by Barb Turner, Publicity Chair

Campvention 2019
‘All Roads Lead to Kansas’ is the theme of the 59th FCRV Campvention hosted by the Heartland Region and chaired by Ivalee Vanderhoff and Gerald Pfirsch on the Kansas State Fairgrounds, Hutchinson, Kansas July 7-12, 2019. Early Bird Days are July 5 & July 6.
Hutchinson is located on the Arkansas River and is the largest city and county seat of Reno County. It has been nicknamed the ‘Salt City’ due to the salt mines located there; locals, however, call it ‘Hutch’.
Hutchinson was founded in 1871 when Indian Agent Clinton Hutchinson contracted with the Santa Fe Railway to build a town where the railroad crossed the Arkansas River. Interestingly, the founder prohibited alcohol in this railroad town which resulted in the nickname ‘Temperance City’. Hutchinson was incorporated as a city in 1872.
Benjamin Blanchard discovered salt in Reno County in 1887 which gave rise to the first salt-processing plant west of the Mississippi River. Until 1923 salt was extracted using the evaporation method of pumping water into brine wells. The Carey Salt Company opened the only salt mine in Hutchinson in 1923, producing rock salt. The mine is still in use today and is operated by the Hutchinson Salt Company. Cargill & Morton Salt also have evaporative salt plants in Hutchinson.
The Campvention Committee is making preparation for members to travel to Hutchinson in July to enjoy the campvention activities as well as area attractions which include the Cosmosphere & Space Center (aerospace museum), Strataca (Kansas Underground Salt Museum), Dillon Nature Center, Hutchinson Zoo, Sand Hills State Park, Reno County Museum, Yoder Amish Community, Hedrick Exotic Animal Farm, and Indian Creek Bison Ranch.