By Gerald Pfirsch, FCRV  International President

Family Fun Day was a success again this year. The Trustees had 9 different games set up at Campvention for everyone’s enjoyment. There were turtle races, bucket ball, Kubb, and sack races, just to name a few games and challenges. People appeared to enjoy the games at their own leisure. Members were encouraged to take a try at the game and just have fun. The Teens again had hamburgers and hot dogs for lunch sales. Always delicious and well supported. It was a fun-filled afternoon, and I hope everyone enjoyed the day.



Tram Drivers
By Jana & Michael Tharp, Tram Chairs

We would like to thank all the many people that signed up and helped drive the trams. Without you, it would not have been possible!! Thanks again; see you in ‘24.

Golf Results
By Jim Turner, Golf Chair

Low score wins

Team Score: 74
John Waite ONT
Lew Acre ONT
George Reynolds NC
Terry Swanburg ONT
Team Score: 76
Craig Weber FL
Rudy Sandau ONT
Nyhl Austin NY
Scott Serbousek IL
Team Score: 78
Robert Snodgrass OH
Tim Rosenberger ONT
David Skillings ONT
Jack Smye ONT
Team Score: 80
Lynn Pothier ONT
Dave Pothier ONT
Dave Hennie OH
Team Score: 80
Darris Douma NJ
Dave Panko MT
Jim Turner FL


Long drive:
Men: Robert Snodgrass OH
Ladies: Lynn Pothier ONT
Closes to the pin
Men: John Waite ONT
Ladies: Lynn Pothier ONT

Locator Board
By Donna Powell, Team Leader

Larry Roop was our locator board person this year. Larry said he had 200 names on the board. He enjoyed helping people connect with people at Campvention, thanks to Marilyn Rausch’s map. He also was our information person. The information booth had a variety of questions concerning location of events and the times that they were to be held. He helped with questions about locations in Richmond; such as the Chocolate Trail, the Cardinal Green Way Trail and local restaurants. Larry stated it was a great place to meet old friends and make new ones.


Parade and Any Hat Luncheon
By Rhonda O’Neal

FCRV Parade: chaired by Carl and Sue Fromholzer with about 11 entries which included floats, walkers and golf carts.

National Award – A tie between the Youth and Teens.

State/Province – Connecticut.

Chapter – New York Blue Birds

Individual – Mike and Marilyn Rausch

Trustee Award – Ontario

All Hat Luncheon: chaired by Deborah Swanson. 150 people joined each other with their hats, some funny, unusual and questionable (?), for lunch with the Teens serving.


The Reason I Built This Stage
By Ray and Jane Thornton (Michigan)

When I built this stage, you would laugh at the original drafts and how many I did.

I originally was only going to build just a 4-prong trellis, but I later thought I could represent our organization in a much better way.

I toyed with building one with square bases, but I didn’t want people to think we were squares.

Instead, I wanted to show how I feel about FCRV on this stage.

The flowers starting at the base and going up represent where we started. The lights are the people that hold our organization together. The top looks like white clouds with sunshine peeking through to show that FCRV is headed for a brighter tomorrow.

I put my heart and soul into this stage because I love this organization and all of you so much.


By Ray Suennen, Seminars Chair

A wide range of seminars were provided for the varying interests of our Campvention attendees. There were 23 seminars on the schedule, and additional seminars were provided by the vendors at their booths.

RVing seminars included: Troubleshooting Tips For RVers, Helpful Tips & Ideas for RVers, Multi-Carrier Internet For RVers, and Group Travalongs to Attractions & Events. Health and safety seminars included: Emergency Medical Transportation Insurance Coverage, Personal Safety Awareness, Drug Awareness, Active Shooter Response, Stop the Bleeding, and Solar Eclipse & Eye Protection. Other activity seminars included: Geocaching Treasure Hunting, Lawn Care 101, Garden & Lawn Care, Square Dancing Demonstration, and three Line Dancing Lessons.

The outdoor seminars included: 1) The Centerville Fire/Rescue Department provided live hands-on Fire Extinguisher Training and extinguishing a burning hay bale with a fire hose, and 2) Cast Iron Dutch Oven Demonstration making a Pineapple Upside-Down cake and using three stacked Dutch ovens to bake a meatloaf, potatoes, and beans.

An additional unscheduled event was the Centerville Fire/Rescue Department doing a noise parade on Wednesday evening at 10 PM.


By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs

There was a very competitive Softball game this year at the Richmond Campvention. Team Awesome placed 1st with a score of 16-15. Since there was a good turnout of adults playing, we mixed the teams instead of doing the annual teens against adults. We went with the 5-run rule per inning. First Aid was present for our game, but not needed this year. I know 1 person that did pull a hamstring (his leg bruised the next day). Ed Shaneyfelt also batted for both teams (he had some of the youth kids that were present run for him)!

Team Awesome consisted of: Jerry Haines, Colton Hicks, David Supal, Chris Dodds, Triston Dodds, Denny Dodds, Teri Chapman, Beth Lewis, Brianna Coniglio, Gabriel Batista, Otto McIntosh, Jackson Paddack.

Second place Flamingos consisted of: Robert Hicks, Zac Chearhart, Scott Semper, Cassie Coniglio, Jeff Robinson, Lyla Paddack, Dusty McFarland, Donuel Gonzalez, Macey Stuckwisch, Ron Lewis, Jadon Paddack, Parker Hicks, Ryker Hicks and Jace Logan.


TP Insurance
By Kathy Howell

Wow is all I can say for the participation for the TP Teen tickets and Raffle!! This group is amazing. We had 12 teens participate in selling the raffle tickets. They sold over 4800 tickets!! After expenses and money for next year’s raffle prizes, the teens raised over $1200 to go toward next year’s activities. Each teen that sold tickets received a cash prize.

Our teens:

  • Colton Hicks, Michigan sold 1300 tickets, prize $150
  • Tavin Barlog, Indiana sold 1100 tickets, prize $100
  • Grace Carey, Michigan sold 600 tickets, prize $75
  • Alexis Simpson, Connecticut sold 382 tickets, prize $30
  • Ian Burns, New York sold 300 tickets, prize $30
  • Kaitlyn Musselwhite, Missouri sold 300 tickets, prize $30
  • Gabriel Batista, Connecticut sold 200 tickets, prize $20
  • Christina Mitchell, Maryland sold 200 tickets, prize $20
  • Jayden Paddack, Indiana sold 155 tickets, prize $20
  • Brady Pothier, Ontario sold 146 tickets, prize $20
  • Ashlynn Cady, Illinois sold 140 tickets, prize $20
  • Donuel Gonzales, Connecticut sold 100 tickets, $20

We brought 105 prizes to Campvention and received 60 donations of prizes once we arrived. After all the prizes were raffled, all the tickets from all the buckets were placed in a large container and tumbled. Think about how many tickets that would be, 4800 times 26—124,800!!!! That is a lot of tickets!! Five small children were asked to draw a winning ticket, and five $100 cash prizes were awarded.

We also had a few “insurance claims” from campers that were TP’d. Clean-up took place, and good fun was had by all.


By Ed & Angie Shaneyfelt, Teen Sports Chairs

We had a few teens show up for volleyball. Those in attendance in pic: front: Jayden Paddack, Cassie Coniglio, Christina Mitchell. Back: Alexis Simpson, Colton Hicks, Grace Carey, Macey Stuckwisch and Tabin Barlog. Not pictured who also attended are Davuel Gonzalez & Gabriel Batista. Also playing along the teens (since they were a few players short) included: Lyla Paddack, Dustin McFarland, Scott Semper and Angie Shaneyfelt. Fun times were had by all in attendance!


FCRV International Band
By Craig Weber, Director

The 2023 FCRV International Band had twelve volunteers this year.  After only five one-hours of practice, we were able to present about an hour-long concert on Wednesday night, featuring “The Washington Post March”, “The Marches of the Armed Forces”, “Excerpts from West Side Story” and an audience participation number such as “We Will Rock You”, “Hey Jude” and “Sweet Caroline”.  Thank you to all Band Members and especially Horst (who we count as our International Member) for your time and dedication. Anybody thinking about joining the FCRV International Band for next year, watch for articles on-line and in Camping Today starting in January.


Youth Recap
By Deena Felver, Youth Chair

We started out the week on Sunday with the kids starting to paint their boxes for the drive-in movie. They had a blast with the paint and had a lot of different cars made up. They finished them up on Monday morning with either finishing painting them or putting stickers on them. We had a variety of different types of cars. 

After Family Fun Day we had our Cinco De Mayo day where we played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and got to burst pinatas. We divided the kids up into 2 groups for these games. After we got those activities done, we let the kids sit down and paint 3 cookies a piece that Pat Cohee had made. Then they took the cookies home to eat or share with their families. But I think that they ate them instead of sharing them.

On Tuesday we had a fun day with making a craft of a ship in the morning and passing out pirate bandannas for them to wear when we had our water day with the YARs Chapter. In the afternoon the YARs came and set up their activities for the youth which consisted of walking the plank and walking with a peg leg. And then they finally got to go on a treasure hunt and find their prize which was a treasure chest filled with goodies. Lastly they got to play in the splash pad and sprinkler that was set up for the water day.

On Wednesday we decorated their HALLOWEEN bags that they used that night when we trick or treated the campers. They finished their bags. Some of the kids made paper airplanes and had a contest to see whose plane would fly the farthest while others made a hand-print campfire. Before the evening program, the youth got to trick or treat by walking around the building to get their candy or treats that the adults brought. When we finished walking around, we walked down to the ice cream place. Everyone got some ice cream.

Thursday was our 911/Veterans Day. We made flag picture frames and snow globes. When the youth finished their projects, they played with the other activities in the youth center that were set up. In the afternoon the youth got to get their box cars out and watch the drive-in movie of Mario Brothers. Some of them got so relaxed they fell asleep in their cars while others watched the whole movie. Friday was the parade where the float was the youth watching the movie in some of their cars and some walked with their cars on them. The float had something on it representing what the theme was every day of the week. We tied with the teens on the float! I would like to thank Pat Cohee, for all of her help and all the other volunteers who helped in the youth center.


Entertainment 2023 Recap
By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

This year we tried to get a variety of music and entertainment so that everyone could experience something new or beloved to them. We hope everyone had a great time.

On Monday night we kicked it off with the Michelle Robinson Band who played mostly country and a fun bluegrass rendition of some Lady Gaga. We enjoyed listening to guitar player Brian Gilliam whose Uncle Larry and Aunt Sandy are Colorado FCRV members. Several dancers kept dancing through the show, and the band hung out after to get some ice cream and meet/greet their new fans, young and old.

On Tuesday night we invited Matt Waters and The Recipe to the stage. They played original rock/soul/blues and kept us entertained with many instrumental solos including a trombone, sax, and flute. They even had an excellent cover of ‘Don’t Let Me Down’ by The Beatles.

On Thursday night we held the event we had all been waiting for. The Dancing Through the Decades event was a big hit. We walked the red carpet in our costumes and fancy outfits then danced the night away to Stays In Vegas band who played dance music from the 60’s to today. There was a dance-off to choose the winner of the best dressed costumes where everyone showed us their stuff to Uptown Funk. The winners of the contest (chosen by the band) were Melissa Barnes with the best single outfit, Mike & Marilyn Rausch with the best couple outfit, and best group went to Cassie Coniglio, Ally Coniglio, Bri Coniglio, Scott Semper, Jeff Robinson, Becca Coniglio, and Beth Coniglio who represented every decade.

We closed out the week with a catered dinner from C&W Bar-B-Q. We had pulled pork and chicken, green beans, coleslaw, mac-n-cheese and hash brown casserole. Following dinner, we welcomed comedian Scott Long who entertained us for a little over an hour as he “got to know” some of our FCRV members and had us laughing out loud to end the week. We sold leftover pork from dinner to members and raised $115 that was donated to a local food bank (thanks ,Geoff & Marcie, for dropping it off).


