‘Camping Today’ Submission Forms

[‘Camping Today’ is currently scheduled for release on the 15th of each month]

[ All content must be submitted by the 1st.]

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or problems submitting material.

Click on the hyperlink below for the type of ‘Camping Today’ submission you’d liked to send

ArticlesEvent RecapBirthday ShoutoutMilestoneFarewell –  Dear RVEvent Submit

Event Submission Form

This form is for regional and state/prov outings.  Please submit chapter schedules HERE.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
(ie. Bobs Campground, Springville Fairground, Caershire Convention Center)
Address where event is being held:
pdf, png, jpg files only! (word doc forms not allowed)
Accepted file types: pdf, png, jpg, Max. file size: 100 MB.
If I have any questions about your submission. I will use this to contact you.
Nothing put here will be put on the Website or in 'Camping Today'. This is just used to communicate with the web developer.