Campers Actively Moving Program (C.A.M.P.)

FCRV National C.A.M.P. Directors

Mark & Anne Brayman
[email protected]

Family Campers and RV’ers “Campers Actively Moving” Program is designed for campers who travel without use of motorized vehicles (exception; motorized wheelchairs). Family Campers and RVers would like to encourage as many of our members as possible to participate in any or all activities of this program, for these activities encourage good health, good fun, and good fellowship.

The intent of this program is to encourage Family Campers and RV’ers members to participate in these activities, not as part of a normal fitness routine or as part of one’s employment, but as a special time with your Family Campers and RV’ers friends. These activities must be held at an official Family Campers and RV’ers Chapter, District, State/Provincial, Regional, International Campout or indoor meeting with at least two persons (any age) participating. Anyone with special concerns, please contact the Campers Actively Moving Program International Director.

Anyone with medical ailments should be sure your Doctor has approved your participation in the activity.


Family Campers and RVers members may earn Campers Actively Moving Program merchandise certificates for completing Campers Actively Moving Program activities. A Family Campers and RV’ers member can apply for only one Campers Actively Moving Program merchandise certificate for each activity completed and will be awarded according to the guidelines for each activity. Those guidelines are listed under Activity Guidelines.

Each Campers Actively Moving Program merchandise certificate can be redeemed for Family Campers and RV’ers merchandise from Family Campers and RV’ers or from a cooperating Family Campers and RV’ers merchandise vendor. The certificate can also be redeemed as part of the International Campvention fees. There is currently no limit on how many you may redeem at a time, and this includes other Program merchandise certificates as well.

There are different values of Campers Actively Moving Program merchandise certificates. Each value and the corresponding distance or time requirements are listed under Activity Guidelines.

Gives the guidelines for CAMP activities.

The Campers Actively Moving Program Report Form is for the use by the Campers Activity Moving Program Activity Chairperson to report the participants and statistics of each Campers Actively Moving Program activity and to request Merchandise Certificates. In order for individual yearly awards to be given, it is requested that the names of participants be clearly written or typed (please watch for spelling).