2023 Campvention Schedule & Program Guide

For a more complete description, see your Program Guide here: Downloadable PDF

July 7
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM Parking Gate
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Registration A
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM Golf Cart Pick Up F
July 8
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM Parking Gate
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Golf Cart Pick Up F
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central Registration A
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Registration A
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM Golf Cart Pick Up F
July 9
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Executive Board Meeting B
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM Parking Gate
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Campvention Office Open B
9:00 AM – 12:00 AM Adult & Family Center Open A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Drive-In Car Construction C
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Teen Float Step 1 Building C
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM Central Registration A
12:00 PM – 5:00 PM Commercial Sales Open B
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM State Teen Director Meeting C
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM Flag Practice for Opening Ceremonies A
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Church Service & Memorial Service A
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Opening Ceremonies A
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM Campvention Teen and Guardian Meeting C
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM Hospitality: Hosted by Great Lakes Region A
9:00 PM – 12:00 AM Teen Center: Welcome to the Rose Garden C
Daily Mon – Fri
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Daily Devotional H (Inclement weather: B)
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM CAMP Walk Meet at D
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Campvention Office Open *See schedule change on Friday* B
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Commercial Sales Open B
9:00 AM – 12:00 AM Adult & Family Center Open A
July 10
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM FCRV International Band Practice G
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM Parking Gate
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM First-Timers Meeting A
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Seminar: The Active Shooter B
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Youth: Drive-In Car Construction C
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Teen: Float Step 1 Building C
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Adult Games: Ladder Golf D
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Parade Meeting H (Inclement weather: B)
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Balloon Volleyball – Bring Your Flyswatter A
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Family Fun Day Set Up Bocce Field
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central Registration A
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Family Fun Day Bocce Field
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Fundraiser Lunch served by the Teens Bocce Field
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Seminar: Lawn Care 101 B
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Seminar: Cooking with Pampered Chef @ Booth B
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM Seminar: Line Dancing – Beginners A
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Seminar: The Hope Trailer – Drug Awareness B
3:15 PM – 4:15 PM Seminar: Line Dancing – Intermediate A
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Youth: Cinco de Mayo & Cookie Decorating C
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM Seminar: Solar Eclipse & Eye Protection B
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM FCRV International Band Practice G
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Adult Craft: Broken China Necklace (Cost $5) A
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Michelle Robinson Band A
8:30 PM – 9:00 PM Hospitality: Hosted by the FFCC Chapter A
8:00 PM – 12:00 AM Teen Center: Glow Party C
July 11
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM FCRV International Band Practice G
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Teen Breakfast C
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Seminar: Brings You Home-Preregister by Monday @ Noon B
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Teen Hike the Whitewater Gorge Trail Meet at C
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Adult Games: Horseshoes D
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Youth Craft C
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Seminar: Personal Safety in Today’s Environment B
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Adult Craft – Christmas Ornament (Cost: $5) A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Conservation Meeting H (Inclement weather: B)
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Seminar: Alaska Guided RV Tours B
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Any Hat Luncheon A
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Seminar: Useful Tips & Ideas for RVers & Homeowners B
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Bingo – $1.00 per card, maximum two cards A
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Seminar: Let’s Talk RVing B
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM State/Provincial/Field Directors Meeting B
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM Youth: Water Day C
3:00 PM – 6:00 PM Teen Offsite Activity: Roller Skating Meet at C
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM FCRV International Band Practice G
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Matt Waters & The Recipe A
7:00 PM – 12:00 AM Teen Center: Southeast Beach Party C
9:00 PM – 9:30 PM Golf Meeting (following evening program) A
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM Hospitality: Hosted by Michigan A
July 12
Time Event Location
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM FCRV International Band Practice G
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Hospitality: Hosted by the Trustees A
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Seminar: Multi-carrier Internet for Your RV B
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Adult Games: Washer Toss D
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Youth Activity: Halloween C
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Golf Outing – Shotgun Start (Must be pre-registered) Meet at A
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM TP Insurance Set Up A
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Teen Volleyball Bocce Field
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Seminar: Plants, Weeds & Diseases in Lawns & Gardens B
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Site Decoration Judging Campsites
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Seminar: Geocaching B
1:00 PM – 3:30 PM Teen vs Adult Softball Game Bocce Field
1:00 PM – 4:00 PM TP Insurance Drawing Preview A
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM Card Bingo – Free for All Ages A
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Seminar: Line Dance Lesson – Beginners & Intermediate A
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Seminar: Cooking with Pampered Chef @ Booth B
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Hospitality: Hosted by Indiana A
3:15 PM – 4:30 PM Euchre Tournament A
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Seminar: Fire & Carbon Detector Safety Demonstration I
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM FCRV International Band Practice A
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM Youth Trick or Treating A
5:30 PM – 6:00 PM Teen Can Drive (with Youth Trick or Treating) A
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM FCRV International Band Performance A
7:00 PM – 7:30 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
7:30 PM – 10:30 PM TP Insurance Prize Drawing A
9:30 PM – 10:30 PM Hospitality: Hosted by the Ohio Stars A
10:00 PM – 12:00 AM Teen Center: Day of the Dead C
July 13
Time Event Location
9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Youth Activity: Patriotic Day C
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Adult Games: Bocce Ball Bocce Field
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Teen Games: Bocce Ball Bocce Field
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM Early Entrance to Marketplace for Handicapped A
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Marketplace (Fundraisers and Crafts sold by FCRV Members) A
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Seminar: Canada’s Eastern Atlantic Provinces B
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Texas Holdem – No Cost – For Beginners and Pros A
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Seminar: Stop the Bleeding by Reid Health B
12:30 AM – 1:30 PM Rose Paws Pet Parade sponsored by Waggle H (Inclement weather: B)
1:00 AM – 2:00 PM Seminar: Bucket List RV Rallies B
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM Youth & Teen Drive-In Movie C
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM Adult Bowling @ Richmond 40 Bowl – Must have pre-registered Meet at A
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Seminar: Square Dance Demonstration A
3:00 PM – 3:30 PM Scholarship Meeting H (Inclement weather: B)
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM Wildlife Meeting H (Inclement weather: B)
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM General Membership Meeting A
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Teen: Final Float Assembly E
6:00 PM – 6:30 PM Walk the Red Carpet A
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Stays in Vegas – Dancing Through the Decades Family Dance A
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM Hospitality: Hosted by the Northeast Region A
July 14
Time Event Location
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Parade Judging E
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Campvention Office Open B
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Golf Cart Drop Off F
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Parade On Grounds
11:00 AM – 4:30 PM Campvention Office Open B
12:00 PM – 4:00 PM Teen Offsite Activity & Lunch Offsite
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM First Timers Follow Up Meeting A
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Adult Games: Cornhole D
2:15 PM – 3:45 PM Cast Iron Dutch Oven Cooking E1 (Bring Your Chair)
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Bean Bag Baseball D
5:00 PM – 5:30 PM Announcements & Back to Our Roots Program A
5:30 PM – 8:15 PM Catered BBQ / Comedian Scott Long A (Bring Own Beverage)
8:30 PM – 9:30 PM Closing Ceremonies A
8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Teen Center: On Our Way Northeast to New York C

Campvention 2023 – June Update

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

Well, the time has come…….and gone!  What time?  Why the time for Campvention registration, of course.  The deadline is past, BUT you can still join us in Richmond, IN for a great time.  Registration at the gate is always available, and with over 900 campsites, we are sure to find room for you and a few of your closest camping friends. 

I must say that it has been an interesting experience being your Registration Chair.  I have talked via phone and/or email to a LOT of people, and everyone is excited to be camping together in just a few short weeks.  It has been exciting for me to see the list of campers grow and grow each month.  I would love to get to meet each and every one of you in July!

I hope I have been able to answer all your questions satisfactorily and helped find the information if I didn’t have a ready answer.  It has been challenging in some cases!

I have enjoyed writing these little articles each month, and I will miss that.  I hope they weren’t boring.  I did try to include some (sometimes useless) information on a variety of subjects while attempting to tie them all into the registration process.  I do tend to ramble, sometimes. 

So, all that said, I am looking forward to Richmond, IN and the FCRV 2023 Campvention ,and I hope y’all are, too.  It promises to be entertaining and fun-filled.

See y’all in a few short weeks!



Great Lakes Rose Parade

By Sue & Carl Fromholzer, Parade Chairs

Campvention 2023’s parade theme is the “Great Lakes Rose Parade”.  We are hoping for a large showing at our national Campvention parade.  We are planning on a walking and riding parade so start planning your entry . We encourage all state, province,  teen, youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals to participate.  More information will follow in upcoming issues of Camping Today.  Check the schedule for the parade meeting to be held at the beginning of the week.

Golfers, Tee It Up at Campvention 2023

By Barb Turner

July 12, Wednesday, 9 AM

To register for the Campvention 2023 golf outing, email Jim Turner at [email protected].  Jim will be compiling a list of golfers to determine the needed tee times for the group.  In addition, a sign-up sheet will be in Central Registration, but pre-registering helps with planning.  Bring your golf clubs to Richmond, Indiana in July!

Campvention’s Coming Up Roses – Site Decorating Contest

By Shari Weber

There is only a little over a month until we will be together in Richmond Indiana for Campvention. Are you ready to make ‘Campvention Come Up Roses’? Don’t forget to include your decorating supplies. Individuals, a family, a group of families, or a chapter can decorate. The displays can be made of any material you wish to use to depict the theme. Come to Campvention ready to WOW everyone with your amazing decorating theme.

Displays will be registered at central registration indicating the site number where the display will be set up and who the creators and decorators are. The decorations can be put up at any time. They must be ready by noon Wednesday, July12. Judges will come around Wednesday afternoon to judge the displays. The prize categories are, Most Colorful, Most Creative, Prettiest, and Most Unique. One winner will be selected in each of those categories.

Grandpa’s Farm Campground & RV Park in Richmond Indiana is our sponsor supplying us with the funds to provide you with 4 cash prizes of $25 each.. Please be sure to stop and stay or just to say, “Thank you”.

Get those creative juices flowing and bring some roses to Campvention in a few short weeks!



Waggle Rose Paws Parade

By Karen Decker, Pet Parade Chair

We are very fortunate to have a sponsor for our pet parade this year. Thank you, Waggle Pet Monitoring Systems, for sponsoring our Waggle Rose Paws Parade!  The Waggle smart device monitors your pet’s ambient temperature and sends you alerts in real time.  Waggle constantly monitors the temperature & humidity in your vehicle and alerts you via text/email in real-time, so that you never have to worry about your pet’s wellbeing.  Check out Waggle on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHAUZHTs0sA.

On to our pet parade…….Who has pets? You do! Our pet parade this year is ‘Waggle Rose Paws Pet Parade’! It will be on Thursday, July 13th, 1-2pm at the outdoor Seminar Pavilion! When going through registration, I will have a sign-up sheet for those who want to enter their pet(s). What pets can be in the parade?  Your pet! If you want to enter them, please register them! The categories are as follows: Dogs: owner/pet look alike; best trick, best behaved, most adorable, Best-in-Show. Cats: Best-in-Show; other pets will also be judged. The winners will receive a certificate and prizes. All participants will receive a participation certificate and goodies! Come and watch our pets in the ‘Waggle Rose Paws Pet Parade’!  It is always lots of fun!


The Any Hat Luncheon

By Deb Swanson, Luncheon Chair

Ladies and Gentlemen, you are cordially invited to the Any Hat Luncheon. You will be welcomed by our teens who will also be your servers. On the menu: meatball hero, Italian pasta salad, desserts, and drinks. Be sure to participate in our hat fashion show. There will be prizes for the prettiest, the funniest, and the most outrageous. The cost is a mere $10, cheaper than a meal at McDonald’s. Looking forward to seeing you there.  There will also be vegetarian and gluten free options available. Please contact the luncheon chairman, Deb Swanson, at [email protected] if you need one of these options.



Campvention 2023 Awaits YOU! – Put YourFace Here….

By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

Campvention 2023 awaits YOU!  The 63rd Family Campers & RVers International Campvention will be held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds & Expo Center, 861 Salisbury Road, Richmond, Indiana.  The theme is ‘A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS FCRV’.

Thanks to Marilyn Rausch, Indiana, YOU can place YOUR FACE in one or all of the photo boards she created. Share your photos with family & friends!  What a perfect way to remember the fun and fellowship that you had in Richmond, Indiana in July! 



A Marketplace of Fun

By Marci McIntosh (not the chairman, just a passionate participant)

Have you visited the FCRV Marketplace at a Campvention?  It only happens for a few hours each year mainly because the participants aren’t necessarily businesses.  They are your fellow FCRV members and chapters.  It can be almost anyone in our group, and the wares range from cozy blankets to tabletop firepits, bags to camper games, from potholders to jewelry.  Last year, there was even honey from the hives of some of our busy beekeepers!  It’s a great place to visit and an even better place to sell! 

So, stop by if you’re at Campvention on Thursday and bring some cash.  There’s sure to be something you like.

And, if you have a ware to sell, get your registration in now!  We love to have a bustling Marketplace, and we can’t do it without members and chapters joining in!

FCRV Scholarship Board Meeting

By Deb Swanson, Scholarship Program Director

There will be a meeting of the Scholarship Board at Campvention. If you are a parent of a student attending college soon, or a grandparent of students in 10th or 11th grade, please join us at this meeting regarding important information for National Scholarship grants. Please see the program for the time and location.

Campvention Is Almost Here!!  Checklists.

By Marilyn Rausch & Barb Turner

Even though you have missed the registration deadline, you are still welcome to come. You can pay by cash or check at the gate. There will be lots to do.  If you prefer just to come and visit with old friends and make new ones, that is fine, also! We want to see you in Richmond, IN in July!


  • Come prepared for anything you wish to participate in!
  • Site Decorating Contest – bring your ‘stuff’ to decorate your site!
  • Wildlife Photo Contest – print your best wildlife photo!
  • Youth Coloring page/Poster contest – be creative!
  • Dress for your decade for the ‘Dancing Through the Decades’ dance!
  • TeePee Insurance/Auction (bring money)
  • Crazy Hat fashion show at All Hat dinner – prepare your ‘crazy hat’!
  • Pet Parade – bring a costume for your pet!
  • End-of-Campvention Parade (walking/riding) entry – bring your attire, decorations!


  • Bring items that you would like to give.
  • Pop Tabs for Ronald McDonald House
  • Plastic lids for benches.
  • Children’s Blankets/Quilts to provide comfort to children in need.
  • Gift Basket Giveaway – states & provinces have been asked to bring gift baskets.
  • Door Prizes – bring items that you would like to receive if your name was drawn!
  • Non-Perishable food for Teen Trick-or-Treating
  • Candy for Youth Trick-or-Treating.
  • $20.00 item for Wildlife auction – benefits wildlife grants
  • Food Bank – non-perishable foods and/or money


  • Bowling
  • Golfers – bring your clubs


  • Balloon Volleyball – bring a fly swatter
  • Line Dancing – all levels; classes will be given
  • Euchre Tournament


  • Fancy Hat – the more outrageous the better, but any hat will do!
  • Float Rose Petal – if you have pre-made one; if not, we’ll work on them throughout the week!
  • Disc Golf disc – if you have discs for disc golf, bring them along!
  • Roller Skates – if you have your own; otherwise, we can rent them!
  • Clothes to get wet in!
  • Clothes to get dirty in!
  • Clothes to play sports in!
  • Shoes to hike in!
  • Clothes from your favorite decade to dress up in
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen


  • Halloween costume & candy
  • Bring swimsuit/water attire
  • Photo of a veteran who is important to you. 

ADULT SPORTS: Sign up at Central Registration

  • Ladder Golf
  • Washer Toss
  • Horseshoes
  • Bocce Ball
  • Corn Hole – bring extra boards if you have them!

FAMILY FUN DAY – Food & Carnival Games

SEMINARS – Check program book for offerings, location, times


  • Bring your instruments!


  • Commercial Area
  • Food Trucks
  • Ice Cream Truck
  • Wick’s Pies
  • Marketplace (Members Crafts)
  • Wildlife Merchandise raffle, 60/40 cash raffle, silent
  • TeePee Insurance
  • Adult Crafts ($5.00/craft)
  • All Hat Dinner ($10.00/person)
  • Honey Wagon ($35/dump. Sign up at Central Registration
  • Bingo at the Adult & Family Activities ($1.00/card/


By Marci McIntosh, Teen Center Chair

TEENS: Bring Along Items

Use this as a Checklist!

  • Fancy Hat (the more outrageous the better, but any hat will do)
  • Float Rose Petal (if you have pre-made one, if not we’ll work on them throughout the week)
  • Disc Golf disc (if you have discs for disc golf, bring them along)
  • Roller Skates (if you have your own; otherwise, we can rent them)
  • Clothes to get wet in
  • Clothes to get dirty in
  • Clothes to play sports in
  • Shoes to hike in
  • Clothes from your favorite decade to dress up in
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen

TEENS & Guardians: We have a meeting on Sunday evening from 8:00-9:00 pm.  We will issue your teen cards and provide your schedule for the week at this meeting.  It is important that you and your guardian attend.  Please and Thank You!

Campvention Entertainment Highlights

By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

We hope you will join us each night for some music, dancing, and more at Campvention 2023. Previous issues of the Camping Today have provided details on each of the entertainers, but here is a final summary:

  • Monday – Michelle Robinson Band, Country
  • Tuesday – Matt Waters & The Recipe, Rock/Soul/Funk
  • Wednesday – FCRV Band (bring your instrument and come play with us!)
  • Thursday – Stays in Vegas, Dancing Through the Decades Dance (come dressed up if you like, there will be prizes)
  • Friday – Scott Long, Comedian and FREE Catered dinner



Plan Your Campvention Trip

By Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

As you plan your Campvention trip, make Google ‘your friend’ going to, while at, or leaving Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana in July.  There are so many interesting and often unique places to visit and things to see.  Richmond sites have been previously shared.  Since Richmond sits on the Ohio line, reach out to the Garst Museum (Annie Oakley & Lowell Thomas) in Greenville, Ohio.  Dayton, Ohio offers the National Museum of the Air Force Museum, Carillon Historical Park, Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park, America’s Packard Museum, and Sunwatch Indian Village.  Near our summer site in Fletcher, Ohio, visit Johnston Farm & Indian Agency (ride a canal boat on a section of the old Miami & Erie Canal); Troy, Ohio for the WACO Air Museum (take a ride in a bi-plane) and maybe to New Bremen, Ohio to the Bicycle Museum and another section of the old Miami & Erie Canal with the Lockmaster house.  Cincinnati awaits your exploration.  The Queen City offers the Cincinnati Zoo, National Underground Railroad Freedom Museum, American Sign Museum, Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal, and Great American Ballpark for your exploration. .

Besides enjoying Campvention 2023, there are so many places to visit and enjoy!  See you in Richmond, Indiana in July!  Safe travels!

Campvention Bowling Event

By Craig Weber

IT’S NOT TOO LATE. I know that the deadline of June 1st has passed, but you still have a chance to sign up and pay for bowling at Campvention. If you forgot or just put it off, it’s not too late. Arrangements have been made with Richmond 40 Bowl to add lanes up until June 30th. As of this date we have 60 bowlers signed up and paid. Please use the form at https://fcrv.org/campvention-bowling/ and follow the instructions on how to pay. Bowling is on Thursday July 13th from 2:00 until 4:00 and includes 6 people per lane, shoes, one 14′ pizza and a pitcher of pop and all the bowling you can do for 2 hours. Cost is $12.50 per person payable in advance. Hope to see you all in Richmond.



The Trade Item Tradition

By Marci McIntosh

Geoff and I grew up in this organization.  From our youth in the 80s and our teens in the 90s, one of our favorite things was the tradition of Trade Items.  If you’re new or missed this trend, it wasn’t sanctioned by FCRV, so you won’t necessarily find it in the Field Manual, but it was so much fun to do.  When meeting new people at Campvention (most often in the Hospitality lines) you would ask if they had something to trade.  And then watch the smile spread on their face as they reached into their pocket and pulled out…. (Insert mystery item here).  You never know what a trade item would be!  It could be a button or a pin, a keychain, or a kazoo.  The best one I ever received was a pin with hand-painted Rocky Mountains on the front.  They could be handmade or purchased.  They could be state/province, city, region-related, or something special to the person trading.  But almost always had a way to somehow have the name, state/province, and sometimes, the year on them. 

Geoff and I will have trade items this year, so be sure to see us if you bring something to trade!

Campvention First Timers

By Donna Powell, First Timers Chair

Are you attending the FCRV National Campvention for the FIRST time? Great, my committee and I are getting ready to help you enjoy this Campvention!  We will see you at registration after you have checked in, been taken to your site, and set up! We hope you are ready to enjoy yourself, the activities, meeting new friends and having more fun than you ever thought you would.

When going through registration, you will be welcomed along the line. First Timers will have a sign-in spot along the way. Oh, did I mention that you will receive a name tag and First Timer ribbon? The ribbon lets everyone know that you are here for your first time; we want to make it a great adventure for you and those with you. Guess what – that ribbon also signals everyone to welcome you, maybe a hug, a fist pump, even an elbow tap.

We are here to help you. We will have 2 meetings during the week. Both meetings will be in the Expo building, back left-hand corner of the building in the Seminar area. First meeting will be Monday, July 10th at 9-10am; we will be passing out a survey.  Please take time during your week to fill out. We want and need your feedback. I will give you some helpful information for the week; several of our National Board will be on hand to welcome and explain Campvention to you as well. The second meeting, Friday, July 14th at 1:30pm,  will be a follow-up meeting, remember your surveys, or have someone bring it to this meeting.

Welcome, come to have lots of fun, not too much confusion and enjoy!



Campvention Hospitality

By Denise Weiss, Hospitality Chair

Hello from sunny Richmond, Indiana. We still have a lot of open spots for hospitalities. Let us show the First Timers what we are all about.  We all remember the motto “Where Strangers Become Friends and Friends Become Family.”   No truer words were ever spoken. I can tell you that when I originally joined NCHA while living in Colorado, before it became FCRV back in the Jewell Shields and Denny Campbell days, I was greeted at a hospitality by a bunch of people who welcomed us with open arms. Little did I know that those strangers would soon become our family.  These people that I met so many years ago are still in contact with us, and we talk to them on a regular basis even though our paths have spread us all across the United States.  Our kids are still friends and share in each other’s life events.  After several life changes and a move to Indiana, my husband and I bought a trailer.  I told my husband about my experience with FCRV, and we looked up FCRV in Indiana. GUESS WHAT???? They did not disappoint! They too welcomed us with open arms, and we consider them our family as well. We even spent Thanksgiving with some of them. (FYI, Brad and Stacy Davis are excellent cooks!) So please don’t hesitate when thinking about hosting a hospitality. It does not have to be a big production, just a couple of you who want to make a difference, as they are pretty easy to do.  You never know, you may just be surprised at the friendships and family that come together that you never knew you had.

Campvention 2023 – May Update

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

“How did it get so late so soon?”   “Time is an illusion.”  “Time flies when you are having fun.”  “The clock is ticking.”  “Time is of the essence.”  “The sands of time…”  “A race against time.”  “Living on borrowed time.”  “Lose no time.”  “Out of time.”  “It’s high time”   “Time’s a-wastin’.”   I could go on and on, but that’s enough at this time.

What do those all suggest?  That we are just a few short weeks from the deadline for Campvention 2023 registration.  If you have already registered, be prepared to have a “whale of a good time”….“The time of your life”….“ Let the good times roll”….To have “a time of it”….“Hardly have time to breathe”…. in a good way with all the games/activities, seminars, fun/etc.  Maybe even a chance to become “A legend in your own time.” 

We cannot touch, smell or taste time, so is it real or merely an illusion?  If you know the answer to that, you are way smarter than a 5th grader! 

So, as stated above, you still have a chance to register, but all registrations MUST be postmarked no later than June 1, 2023.  Put that check in the mail today!

“Oh no,” you say, “I forgot to mail my check before June 1.  I will have to miss out on Campvention this year”  (tears flow steadily here).  No, silly, that is not true at all.  If, for some unknown reason, like being human and forgetful, you don’t send in that registration, you can drive right up to the door of the Wayne County Fairground in Richmond, IN and say (proudly), “Hi Beth!!  I need a site for Campvention but didn’t register in time.  What can I do?”

Well, Beth will answer, “Hey!  I am so glad to see you came anyway.  You are just in time!  We have sites available, and if you just fill out this information, we will get you into a place lickety split!”

Done and done!  So, send in your registration no later than June 1, 2023, but if you decide at the last minute to attend, come on up/down/over anyway! 

Bring your family.  Bring your friends.  Bring your neighbors.  Invite the people you see at the Rest Area with a camper to join you and FCRV for a fun filled week.

Time for Campvention is July 9-15, 2023 with Early Bird days July 7-8.

Don’t forget to sign up for Volunteer Opportunities while at Central Registration.  There will be plenty of areas that will need volunteers to help things run smoothly.

See y’all soon!!!

Adult and Family Activities

By Craig Weber, Adult and Family Activities Chairman, Campvention 2023

The Adult and Family Activities Committee has been working hard to come up with some exciting events for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, IN. Balloon Volleyball, BINGO, Line Dancing (for all levels), Bowling (see separate article), Euchre Tournament, and much more. The Adult sports looks strong with Ladder Golf, Washer Toss, Horseshoes, Bocce, Corn Hole, and maybe a few other surprise events. For those who Golf, Wednesday at 9:00 we will hit the links for a shotgun start thanks to Jim Turner. The Family Fun Day on Monday will bring our FCRV family together for food and carnival games. The Adult and Family Activity Center will be open every day for anyone who wants to play games, work puzzles or just sit and talk. Many different card games, board games and other type games will be available for use or bring your own. Campvention 2023 is coming together and should be a great time for children of all ages.


FCRV International Band

By Craig Weber, FCRV International Band

It’s not too late to become a member of the most exciting group at FCRV Campvention 2023. The FCRV International Band is made up of volunteers who attend Campvention and love to play music. The Band has five practice sessions that are about an hour long. We play music that is in the easy to medium range of difficulty. We then play about an hour-long concert for our FCRV friends’ enjoyment. The music has been selected and is available upon request at [email protected].  Please include your email address, instrument you play, and T-shirt size, and the music will be electronically sent to you. Yes, you read that right; T-Shirt Size, the FCRV International Band has its own special T-Shirt which will be yours to keep for playing in the band. You also get an exclusive FCRV International Band Member Badge with year tab. If you’re not ready to jump on the BandWagon, we have one more special offer. Free Pizza Party the night of our concert. So put it all together, free pizza, free T-shirt, free membership badge, meet new people, and loads of fun. This year we would like to dedicate our concert to our recently deceased friend and long-time band member George Walters. Thank you for your attention.


Save Those Pop Tabs & Plastic Caps

By Patti Thieme, Tabs/Caps Chair

Pop tabs will be collected at Campvention 2023; they will be donated to Ronald McDonald House at the Riley Children’s hospital in Indianapolis.  If you choose not to haul all your tabs to Richmond, you may take them to a recycling center between now and the Campvention and get them weighed, obtain a receipt for pounds and the dollar amount.  Then take the donated amount to your local Ronald McDonald House or similar charity.  Don’t forget to make a copy of the receipt and bring it to Campvention to turn in to myself.

Also, we collect plastic caps for benches. Indiana FCRV members have purchased a few benches in the past in memory of an FCRV member and placed the benches in those members’ hometowns or favorite campgrounds, or wherever that member wants to donate to.  The list of caps include: water bottle caps, Gatorade caps, milk jug caps, butter bowl lids, cottage cheese lids and peanut butter lids to name a few.  We will have containers for collection of these all week.  Just put that plastic cap in your pocket until you pass one of our containers!  You can also start saving now and bring with you.  Go to www.greentreeplastics.com to find a complete list. 



By Kathy Howell

What are they and what do you do with them?

Kathy Howell and family, members of the FFCC chapter, are bringing to FCRV a fun way for teens to meet and socialize with members of the camping club, learn how to count money, how to be responsible, and raise funds for their activities/charities.

Teens will be out and about selling these tickets from Sunday evening until just before preview time. Please be sure to ask them who they are, why are they selling and what can be won. Campers purchase a “card” of tickets for $1 . 

There are 26 tickets to each card.  Included is a “ticket” that says door prize, it is the same as all the other tickets. You use these tickets to win raffle prizes.  How do you submit tickets for the prize?? You break the tickets apart and put them in a bag or container. Then bring them to the preview session. Simply put your tickets in the container next to the raffle prize you want to win.

There are cash awards for the teens based on the number of tickets that they sell; every teen that sells tickets will receive a cash award.  These are given out at closing ceremonies.

Since rallies/campventions can always involve a bit of fun and shenanigans, the tickets serve as insurance to not have your rig toilet-papered by the teens. Simply display a card in your rig’s window, and you’re safe, at least from the teens.

Raffle time

Some people purchase a few tickets, some purchase a lot of tickets. You need a way to keep track of the numbers so you can claim your prize! Here is a picture of Robert, he uses a Lucky Charms box to line his tickets up, and his daughter Carol in the background is carrying her tickets lined up on a tray. Campers use a variety of items to line up and organize their tickets. Here is a picture of organizing the tickets, be sure to pack some tape to hold them still. The final drawing is for cash prizes!!

Entertainment Spotlight – Friday Night – Dinner & Comedy Night

By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

We’ll close out Campvention 2023 with a catered dinner from a local BBQ restaurant followed by comedian Scott Long. After a busy week, sit back and relax with no cooking and enjoy some laughter.

Scott considers himself “The Top Corporate Comedian in Fly-Over Country”. Scott has been seen on NBC, FOX-TV, and the Bob and Tom Show, plus written the Frank Caliendo NFL Comedy sketches for 13 seasons. He has performed for Fortune 500 companies like State Farm, John Deere and GE to rave reviews. He also performs at fundraisers and is committed to raising money and awareness for worthy causes. One major thing that makes a Scott Long performance stand-out versus other comics is about how his daughter on the autism spectrum has taught him the most in life. It’s why one reviewer described his show…

“Scott is a true class act and absolutely hilarious. His material is ahead of its time, and the manner of his presentation is humble, yet captivating.”

Tentative dinner menu will be a choice of pulled pork or pulled chicken sandwich, mac-n-cheese, green beans, and potato casserole. If you or anyone in your family are vegan or vegetarian and plan to eat, please email Jill Serbousek at [email protected] so we can get a head count and come up with an alternative meal for you.


‘Great Lakes Rose Parade’

By Sue & Carl Fromholzer, Parade Chairs

Campvention 2023’s parade theme is the “Great Lakes Rose Parade”.  We are hoping for a large showing at our national Campvention parade.  We are planning  on a walking and riding parade so start planning your entry . We encourage all state, province,  teen , youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals to participate.  More information will follow in upcoming issues of Camping Today.


Campvention 2023 Adult Game Competitions 

By Karen and Robert Snodgrass. National Adult Activities Directors

This year we will be playing our “official” games; Horseshoes, Washer Toss and Ladder Golf.  Any adult, ages 20 and up, may play.  You don’t have to be a state/provincial champion to play; the games are open competition. There will be awards for these three games presented during an evening program.

New this year will be a Bocce competition.

Corn hole will be played again this year. We need additional corn hole boards. If you have a set and are willing to let us borrow them in Richmond, Indiana, please let us know, at kssnodgrass@gmail.com.  

Sign-up sheets for all events will be in central registration.  Check your programs for day, time and location of all the games. 

See you in Richmond, Indiana!


Campvention 2023 Service Project

By Barb Turner

Quilters, knitters, crocheters, cutters, and tyers, your skills are needed to complete a new Campvention service project for Richmond, Indiana in July.  The idea: make quilts and blankets to provide comfort to children experiencing trauma. 

At this time, we are working with Birth to Five of Wayne County (https://mybirthtofive.org/) and the Richmond Fire Department.  The local hospital stopped accepting handmade quilts and blankets with the onset of Covid and hasn’t resumed at this time.

Some of you are accomplished quilters, knitters, and crocheters.  Some of you might be ‘wannabes’!  For you, cut & tie fleece to make warm comfy blankets.  Self-binding quilts made with two pieces of fabric & batting and tied with embroidery floss might be the project for those with basic sewing skills.  (That’s me!)  For help/review, there are many YouTube tutorials to help you.  Sizes: keep in mind that we’ll be servicing from birth and beyond.

We are asking you to bring completed projects to Campvention 2023 in July.  In addition, for those of you who travel with your sewing machine, a ‘sewing center’ will be set up where you can create as your time allows.

We hope that you are as excited about this project as we are.  So, let’s get to quilting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, cutting, tying……creating for kids!


Rose Paws Pet Parade

By Karen Decker, Pet Parade Chair

If you have a pet or two, maybe several, why not register for our parade?  It will be fun! It is right after Marketplace, Thursday, July 13th,1-2pm. It will be in the Seminar Pavilion (inclement weather- Commercial building).

If you want to come and just watch, please do!

First Timers

By Donna Powell, First Timers Chair

First Timers, you have never been to Campvention! Well, just register; my committee and I are getting ready to welcome you and your families! After parking your rigs, then come to Central Registration; you will find us along the line as you encounter all the areas to check out for the week. Parking crew gave you instructions to do after parking; we will welcome you in line for FIRST TIMERS! AND, after we welcome you, we will  let you know of our first meeting! Please attend! The National Board of FCRV will try to be there; my committee will be there with information to help you get started for the week! See y’all in Richmond, IN!

Golfers, Tee It Up at Campvention 2023

July 12, Wednesday, 9 AM

To register for the Campvention 2023 golf outing, email Jim Turner at [email protected].  Jim will be compiling a list of golfers to determine the needed tee times for the group.  In addition, a sign-up sheet will be in Central Registration, but pre-registering helps with planning.  Bring your golf clubs to Richmond, Indiana in July!

Campvention 2023 – April Update

A Northern Spring Peeper crawling on a skunk cabbage leaf.

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

Six hundred miles southwest of Richmond, IN, the grass is getting green, the redbuds and tulip trees are blossoming, other trees are beginning to bud out……..Ahhhhh, spring is in the air. It is 84º one day, 50º the next. Unlike many of y’all, we have had no snow this winter, yet (March is just beginning as I write this, and I may have jinxed us)… but our weather has been treacherous in other ways. There have been tornadoes in each of the winter months – a rarity; we have had oceans of rain with severe storms, and it has been cold – temps in the single digits in January!

But, the Spring Peepers have been out for a couple weeks now so things are looking up. Do you know what Spring Peepers are? They are also called Chorus Frogs. They are little tree frogs. They sound different from a “regular” frog due to their “peeping” sound. When you get a whole herd of them together, they can be quite raucous! They sing all night long. The males have a bubble under their chin that inflates when it chirps. The peeping sound is repeated about 20 times/minutes, but the faster and louder those boys sing, the more the girls like them!

Spring peepers can actually freeze and survive due to a natural antifreeze in their blood. Up to 70% of their body can freeze, the heart stops pumping and the frog appears dead. Once they thaw out and wake up, they will go through a period of self-healing and get back to peeping/singing away.

Peepers are only about 1”-1 ½” long and have a dark “X” on their back. These peepers live in moist, wooded areas (like our backyard) and will hibernate all winter in the mud, under logs or in holes in the trees. The lifespan of a spring peeper is about 3-4 years.

I am hoping this little “Peep talk” got you into the mood for spring! When this article comes out, it will be mid-April. Camping season is OPEN!!!

I am imploring you to get your registration in for Campvention 2023 NOW! Don’t wait until the last minute. Things come up, you’ll forget to send in the registration, etc., etc.


We have quite a nice crowd already signed up but remember……there are 900+ campsites so we need you to help fill them!

Happy Spring Camping season to y’all. See you in July in Richmond, IN.

Don’t forget to check out the Facebook page dedicated to the Campvention and check out the link: www.visitrichmond.org for all your touristy information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6NRrEBZlHo for peeper info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_L7Ha6uwQA

Rose Paws Pet Parade

By Karen Decker, Pet Parade Chair

The ROSE PAWS PET PARADE will be on Thursday, July 13th, 2023 from 1-2 pm. The location is at the Seminar Pavilion ( inclement weather- Commercial Building). Hope to see you there!

Golfers, Tee It Up at Campvention 2023

By Barb Turner

** July 12, Wednesday, 9 AM **

To register for the Campvention 2023 golf outing, email Jim Turner at [email protected]. Jim will be compiling a list of golfers to determine the needed tee times for the group. In addition, a sign-up sheet will be in Central Registration, but pre-registering helps with planning. Bring your golf clubs to Richmond, Indiana in July!

Site Decorating Contest

By Shari Weber

The theme for the decorating contest in Richmond is “Campvention’s Coming Up Roses. Put your thinking caps on and figure out ways to use roses to decorate your campsite. The roses used can be real, homemade, or purchased artificial. Create a design and get ready to WOW your fellow campers. The displays can be created by an individual, a family, a group of families, or a chapter. The displays can be made of any material you wish to use to depict the theme.

Displays will be registered at central registration indicating site number where the display will be set up and who the creators and decorators are. The decorations can be put up at any time. They must be ready by noon Wednesday, July12. Judges will come around Wednesday afternoon to judge the displays.

There are four prize categories as follows: Most Colorful, Most Creative, Prettiest, Most Unique. There will be one winner in each category.

Grandpa’s Farm Campground & RV Park in Richmond Indiana is our sponsor supplying us with the funds to provide you with 4 cash prizes of $25 each.. Please be sure to stop and stay or just to say “Thank you”.

Get those creative juices flowing and bring some roses to Campvention in July!


Campvention FCRV International Band Update

By Craig Weber, Conductor

Old-timers! First-timers! The FCRV International Band has a part for you!! The FCRV International Band is made up of volunteers who enjoy music and who play an instrument. The band has ranged in age from 14 – 88! All are welcome. All we ask is a few hours of your time for practice. I have designed the practices to give anyone who hasn’t played in a while a chance to get their lips and breath into playing shape. The music we play is mostly very simple, but I do throw in a challenge once in a while. I will also be making the music available about the first of May for those who would like extra practice time. The band will practice for a total of five hours and play about a 45-minute concert at Campvention. It is a great help in planning music if I know ahead of time how many players I have and what instruments will be playing. You can imagine how things can be very different from year to year. Band members receive an FCRV International Band Tuxedo T-Shirt, an FCRV International Band Member badge with year tab, pizza party before concert, new friends and hours of fun. All you have to do is find your instrument, dust it off, bring it to Campvention and join in the fun and sharing. Please email me with your desire to play at [email protected] include what instrument you play and shirt size.

‘Honey Wagon’ Available

By Brad Davis, Chair

There will be a ‘honey wagon’ available at the Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana.. The ‘wagon’ will be on the grounds Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. The cost will be $35 for each dump. Gary Bex and I will be at Central Registration taking registrations for this ‘crappy’ job. We are both #1 in the #2 business! Please visit us for all your needs.

Entertainment Spotlight – Tuesday Night – Matt Waters & The Recipe

By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

Matt Waters is a rock & soul artist from Cincinnati, OH who found love in music at an early age and got pushed onto the stage for the first time at 14. Waters has opened for national acts such as: AJR, Judah & the Lion, Here Come the Mummies, Freekbass, Tim Reynolds, Afroman…as well as Luke Combs & Judy Collins.

The Recipe came together in 2017 to accompany Matt on his first road gigs. See Ingredients & Proportions Below:

  • Drums: Nick Hach / Nick Meehan (10lbs, 4oz)
  • Bass: Jonny Disco / Kevin McClellan / Sammy Reuscher (800 lbs)
  • Keys: Jamarco Thomas / Josh Jessen (499 lbs)
  • Saxophone: Kris Keith / Eli Gonzalez / Paul Kindt (69lbs, 12 oz)
  • Trombone: Jason Branscum (500lbs)
  • Trumpet: Charlie Ferrara / Sean Fitzpatric (100 lbs, 8 oz)
  • Vocalists: Charice Rodgers / Tommi Lee / Sony Grappone (20lbs, 5oz)

Which comes out to be…..A TON OF FUNK!

In 2022 Matt & the band decided to record his debut album, The Big Crash.

“This album is full of temporary fixes & audible getaways, sometimes they’re a band aid on a fresh wound or a childhood memory that I love to revisit. The tunes have served me very well in getting through some ups & downs, and I hope they do the same for you through your car speakers or some headphones….But it’s way better when it’s a bunch of sweaty Ohio kids gettin’ funky with strobe lights so come a show”!


Campvention 2023 First Timers Info

By Donna Powell, First Timers Chair

FIRST TIMERS – Well, are you coming to this year’s Campvention for the 1st time? My committee and I will welcome you: first at Registration and then at two different meetings during Campvention. Our 1st meeting will be on Monday, July 10th, 2023, 9-10 am; you are encouraged to come. Meet our National Board! Meet each other! We will be handing out a questionnaire; please fill it out during the week. Our 2nd meeting will be on Friday, July 14th, 1-2 pm, as a follow-up and discussion meeting! Please come, enjoy, and have fun! See y’all in July in Richmond, Indiana. I will post the meeting location soon!


Campvention 2023 Reminders

By Barb Turner

Aluminum Pull/Pop Tabs will be collected at Campvention 2023 for Ronald McDonald House. Not all pull tabs are aluminum! Aluminum only! If not sure, test with a magnet. If the pull tab attaches to the magnet, IT IS NOT ALUMINUM. DO NOT INCLUDE IN OUR COLLECTION. Place in your home recycling.

Plastic caps will be collected at Campvention 2023 for benches. Indiana FCRV members have purchased a few benches in the past in memory of an FCRV member and placed the benches in those members’ hometowns or favorite campgrounds, or wherever that member wants to donate.

Campvention 2023 Service Project is reminding sewers, quilters, knitters, and crocheters to keep busy making quilts and blankets to provide comfort to children experiencing trauma. We are working with Birth to Five of Wayne County (https://mybirthtofive.org/) and the Richmond Fire Department. Sizes: keep in mind that we’ll be servicing from birth and beyond. We are creating and bringing comfort to children!


Why Hospitality is Important

By Denise Weiss and Stacy Davis, Hospitality Co-chairs

Why is hospitality so important?

Hospitality matters because it deepens existing relationships and creates the space for new ones to flourish. Hospitality matters because it feeds the most basic human need that we all have, to feel loved and accepted. That is not something to overlook.

Hospitality is defined as, “receptive; kindness in welcoming strangers or guests.” There is a clear correlation if you have a role in onboarding new members to our organization, but does that same mutual relationship apply to how you generally interact with others with whom you camp?

You bet!

Being hospitable applies to all types of relationships. Let’s see how:

  1. It’s foundational in building relationships – being receptive, respectful and open to others says, “You’re important to me.” If you let others know you value them, they will most likely have a similar feeling about you.
  2. Allows you to meet interesting people and gain a broader perspective – when you are approachable and engage with others, they will open up and share their knowledge and insights.
  3. Prompts you to remember what you have to offer – you probably have a wealth of knowledge about the unwritten rules, tricks for navigating your RV or camping equipment and how to get things done. Sharing helpful tips can assist others in avoiding the little land mines they didn’t even know existed.
  4. Build a supportive network for yourself – I’m a big believer in, “what goes around, comes around.” If you are known for helping out others, you’ll have plenty of people who will be happy to help when you need some help! Remember George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life?

When it comes down to it, being hospitable is about focusing on the other person, understanding their needs and offering to help them to meet those needs.

When you do that, people become comfortable with you. When someone is comfortable with you, they will share more, opening the opportunity to learn from one another and they will begin to look for ways to help you should you need something someday.

What could be better?

So put that Welcome Mat out at Campvention and host a hospitality.


Adult & Family Activities Info

By Craig Weber & Brian Fuller, Chairpersons

Hello all our camping friends. The Adult and Family Activities Committee has been working hard to schedule events for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana July 10 – 14. Here are some events we have planned:

Planned Activities: Monday, July 10 Balloon Volleyball 10:00 – leading into Family Fun Day. All Ages. Bring a chair and a flyswatter.

Monday, July 10 After Family Fun Day Line Dancing for all (easy for beginners) 2:15 – 3:15 All Ages

Tuesday, July 11 Bingo 1:30 – 3:30 Charge will be $1 per card per game. Limit two cards per game or as supply allows. Winner take-all for each game. Ties will split evenly. BRING YOUR NICKELS. All Ages

Wednesday, July 12 Card Bingo 1:00 – 3;00 Candy bar prizes. All Ages

Wednesday, July 12 Euchre Tournament 3:00 – 4:30

Thursday, July 13 Texas Hold’em (for beginners and pros) 10:00 – 12:00 No matter what level you are at, this will be fun (FREE)

Thursday, July 13 Bowling 2:00 – 4:00 Please read the article in Camping Today or find it on-line. Must register and pay by June 1st. Plenty of openings still available. 13 and older only.

Friday, July 14 Bean Bag Baseball – 1:00 – 3:00 Just for fun. Get your team of nine ready to PLAY BALL All Ages

We are further working on several evening events (after entertainment).

The Adult and Family Center will be open from 9:00 a.m. until whenever every day.

Cards, Puzzles, other games will be available at all times or bring your own.

See you all in Richmond, Indiana

Adult Bowling News

By Craig Weber

Adult bowling is ‘A Go’! Arrangements are made for 90 people at Richmond 40 Lanes in Richmond on Thursday, July 13 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. A party package that includes 2 hours of bowling, 1 – 14” pizza and 1 – 64 oz pitcher of pop for each group of six, shoes are included. Cost will be about $12.50 each. Please register for the event in advance (by June 1) using the following link https://fcrv.org/campvention-bowling/ and send payment by check to Beth Muschinski at the address on the form. ‘Thank you’ to all. See you in Richmond.

Campvention 2023 – March Update

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

By the time this is published, we will all know if March came in like a lion or a lamb. Other March weather folklore states, “As it rains in March, so it rains in June” and “So many mists in March you see, so many frosts in May will be.” Does it matter? Is folklore different in different areas of the world?  Does anyone remember which it was? March weather will be ancient history by July and long forgotten.

There is another saying that is nothing but truth…..”Whether it’s cold or whether it’s hot, we shall have weather, whether or not.” OK, one more: “When a cow tries to scratch her ear, it means a shower is very near.” That one is kinda cute.

All I can say is that, come July, it will be HOT in Richmond, IN. Am I talking about the temperatures?  Who knows!?!  What I am talking about is the FCRV Campvention and the fact that the activities the week of July 9-14 will be HOT, HOT, HOT!

Have kids? They have fun/games/activities. Have teens? They have fun/games/activities. Are you an adult (in age if not always attitude)? You will have fun/games/activities.

I LOVE getting registrations in the mail. They are still coming in, slowly, but I am sure that the closer we get to June 1, the more my mailbox will be stuffed. I see lots of names on the Facebook 2023 Campvention page that I don’t have in my registration database yet. 

Please don’t forget/ignore the email line. Email is how I send out all the confirmation letters. Cell phone numbers are important if, for some unknown but possible reason, we need to get in touch with you while you are traveling. We will need that cell phone number at the gate anyway for an emergency contact card.

Several of you have made notes on the “We would like to volunteer for______” line at the bottom of the registration form. Thank you to everyone who is willing to volunteer to help out. Planning, producing and running the Campvention is a lot of work, and we need help. At the Central Registration desk check-in, there will be a sheet for volunteer sign-up. It will list all the areas needed, and please feel free to sign up anywhere and everywhere. You may have more fun as a volunteer than you would sitting around your rig chatting with friends.

See y’all in July!!!

Campvention 2023 Crafts

By Misty Stuckwisch, Crafts Chair

Hi! My name is Misty Stuckwisch, and I will be providing the crafts for this year’s Campvention in Richmond, Indiana. Some of you may have participated in crafts I have led at campouts in the Great Lakes region previously. I am excited to offer two crafts this July and look forward to seeing you in Indiana! Both crafts will be $5 each and offered on different days. They are very user-friendly, and I believe even the not-so-crafty would enjoy participating!

Our first craft will be broken china jewelry. This is done with a faux soldering technique, so no welding involved! I have plenty of china to choose from and will show you the process from start to finish. You will have the ability to make a necklace, pin, or a magnet.

The second craft will be a Campvention-themed Christmas ornament. This is going to be a fun project that will remind you of your summer in Indiana for many years to come. I have custom vinyl that we will be transferring to ornaments that closely resembles our 2023 logo. This fun craft involves glitter, but don’t let that scare you away! Spread that glitter like sunshine!

I will have examples on display at the sign-in table at Campvention. If you have any questions before, just let me know.   Email is [email protected].

Entertainment Spotlight – Monday Night – Michelle Robinson Band 

By Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

We’ll be kicking off Campvention 2023 week with the Cincinnati-based Michelle Robinson Band. Nashville recording artist, Michelle Robinson has been singing her entire life. As a preacher’s daughter, she was fortunate enough to hone her skills singing her heart out in church. With that experience she picked up the guitar, bass, and can keep a nice beat on the drums! She has opened for National Acts such as Scotty McCreery, Maddie & Tae, Uncle Kracker, Jon Langston, Thompson Square, Frank Foster, Kentucky Headhunters, Colt Ford, JoDee Messina, Diamond Rio, Mark Chesnutt, Phil Vassar, Bryan White and the famous Loretta Lynn. Everyone in her band brings a unique style and twist to the music that is performed. Every now and then you will hear a mix of pop/rock and other genres thrown in to fill the sound that is… the Michelle Robinson Band.



New TP Raffle

By Kathy Howell 

Hello, campers!

I am Kathy Howell, and recently joined FCRV with the new Family & Friends Camping Club (FFCC) Chapter. I am so happy to share with you a teen activity that has been a longstanding tradition in the FFCC group. It is called TP (toilet paper) Insurance and Raffle.

A little history of the program: Our group needed a fundraiser to increase the budget for our teen activities. The plan was simple – teens would sell TP raffle tickets, meet and socialize with other members of the club while doing so, and learn how to count and be responsible for money. Members purchase a “card” of tickets, with 26 tickets per card to put toward raffle prizes. Since rallies always involve a bit of fun and shenanigans, the tickets serve as insurance to not have your rig toilet-papered by the teens. Simply display a card in your rig’s window, and you’re safe, at least from the teens. 😉 If TP’d by adults (that, of course, would never happen), the teens will clean up the mess.

Teens sell the tickets Monday morning until Wednesday evening. Thursday is the raffle. Where do the raffle prizes come from? Well, parents of the participating teens are asked to bring a raffle gift per teen to place in the raffle. Club chapters and individual families may also donate prizes. A small portion of the ticket sales proceeds is also designated for prizes.

There is pre-raffle viewing time to make your selections and place tickets in the containers next to the prizes of your choice. You decide how many of your tickets to put in as many raffle items you want. Teens help set-up the raffle and as winning numbers are selected, they deliver the prizes to the respective winners. Cash prizes are available, too. The teens also win cash prizes for selling the most tickets. The money raised is then used to finance future teen activities, and as noted above, a small portion designated for the next year’s prize purchases. 

For the 2023 Campvention, my daughter, Jessica Hicks, and son, Zachary Chearhart, and I will be handling the TP ticket sales and raffle. We are asking that families of teens, please, bring a raffle prize per participating teen. Items donated in the past included camping chairs, games, gas/gift cards.  Items may be camping or non-camping related, with a value of $25-$50. Specific donation drop-off instructions will be provided prior to Campvention.

We hope you are as excited as we are to bring this new, fun activity to FCRV! I look forward to meeting you in Richmond.

Opening Flag Ceremony

By Connie Black, Campvention 2023 Chair

Plans are underway for the Opening Flag Ceremony for Campvention 2023. States and Provinces that plan to attend should bring a 3’ by 5’ state/province flag, flag pole and flag stand. Flags will be displayed all week in the Entertainment building.

Opening Flag Ceremony Rehearsal will take place on Sunday from 3:30 to 4:30 in the Entertainment building. Flag bearers should bring their flag, flag pole, and flag stand to the practice. The time of the Closing Ceremony rehearsal will be in the Program Book and will take place on Friday.

Rose Paws Pet Parade

By Karen Decker, Pet Parade Chair

Good morning, I am your pet parade chairman, Karen Decker.  This year’s parade is ROSE PAWS PET PARADE!  All pets are welcome; dogs, cats, whatever you have as a pet, if you wish to have in the parade. Registration will be set up in Central Registration. Hoping to hold the parade on  Tuesday, more later when I have all scheduled. The categories will be: owner/pet look alike, best trick, best behaved, most adorable, Dog-best in show; any cats- best in show; other pets will be judged, too. Certificates and prizes will be given to all, even participation certificates!  Look for more information in the next couple of months!

The Any-Hat-No Hat Luncheon

By Deb Swanson, Luncheon Chair

Come one, come all to the any-hat-no hat luncheon. For those of you who aren’t aware of what this is, let me explain. For many years the ladies of the Red Hat Society would hold a luncheon at Campvention. All ladies were invited even if you weren’t a member. The men, not wanting to be short-changed, started the hard hat luncheon. One year, for sake of convenience, the two were joined together to form the any-hat-no hat luncheon. The menu for this year’s event consists of meatball heroes, Italian pasta salad, dessert and ice tea or fruit punch. The cost is $10.00, a better value than any meal at McDonald’s. Also, the fellowship is priceless. As for hats, the crazier the better. Chicken hats, pretty hats, you name it. To make things interesting this year, we will have a hat fashion show with prizes. This is one event at Campvention not to be missed.

Wildlife Returns To Campvention

By Deb Swanson

Wildlife has fallen by the wayside over the last few years. Your President and Comptroller have taken on the job of getting wildlife back into focus, while we wait for a volunteer to take the job. After all, that is the very foundation of FCRV.

Last year, at campvention, we had a raffle and an auction that raised $1,100.00 for wildlife grants. This year we are going to have a merchandise raffle, 60/40 cash raffle, and a silent auction. We need your help. We’re asking attendees to bring a new item, priced around $20.00. It can be camping related, garden related, etc. I know that you are being asked to bring many things, for many uses, to campvention, but this is important. There are many things going on in the wildlife area, many needing our help..

Also coming back to campvention is the wildlife photo contest. Please bring your wildlife photos to be put on display for judging.

Adult Bowling News

By Craig Weber

Thank You to all FCRV members who responded positively to the possibility of an Adult Bowling event at Campvention in Richmond, IN. I received 50 positive responses which means I made arrangements for 90 people at Richmond 40 Lanes in Richmond on Thursday, July 13 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. A party package that includes 2 hours of bowling, 1 – 14” pizza and 1 – 64 oz pitcher of pop for each group of six, shoes are included. Cost will be about $12.50 each. Please register for the event in advance (by June 1) using the following link https://fcrv.org/campvention-bowling/ and send payment by check to Beth Muschinski at the address on the form. ‘Thank you’ to all. See you in Richmond.

Campvention’s Coming Up Roses – Site Decorating Contest

By Shari Weber

The site decorating contest began way back in the year 2000 when we were going to Forest City, Iowa. When it was seen that there were no trees in “Forest” City, we were asked to bring a tree to Campvention. There were family trees, friendship trees, a rubber tree, colorful trees. Lots of creativity. Over the years we have decorated with lighthouses in Michigan, outhouses in West Virginia, lobstah (translation lobster) in Maine, Inukshuk (Arctic navigation and hunting aid) in Blythe, Ontario, horses in Virginia, buffalo in Gillette, and Wizard of Oz in Kansas, just to name a few. The theme for decorating has attempted to match the Campvention theme or something that defines the area.

The rose theme of Campvention honors the designation of Richmond as the “Rose City” given because it is the home of the Hills Rose growers premier providers of roses for the United State and the world. Come to Campvention prepared to decorate your campsite with roses. They can be real, homemade, or purchased. Create a design and get ready to WOW your fellow campers. The displays can be created by an individual, a family, a group of families, or a chapter. The displays can be made of any material you wish to use to depict the theme.

Displays will be registered at central registration indicating site number where the display will be set up and who the creators and decorators are. The decorations can be put up at any time. They must be ready by noon Wednesday, July12. Judges will come around Wednesday afternoon to judge the displays.

There are four prize categories as follows: Most Colorful, Most Creative, Prettiest, Most Unique.

Grandpa’s Farm Campground & RV Park in Richmond ,Indiana is our sponsor, supplying us with the funds to provide you with 4 cash prizes of $25 each.. Please be sure to stop and stay or just to say “Thank you”.

Get those creative juices flowing and bring some roses to Campvention in July!

Camping Is’ Coloring Page & Poster Contest for Youth

By Deena Felver, Campvention 2023 Youth Chair

The “Camping Is” contest gives the youth of FCRV an opportunity to express themselves through art in defining what camping means to them. The contest is divided into 6 age groups; 0-2 years, 3-4 years, 5-6 years, 7-8 years, 9-10 years, and 11-12 years. The 0-2- and 3–4-year-olds will have a coloring contest with an official entry form. The other age groups will have a poster contest. The contest is conducted on both a state/provincial and a national level. Entrants compete in their state/province and the first-place winner in each age group is brought to the National Campvention to compete in the national contest. The link to download the coloring page is https://fcrv.org/programs2/national-programs/youth/.

Campvention 2023 Hospitality

By Denise Weiss and Stacy Davis, Co-chairs

What does the word hospitality mean? Hospitality means extending a welcome to travelers or offering a home away from home, and the word is derived from the Latin word “hospes” meaning visitor or stranger. Isn’t that what FCRV is all about, “Where strangers become friends and friends become family”? We still have some openings for you to show how welcoming FCRV members are by hosting a hospitality. It does not have to be fancy; a welcoming gesture, no matter how big or small is always appreciated. For those of us early risers, you can show your hospitality by hosting one in the morning with a simple coffee and donuts. Who doesn’t like coffee and donuts? Anyone can host a hospitality; it can be a chapter, a state/province, a group such as the Retirees, teens, just some friends, or even an individual. We look forward to hearing from you. Until then safe camping and safe travels.

Gift Basket Giveaway

By Connie Black, Campvention 2023 Chair

The 2023 Campvention is asking States and Provinces to donate a gift basket or gift bag with items of their choice. Raffle tickets will be given to members as they check in and are non transferable. The baskets or bags will be part of the door prizes to be drawn each evening. Anything can be in the basket, items from your state/province, camping items, survival basket, favorite seasonings for grilling, etc. We are also accepting door prizes from chapters and individuals who wish to donate. The winner must also be present to claim their door prize. The more door prizes that are brought to Campvention, the more winners there are.

Campvention 2023 First Timers Info 

By Donna Powell, First Timers Chair

First Timers- Hi, how are ya? Welcome! It’s your 2023 First Timers Chairperson, Donna Powell! My husband, Delbert and I, along with our 3 children, now our 4 grandchildren have been members since 1989! So, when you come to this year’s Campvention, my fellow campers and I will be welcoming you and your family to the Family Campers and RVers International Campvention, Richmond, Indiana.

 So, what do you do? First, you are coming into the fairgrounds, checking in, setting up! Depending on what time it is, you will journey to registration, be given information, then start through all of registration! THEN  when you get to First Timer’s area, I will greet you and your family and help with what might be needed. Our first meeting will be at 10am, Monday morning.  Please try to come to meet some of our national leadership.  We will give you as much information as we can and help you if you have questions. We will give out a questionnaire; please fill during the week! A second follow- up meeting will be scheduled for either Thursday or Friday, where we can meet, hear questions, or maybe suggestions! Please bring back questionnaire so my Team Leader, I, and National can see how you enjoyed your Campvention! 

I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU!  I did mention, we love to hug, high-five, fist pump our FIRST TIMERS all week long!  A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME IS FCRV!

FCRV International Band Update

By Craig Weber, Conductor

To those old-timers and first-timers attending Campvention, I would like to invite you to be part of the FCRV International Band. The FCVR International Band is made up of volunteers who enjoy music and who play an instrument. The band has ranged in age from 14 – 88. so all are welcome. All we ask is a few hours of your time for practice. I have designed the practices to give anyone who hasn’t played in a while a chance to get their lips and breath into playing shape. The music we play is mostly very simple, but I do throw in a challenge once in a while. I will also be making the music available about the first of May for those who would like extra practice time. The band will practice for a total of five hours and play about a 45-minute concert at Campvention. It is a great help in planning music if I know ahead of time how many players I have and what instruments will be playing. You can imagine how things can be very different from year to year. Band members receive a FCRV International Band Tuxedo T-Shirt, an FCRV International Band Member badge with year tab, pizza party before concert, new friends and hours of fun. All you have to do is find your instrument, dust it off, bring it to Campvention and join in the fun and sharing. Please email me with your desire to play at [email protected] include what instrument you play and shirt size.

The Teen Center at Twilight

By Marci Macintosh, Teen Center Chair

Each evening we have planned a fun theme for the Teen Center!

Regional Feature: Welcome to the Great Lakes Rose Garden!

The first evening of Campvention is a time to get to know each other. So, all teens and their guardians for the week should plan to come to the Teen Center for a meeting to kick off the week and get to know the guidelines and plans for the week. We’ll take care of the basic stuff like schedules, teen cards and emergency contacts. Then we’ll kick off the week with our first regionally-themed night, the Great Lakes Rose Garden. There will be music and a general get-to-know-each-other vibe, because the first night is always a little stiff. No need to dress-up or bring anything for the party, just a good attitude. As an added bonus, we’re going to play Euchre. If you’ve never played this Midwest favorite, no worries, we’ll teach you. If we all feel competitive, we’ll play a rotating tournament.

Regional Feature: Far West Glow Party

Think ‘Vegas’ or LA for our GLOW (black light) party. We’ll have glow sticks and glow in the dark body paint. Don’t worry, guardians, it’s Non-Toxic, Safe for Face and Body, and Washes off Easily with Soap and Water. However, just to be safe, please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. It’s safe for skin, but I don’t know if it will stain your clothes. There will be more music and games and an area for taking fun pictures, so be sure to bring a phone or camera.

Regional Feature: Southeast Beach Party

Dress in clothes that you don’t mind getting wet! It’s a beach party, complete with a (kiddie) pool. Bring water guns, beach balls and your favorite beach towel. Of course, there will still be music and beach games, but this is the night to be sure your phone or camera is protected, in case you get too wild with the splashing.

Regional Feature: Day of the Dead Party

This is the evening that we’ll be doing the TeePee Contracts drawing; so the party this evening might be a much shorter event. We’ll see how things go.

Family Dance Night

Come walk the Red Carpet with your families! We’re all invited to the Family Dance, and the Teen Center will be closed this evening. But you’ll see Geoff and me on the red-carpet taking photos and enjoying the Family Dance with you! Jill and Scott have gotten a great band that will be performing music across the decades. So come dressed in clothes from your favorite decade and possibly win a prize!

Regional Feature: On Our Way Northeast to New York

That’s right…2024 heads to New York, so we’re celebrating the Northeast region on the last night. Be sure to stop by the Teen Center to see if you forgot anything. (We always have quite the lost-and-found. If you left your Tie-dye socks with me in Colorado, I’ll try to remember to have them in Richmond. They’re around here somewhere.) This is not the night for “Good byes”. It’s the night for “See-You-Laters” since FCRV brings us back together again and again.

We can’t wait to see you in July!

Trick-or-Treat! Give Us Something Non-Perishable to Eat!

By Marci Macintosh, Teen Center Chair

This year’s Teen Program is being coordinated closely with the Youth and who doesn’t love trick-or-treating? So, when we found out that the youth would be trick-or-treating, we realized how much fun that would be. But instead of candy, we’ll be trick-or-treating for non-perishable food items to donate to a local food bank.

What does this mean for you?

Well, if you’re a teen, bring a sturdy bag, wagon or other creative way to haul around canned goods and bring your muscles!

If you’re an adult, please bring a non-perishable item(s) to donate.

It’s just that simple, but will hopefully provide a lot of good to the Richmond area.

Campvention 2023 – February Update

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By: Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

It is months behind us now, but one week in December had us sheltering in our Harry Potter cupboard under the stairs while the tornado sirens went off (no problems).  The very next week, we were dealing with blizzard conditions, high winds and below zero temps (ok, we were obviously NOT in MS ).  The next week, which was New Year’s, the temps were in the upper 50’s, and the snow was gone….in WI!!!  Who ever heard of New Year’s in the 50’s there????  Not in a long, long time.   It was an interesting few weeks.

But, holy cow!  How did it get to be February already?  Time flies when you are having fun ,and I guess I must be having a ton of fun being FCRV Campvention Registration Central.

So, here is a taste of what’s to come in July….as of December 31, 2022 we have 111 registered campers!  Wow!  My hope was to have 100, and y’all just made my heart sing!  Of these, approximately 40 have never attended an FCRV Campvention.  Oh, you are in for a treat!

So, that being said, keep in mind that there are over 900 sites at the Wayne County Fairgrounds so there is room for many, many more campers.  Bring your friends, bring your family, bring your neighbors, bring a stranger (they won’t be strangers for long, I promise).  Tell others while around the campfire!  Let’s fill those sites and make this a week to remember.

It has been a little slow getting reservations since the end of the year but don’t wait to send yours in.  If you are anything like me, it will be forgotten until the last minute, and while that is ok, you will feel better once you send that registration in, trust me. 

So, the moral of this story is…….if you have already registered, that is wonderful.  If you have not yet registered, don’t wait any longer.  Give yourself a goal for this year and join us in Richmond, IN for the 2023 FCRV Campvention, hosted by the Great Lakes Region plus two Wisissippians.  If you don’t know what a Wisissippian is, come to Nationals, and we will tell you our story.

The Adult and Family Activities Committee Needs Help

By: Craig Weber & Brian Fuller, Adult and Family Chairmen

The Adult and Family Activities Committee is asking the help of our members to find several items for Campvention in Richmond, Indiana July 9 – 14. We are currently looking for someone with a multi-mic Karaoke System with a wide variety of music for a Karaoke Hospitality. We are also looking for more BINGO cards with the window slides. We are trying to put together Bean Bag Baseball, but we need boards. If you have any of the items we need, please contact Craig Weber at [email protected].  We hope to have the Adult and Family Activities Center open each day from 9:00 am until you want to go to bed.  We are planning Line Dancing, Bingo, Euchre Tournament, Card Bingo, Balloon Volleyball and maybe a few other surprises, not to mention the national Adult Competitions in Washer Toss, Horseshoes, Ladder Golf with a possible Corn Hole Tournament. Of course, Bowling will Happen (90 spaces reserved) and Jim Turner’s Golf Event. This will be an exciting, fun filled Campvention. Hope to see everyone in Richmond, Indiana. Thank you.

Save those Pop Tabs & Plastic Caps 

By Patti Thieme, Tabs/Caps Chair

Pop tabs will be collected at Campvention 2023; they will be donated to Ronald McDonald House at the Riley Children’s hospital in Indianapolis.  If you choose not to haul all your tabs to Richmond, you may take them to a recycling center between now and the Campvention and get them weighed, obtain a receipt for pounds and the dollar amount.  Then take the donated amount to your local Ronald McDonald House or similar charity.  Don’t forget to make a copy of the receipt and bring it to Campvention to turn in to me.

Also, we collect plastic caps for benches. Indiana FCRV members have purchased a few benches in the past in memory of an FCRV member and placed the benches in those members’ hometowns or favorite campgrounds, or wherever that member wants to donate to.  The list of caps include: water bottle caps, Gatorade caps, milk jug caps, butter bowl lids, cottage cheese lids and peanut butter lids to name a few.  We will have containers for collection of these all week.  Just put that plastic cap in your pocket until you pass one of our containers!  You can also start saving now and bring with you.  Go to www.greentreeplastics.com to find a complete list.  

Welcome – greentreeplastics

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY: Green Tree Plastics, LLC, manufactures recycled plastic products using 100% recycled plastics, no hazardous chemicals, non-organic fillers, non-organic color concentrates. EXTREMELY DURABLE: physical properties of our products excel in on-site applications for agricultural, industrial, recreational, residential and marine use. UNIQUE: (Look at Gallery Photos) Teachers …


Register now! – Market Place

By: Duane & Ruth Keegan, Marketplace Chairs

Interested in raising money for your Chapter by selling your Chapter Projects, OR for yourself to sell your own craft/hobby items or other merchandise? Now is the time to make plans and register for “Marketplace” when you attend Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana July 9-14, 2023. 

Spaces are available for $5 each, which include one table and two chairs. Multiple spaces are available.

DEADLINE TO REGISTER is June 14, 2023.  Checks must accompany the registration form and be made payable to: FCRV Campvention with ‘Campvention 2023’ written on the memo line.  

Further information or questions, you can email Duane or Ruth Keegan at  [email protected].

Register now for the MARKETPLACE!

Indiana Interesting Facts

By: Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

The 63rd FCRV Campvention will be held in Richmond, Indiana July 9-14, 2023.  Campvention 2023 will be the third Campvention held in the state of Indiana.  The two previous were both held at Camp Atterbury (1972 with 7842 families & 1982 with 3674 families).  (If any of you have memorabilia/memories from either/both of these Campventions and would like to share for upcoming memories article, please share with me.)    

We’re back in Indiana 41 years later in July.  Sites/Places to visit have been shared.  Indiana Interesting Facts is the theme this month.  

Some interesting listings from  https://www.movoto.com/guide/in/indiana-facts/  

are in no particular order:

The North Pole actually doesn’t get any letters for Santa Claus, believe it or not. Indiana does. Every year, the aptly named town Santa Claus, IN, actually receives those letters in the thousands. Even better, each and every one of those letters do get a reply!

Baseball was practically born in Indiana – Fort Wayne, to be exact. The very first professional game occurred in the town on May 4, 1871.

The name “Indiana” stands for Land of the Indians—but in reality fewer than 8,000 Native Americans actually reside in the state today.

One of the biggest mysteries ever in Indiana was where the name “Hoosier” ever came from. This explanation came close, when a Quaker from Richmond, Virginia, by the name of Sarah Harvey had written in an 1835 letter about the “old settlers in Indiana…called ‘Hooshers.'” She explained that a ‘Hoosher’ was actually a type of cabin called a ‘Hoosher nest,’ and that’s what those settlers lived in. That sounds pretty accurate, but still to this day, people debate about the nickname of every Indiana resident.

The two main schools of the state – Indiana University and Purdue University – wanted to stand out among the many institutions of the U.S., by signifying their rivalry in such a way that it would make many raise an eyebrow with puzzlement. Both schools decided that they would take a bucket surrounded with numerous metallic I’s and P’s, to make it look like a trophy. It’s called the “oaken bucket,” and both schools battle over it every year during football season.

Indianapolis had the pleasure of hosting Elvis Presley’s last concert right in Market Square Arena in 1977. He actually died three months after his performance.

Oddly enough, in Indiana, mustaches are illegal as long as the bearer of mustaches has a troubling addiction toward kissing people. Pucker up.

Campvention Parade

By: Sue & Carl Fromholzer, Parade Chairs

Campvention 2023’s parade theme is the “Great Lakes Rose Parade”.  We are hoping for a large showing at our national Campvention parade.  We are planning on a walking and riding parade so start planning your entry. We encourage all state, province, teen, youth groups, retirees, chapters and individuals to participate.  More information will follow in upcoming issues of Camping Today.

Adult Bowling News

By: Craig Weber

Thank You to all FCRV members who responded positively to the possibility of an Adult Bowling event at Campvention in Richmond, IN. I received 50 positive responses which means I made arrangements for 90 people at Richmond 40 Lanes in Richmond on Thursday, July 13 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. A party package that includes 2 hours of bowling, 1 – 14” pizza and 1 – 64 oz pitcher of pop for each group of six, shoes are included. Cost will be about $12.50 each. Please register for the event in advance (by June 1) using the following link https://fcrv.org/campvention-bowling/ and send payment by check to Beth Muschinski at the address on the form. Thank you to all. See you in Richmond.

Campvention 2023 Service Project  

By: Barb Turner

Quilters, knitters, crocheters, cutters, and tyers, your skills are needed to complete a new Campvention service project for Richmond, Indiana in July.  The idea: make quilts and blankets to provide comfort to children experiencing trauma.  

At this time, we are working with Birth to Five of Wayne County (https://mybirthtofive.org/) and the Richmond Fire Department.  The local hospital stopped accepting handmade quilts and blankets with the onset of Covid and hasn’t resumed at this time.

Some of you are accomplished quilters, knitters, and crocheters.  Some of you might be ‘wannabes’!  For you, cut & tie fleece to make warm comfy blankets.  Self-binding quilts made with two pieces of fabric & batting and tied with embroidery floss might be the project for those with basic sewing skills.  (That’s me!)  For help/review, there are many YouTube tutorials to help you.  Sizes: keep in mind that we’ll be servicing from birth and beyond.

We are asking you to bring completed projects to Campvention 2023 in July.  In addition, for those of you who travel with your sewing machine, a ‘sewing center’ will be set up where you can create as your time allows.

We hope that you are as excited about this project as we are.  So, let’s get to quilting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, cutting, tying……creating for kids!

Entertainment Spotlight – Thursday Night Dancing Through the Decades

By: Jill Serbousek, Entertainment Chair

With a live band (Stays in Vegas) playing from 7pm to 10pm, join us on Thursday night for a dance party celebrating the decades our membership represents. Stays in Vegas will be playing our favorite songs from Motown to modern pop, and we hope to see everyone out there dancing the night away. Stays In Vegas is an entertaining 6-piece dance band co-fronted by the sassy & soulful Shannon Kramer and energetic entertainer, Jesse Moore.  https://www.staysinvegasband.com/

DRESS CODE: Start planning your outfits now. We’d love to see everyone come dressed up in the style of ‘their’ decade – for example: the decade you attended prom, got married, OR just your favorite decade. You can dress up in fancy gowns and suits or dress down in your rolled up jeans and white t-shirts. 

PRIZES: We’ll have awards for best dressed single, best dressed couple and best dressed ensemble (you don’t have to be related to make an ensemble but you will have to share the prize if you win). This dance is for all ages; so, dress up your whole family, and we’ll see you there.

Back to Our Roots Program for 2023 

By: Marci Mcintosh

NCHA/FCRV began nearly 75 years ago in 1949!  As we continue to honor our roots while moving forward into the future, the 2023 Richmond Campvention Committee is excited to put together a presentation of our history that will be a part of the announcements at Campvention.  And you’re invited to help us! We’re looking for photos and videos of NCHA/FCRV, especially Campvention.  If you have memorabilia in the form of patches, vests, buttons, trade items, door magnets, flags, chapter banners, state banners, etc., please take pictures or video of them and send them along. We’re talking parades, noise parades, hiking, hospitality (especially the lines) pageants, sports, games, pranks (teepeeing), stealing/relocating mascots, aerial views, group photos, individuals.  If you think they show the essence of NCHA/FCRV over the years, send them to me… Marci [email protected].  If the files  are too large to send, contact me, and we’ll figure out how we can transfer them.  If you’re interested in telling a story about NCHA/FCRV on a video, let’s do it!  If you can, please try to include the year, state/province/region/district/chapter and the names of the people, if you have any or all of this information. I can’t wait to see all the memories from everyone.

Site Decorating Contest

By: Shari Weber, Site Decorating Chair

The Great Lakes team is bringing back the site decorating contest for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana in July. . Everyone is invited to decorate their site according to the theme:  ‘CAMPVENTION’S COMING UP ROSES’ 

Displays will be registered at central registration indicating site number where the display will be set up and who the decorators are. The decorations can be put up at any time. They must be ready by noon Wednesday, July12. Judges will come around Wednesday afternoon to judge the displays. 

This is being sponsored by Grandpa’s Farm Campground & RV Park in Richmond, Indiana. Please be sure to stop and stay or just to say “Thank you”.

The displays can be created by an individual, a family, a group of families, or a chapter. The displays can be made of any material you wish to use to depict the theme.

There are four prize categories: Most Colorful, Most Creative, Prettiest, Most Unique.

Get those creative juices flowing and bring some roses to Campvention in July!

Calling All Youth to Campvention 2023  

By: Deena Felver, Chairman & Pat Cohee, Co-chair

This is Deena Felver, and I have a fun-filled week planned for the youth at Campvention in Richmond, Indiana this year.   

There will be a different theme every day.  There will be a Halloween day so make sure you pack the Halloween costumes, and parents and fellow campers, make sure you bring the candy to fill up the buckets. There will be a Cinco de Mayo day, a water day, and an honoring-the-veterans day. So, with that all being said, bring your swimsuits or water attire and maybe a picture of a vet that is special to you so we can honor them.   There will also be a craft or activity every day to go with the theme for the day.   

I hope to see lots of youth in attendance at Richmond.  We are planning a fun-filled week, and I am excited to meet the youth (their parents) and other new people.  Remember to bring Halloween costumes, swimsuits/water attire and candy!

If you have any questions regarding the youth programs scheduled for the Richmond Campvention, you can email me at [email protected].

Campvention Hospitalities  

By: Denise Weiss, Hospitality Chair

Now that the holidays are over it seems as though Campvention is fast approaching in Richmond, Indiana, too. Hard to believe it is right around the corner.  Looking forward to catching up with old friends and meeting some new ones.  What a better way than to do that by hosting a hospitality during Campvention and showing what your state, chapter or group is all about. You can host them during the day or evening.  You can even host a breakfast one if mornings are more your style. Anyone can host a hospitality.  

Please send in your request form that is found in this issue of Camping today.  Send them in as soon as possible to Denise Weiss at ([email protected]) or Stacy Davis at ([email protected]) and put the word Hospitality in the subject line.  They will be granted on a first come first serve basis. So please get them in as soon as possible. Deadline is May 1, 2023.

Campvention 2023 – January Update

Campvention ’23 Registration Musings

By:  Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

Last week, while at home in MS, I spent about ½ hour in our Harry Potter cupboard (under the stairs storage area) while the tornado sirens went off.  This occurred about 1am and then again about 30-45 minutes later.  Everything was fine; no tornado touchdown anywhere near us.

This week, as I write this article, I am in WI waiting for a blizzard to come storming in.  We are told to expect  1” to 75” of snow (not really that much, but I don’t want our NY blizzard survivors to feel left out in the cold), wind chills in the -50 range and 50 mph winds.   Not sure how this will turn out, but as we are here for 2 weeks, I’m sure that by the time we decide to head back south whatever snow we have will be cleared off the roads.

What an adventuresome life Larry and I have!!!  Who would have thought retirement could be so exciting???

Sooooo, speaking of exciting……who has already made their reservations for the 2023 Campvention in Richmond, IN July 9-14?  Well, I can tell you exactly who will be attending!!!  I had 7 reservations come in one day just before we left on this little WI adventure.  Trust me, there are many, many more than 7 already planning on attending, BUT we have room for oh so many more campers!!  I will just remind you now that there are over 900 campsites available to us so bring your friends, bring your neighbors, invite people you don’t know (but would like to).  I am thrilled to have exchanged emails and some phone calls with several of these registrants.  We are all raring to get into those campers again and be done with winter.

The early bird registration has ended, but that is no reason to hang back and wait to send in your information and claim a spot.  Articles have been put on Facebook regarding other activities in the Richmond, IN area.  Join the Facebook 2023 Campvention page (if you haven’t already) and be kept up to date on these and many more things to do in that area.  The Campvention calendar is filling up with seminars/games/hospitalities/other activities and promises to be a fun-filled week.  There is information on the Facebook page regarding RV rentals and hotel rooms in the area if you have no camper.  Who needs a camper to go camping?  Not us!  We have a great time no matter what!  In the past year we have borrowed a camper, stayed with friends in their camper, stayed in motel rooms.  If you want to have an adventure, there is always a way.

Please do not allow my remaining winter to be boring.  Send in those registrations and plan on spending the week of your life in Richmond, IN in July 2023.

Calling All Youth to Campvention 2023

By: Deena Felver, Chairman & Pat Cohee, Co-chair

This is Deena Felver, and I have a fun-filled week planned for the youth at Campvention in Richmond, Indiana this year.  

There will be a different theme every day.  There will be a Halloween day so make sure you pack the Halloween costumes, and parents and fellow campers, make sure you bring the candy to fill up the buckets.  There will be a Cinco de Mayo day, a water day, and an honoring-the-veterans day. So, with that all being said, bring your swimsuits or water attire and maybe a picture of a vet that is special to you so we can honor them.   There will also be a craft or activity every day to go with the theme for the day.  

I hope to see lots of youth in attendance at Richmond.  We are planning a fun-filled week, and I am excited to meet the youth (their parents) and other new people.  Remember to bring Halloween costumes, swimsuits/water attire and candy!

If you have any questions regarding the youth programs scheduled for the Richmond Campvention, you can email me at [email protected].

FCRV International Band

By: Craig Weber, FRCV International Band Director

This is a special notice to all of you who will be attending Campvention for the first time in Richmond, Indiana this summer. FCRV has a volunteer band that plays one evening at Campvention. We welcome anyone who would like to be part of a fun group and be part of Campvention. We practice four or five times before we play, and we try to keep the music simple. 

Here’s what you get as an FCRV International Band Member:

  1. Exclusive FCRV International Band tuxedo t-shirt
    2. The enjoyment of meeting new people
    3. FCRV International Band Member badge and year tab
    4. Pizza party for you and your family before Concert

If you play an instrument and would like to be a part of the FCRV International Band, just dust off your instrument, blow in it to get the dead critters out, and keep your eyes peeled for more information. Music will be made available in May so that you can get in some extra practice. 

Keep watching for future updates.  Thank you.

Veterans Memorial Park, Richmond, Indiana

By: Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

At the suggestion of Linda Hennie, Campvention 2023 Co-Chair, the site to share this month is the Wayne County Veterans Memorial Park in Richmond, Indiana at 5701 National Road East.  The park is 3 miles from the Wayne County Fairgrounds, site of the 2023 FCRV Campvention!

The park honors area veterans for their service to our country.  It is located in the Whitewater Gorge.

“Memorial Park contains memorials from the Civil War, WWI, WWII, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Women’s Memorial, Purple Heart Memorial and more all along the scenic Whitewater River. Two M3A3 Stuart tanks, a HUEY helicopter, M60 Tank, two naval guns, a new A-6 intruder aircraft (2022) and more reside in the park as well. This beautiful memorial park was created by veterans for veterans. A new overlook provides a scenic view of the park along with seating and a rocking bench.

“Walk, Bike, Run – The NEW Whitewater Gorge connector trail has been completed. This 1/3-mile trail overlooks Veterans Memorial Park and connects the Cardinal Greenway to the Loop, Whitewater Gorge Trail & Veterans Memorial Park!”  https://www.visitrichmond.org/listing/veterans-memorial-park

Linda reported that Campvention Chair Connie Black & she enjoyed exploring the park. The accompanying photos were taken by Linda.

Explore the Wayne County Veterans Memorial Park while attending Campvention 2023 in July.  Registered?  You can do so at https://fcrv.org/campvention-2023/.



Campvention 2023 – December Update

Campvention Registration Info Discount Deadline is Approaching

By: Beth Muschinski, Registration Chair

Hello, FCRV members!  Camping season is just around the corner, and it is time to start making your upcoming camping season plans….especially CAMPVENTION.  The 2023 Campvention in Richmond, IN promises to be a fun-filled week of seminars, games, food and fellowship. 

The discounted Campvention fee is only valid until December 31, 2022.  If your envelope is postmarked after that, the full fee is needed.  Get it in now before the last-minute Christmas mail rush.  We all know how slow and unreliable Snail Mail is, especially during the Christmas season.

When you fill out those registration forms, please, please, put in a CELL phone number and email address.  Without an email address, there is a possibility of you not receiving any updated information.   Without a CELL phone number, you will be unreachable in case of an emergency.

If you have sent in your registration and have not received an email from me confirming this, please contact me via phone or email to check on your registration status (see Snail Mail remark above).

Keep your eyes on the Campvention Facebook page for information about the Campvention and “things to see and do while in the area” information tidbits.

See you in July.

FCRV International Band

By: Craig Weber, FRCV International Band Director

This is a special notice to all of you who will be attending Campvention for the first time in Richmond, Indiana this summer. FCRV has a volunteer band that plays one evening at Campvention. We welcome anyone who would like to be part of a fun group and be part of Campvention. We practice four or five times before we play, and we try to keep the music simple. 

Here’s what you get as an FCRV International Band Member:

  1. Exclusive FCRV International Band tuxedo t-shirt
  2. The enjoyment of meeting new people
  3. FCRV International Band Member badge and year tab
  4. Pizza party for you and your family before Concert

If you play an instrument and would like to be a part of the FCRV International Band, just dust off your instrument, blow in it to get the dead critters out, and keep your eyes peeled for more information. Music will be made available in May so that you can get in some extra practice. 

Keep watching for future updates.  Thank you.

New Campvention Fun!

By: Kathy Howell

Hello, Campers!

I am Kathy Howell, and I recently joined FCRV with the new Family & Friends Camping Club (FFCC) Chapter. I am so happy to share with you a teen activity that has been a longstanding tradition in the FFCC group. It is called TP (toilet paper) Insurance and Raffle.

A little history of the program: Our group needed a fundraiser to increase the budget for our teen activities. The plan was simple – teens would sell TP raffle tickets, meet and socialize with other members of the club while doing so, and learn how to count and be responsible for money. Members purchase a “card” of tickets, with 26 tickets per card to put toward raffle prizes. Since rallies always involve a bit of fun and shenanigans, the tickets serve as insurance to not have your rig toilet-papered by the teens. Simply display a card in your rig’s window, and you’re safe, at least from the teens. 😉 If TP’d by adults (that, of course, would never happen), the teens will clean up the mess.

Teens sell the tickets Monday morning until Wednesday evening. Thursday is the raffle. Where do the raffle prizes come from? Well, parents of the participating teens are asked to bring a raffle gift per teen to place in the raffle. Club chapters and individual families may also donate prizes. A small portion of the ticket sales proceeds is also designated for prizes.

There is pre-raffle viewing time to make your selections and place tickets in the containers next to the prizes of your choice. You decide how many of your tickets to put in as many raffle items you want. Teens help set-up the raffle and as winning numbers are selected, they deliver the prizes to the respective winners. Cash prizes are available, too. The teens also win cash prizes for selling the most tickets. The money raised is then used to finance future teen activities, and as noted above, a small portion designated for the next year’s prize purchases. 

For the 2023 Campvention, my daughter, Jessica Hicks, and son, Zachary Chearhart, and I will be handling the TP ticket sales and raffle. We are asking that families of teens, please, bring a raffle prize per participating teen. Items donated in the past included camping chairs, games, gas/gift cards.  Items may be camping or non-camping related, with a value of $25-$50. Specific donation drop-off instructions will be provided prior to Campvention.

Special Adult Activity

By: Craig Weber

The Adult Activity Chairpersons for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, IN are looking to bring back the adult bowling event. We have found a bowling alley in Richmond that does two hours of bowling, one pizza and one two-liter bottle of pop for 6 people per lane including shoes. The more lanes we fill the lower the cost. If we can fill 5 lanes (30 people), the cost is about $12 per person. The cost  will go down as we fill more lanes. In order to make this happen, we need to make reservations way ahead of time. This event will be open to anyone 18 or older. We are also going to be working to find babysitters for those with younger children. At this time the committee is trying to gauge interest. At this time, I have received interest from 20 people. We need to get that number up to 30. You still have a month to respond. If you are interested in this event, please e-mail YES to Craig Weber at [email protected] before January 10th. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Thank you.

Campvention ‘23 Camper Rentals Info

By: Connie Black, Campvention ’23 Chair

We have been asked to supply members with information on Camper Rentals for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, IN. 

The following links should be quite helpful in their rental efforts:


RVs for rent in Charleston

As for hotel information, we found it easier and less expensive for someone to go to the booking sites such as Travelocity, Hotels.com and others. There are many hotels available Richmond, IN

Campvention 2023 Program Book Ads

By: Marci Mcintosh, Ads Chair

Now is your chance to say thank you or recognize someone special or wish someone a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary.  Perhaps you want to tell someone in the organization Thank You for all their hard work.  Or you’d like to remember one of our own who has passed and is missed at Campvention. You can do any or all these things in the 2023 Campvention Program Book!   (The form is available in this issue and on the FCRV website.)

Additionally, if you have a vendor (non-member) interested in advertising, ask them to email me at [email protected].  I will send them the Vendor version of the Program Ads form to help the vendor better understand the metrics of our program book.

Step Back in Time in Metamora, Indiana

By: Barb Turner, Campvention 2023 Publicity Chair

Step back in time less than 40 miles from FCRV Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana July 9-14, 2023.  In Metamora, Indiana you step back to what it was like in the 1800’s in eastern Indiana.

Metamora was platted in 1838 along the projected path of the Whitewater Canal, infrastructure to provide a transportation canal to ship products from eastern Indiana to the Ohio River and onto the Mississippi River and on south.  “The town of Metamora was named after the popular 1829 play, Metamora, or The Last of the Wampanoags. It takes place in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1677 and tells a fictionalized version of the story of Metacom (called King Philip by the colonists), leader of the local Wampanoag tribe.”  (https://www.historicmetamora.net)  Canal boats transported people, lumber, livestock and grain until the early 1860’s with the arrival of the railroad.

Experience Metamora – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVjGOhyYRzA

Whitewater Canal State Historic Site/ The Metamora Gristmill:   Start your visit at 19073 Main St.  In 1845 Johnathan Banes built the 3-story frame mill as a cotton mill equipped with almost a thousand water-powered spindles.  The cotton factory idea didn’t do well, as we would think, as Southern Indiana didn’t produce cotton crops.  Bringing cotton from the south and the import of finished textiles wasn’t productive. In 1856 Banes brought in a new partner and converted the cotton mill to a flouring mill.  (I found the idea of a cotton mill in eastern Indiana rather strange)  The mill was destroyed by a fire in 1899 and was rebuilt in 1900.  Following a second fire in 1932, it was converted to the present 2-story brick building where you can purchase flour and meal.  You can mill grains yourself with a hand-powered grinder and learn how millers secured sacks of flour with a miller’s knot!  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwlB1EVxh7o) (https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=44903)  (https://www.indianamuseum.org/historic-sites/white-water-canal/)  (https://orangebeanindiana.com/2021/07/15/the-incredibly-dramatic-life-of-metamoras-grist-mill/)

Ride the Ben Franklin canal boat. Shop the many shops. Experience quaint Metamora, Indiana. Step back in time!

Campvention 2023 – November Update

FCRV Campvention 2023 Info

By: Beth Muschinski, FCRV Registration Chairman 2023 FCRV Campvention

My husband and I just spent the weekend at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Richmond, IN with numerous other 2023 Campvention team members.  It was COLD!!!  Now you have to understand, your Registration contact (me) is from MS so when temps are in the 50’s-60’s and the wind is blowing, I get cold!!!  Don’t listen to those Yankees that attended saying it wasn’t!  I was glad to get home to 65º at 11pm and the heat of the next days.  Unfortunately, Indiana was just a preview of what MS would have soon.

Enough of that.  The fairgrounds are amazing!!!  We will have the entire area for our Campvention.  There are 915 campsites!!!  Bring your friends!!!  We will have plenty of buildings for activities, and they are all climate-controlled.  The bathrooms are wonderfully clean and spacious.  There are grassy areas galore for outdoor games.   The buildings were in the process of being painted last weekend so everything looks clean and modern and welcoming.

Richmond has a wide variety of activities and places to visit.  If you’ve been to an FCRV Campvention previously, you will remember that the schedule is jam packed with games, crafts, seminars, etc., but don’t forget to take time out to visit our host city.  Remember, the fairgrounds are open a couple days before Campvention begins so that may be a good time to sightsee in the area.

We spent the weekend planning activities for specific buildings and areas.  We scoped out the camping areas.  We ate.  We played games.  We ate.  We spent time around the campfire.  We ate. 

I am so excited for the 2023 Campvention after seeing the grounds.  I cannot wait for July to get here (I am not a fan of winter no matter where I live, anyway, so summer can’t get here fast enough).

There is 30-amp electric for all campsites, but water is far and few between.  Bring extension cords for the electric and “y” connectors for the water.  Better yet, bring multi-hose connectors for the water hook-up.  You will also need extra hoses.  Having electric and water at a Campvention is a real treat!  Back in the “old days” – like the 1990’s and earlier – electric and water were not even available for the week of Campvention.  Who cared?  Nobody!!  We were seldom in the trailers anyway, except to sleep.  The fellowship and activities are the best way to spend the time!!

By the time you see this article, the discounted registration will be only available for another 4-5 weeks.  Send in your money NOW!!  The 2023 Campvention will be here sooner than you think, and it will be a fantastic and fun week.  I get daily post office updates as to what is in my mailbox, and I am checking it every morning.  I am always excited to see that another registration will be delivered to me.  Keep them coming!!!


By: Craig Weber, FRCV International Band Director

This is a special notice to all of you who will be attending Campvention for the first time in Richmond, Indiana this summer. FCRV has a volunteer band that plays one evening at Campvention. We welcome anyone who would like to be part of a fun group and be part of Campvention. We practice four or five times before we play, and we try to keep the music simple.

Here’s what you get as an FCRV International Band Member:

  1. Exclusive FCRV International Band tuxedo t-shirt
  2. The enjoyment of meeting new people
  3. FCRV International Band Member badge and year tab
  4. Pizza party for you and your family before the Concert.

If you play an instrument and would like to be a part of the FCRV International Band just dust off your instrument, blow in it to get the dead critters out, and keep your eyes peeled for more information. Music will be made available in May so that you can get in some extra practice.

Dancing Through the Decades

By: Jill & Scott Serbousek, Entertainment Chairs

We are still deciding which entertainers to book for which night in July, but we do know one thing – there will be a themed dance for all with the theme ‘Dancing Through the Decades’. We hope to book a band that can cover all of our favorite songs from the 1950’s to the 2020’s. Start planning your outfits now. We’d love to see everyone come dressed up in the style of ‘their’ decade – for example: the decade you attended prom, got married, OR just your favorite decade. You can dress up in fancy gowns and suits or dress down in your rolled up jeans and white t-shirts. This dance is for all ages; so, dress up your whole family, and we’ll see you there. Stay tuned for more details to come.

Special Adult Activity

By: Craig Weber

The Adult Activity Chairpersons for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, IN are looking to bring back the adult bowling event. We have found a bowling alley in Richmond that does two hours of bowling, one pizza and one two-liter bottle of pop for 6 people per lane, including shoes. The more lanes we fill, the lower the cost. If we can fill 5 lanes (30 people), the cost is about $12 per person. The cost  will go down as we fill more lanes. In order to make this happen, we need to make reservations way ahead of time. This event will be open to anyone 18 or older.  We are also going to be working with the teens to find babysitters for those with younger children. At this time the committee is trying to gauge interest. If you are interested in this event, please email YES to Craig Weber at [email protected] before January 10th. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Thank you.

Chocolate Trail – Richmond, IN

By: Barb Turner, Campvention 2023 Publicity Chair

Chocolate and FCRV Campvention 2023 Together!  Really?  Most definitely!

Attendees to Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana in July are in for a treat, a chocolate treat via the Chocolate Trail which includes 15 stops offering free chocolate samples or gifts!!  And, it’s FREE!  To receive your free chocolate samples or gifts, you MUST have a Chocolate Passport!  No passport; no samples!!  (One sample per person, per passport. No passport, no free samples.)

Start your trail adventure at the Old National Road Welcome Center, 5701 National Rd E where you’ll pick up your official chocolate passport.  Monday – Saturday 8:30 am – 5 pm  If you don’t visit during operating hours, there is a 24-hour information foyer with passports available inside.  The passport contains the names of the businesses participating, including location, hours, and what you’ll receive. 

Or……visit https://www.visitrichmond.org/visitors/suggested-itineraries/chocolate-trail where you can sign up for the NEW digital Chocolate Trail Pass!  The Chocolate Trail pass is free and instantly delivered to you via email and text. There is no app to download, and the pass is always easily accessible! And, according to this link, there are prizes for checking in at the businesses.  “Check into 5 merchants to earn a Certified Chocolate Lover vinyl decal.    After visiting 12 merchants, receive a Certified Chocolate Lover t-shirt and be featured on our social media as a Certified Chocolate Trail Lover.”

Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCN_jLLBtbg&t=114s  ‘Travel: Discovering Chocolate and More in Richmond, Indiana’

Get registered for FCRV Campvention 2023, the 63rd Campvention.  Take advantage of the special and save: PAY BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST, 2022 TO RECEIVE A $25 DISCOUNT ($310.00)”  https://fcrv.org/campvention-2023/   Richmond, Indiana and Chocolate!  Yummy!

Campvention 2023 – October Update

Family Campers & RVers Campvention.  – What is that?  What to expect? 

By: Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

Every July the Family Campers & RVers members hold a rally/convention called Campvention.  Since 1998 the location is rotated around the seven regions of the organization (6 in the U.S. & 1 in Canada).  Meetings are held as required by the constitution, but ‘fun & fellowship’ are the focus.  

To this end, a full schedule awaits arrivals.  Youth, Teen, and Adult activities and games (outdoor games, including a golf outing & indoor games) await the age groups.  Whole family activities include Family Fun Day, the FCRV Band (bring your instruments) and evening entertainment.  Education is provided by the various seminars and FCRV programs – conservation, wildlife, C.A.M.P. (Campers Actively Moving Program), and D.A.S.A.T. (Disaster and Safety Awareness Training).

The first step is to register.  The first step is to register. Registration forms for check payments and Online Payment options can be found on the our website; https://fcrv.org/campvention-2023/

Upon arrival, parking will be hobo-style (park as you arrive).  If you want to park together with others, arrive together.  Once you are parked and set up, go to Central Registration to check in where you’ll receive your program book and other goodies.  Check out the various program information stations; perhaps you’ll want to sign-up for an activity.  You will especially be welcomed by the First Timers chair who will help you navigate your first Campvention.

FCRV Campvention 2023 in Richmond, Indiana can be your destination in July to enjoy a week of fun & fellowship with fellow campers and RVers.

Save The Date

By: Paul Standiford

South Central West Region (#2) is making plans to host a regional campout from June 27 – 30, 2023 in Branson Missouri. This would be a great layover on your way to Campvention 2023. Planning is in very early stages, but we would like to get some indication of interest in attending so that we might begin to finalize numbers with the campground. If you or your group have interest in attending, please send an email to [email protected]. Please know that this is NOT a commitment to attend and is strictly for planning purposes. However, if you could let us know if you are LIKELY to attend or simply CONSIDERING attending it would be appreciated, Also, if anyone would be interested in volunteering, please let us know.

Special Adult Activity

By: Craig Weber

The Adult Activity Chairpersons for Campvention 2023 in Richmond, IN are looking to bring back the adult bowling event. We have found a bowling alley in Richmond that does two hours of bowling, one pizza and one two-liter bottle of pop for 6 people per lane, including shoes. The more lanes we fill, the lower the cost. If we can fill 5 lanes (30 people), the cost is about $12 per person. The cost  will go down as we fill more lanes. In order to make this happen, we need to make reservations way ahead of time. This event will be open to anyone 18 or older. We are also going to be working with the teens to find babysitters for those with younger children. At this time the committee is trying to gage interest. If you are interested in this event ,please e-mail YES to Craig Weber at [email protected] before January 10th. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Thank you.

First Timers

By: Donna Powell, First Timers Chair

Have you ever been to National Campvention? No, well now is the time to plan for it! How will you figure out what to do first? Well, let me introduce myself; I am the 2023 FIRST TIMER CHAIR PERSON, Donna Powell. Once you are parked; have been to registration, or going through registration, you will meet me at the 1st timers sign in area. I and those helping me will help you feel welcomed. 

We will have two meetings during the week! The first meeting will be on Monday; more details as I get them worked out. Towards the end of Campvention, there will be a follow-up meeting, when we will have you fill out a questionnaire about Campvention!

Of course, all week, you will be welcomed with hugs, fist pumps or elbow greetings; why, because that’s how we welcome you to Campvention!

Until next time….

All-Hat Luncheon

By: Chairperson, Deborah Swanson & Co-chair, Donna Powell

There will be an All-Hat luncheon at the National Campvention! More details will be coming as we get them planned out!

Campvention 2023 Teen Center Request

The Teen Center for Campvetion 2023 is asking that States, Provinces, or Regions will ‘take over’ the teen center for 1 night of Campvention week.  If your State, Province, or Region would like to host one evening, please contact [email protected] to get more information.

Richmond, Indiana & Campvention 2023 Await You

By: Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

The 63rd FCRV Campvention will be held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds & Expo Center in Richmond, Indiana July 9-14.   The City of Richmond offers sightseeing/touring options that might be of interest.

Richmond is known for its preserved architecture and early recording industry.  “The early history of Richmond is tied to the National Road, which, after opening in 1833, brought many immigrant families through the city and Wayne County on their long journey west.  In the years that followed, Richmond became the most populous city in the state and a center for industry and the arts.  It was here in the a film projection machine late 19th century that cinema pioneer Charles Francis Jenkins invented his Phantoscope (a film projection machine in the early 1890s)   Richmond was the gathering place for a number of important Impressionist artists, while in 1923 the very first recording to feature Louis Armstrong was pressed in this city by Gennett Records.”  https://www.thecrazytourist.com/15-best-things-to-do-in-richmond-indiana/

Perhaps a couple of unique touring opportunities might interest you:

Model T Museum:  The headquarters for the Model T Ford Club of America, the largest club for Model T enthusiasts in the world, is found in Richmond at 309 N 8th St.  (http://www.mtfca.com/museum/)   The collection is spread across two buildings, emphasizing the main years of the Model T’s production from 1908 to 1927.  Exhibits include Fordson tractors and a recreated machine shop with belt-driven tools.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmVhvdzCpJE

Gennett Records Walk of Fame, 201 S 1st St., honors music legends with record-shaped plaques in the pavement.  (https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/gennett-walk-of-fame) “Richmond’s Gennett Records, founded by Henry Gennett in 1917, produced some of the earliest recordings by a whole raft of jazz and blues greats.  These include Louis Armstrong, King Oliver, Duke Ellington, Hoagy Carmichael, Bix Beiderbecke, Charley Patton, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Jelly Roll Morton.  You can visit the site of the studio next to the Whitewater River, where there’s an interpretive trail pointing out the former location of the studio and paying tribute to the many artists associated with the label.  The most famous artists are commemorated with medallions embedded in the path, designed to resemble 78 rpm records.”  (https://www.thecrazytourist.com/15-best-things-to-do-in-richmond-indiana/) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MN1CKRjhvI)

Glen Miller Park, 2200 E Main St, might be of interest.  The park dates back to 1885 and is named for railroad executive Colonel John Ford Miller.  ‘Glen’ means a valley with gentle slopes.  The park features natural freshwater springs.  “One of the contributing monuments is the Madonna of the Trail (1928) by the entrance, erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution and dedicated to the spirit of pioneer women in the United States.”  In addition to the E.G. Hill Rose Garden, the park includes fishing, skate park, splash pad, disc golf, and a nature area.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKoc8hETkj4)

Over the next few months ‘things to see & do’ in the Richmond, Indiana area will be shared.  The Great Lakes Region, hosts for Campvention 2023, will be welcoming you in July.  If you aren’t registered, you can register online at https://fcrv.org/campvention-2023/

Take advantage of the special and save: PAY BEFORE DECEMBER 31ST, 2022 TO RECEIVE A $25 DISCOUNT ($310.00)!

Campvention 2023 – September Update

Richmond, Indiana – Site of FCRV International Campvention 2023

by Barb Turner, Campvention Publicity Chair

In the August issue of Camping Today, the 2023 Campvention Committee issued the invitation, with the basic info, to attend the 63rd Campvention at the Wayne County Fairgrounds & Expo Center in Richmond, Indiana July 9-14.  The theme is ‘A Rose by Any Other Name is FCRV’.  Over the next several months, information will be shared in regards as to what to expect at campvention and what are ‘must-sees’ in Richmond and the surrounding area.

Let’s start with Richmond.  The Northwest Territory, from which Indiana was carved, was established in 1787 following the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, officially ending the American Revolutionary War.  The territory included land west of Pennsylvania, north of the Ohio River, east of the Mississippi River, and south of Canada.  (The states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, & Wisconsin were created from the Northwest Territory.  Ohio was the first to become a state in 1803, Indiana in 1816)  The first settlers to what would become Richmond were Quakers led by John Smith & Jeremiah Cox from North Carolina, arriving in 1806 and settling on the cliffs of the Whitewater River.  “Richmond is still home to several Quaker institutions, including Friends United Meeting, Richmond Friends School, Earlham College and the Earlham School of Religion.”  By 1815, the town was a bustling trading center, and it was incorporated in 1818.

“Richmond is sometimes called the ‘Cradle of Recorded Jazz’ because the earliest jazz recordings and records were made at the studio of Gennett Records, a division of the Starr Piano Company.  Gennett Records was the first to record such artists as Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, Jelly Roll Morton, Hoagy Carmichael, Lawrence Welk, and Gene Autry.  The city has twice received the All-America City Award, most recently in 2009.”

Campvention 2023 highlights Richmond as ‘The Rose City’.  Richmond designated itself ‘The Rose City’ in the early 1970s because Richmond was the home of Hills Rose Growers.  “The E.G. Hill Company and the Joseph H. Hill Company together with the Hill Floral Products Company were the premier rose growers and marketers of cut roses, accounting for the sale of millions of roses annually in the United States and around the world.”  With establishing ‘The Rose City’ designation, the next step was creating a public Rose Garden to exhibit varieties of roses.  The Rose Garden became a reality in 1985, with the first roses planted in 1987.  To the west of the garden is the formal E.G. Hill Memorial Rose Garden which was started in 1937 to honor the Hill companies.

Today, the garden “highlights over 100 varieties of All American Selections® Roses, amidst blooming annuals, perennials, and ornamental trees that add an interesting texture to the garden.”   The garden is open 365 days a year with no admission charge. The garden is wheelchair accessible, and restrooms are available in Glen Miller Park at the concession building.  Enjoy an aerial tour to prepare for your visit in July, 2023.  https://richmondrosegarden.com/aerial-tour/  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk4boJkGJNs

Tour Richmond, Indiana:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tukDjjNpoVE; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wrIiUgnXqA ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kniHfwTg0hs

Links to explore:


Campvention Seminars

If you, or you know of someone or a company who may, want to be a seminar presenter during the Campvention in Richmond, Indiana from July 9 – 15, 2023, please complete the Seminar Presentation Form and email to [email protected] or mail to Ray Suennen, 2563 Turnbury Road, Green Bay, WI 54313; or contact Ray Suennen at mobile phone 920-606-0289 for additional information.

Campvention 2023 Teen Center Request

The Teen Center for Campvention 2023 is asking that States, Provinces, or Regions will ‘take over’ the teen center for 1 night of Campvention week.  If your State, Province, or Region would like to host one evening, please contact [email protected] to get more information.